m I MiiMiiriUpiwmil ., M BM JlrlJjanaj, .. .rw.fc-f m iTasgr,sgs&.. JJ y.''WaUWW.lw TIIK REND BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 11)10. I'AOE a. BILLY BEQRCE WILL MEET PARSLOW TOliOW NIGHT Fust Local Boer Will Attempt to Take Another Laurel Krom Clctcr Portland Middleweight. Billy George, who so completely outclassed Earl MelbuB in a recent scheduled 10-rouiul boxing contest, will attempt o handle Frank Pars- low In a similar manner tomorrow evening at the Hippodrome In a 10- round go, under the auspices of the Hilly Gcorgo Bond Athletic club. The match is scheduled for 9 o'clock. Parslow has been traveling in fast boxing company for somo time, buy ing taken tho scalp of Trambltls, ouo of Portland's fastest mlddlewelgbts, nnd Al. Summers, who has Just re turned from a successful tour In tho vast. Uoth men will weigh In a B Frank Parslow o'clock tomorrow evening at 150 pounds. Dr. Couslneau will referee the match. Spec Woods and Clyde Barber will meet In a six-round seml-wlndup. Both men are about evenly matched and this go should bo n fast one. Look ahead for ChrlstmaK, for that Vlctrola, at Reed & Horton. Adv. w You want to TASTE Golden West Coffee not merely DRINK it "Just Right" - Shearings Rpronil of Rubles. Cliff Evans, of -Mllllcan, hns sold off all his cattle for fear of rabies. Ho hns lost a number of animals during the past year and will stay out of the cnttlo business at least until the rabies scaro or danger goes over. Fort Rock Times. To Sell Bonds. On Thursday, December 2S, at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m Prlnovillo's railroad bond Issuo of $100,000 will be sold nt the council ronis in this city to the hglhest bidder, or bidders. Such was the decision of the council nt their Saturday meeting, at which time the details for advertising for bids, and the final ordinances were pnBscd for the bond sale. Crook County Journal. Htruhorn In White. "A contemporary remarks that 'Strahorn Is tho hopo of Eastern Oregon.' It doesn't say definitely whether he is a 'white hope' or not." Tho above Is tho beginning t)f an editorial that appeared in the last Issuo of tho Cresceut Xows. Whllo wo aro not tho contemporary that is rcsponslblo for tho above state ment, we cannot refrain from on lightniug our Brothor Editor by say ing that wo believe that Mr. Stra horn na positively tho "white hope" of Eastern Oregon. We bellovo this because wo have taken pains to look up his record, and In all his long life of activity ho has not manifest ed ouo yellow streak, but has shown himself absolutely "white" in all his dealings. Yes, we aro Bure that ho Is a "white hopo" through and through. Crescciit News. Fur Hunting Good. Hunters and trappers In this sec tion como in dally with reports of good catches. Coyotes and bobcats at thick In tho nearby hills. Tho prices of all kinds of furs aro very high this season nnd consequently this Bort or work Is well paid. There are more than usual engaged in this vicinity and" boforo tho winter in ovor tho majority of these predatory ani mals should bo killed. Cbewaucan Press. Can Establish Route. Further Information from tho post office department states that a rural route of such length that It can bo Batlsfuctorluly covered in ono day, and serving not less than 100 fam ilies, can bo established at La Pino. All roads which will bo used by tho carrier muBt bo opon to regular traf fic, and bo passable without delay Tbo carrier can uso uny means of transportation ho desires and can establish his own schedule on tho trip. La Pino Inter-Mountain. Content With Spring. South of Bend unci in tho vicinity of LaPJno and Sllvor Lake tho peo plo ore revollng in Biiowstorms nnd below zero weather, whllo us poor mortals in this neck o' tho woods huvo to plod (Jong and try to bu con tent with balmy, sprlng-llko weather. Jef ferou County Record. Water I'l-os'iecls (Joori. Irrlgatlonlsts hnvo received ndded encouragement lately by uronosltlong which hnvo been put up to them by parties wno aru interested In tho development of Central Oregon, mid who claim that the North Unit proj ect Is tho most feasible of any that has como under thulr observation. Madras Pioneer. Timber Pays tin; Hill, ir a couplo of Missouri 'families would move ints District 29, the tim ber companies would bo broko. Crescent Is tho land of "milk and honey," for big families of school ago. Crescent Nows. The Tux League. It Is suggested that as tho county court meets on December 7, to con sider tho county budget, tbo peoplo of each precinct meet and elect nn delegate to bo thuro to represent his district. This notlco is reaucstnd In vlow of tho shortness nt tlm limn Tho general call will bo Issued by L, A. Hunt, of Lower Ilridco. chnlr. man. next week. A niimlwr nt rn. edicts havo ulreadv selected the del. egatos. Redmond Spokesman, Madras Pleased. Now that tho recent election has decided, definitely, by vote of the people, where they want their coun ty seat located, It Is to bo hoped jthnt all hands will buckle iu and boost together. Of courso .Madras is pleased to have received thu prize, but she would have acquiesced with as becoming grace had either of her rivals been successful In the race A good fight always livens things up a bit, and after all, there tan bo but one county seat, and that where the greatest number of people feel It to be to their advantage and con venience. Madriyi Pioneer A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The Bend Bulletin. Early role! snaps, storms and sleet, snow and slush. -aue roughs and colds. Foley's Honey and Tar acts quickly, cuts the phlegm, opens air passages, allays Irritation, httals Inflammation and enables the suffer er to breathe easily and naturally so that sleep la not disturbed by hark ing cough Adv. I Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. ' CIIUKCH NOTICES. Cnthollc. Masses on Sunday, 7:30 a. m. ind 10 a. m. Mass on Saturday, 8:30 a. m., followed by religious instruction for children. Christian Science. Christian Sclenco services nro held in Sathers hall every Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. l'resbj (crlmi Church. If you nro looking for n place where you can spend an hour on Sunday morning, listen to good sing ing, enjoy a short sermon, and make new friends, and repeat tho thing In the evening again, wo have that place at tho Pcrsbytcrlan church. Just how much of a place the church fills In any community lite Is seen by the fact that few peoplo would care to live In a churchlcss commun ity, much less would they think of bringing up their family iu such a place. Last Sunday you heard nbout "Satan's Gospel," In the morning. Next Sunday morning tho pastor will answer it by speaking from tho themo "Ood's Gospel." Como and hear tho contrast. Tho difference Is very no ticeable, nnd tho effect of tho latter message Is bound to bo helpful. In the evening wo have a popular gos pel service nt which tho themo will be, "The Noblest of Them All." H. C. HARTBANFT, Pastor, Thanksgiving Service. In response to tho proclamation of President Wilson, nnd of tho call of tho Governor of Oregon, tho churches of Bend will meet on Thanksgiving evening, nt tho Presbyterian church, to hold an annual Thanksgiving Ser vice. Tho sorvlco hns been sot for 7:30, so as to nccommodato tho greatest nurrthcr of people Rev. J. L. Pcrlngcr will deliver tho address and special music will bo rendered. It. C. HARTRANFT, Chairman of tho Bend Ministerial Association, First Krmullniiinii Lutheran ('liui-rh. Services Sunday afternoon al 2:30 o'clock, at the Methodist church. All Scandinavians cordially Invited. J. H. BRONA, Pastor. Baptist Church. Union Thnnksglvlng scrvlco on Thursday evening, 7:30, at tho Pres byterian church, tho topic being, "National Thanksgiving." 10:00 n. m. Bible school; 11:00 a. m., Sermon nnd communion ; C:30 p, m Chris tian Endeavor meeting; 7:30 p. m evening worship. J. L. PERINGER, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. 10:00 a. m., tho biggest Sunday school yot. 11:0 a.m., the pastor will preach, taking as his topic, "Life's Knowledge." 2:30 p. m., Sunday school at Kenwood; C:.10 p. m Epworth League, Mrs. F. 8. Francis leads; tho topic is "What Do Missions Do for Childhood?" This will bo a rousing meeting. Young man, young womun, you can find no hotter place to spend your Sunday evening. Better como. 7:30, tho pastor will preach tho last of tho "Sea Sermons," tho topic Is "Homo MR fATTIFMAN MR SHFFPMAN I" If You Borrow Money "I In to Carry On Your Business or to Add to Your Bands L Call On Us. J I Our Rate of Interest is 8 Mai(e Application Through Your Bank I or Direct To Us In Making You llll Loans We Do Not Compel You to Consign Your Wool to Us. J Portland Wool Warehouse Co. 309 IliiUey jiU'ti HnllJl'l PORTLAND, ORE. No Want Too Big No Want Too Small That BAUER'S GROCERY Can't Till for You Anil delhcr piouiptl) umi In the lwt ("million. Our t-roeei les, puMme, dull uit iiIuiijh fu-sli. Our sunllary lefrlgVruliir eoiinler keeps our dairy jmmIih'Ik ioo! and freh. Het prlre in canned kimkU or tho beat brand. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street, Near Ohio at Last." Tho attendanco Is constant ly on tho Increase Wo hid you wcl como to this homellko church. W. C. STEWAHT. Wo will keep you wondering whore wo get such bargains In Candy, Hard ware, Stationery, China, Dry Goods, Notions, Como to us first and savo your dimes. At Stockmou 6c, 10c, 15c, 2Gc Store. Adv. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS nend Park Co. to F. G. Morse. wd Its 12, 13, 14, b ISC, 3rd add Bend Park, J 10. W. L. Graham to J. J. Chapln, wd pt it 13, b 7 Orokla, 10. Samo to P. B. Olson, wd It C b 6 Orokla, $250. Tho Bend Co. to IC. E. Williams, wd It 22 b 15 Park add Bend, 1. NW Town Co. to Ray W. Ueploglc wd It 1 b 24 NW 2nd add Bend, SI. G. E. Kcnyon to G. Kcnyon, wd. It 3 b 92 Bend Park, $200. Bend W. L. & P. Co. to P. II. Brooks, wd pt sw no 32, 17, 12, $150. Jns. Ryan to Mary E. Ryan qed It 1 b 2 Its 3, 5, b 3 Terminal add Bend, $1. Bend Park Co. to E. M. Walter wd It 10 b 70 Bend Park, $200. Tho Bend Co. to Jas Ryan, It 3 b 14 Park add Bend, $1. Jas. Ryan to M. J. Trobloo, wd same, $10. A window full of toys. To strength en our trade, wo offer you these at 15c nnd 25c. At Stoekmou's 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, Store. Adv. Denmark'! Sovertlgni. Den in n r I; Ihih had u most curious ar ray of mxerelgns Hie Blue Tooth, Forked Beard, Simple, Hungry, Hare foot. Lamb, I'Iouh nnil Cruel being nmuug them. This hitler, who was Christian II., belled Ills real inline by gaining the additional title of the Nero of the Not Hi. There was probably little hap pines In Denmark when lie. nut upon tho throne. London Mull. A Money 6vr. "You nic foolNh to buy jour ftirnl tun on the liixtiilliniiit plan. You hare to pay nearly twlcu as much uh you otherwise would." "Yes, but look nt nil the money 1 nvi on moving exiKMmes." St. Inils Pust-DI-putch. Character Analysts. "Wiggins goes around asking so much udvlce that he never accomplish en iiuythlng." "Yen," replied the innn whoso mind lingers In the pant, "not enough Inltlu tire and too much referendum." Wnshlngtou Star. A Toatt. To our mothers: May their eyes nev er lx opened nnd their hearts never cfonvl to our weaknesses! Life. The Markaman'a Eye. Blue p.vrs prevail among innrkNinpn of renown. The blue Is said to lie Hie strongest eye nnd gray next. You aro Just ns wclcomo to look around and ask nuostlous as If you in mo to buy. You'll probably buy later on, at Stoekmou's 6c, 10c, 15c, 25c Store. Adv. Phone RsJ 161 DUS1NESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. GEORGE 8. YOUNQ Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Surveyor. Room 6 First National Bank Building ItOUKUT 11. GOULD Civil Engineer Bend Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I) E N T I S T Sulto C-S-10, O'Knno Building Bond, ... Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician nnd Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. m, 1-5 p. m. 7-9 p. in. O'Knno Building. W. Q. MANNINO, D. M. D. Dentist. Sulto 12-14, O'Knno Building Tel. nil Bend, Oregon WILLARD H. WinTZ L A W Y R R Prlnovlllo, Oregon, O. B. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Building, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBE8 Ij A W Y E R First National Bank Building Bend, :: :: Oregon J. B. Boll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. H. Hnncr Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurance DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprnpiithlc PlijNlrliui Ovor Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to C Phono Red IH- O. P. NISWONOER, Boud, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Enilmliuer, Funeral Director. Phono Rod -121. Lady Asst. DR. J. H. CONNARN 1) E N T I 8 T OOlco In Sathor Building, llouru 9 to 12, 1 to G. Sundays nnd ovonlngs by Appointment. - II, II. D o A R M O NTJ LAWYER O'Kuno Building, Bend, Oregon w Cut Flowers Carnations, chrysanthemums, ronot, violets, ulso potted plants, oyulammi, Christmas funis, on salo at Mrs. L. Dtirstiuit's millinery store. v Olvu uh your orders curly fur Thanks, giving flowers, Mrs. M. L. Derstine Lara Building. Wall St., Near Oregon jra',0 KEND IIAUI-ING CO. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. REDMAN & MOORE LAWYERS Log Cabin Bldg. BEND. OREGON CENTRAL OREGON PLUMBING & HEATING CO. PLVMRINO AND HEATING 117 Mlnnesotn Street. Estlmntes Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Dono. Tinning and Sheet Motnl WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnacea, Spouting, ('.uttering, Cornlco and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to l'rlceg right, work guaranteed (JrCgOnljrc Insurance Company VCLU.IVKLV omaON1 HoMKOrrier Cohditt DtDo Pom la no ASHLEY FORREST, DUtrict Munnger. H. O. E L L 1 S Attomeynt-Idiw United Stated Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREUON JJO 'put i l i ;i nt (, iunn juo '119 sU uoq.i a iuoo "i-i'iu iuj,o iIUoiuiwjx JHtMI'J ''I'll"!' M KlIODVll.lOUIII.l H3VIU Ml VNVN 3I3VII1 tt VJ1I 'HO WILLIAM A. JACKSON Bend's Auctioneer Conducts Stock Snlen- a Spec ialty. Opposite Kenwood (Urn-cry. BEND ART HTOHIJ Lessons In Embroidery, Cro cheting nnd Tutting given freo when material Is purchased. II E N I) ART H T 0 11 H Wright Hotel Utilldiug. Erickson's Grocery Succnior lo T. H. MiClincy STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Quality and Service Our Molln. Phono Black 2 1 1 Airio Dni.ivniY H. P. SMITH Plin ncl Orntmrnltl PLASTERING ' AM. WORK GUARANTEED V