The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 06, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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IGE 2.
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Central Oregon
(Spcclnl to Tho Hullotln.)
Clydo Nlccdnmus, Wm. Hoist and
Bert McokB inndo a business trip to
Jlmmlo Ilrlckcy sawed wood with
Ills buzzsuw for Horaco Brookings
nnd Bort Mcakn last week.
Emll Carroz went to Hums to hnvo
1, l nnliln nni.rnlml fill. III! lind till)
nnklo hurt Inst summer and It tailed
to Rot entirely well.
Mr. and Mrs. V. I Wray woro the
KUcats of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilcrt Mecks
Inst Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jlmmlo Ilrlckcy wero
Duck Creek visitors Buvcral days last
Mrs. Hnsch, of Olass lluttcs, took
AVrny'B BtnBo for Ilend Inst Monday.
Sho will spend the winter In Ohio.
Oscar Black made final proof on
his homestead hoforo Commissioner
Stauffer last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. P. Wray. Mr. nnd
.Mis. II. McokH nnd children and Lylo
McFaddcn nutocd to Stauffer Sunday
nnd woro guestH of Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
J. Stauffor.
Mr. HiiBBlcr, of Stauffer, passed
through hero Saturday on his way
homo from Ilend.
Mr. King, who hns lieon living on
Iho Htimbntigh plnro tho past sum
mer, litis moved to Fife.
Mrs, J. M. Ilrlckcy was a Hnmpton
..lultr,. Inn. li'rlflflV.
Enrl lingers Is hclpliiB Edwin
Schroder saw wood.
lost cheek
W. T. Cowan Is going Into tho
stock 'raising business. Ho recently
purchased 42 head of cattle.
A number of ranchers nro doing
their fall seeding.
Itoy Stauffer camo over from Kgil
nnd visited with his parents one day
lust weok.
Mrs. C. C. Washburn nnd Mrs. S.
W. Best wero around tnklng tho
school census lust Monday.
Miss Cnrrlo Ilrown, of Pleasant
Valley, spent last weok nt tho Stauf
fer home.
(Speclnl to Tho Hullotln.)
LOST CHEEK, Nov. 28. Tom
Cowan returned from a trip to Mend
Inst Saturday.
Among tho recent visitors to Mend
wero J. II. Hassler, J. E. Smith, II.
rolkorson nnd Mr. Mitleo.
Mrs. J. II. Iliisch Iiiib koiio out to
Mend, whoro shu expects to spend tho
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. P. Wray, of Mend,
nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Mort McokH, of
Hampton Mutto, wero guests at tho
Stauffer homo last Sunday.
Mrs. Corhett, of Pli'iisant Vnloy,
and Mis. (I. McLouth wero guests of
Mrs. Hnrtoon .Sunday.
Mr. and MrH. (' O. Ashley nnd
family hnvo moved onto their cliilm.
(3. It. Young Is building a rorrnl
on his rnnch.
(Spcclnl to Tho Mulletln.)
TUMALO, Dec. B. About twenty
Masonic lodgo men of Mend, gavo
Undo Frank Nichols and M. A. Au
brey a llttlo surprlso at Mr. and Mrs,
F. N. Wallaco's residence last Tues
day evening, It being uncle Frank's
91st birthday. A Masonic pin was
presented each In rcmembr.mco of
tho occasion.
Tho Pnront-Teachors' lecture nt
Mend Inst Friday evening wus attend
ed by Miss Lilly, Miss Jones, Mrs. F.
N. Wallace, Mrs. Taylor and Mis. C.
P. Mocker.
Tho Funnels' National Loan ns
soclntlou wns duly organized last
Tuesday Tho following officers woro
elected: President, J. W. Urowu;
vlco president, J. N. II, (Jerking; secretary-treasurer,
F, N. Wnllnee; lonn
bonid, C. P. Meeker, F. E. Dayton,
nnd A. J. Hurler.
Tho Farmers' National Telephono
company lias purchased the J. C.
Tullar proporty In Tumalo nnd tho
centinl will now bo lu charge of
Mrs. Lundbcrg.
Tho Harper school, north of town,
and tho Fnlrvlow, lu tho Couch neigh
borhood, have combined with tho
Tuinalo school mid tho pupils former
ly micniiiug mcHG bciioois win no
taken from their homes to tho Tuma
lo school by Jitneys.
Mr. anil Mrs. J. C. Tullar held mi
unction sale of their household goods
last Saturdny. They nro returning
to Southern California, wheie their
daughter, Louise, now resides Mr.
Tullar will return to Michigan lu
tho near future.
A. O. Wulkor mid family, of Al
falfa, spoilt Thunksglvlug with 11.
N. Fllcklnger.
W E. VanAllon. of Deschutes, M.
W Ilowmd mid F. 11. Wilson ato
Ami Investigate our prices
before buying your groceries.
AVo can snvo yon money.
P. B. Johnson's
Mllllcnn, Ore. Telephone
Turkoy at tho Mocker ranch Thanks
giving day.
(Special to Tho Mulletln.)
MILL1CAN, Dec. 4. After spend
ing Sundny with his family, L. Oood
rnan returned to Bend on Monday
with P. M. Johnson.
I. L, Owen went to Mend Monday,
returning Wednesday,
Mr. Grlnstcd nnd family moved
to Mend recently, to stay for tho
Mrs. It. It. Keller called nt tho
Johnson homo Mondny forenoon.
Tucsdny, Mrs. It. II. Keller was
employed at the Mt. Pino Inn.
Geo. Mllllcan's son was horo to sco
his father recently and nlso sold his
land lu this neighborhood whllo here.
Chester A. Smith wont to Mend
Mondny to lcgaln his health, having
been 111 on his homestead for several
Sam Isreal was married at Seattle
Ceo. Mllllcnn sold a cnrload of
horses tho pust week.
Fred Klgert, A. N. Norton nnd
daughter, Hazel, made u trip to Mend,
returning Thursdny evening.
It. II. Kollor was iiji over-Thanks-giving
guest ns his homo, returning
to Mend Friday afternoon.
Leo, Tuuscher, who recently re
turned to Mllllcnn, called nt tho J. J.
Holland homo Thursday forenoon.
Frank Leu wus u Thnuksgiving
dinner guest at tho Holland home.
Mrs. J. J. Holland is greatly im
proved lu henlth at this writing.
Covers woro laid for John Isreal
mid his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Murney
Conway, daughter Opal, sons Oscar
and Denscl, Mrs. Fred Klgort, Mrs.
A. 1). Norton mid children, Gladys,
Hoy mid Francis, nt u sumptuous
turkoy dinner at tho P, M, Johnson
home, Thunksglvlug.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fordlnnnd Tnusrhor
weio dinner guests nt tho It. It. Kel
ler home.
J. J. Hollcud called nt tho Keller
homo Sunday.
Mis. It. It. Keller, who has been
qulto sick with ptoniuliio poisoning.
Is greatly linprovved at this writing.
P. M, Johnson modo a trip to Mend
Thursday evening, returning Friday.
, number of pooplo from this vlclu-
The Golden Rule Store
Formerly II. lleingolri iVJCo.
Men's Furnishings, Loggers' Supplies
Pre-Holiday Shoe Sale
We have jusl purchased 500 pairs
of high grade shoes, black and tan,
lace and button; (to QEl
$5.00 value, Special u u
Holiday Comfort House
that strike a man's fancy; priced
50c "' $2.50
Christmas Neckwear
Bright, new patterns and latest
designs, in Holiday boxes
25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00
Men's and Boys Sweaters
Jersey Sweaters, in grey, navy and
Men's Sweaters .$2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Boys' Sweaters $1.00 and $1.-15
Jumbo knit Sweater Coats, Spec
ially Priced $1.75 to $7.50
Great Holiday Sale of
Jewelry at exactly one
half regular price
Eleven-Jewel Elgin, Waltham, or
Hampden movements, set in 20
ycar, guaranteed cases.
$1S.00 value (JjlO 7C
Special P1. O
$7.50 Ladies' Solid Gold (to 7C
Kings vO. tO
100 Samples $2.00
Expert Watch Repairing all work
guaranteed 2 years.
Holiday Shirt Sale
Real Holiday Bargains in Men's
Holiday Shirts in attractive gift
boxes 75c to $5.00
Now is the time to do
your Christmas shop
ping Early
Make this store your Holiday cen
terAll packages stored until
Chirstmas. Select now, when stock
is complete.
Ity went with him nnd In another
automobile to attend a danco nt Mc
Klnley's mill, but on thoir arrival
found thoro was no danco, so all,
hut Miss Opal Conway and a friend
of hcr's, who wont to Mend with Mr.
Johnson, returned to their respectlvo
Mrs. A. D. Norton nttended tho
program at tho Mllllcan school Wed
nesday. After a two days' vacation, school
will again rcsumo Monday.
F. Tauscher Is keeping Mr. Coop
er's and also Powors' horses for tho
H. E. Smith, who has been visiting
with his family In Mend slnco Thanks
giving, Is expected bnck on tho tele
phono job today.
CLOVEDALB, Dec. 3. Vorno
Skclton camo homo after working a
few weeks at Prlnovillo.
Dean VnnMutre, Idolla Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold KHno and Arthur
nnd Eleanor Qrube motored to Mend
Thanksgiving to seo Mend defeat
Hums nt football.
Mr. KHno Is doing somo carpenter
work for Mr. Hesse.
Mrs. Miller nnd daughters, Fay
nnd Idella, woro dinner guests at
VanMntro's Sunday.
Mr. Orubo wont to Bend Wednes
day after his children, Maudo and
Tho date has been changed for tho
supper at the Council club. It Is to
he the 8th instead of the lGth of Do-
Maude nnd Floyd Orubo returned
to Mend Sunday, nfter spending thoir
Thunksglvlug nt home. '
Thero wns only a smnll crowd at
the Council club, on account of tho
Sisters danco Friday night.
The Golden Rule Store
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
POWELL, MUTTE. Dec. 4. Tho
community Thanksgiving dinner at
tho hall was a very pleasant nffalr.
Tho table was loaded with every
thing good to eat, enough for all
mid plenty left for nnother dlnnor.
After tho dinner thero were religious
services conducted by tho Hev. Mr.
Allen, of Hcdmoud. Among thoso
present were tho following families:
Scars, Yates, Hlcc, Hall, Agcc, Frank
Kessler, Heaves Wlllcoxcn, Van
Dorcn, Moore, Smith, Gibson, mid
Mrs. N. P. Alloy Is reported sick
this morning, nnd Miss Mildred, who
wns homo for Thnuksgiving, hns not
returned to school on account of a
sovera cold.
Tho Trucsdnlo family also Is on
tho sick list.
Mrs. Henry Tweet mid ono of her
brothers camo down from Mend on
Wednesday to visit thoir father, John
Perry. Mr. Perry hns boon confined
to his homo with a sovoro attack of
la grlppo over slnco his return from
Whlto Salmon.
Henry Hanson had n hnrso (Iron
dead whllo hitched to u wagon load
ed with lumber.
T. I). Osboru, who has lived on tho
Light Your Home for Less Than
You are Now Paying
Tho P.-70 American Gas Lamp will do It. Thn
light Is moro restful to read by. It gives, a 400 candln
power, whlto light.
Tho Amorlcnn is safe an accident such as you read
about tho korosono lamps Is impossible. Lay It on Its
sldo, turn It upsldo down still it burns brightlv no
chanco of an explosion. Shado Is hold aocuroly always
in place. Childrou may play safoly around tho Amor
lcnn. It Is smokeless, odorless, wlckless, fllckerless
Skuse Hardware Company
Geo. Myers placo for sovornl years
past, has movod his family to Red
mond. Tho Osborns nro planning to
start a restaurant.
Lloyd Mussott was a Prlnovillo
visitor Saturduy. Ho brought his
mother homo with him and Sunday
they enjoyed turkoy dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Boss Mussott.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Allon Wlllcoxcn
spout Sunday at tho ranch, going
to Prlnovillo In tho evening with
Mrs. Mussctt nnd Harriot.
S. D. Mustard went to Bond Sat
urdny with a truck load of onions.
Miss Gladys Broon went to Prlno
villo Wednesday evening on tho
stage, to spend tho Thanksgiving va
cation with homo folks.
Mr. Wilson hns bcon qulto serious
ly 111 for tho pust week with la
grippe. Dr. Hosch, of Hcdmond, hns
been out sovornl times.
Two moro cases of diphtheria hnvo
dovcloped In tho Saunders home. Ev
ery precaution hns boon -taken to
prevent tho spread of tho disease
Tho infant daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hoss Mussott wns qulto sick
early in tho week, but Is bettor now,
Gladys Pauls returned to Prlno
villo Sunday, after spending tho va
cation at tho homo placo.
Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Mayn had as
guests for Thnuksgiving dlnnor, J.
A. Mllucr, J. A. Hlggs, Miss Glndys
Mayn and Miss Hazel Mayn.
Miss Llna Mooro spent tho week
end with homo folks, roturnlng to
her school Sunday evonlng.
Miss Edith Smith wont to Prlno
villo Wednesday evening, roturnlng
LOWEH MHIDGE, Dec. 4. Thero
was a well attended Thanksgiving
dinner nt the school house, nfter
which a pleasing program was given
by tho childrou, which roflcctcd cred
it upon thoir teacher, Miss Mary
A. J. Fuller returned from n
week's visit with his Bister nnd fam
ily, who sailed from Portland for
China on November 20.
Nearly all tho neighbors nnd
friends of Mrs. A. B. Chapman at
tended tho funeral at Jledmond i
th V- .? 2,U,rch- Ken
....... T,,JSLla.d'?.r' T Flub meet 1
... , ' . "owllrl on Tiiursdar
of this wook, aftor several weeks of
ndjournmont through tho busy .
Tho Grange nlso will meet on Frl
dny night nnd renqw their efforts to
nrouso Interest In making several
needed Improvements In tho neigh,
borhood, first of which will bo a
grnngo hall. Tho ladles' club is
also planning to aid In tho work.
Carl Houso is building an ad
dltlon to his houso, also Beveral of
tho neighbors nro hauling lumber
from Sisters mill for building nor.
Mr." Lelghton is trapping coyotes
In this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mitchell have re
turned to their homestead from
Hood Hlvcr, whero they havo been
all fall packing apples.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
CLOVEHDALE, Nov. pD. Messrs.
Fryrear, 8kolton and Peterson went
to Prlnovillo Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hny Abbey went to
Hcdmond Tucsdny.
Fred Wolso left Hcdmond Nov. 21
with nn emigrant car for Corvallls.
Mrs. Wolso and two children and her
mother loft on Wednesday.
Tho young people of Sisters had
a roller sliatlnir nnrtv nt Vn.n.i.,.,'..
hall Saturday night.
Jonn uottor wont to Hcdmond on
business Mondny.
Mr. Hurling went to Bond with a
(Continued on pago G.)
Golden West Coffee
is "Just Right'
REMEMBER your Wife or Friend
. with a Christmas Rug. Place your order
now for a Christmas delivery of a beautiful Brus
sels Carpet, Rug or Tapestry including Oriental
designs. I have an array of a beautiful assort
ment, pleasing to your gaze. You need a new
rug; come make your choice now I will deliver
at your pleasure. Now is the occasion to furnish
your house or your office from a beautifel assort
ment of of Brussels Carpets, Rugs and Tapestry.
My prices are on a par and below those of any
large city in the west. Make a call whether or
not you wish t6 buy, in my office, in room three,
Bend Company Building, Bend, Oregon
From Brussels, Belgium"