PARK 8. THi: IIBXII hCIiKKTI.V, I1KXI1, ORE., WKIXKSn.YY, NOVEMBER 1, 1010. iij 1 r r '? WILSON SNUB FOR FARMERS Hughes Shows How Tillers of the Soil Were Ignored in Railroad Discussion. CROP RAISERS FOOT BILL TO PAY FOR BROTHERHOOD DEAL Damoeratto Nomina Ltvalad t Body Blow at tha Iniirttti of Our Agrlcul tunl Communitiat Whin at tha Ba hait ef an Exclualv Group of Rail road Workara Ha Incraaaad Thalr Pty Without Invattigating tha Juttica of tha Damand. Charles E. Hushes, who left Lincoln for his second day's campaigning In Nehmka, told a crowd of farmers In hi speech there that tho Democratic Administration had Ignored th agrl cnlturnl Interest of the country In nrgliiK the enactment of the AiImnon Jaw. The nominee In support of hli contention, cited a telegram from J'resldcnt II. N. Pope of the Texas Farmer' Union to President Wilson rcuUbstlng that the farmer ho per mlttLi to submit data In arbitration procu illinr.s ht-tnren the railroad and tho brotherhoods He said: Somaona Mutt Pay. "I want to uy In refertrue to ratei that It seems to me the farmer of the country wire viry little consid ered the other day when on the de mand of the Administration the wage of a group of railroad worUrx erc Increased by law, In repone to force, Homebody ha pit to pay the Increased bill, nml the farmer lll know tery (jul'-k Mho hn to pay them. "The farmer twrv not represented In thl dlHCtMHlon, If you may call It that In thl anrrender- I hat a here u copy of a telegram that wn cnt I) Ihp I'reildent by Mr I'if. the preldent of the Htatc rnrmer' I'nlon of Texas, which I shall rend to you: 'We auk that yon make no entice. don or commitment that will In any manner taune an tncreime In freight rate on product produced or contimed on the farm, The men who pay the freight have an equity In thl dlitpule, which neither the railroad trainmen nor the rallroml manager hate authority to repre sent. If It I jour Intention to per. eounlly dlNpnxu of the matter we fink t tint joii poMpone further con Idernllon until a lomuilttie of farmera i-nu preparo Information and data to present their aide of the case. If jou conclude to settle by nrhllrntloii, then the orgnulred farmer should hate rcpreseuiNllou on iiuy arhltratlnu ronimlttie that may be funned to dlnposo of thl qucNtluii; for tho men who pay should hate represetitatlon us well hn the men who reeelte It. 'We again urge that all iicson Intuited be settled by arbitration, when- nil pnrtlcH and all Intrust run bo beiiid tunl the aulijet t dealt with nslilu from haste am) Intimi dation,' Aakad to Abdlcata Authority, The crowd iheered when Mr Hughe concluded tvadlng the telegram, "No regard wa paid to that mes sage," Mr. Hughe said "the busi ness men of the country, through the Chamber of Commerce of the United Htatea, were at the aamo lime and bad for many week before been Im ploring the vr cutlte and leader In ixingreH for tit Immediate and prompt Inquiry In order that the Jus tice of thl matter might be known. The farmer were nut there except through the presence of the repre tcutatltf of the people In congress, and those representntlte were asked to nlsllcale their authority, "I niii In fat or of eterylhlng that tan reasonably be done for the pro motion of ugrlciilture. I am glad to note the uoik of the Agricultural De partment. It will hu coutlnmd with inc. IT 1 am Intrusted with the ower, to the utmost of ttlk'lcnoj under my administration A Doily plow Lavalad. "Hut It la Idle to talk of Interest In the farmer when jou hate attlori like thl taken In tougres otcrnlght. against the protest of the farmer, and let oiling a body blow at tho In terests of our agricultural communi ties." Mr. Huxtirs again denied the dec laration that a troto for hi in "meant a tote for war." Mr. Wilson ray the election of Mr. Hughes will mean war with Kurope and war with Mexico. Wh) not chtuk lit Atijastulu ami Patagonia for good nieaauro One la a Ukclj as the other. Now Kill Parker ltuller, author of "llj la rig," Im declared for Wll on. It' a great administration for pork all right. Now that Mr. Hughe ha left Mis souri they're referring to It out there it the "I'm Shown" state. A doormat lead a life of supine peace, but It has to atand for an awful lot of stepping on. THE COUNTRY MUST INSURE ITSELF AGAINST INCAPACITY. In his rigorous speech at Philadel phia on Monday night Mr. Hughe made an observation that should keep bl countrymen thinking soberly every day until election morning, the sev enth of November: "We cannot say now In what rr tlcutar sort of me we shall find thing In March next." Here Is room for disquieting specu lation. The Government I In feeble, hands. It I never prepared to act In emergencies It does not know what to do, or bow to begin. It I the sport of circumstance. It waits for some thing to turn up with a guilty feeling of Incapacity to deal with untoward event. Mr. Wilson, Inconstant and vacillating himself and unable to learn from experience, can obtain neither Inspiration nor support from his Cab inet, which Is the weakest that any President ha called together since the civil war. The policy of the Demo cratic Administration Is not so much watchful as fearful waiting. It Is flabby, timid, procrastinating, always undecided. So anything may happen to the na tion, any disaster, any disgrace. Mr. Hughes I right: we don't know "In what particular sort of mess we shall And things In March next." The country Is helpless to prevent blunders and Imbecilities which may Involve it In an unwelcome war or tarn Is b Its honor; but the people can see to It that an American President with character and stamina as well as with brains Is in the White Houc on March 4 to pilot the country through the rapids, and the people can give him a Itepubllcan Congress to provide the legislation he asks for to carry otit his policies. The people can be In no doubt that the Cabinet Charles Evans Hughes select will contain only able and e indent men, the beat the coun try affords. New York Sun. l"1 'MiriiiiV -F BEND THEATRE THURSDAY W FRIDAY. Nov 16 .and" 17 No Want Too Big No Want Too Small That BAUER'S GROCERY Can't Fill for "Ycm .nil dcllier promptly unit In the lc.t condition. Our Kroce-riew, produce, fruit arc nlwnyN frmh. Our Minlloiy rWi Iterator (ountcr Keeps our ilnlry potliictt cool mid fell, licit piite-t In runiied goods of the- best liiiiinls. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phone Red 161 TO OUR PATRONS: DURING the next sixty days we will be rather unsettled on account of making room for our new building. We will, however, serve you in the best possible manner con sidering tho circumstances The Cozy Restaurant Mn. Netue Slevcnion, i'foprwtot GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES BERRIES AND FRUITS BUILDERS' HARDWARE and fflQOT SHERWIN-W1LUAMS W SHERWINMLUAMS PAINT F. DEMENT & CO. WtaaJTLV i mi mis uJiSr'Wi The people of Vera Cruz who have erected a monument In the plaza to the Mexican slain In battle seem to be Ignorant of the fact that Mr. Wil son kept this country out of war. and colds. Foley's Honey and Tar acts quickly, cuts the phlegm, opens air passages, allays Irritation, heals inflammation and. enables the suffer er to breathe easily and naturally so that sleep is not disturbed by back ing cough. Adv. Want Ada only ONE CENT a word. Want Ads only ONE CENT a wom For sign painting see Edwarfc Adr. A desirable bread knife free vitK every annual subscription to Th& Bend Dulletln. PENDLETON IS IDEAL LOCATION FOR NORMAL CITY'S RAILROAD, HEALTH, EDU. CATIONAL AND OTHER FACILI TIES ADAPT klT FOR SCHOOL SITE. Pendleton, Ore Pendleton's claims for the establishment of a State Nor mal School are based upon the unusual advantages offered for such an Instl tutlon. It la Ideally located with re spect to railroad facilities and In the center of the country which It will serte. Its health conditions are ex cellent. It has a bountiful supply ol clear, cold, pure mountain water. It offers a library of 12,000 volume, to which are added 3000 annually, housed In a beautiful new building erected at a cost of 140,000. The larg est athletic stadium In the Northwest, capable of accommodating 20,000 peo ple; a natatorium, modern and equip ped for tha use of men and women, bum at a cost or 111,000, ample audi torlum room for lyceum courses and lectures and a school system that Is without equal In a city of lt - 't facilities and the students Du,...uit for practice teaching have been guar anteed by the city board. Not ember Weather. Earlv cold snanH. Htnrms and sleet, snow anj. slush, cause coughs A HOME of Your Own WE CAr SEIiL you lots In any portion of tbo city and will furnish you money to build your homes on a 7 per cent Intercut bo.tls. This Is a building and loan proposition monthly payments running front three to nix years, as desired. We will furnish BO per cent of your lot rultio and 30 per cent of your construction value as a bote. :&r HomeseekersLandCo. R. P. MINTfcR. MANAGER LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT - All Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller LumberCo. SELLING SHEVL1N-H1XON LUMBER. OFFICE ON OREGON ST. When you build in Bend specify local pine Shevlin Pine is true to size and grade. Grown right, sawed right, sold right. MILLER LUMBER COMPANY CORNER WALL AND OHIO STREETS EXCLUSIVE LOCAL SALES;aCEN1 ? ,i t TO THE TRADE:---. Our lumber is CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE, grown at nn altitude of 4,200 feet. We manufacture LUMBER, SASH and BOX SHOOKS ' tt Tl TEST the I EXTURE" u The Shevlin-Hixon Company Bend, Oregon DcBter aa4 Salt Lake ReprtseiUb've: G. W. GATES & CO. Ckkago RepresttlatiTe: W. A. LAMMERS i ii i A ,. 11 "" - ; aJT iN . . CJsHssssssKe Y x T' - -" . -- . - ' K Z..JllJLmBmmmammmmmkWmmtkiM sssssCsfMsaak. - Wv 3 7jH MTsaanaSJssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssWKVy IssssssssssssssalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHsW ..EaaaBgflMiMIHIHHHIll 'L M1Mlllf).MaaaMsssssssssssssssssssssssssH