Tim REND HCLLETIN, I1END, ORE., WEDNESDAY, NOYEMHEH 1, 1010. PAQE 11. WHO IS THE FRIEND What Wilson Said About Unions and Workmen When Ha Did ' Not Want Their Votes. I am fierce partisan of the open hop and of everything that make for Individual llbcrty.-Spcech at Open fihop Banquet, Jan. 12, 1009. The labor unions reward the shysters and Incompetent at the expense of the able and lndustrlous.-Speeeh People's f Koruni, New Rochelle, Feb. 25, 1005. We speak too exclusively of the capl. Ullstlc class. There Is another as for. mldablo an enemy to equality and free, dom of opportunity as It Is and that Is the class formed by the labor organlza tloni and leaders of this country. Speech, Waldorf Hotel, New lorfc. Warch 10. 1007. tou know what the usual standard -of the employe Is In our day. It Is to give as little as he may for his wage. Labor Is standardized by the trade unions, and this Is the standard to Which It Is made to conform. No one Is suffered tajflo more than tin average workman can do. Address to Graduat ing Class, Princeton University, June ,1009. Tbo objections I hare to labor unions Is that they drag the highest man to the level of the lowest I must demur with the labor unions when tbey say "you must award the dull the same as you award those with special gifts." Speech In People's Forum, New Ito cbeUe, Feb. 25, 1005. The Chinese were more t,o be desired as workmen, If not as citizens, than the coarse crew that came crowding in every year at Eastern ports. Ulstory of American People. TUMALO (Continued from Paso 2.) the road Is again opon to travel. A gasollno hay balor Is now baling The Bend CAFE Uadcf the mirugrarat ol C. G. HUDSON Will give you Better Table Service, Better things for your tnblc Everything will be of the best that can be purchased We Never Close 1037 BOND NATIONAL FOOD EXPOSITION. PORTLAND NOV. 9 TO la PACIFIC LIVESTOCK SHOW. PORTLAND DEC. 4 TO 9 lentral Oregon "OWL" SAVE A DAY EITHER WAY Ilctttcen Portland and Central Oregon' California Trips a this time of year are Ideal. All rail or rail and ocean routes. The short ocean voyage via tho "Twin Palaces" exceeds your fondest expectations of comfort nnd pleasure. Fares Include meals and berth. ROlltl.E DAILY TRAIN SERVICE, PORTLAND TO SPOKANE AND THE EAST REAL OF LABOR? What Hughes Said About Unions and Workmen. There are some who regard organ lied labor as a source of strife and menace of difficulty. I regard It as a fine opportunity for the amelioration of the condition of men working with no other purpose than to make the most of themselves and to achieve something for tbelr families. Speech at Dedication of Tuberculous Pavilion, Albany, New York, Aug. 20, 1003. The mission of labor organlzattoas Is one of the finest that any assocla tlon of men could guard. Today we have a realization of what can be accomplished. SDeech at Dmtlo.Hnn of Tuberculosis Pavilion, Aug. 20, 100S. It U a Shocking thnnrht that h wsge earners of the country, who by tbelr dally toll make posslblo the In dustrial prestige of Which we houf. should be subjected through Ignorance or inumerence to unnecessary perIL The Interests of labor ate the Inter ests of all the people, and the protec tion ot the wage earner In the security of his life and health by every prac tical means la One of ttm mml uarrnA trusts of society. Speech Kxposltlon or Bareiy Devices and Industrial 11 y glene, Jan. 28, 1007. I believe In a alx-day working week. So do you. nut do you know that the men who are making a six-day week a possibility and an eventual fixture, are these men (labor repre sentatives) and tbelr associates? 1 long sgo came to the conclusion that tho labor unions are going to solve the Sunday lulor question to the best Interest of the country. Join bands with them aad you will double your results, while halving your labor. Address to Preachers and Labor rep resentatives In Executive Chamber, Albany, iw. hay for Peter Jensen. Hans Johnson Is now harvesting his potato crop. Conservative esti mates place tho yelld ut moro than 400 bushels per aero. Mr. Johnson grows tho Ilurbank potato. STREET Tho Tllllcura Literary Club met Saturday with Misses James and Llllle to study Mnetcrllnk. Tho roll call was responded to by nn event lu the history or the country of Mae terllnk. Biographical sketch of Maeterllnk, Miss James. Historical conditions at tlmo of Mnetcrllnk, Carrol Dayton. Sketch of author's work, Mrs. May Wallace. Mrs. Anna Da) ton, who was a delegate to tho state federation, gave nn Interesting report ot the work being dono by tho club women of Oregon. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word, FAILED TO LOOK .AHEAD. A Blundsr Thit Has Brought Many a Family to OrUf. In the American Magatlne a -writer says: "A mnn engaged In bnslncsi In one of the trades or professions is strong and healthy, and bU earnings are ade quate to meet the needs of himself nnd family and lay a little br to comlmt Dm proverbial rainy day. "In trying to make a good appear ance among his friend he lives up to his Income, sells tho birthright of his family for n mess of pottage In order to gratify his anlty or procrastinating habits. He Is strong, and the futuro seems a long way olT. "Eventually on account of accident or disease be leaves the scene of action, and his wife and n numltor nf amnli children must face the gloomy days of the futuro unassisted by n bank ac count or life insurance policy simply because ho failed to look ahead. "Another man has a mortgage upon his property, and he soliloquizes In this manner: 'I slinll meet the Interest and ixt year begin paying oft tho mort cage.' The jcars pans, the mortgage Is foreclosed, and he realizes when too lute that ho failed to look ahead. "Still another man ed upon tho principal of lit physical bank account Ho failed to bank energy nnd conservo health lu tho form of proper physical exercise nnd careful hygienic living, and exacting nature foreclosed by strlk Ing her victim with apoplexy." Canton's City or th. D.d. In Canton, about eighty miles from Hongkong, there Is a placo known as tho City of the Dead. Thero are 104 small houses, u each of which a corpso Is lodged, at the rato of $2.1 for the first three months and then at a re duced ratu until the gcomaiircrs em ployed by tho relatives of tho dead person decide when utid where the corpse shall be burled. Silk or paper lanterns and Imitation fruit aro bung from tho roof. Thero aro screens In each room between the door and the coltlu. Tea, fruit and any other kind of food which the dead person liked when on earth are placed on an altar before the coillii each morning. Thero are cardboard servants standing about to wait on him with pipes or cardboard cups of tea. Thero aro also two hand some paper females placed there to guldo his spirit on the way to heaven. Como to the Now G-10-lC-2Cc Store and seo what your small coin will buy. Stockmou's Stoic. Ilnml St. Adv. Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. Gilbert 0k Son Tho only store In Dead whero you can got your gro cerles and meats at tbo same placo. FREE DELIVERY Phone Red 271 YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE WE'LL CLEAN YOUR LINEN, For farm land loans seo J. Ityan & co. Ileasonablo rates, prompt Borvico. Adv. Seo Edwards for papor hanging. ftQV, A desirable bread knlfo freo with every annual subscription to The ucuu iiuueun. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by tho County Court of Crook County. Orecon. nn- pointed administrator of tho cstato of V. C. Watklns. deceased, and all persons having claims against said cstato are hereby required to present thn Ratlin with tirntini- vntintinM in tho undersigned nt his otllco In Bend, ruiK (.ouiuy, uregou, witnin six uiuuwis inter mo onio or mis notice. Dated this 25th day of October, 1916. IIQSS FAHNHAM. Administrator of tho Estate of V. C. Watklns, deceased. 34-37c NOTICE l'OR PUIM.1CATION. Dopirtment ot tho Interior. U. S. Land Otllco nt Tho iMlles.OrcEon, September 27lh, 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that Walter A. King, of Alfalfa, Oicgon, who, on March 31st, 1913, mr.do Homestead Entry No. 01 1497. for NEU Eb NWU. KV, sVU. Sec tlon IS, Township 17 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make. Fin al Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, bsfora H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt llcnd, Oregon, on tho 7th dny of Novomber, 1910. CluliiV.ut m L'ics as witnesses: Mary F. llcnn, Henry E. Ruff., Juno A. Ruffe. Harry E. Ateu, all of Al fiilfn, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 31-3fic. Register. Not Uo for Publication. Department of tho Interior, United Stntcs Land Otllco, nt The Dalles, Oregon. October 24, 1916. Notice Is hereby given that Charal- nmpos Korakls, of Uctul, Oregon, who, on July 22, 1911. mado Homo- stead Entry No. 09323, for SEVJ, Lots 1. 2, SE'4NEi, Section B, Township 19, South of Haugo 14, East or willnmotto Meridian, has tiled notlcu ot Intention to ninka final three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land nbnvo described, boforo II. C. Ellis. United 'States Commissioner, at llcnd, Oregon, on tho rith day of Dorcmber, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Austin C. Harbor, Idn Harbor, Jackson C. Cllngau, Maudo O. Clin gnn nml Frank Massengnle, nil ot Mllllcun, Oregon. H. FHANK WOODCOCK, 3G-39i; Register. BEND WOOD (5) DRY FACTORY WOOD YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPLIT IT NOR SAW IT ECONOMICAL CLEAN BEST SPECIAL PRICE FOR FIVE LOAD ORDERS PHONE 441 Bend White Pine Sash Co. WE DELIVER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORECON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. Edna Hurch, Plaintiff, vs. Leonard Hurch, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Leonard Hurch, tho above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you aro horoby requir ed to appear and answer tho com plaint of tho plaintiff lltcd against you In tbo nbovo cntltlod causn and court, on or before November 1, 1916, that dnto being six weeks from tho first publication of this sum Electric Irons The manufacturers of Electric Irons have notified us that the price has been increased to $4. We have a feu) irons on hand s which we Will sell at the old price of Get Yours At Once WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. Phone 551 THE BIC LOADS mons; nnd If you fall to ho nppenr or othorwlso plead, for wunt tlinroof tho plaintiff will apply to aald Court for tho relief prayed for In her Com plaint, to-wlt: for a decrvo forever dissolving tho bonds of matrimony existing betwvon you nnd tho plain tiff. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof oncu n wook for six consocutlvo weeks, pursuant to an Ordor of tho Honorable T. K. J. Duffy, Judgo of tho nbou entitled Court, dated September 14, 1916. First publication, Boptombcr 20, 1916. LbbI publication, November 1, 1916. A. J. MOORE, Attorney tor Plaintiff. 29-3Cc. llcnd, Oregon. ? CLOTHES, SILK DHESSEH, Etc. .OREGON TRUNK RY. "PUT YOt'R DUDS IN OUR SUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANLVQ KUaZ KflWM CENTRAL OREGON LINE