THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OBE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEIt 0, 1010. TAOE 11. BEND DEFEATS BURNS 19 ID 7 VISITORS SHOW MORE IN SPEED. LocrIs Held to Ono Touchdown First Half, but Mnkc Two moro In Second Burim 1'utN Bull Over on Long Bun. In Bond had a harder time defeating Burns Thanksgiving day by a score of 10 to 7 than it did the Sunday previous. Burns came back strong and hard, playing both a better of fensive and defohslvo game by SO per cent than in tho first engage ment. The Sngobruflhers were taBt er, more suro in the execution of their plays, got away for frequent long gains, and kopt Bend on edge, especially in tho first half, during which Send scored only ono touch down. Bond received the ball on tho kfekoff, and marched it consistently to tho 11 urn s eight-yard line, when Burns recovered tho ball on a turn bio nnd kicked out of danger. Bend took tho ball up the field, and curly in tho second quarter Bolnnd was Rent off left tacklo on tho 10-yard lino for n touchdown. This wnB the only scoro in tho first half. Bend used slightly different tactics In the Turkey Day game, playing moro open uud using tho pass, with which it got away frequently for long gains. Bond KpiHsriH Up. In tho second half, Uend opened with n dash, "carrying the ball all over tho field, but In a pinch for a tlmo It wns unable to shove the ball over. When tho team had advanced tho plgakln to Burns' 10-yard lino, Ersklno called for tho unexpected nnd got away with It inarvclously. Instead of plugging tho lien or try ing passes just over tho goal Hue, ho called Stover away from right und, to pluck tho oval from Bolaud on a fako pass. Tho cntlro Hums elovon was drawn into tho center of tho line, nnd Stover shot around Burns' right end and glided over for tho second touchdown. Kotchum kicked goal. Burns Scot-ex Touchdown. Up to this tlmo it looked as though Burns wns going to be held score less. After tho touchdown Ileml kick ed to Burns and tho ball was played about tho center of tho field. Burns' backflold then began to scintillate n llttlo, with Jenkins touring off -10 yards around Bend's left end, nnd Brolcouut dodging In n broken field for 3G yards. In tho fourth quarter Burns had Bend on Bend's 10-ynrd lino without gain, when Doland, for tho first tlmo In tho ganio, punted. Brelcount recovered tho ball on tho 60-yard lino, and tore up tho field, skirting tho Bond euds and backs nnd went clean tor a touchdown. This Brelcount Is just about the fast est football man who has ever set cleats lu Bend sod. I'ugo kicked goal. With about three minutes to play Bend received the ball, nnd a. few long gains through tho lino by Steldl, Kelly and Iloland, brought the pigskin to BuriiB' 15-yard line, when Doland shot a perfect pass to Clifford on left end and tho Bend midget left end carried tho ball over for his first touchdown this year. Both teams played clcnn, hard bait. Burns was a surprlso to tho big crowd, a largo majority of whom saw Bend walk away with a 2G to 7 vic tory the previous Sunday. Tho Burns line was much stronger and Bend was unable to get away with long galnB on Una bucks, as it did in the first g?mo. Tho Burns backflold was faster and handled their plays from a direct paBS moro formldly than beforo. Tho Bend lino wan just as im penetrable as it was lu tho first game, Burns falling to mako first down onco through lino plunging. ' Tho Burns team left for tholr homes Friday morning by automo bile, after spending six days as tho guests of tho Bend team. Thurs day night they were guests of tho Bend team nt tho Qcorgo-Parslow boxing contest, and later at a danco at the Emblem club. Tho lineup lu Suuday's gamo was as follows: BEND BUBNS Clifford, lo Gilbert, re Bennett, It Withers, rt Colo, Boyd, lg Lochor, rg I.athnm, c Wnlkup, c Lnmbcrson, rg Stevens, Scobble, lg Boyd, Kotchum, rt Trlska, It Stover, Manning, ro Luckoy, to Woeflcn. Ersklno, qb Pago, lfb Steldl, Kelly, Hi Brelcount, rh Ersklno, Kelly, rh Jenkins, Hi Bolaml, fb Alton, rfb Koforeo, Dr. W. W. Faulkner; Umpire, 3u,u Steldl. BILLY GEORGE WINS FROM PARSLOW IN THREE ROUNDS Satisfy! that's a new thing for a cigarette to do It's nothing for a cigarette to just taste good lots ol cigarettes may do that. But Chesterfields do more they satisfy! Just like a thick, juicy steak satisfies when you're hungry. Yet, with all that, Chc6tcrfields are MILD I No other cigarette can give you this new enjoyment (satisfy, yet mild), for the good reason that no cigaretto maker can copy the Chesterfield blend an entirely new combination of tobaccoB and the most important develop ment in cigarette blending in 20 years. Gie me a package of those cigarettes that SATISFY"! Portland Man Unnblo to Lund Hafo Punch Local Boxer Deals Severe Punlihincnt. Frank Parslow, of Portland, was hopelessly outclassed Thanksgiving night In his match with Billy Qoorgo, Idaho champion, luu scheduled 10 round match at tho Hippodrome, un der tho auspices of thu Bend Athletic club. Parslow was ablo to bIiow only a llttlo of his cleverness In tho first round, when deorgo wus feeling htm out. In tho second round Gcorgo opened up with terrific right and loft uppercuts, nnd greatly weakened Pnrslow. Tho third round oponcd with Gcorgo rushing Purslow ngalnst tho ropes and dealing sovero pun ishment. Parslow took tho defen sive lu tho last moments of tho third round, with a broken hand. Par slow threw up tho spougo nt tho end 0Mfefffey CIGARETTES Mfm onc-in is P 20forlO ffHtfnfPfiKKr WsSSMBiSSm Mf 7estetficia . u m 'niWiHi Tnhj.' .. " . .hCljj u 30 cdfefa'r. HHc,iFii jl THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY "V Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants We handle OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES. of tho third round. Both mon weighed In just beforo tho march. George's wolght was 101.5 and Parslow weighed In at 151. Dr. Couslucau referred tho match. In tho preliminaries, Spec Wood obtained a decision over Clyde Har bor in n fast slx;rouud bout, In which both men wore ovonly matched until tho sixth round when Woods ted out strong. Window and house cleaning. Bend Window Cleaning Co., Phono Bed 1C11. Adv. 37-38p ONE CENT A WORD Is all a llttlo Want Ad will cost you. VOGAN'S CHOCOLATES Tht Food of the Cod, Tho cod lias tho roputntlou of brine as omnivorous mh tho gont, whose up petlto for posters and old tin cnni U tho subject of ficiucnt JoMh. Thevn rled nature of what the cod nvalhiwn Is not more reuinrknblo than the enor mous quantity. According t" n writer In the .Scotsman, kiicIi articles its kIImt brooches, clasp knives, books mid rub ber bnllR havo been found lu Its Ktoiu ach. One lUlicrmnn of Aberdeen Iium n stouo that wclclm nunc tliiin a pound. I n I. on from u cod (lint hud swallowed It fur the sen anemones with which It wns covered. Tho miiiio llNlieriunn has nNo found (specimen of almost all the Htnll: eyed crttxtnrciinx that frequent the uoi thorn count of Ki-otliuid and of every kind of IInIi that a cod cull inns ter, Including Its own joiiug. Cod have been l.uowu to swallow puitrlilues. gullleuietH and hint's. BIIOW.V MAKKH HI FT (Oregoulnn.) SALEM, Dec. 1. W. W. Brown, wealthy rancher, of Klfo, Or., who a fow weeks ago promised to donate $10,000 to the Mothodlst Old Peo ple's Homo for a now building lu this city, providing another $10,000 Is raised by subscription, today iib n surprise sent a $1000 check to he used by tho homo, lli'ccntly ho also gave JC000 towards construction of n now woman's dormitory nt Wllhtm otto University. Sco Kdwards for good bouco paint ing. Adv. Clean up and point up. 8co Ed wards. Adv. NOTICK TO TUB PUBLIC Owing to our increase In business, and our additional rxpcimo and equipment, wo will bo compelled to make wood dollvnrlcs only on a cnsli. basis. Wo will bo pjcaiiud to lmvo. it understood by our cuntoinorn that orderH henceforth enn be accepted only on this condition. Oregon Kuot Company, C. 10. Ilamlllmi, Man-, ager. 37-38e Stopped CIiIIiIii'ii'n "roii I'ougli 'Threo weeks ago two l my chil dren begun choking and touching, and I saw that they were having an attack of croup," writes lillllo Mey borry. Kckort, do. "1 gol a bottlo of Foley's Money and Tin arid gavo them a dose beforo bodhtne. Next morning tholr cough and nil Iku oC croup wuh gono." Adv. FRESH and SALT MEATS, HAMS, BACON and LARD. THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Phone 241 A. M. PRINGLE, Manager. BEND, OREGON And eipeclal fin or with people who appreciate good choco lated because tliey have a much Miioothcr coating than In uaunllr found In chocolate. ----------- Reed & Horton BEND. ORE. P. E. CHASE Watchmaker and Jeweler l nuivr.i .tiu.-m,. MUSICAL l.KTUU.Mi:.NT.S Our watch repairing Is guaran teed to stand. P. E. CHASE JOHNSON BUII.UINH ' WALL KTKKKT Aldar Dy. For the pnrpom of niiiKIng d.cs the common alder appears to huvo been unnoticed by the pioneers of this coun try, who made itKU of so iiwiij luirlis nnd roots. However, It was well known to tho Indians, who nnd It to good effect. It dyes a reddish color, nnd down to a few 3 cur ago vwik em ployed by natives of tho northwest Pin I lie const In coloring their llsh nets. Alder dye. used for I lie sumo purpose. Is siild to bo tho oldest reconled d.w III the world, It Is mentioned In t Kulevalii of I'lalnnd. supposed to ditto nearly 11.000 years ago. Qood Talktr. "ou talk well on tho aiibjcct In which j nu nro mot lutercitted," cnld the Inipertliieut girl "And what Is Hint'" asked the until. scenting a compliment. "Youirelf!" said the liniwrtlin'rit girl demurely. London Atuwera. Lota of Turn. Johnnie I ain't gola' to school any more. Juxt beoHiiso 1 snickered n little tbe teat her turned me over to the prin cipal, and the principal turned me out to pa. Moth-r Wun Unit ull? Johnnie No; pa Just tinned mu over hU knee, American Boy. National Apple Show, Spokane, Nov. 20-25. Reduced round-trip fares from Central Oregon poirdy, November 19th to 25th, inclusive. Pacific Livestock Show, Portland, December lih to 9th. Every stockman should attend. Central Oregon Owl SAVE A DAY EITHER WAY Betv"ii Portland and Central Oregon California Trips at this timovof year are ideal. All rail, or rail and ocean routes. The Shod Ocean Voyage via the "Twin Palaces" cxcccmIh your fondest expectations of comfort and pleasure. Fares include meals and berth, Why not go East through California? The extra cost by this route is very little. TWO TRAINS A DAY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Th Ettrnal Famlnln. "Here 1 havo to k nnd be Wed to death at that horrid Mrn. JlKucrM1 Juat on account of my huibuud'a pincr alty." "Did he tell yon you ahould bo j" "No"; ho told mo I ahoiildn't." Baltl. more American. Unlvarial Languagt. Blobba 1) jou think we ahall ever have a universal language? Hlobba We have now, when money tulka. Philadelphia Itecord. ftTilifjMN Jriifjiii OREGON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE O'DONNELL BROTHERS unionImarket Rubbing It In. Bob rVrliap mu hod better forftt one another! Beta-Ob, I couldn't do that I have o tn tblnga to laujb about! I'uek. ONE CENT A WORD I. ALL A tITTLO WAN! AD WILL COSI VOU.