The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 18, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    thk iinxn ni'M.KTix, itKxn, ohi:., VKxi:sn.vv, ocTounu is. ioin.
Agricultural Council
To Meet At Fair
lly County Agent II. A lllnnclinrd )
Among the Important meetings
hnt will lie held nt Redmond during
tho Sixth Annunl Potato Show nntl
Knlr will bo the meeting of tho Coun
ty Agricultural uouncu on tno L'lst,
Saturday nt 12 o'clock sharp. The
Council was called by the County
'Agriculturist, U. A Hlanchard on the
order of the President, Mr. J. F.
lllanchard and Secretnrj -Treasurer,
C. L. Ilarnnrd. Letters were sent,
calling tho delegates from the vari
ous farmers clubs and organizations
nt tho following places: Dend, Cllno
Falls, Sisters, Hampton, (list, Lower
Ilrldge, Mllllcnn, Hedmond, Powell
llutte, Uolyat, Terrebonne, Tumalo,
Hlvors and Prlnovlllo.-'
Tho purpose of the Council Is to
cooperate with tho Oregon Agricul
tural College and the United States
Department of Agriculture In outlin
ing tho work and maintaining tho
office of the County Agricultural
Agent, nnd In general, to promote
agricultural welfare of the county.
Such mntters as Introducing better
seed, stamping out diseases of stock
and plants, maintaining an employ
ment bureau, circulating an Exchango
List, eradicating rabbits, establishing
profitable systems of farming, etc. are
Home of the prcbloms of the Council.
Tho Council will adopt n new consti
tution at d innlto definite plans for
the futuic at this meeting. Ilelng
to well representative of Crook Coun
ty and her agricultural Interests as
this body lo, tho opportunity for that
development Is unlimited.
At 12 o'clock sharp tho Council,
together with their wives and chil
dren, will gather In tho school Qym
jiasluni, whero the girls or the Do
mestic Sclcnco Department will have
dlnnor ready. This Ib under the
rhnrgo of Mrs. Lee, of the High
School and sbo says It will n fiord not
only an opportunity for the girls to
got sorao practical experience, but to
demonstrate to tho people of tho
community that Domestic Science Ib
not all theory. A nominal charge of
35 cents will bo made with reductions
on the children,
wunmmntjKttBnntuaatttMttKtttmjJt ' .(, not bccn t,lcrc M not tv
FINNEGAN'S Pint ncnonv II rn kilt."'
J I 'I"' l ttiA an
First Display Xov. 1.1, Swond Xov. 21
Northern Lght This Winter.
GENE. Oct. 16. Two sopr.ra'o nn-
mini displays of shooting stars will
be visible throughout Oregon Novcm-
riier 15 nnd 24, according to E. II.
;McAlll8tcr, professor of nstronomy
I nnd mcchnnlcB In the Unl
varsity. Tho display duo on Novom-
Ibor 15 niny ho peen ln tho enrly
Eruornlng houis; that of November 24
lis duo In the early evening. The
frrrth at these times will bo cutting
through fio orbit of the swnrm of
meteors from which tho stars corns.
Display of tho aurora borcalls will
bo vlslblo In Oregon next winter, for
tho 11 rat tlino In 11 years, Mr. Mc-
Allster snyc. Northern lights nro
dim In this latitude of tho west, ex
cept when tho sun spots liuo reached
their maximum number, which occurs
only once In 11 years. A connection
between tho sun spots nnd the aurora
borealls Is believed by many scientists
to exist.
Tho Eternal City wan film In
Italy nnd England. Coming to Tho
Uend" Thentre.
titn .. .. .
micas i-uuucity t:
I ee Mr Hughes wud like to know
r lint's eotuc to 'Pitiless PublkltC'
Meself could tII blm. 'Where s "Pitt
less Publicity V su)s Uuglies. 'In the
Ash Cau,' soys I. Twas all rlt,ht on
the stump, but In AVnsbluton 'tis dlf.
for. The Hum tbat tiim.1,.1.
Trenton's balls t m,it 'i.u..
bin he bursts Into sonir umr ! ni..b.
bis chtiue!
"TIs not that PrMdlnt Wilson Is
less public tbiin Candjdate Wilson
he's less piu.oss. -TIs like the show
man. lie tells yo all, tin' mure, about
tli lllj faiit, but be bus mlntal res-a-Bliuiie
about the spotted bub).
"So It Is wld WlNon. He's sorned
the hard heart Iv 'Pitiless Publicity.'
'How about the PosfiiinstpmV .
the refaw miners. 'We'll uher tell vp.'
sajs the Cmlshun. 'For why' ay
the Le.igue. Twld cnibat'ss th Ad
nilnlstliraolitin,' says the O'mlsbun.
And the people laughs. 'Ye fired th'
Hid of the Clnsus,' sa.s Hughes. 4Ye
lie.' snjs lledtleid. 'He rayslned wld
out belli' axed,' sajs he. 'Ye lie yer
self,' a)s Durand. 'Ye towld me je'd
tire me, an' je gev mo place to a
pol'tidaii,' ajs Duruud. 'Ixac'ly
fwbat I wild,' jells Pluk Whiskers. 'I
Mas colli' to Are ye Himynay, but I
nher axed je to rujslue,' ay Pluky.
An' the people roarx.
"Tell us about ull thlm Dlshurvln'
DlinuiyeratB,' u.vs the people. An'
Wiisblu'ton Is swep' be a torm Iv
Item e.
"Hut doan't ye think there' 110 nub-
Mclty at all. Teddy himself was none
cniwhy with the papers, but he cud
le quiet too.
"'We'll grab some land In VIn7.11
rely,' wits the Auibassjduie, 'tem'prl.
IJV oajs be. 'Ye'll not.' sus Teddy,
'je'll agree to arbitrate,' kh.vh he. 'or,'
lie says, 'In tin days Dewey'll be there,
snjs Teddy.
'".Me Itj'lo Mnsther will nlver con
Int. ns th' other. Thin.' says. Ted.
ily. 'I'll slud Dewey at wulist. There's
no use wnltin'.' Teddy suys. 'Howld
'em.' sajs the Ambassydure. 'We
agree.' says be. an' dhll n bit did we
know how It wns for n dozen year.
"'We'll have Ferdy Carey nllte or
the Uashl Ilazook 'lead.' Kays Teddy,
nn' back comes Ferdy. An' the papers
ays. 'On demand Iv the State Depart
ment Ferdy Carey has been released.'
n' that's all.
"How Is It now? The greasers
ilnughters twlnty at Santy Isabel.
'Another Mexican Crisis.' says the
headlines. Twlnty Americans killed.'
they says 'The Presldlnt Calm.' says
they. 'Ates Uacon nnd Eggs. Plays
Rolnf.' snjs the headlines. An' the pa
per goes on:
" The Prlsldlnt's nppytlte at break
fast was good, th' leader lv the nn
ihurt gettln' outside tv grape fruit, ba
ron an' eggs, hot biscuit an' coffee.
Whin Docthcr Grayson announced tho
bill Ir fare the tlnshuu over Mexico
was much related.
"The Prlsldlnt Is soli In' In privacy
the fateful question, "Will me throat
Inst?" The nnswer Is waited wld fe-
erlsb nnxlety.'
Mnnilnb the papers says: 'Nashnnsl
niasler! Sore Throat Feared! Panic
st the Capital! The Prlsldlnt Calm!
"Consternatlnn was spread nuiong
nil ehiHses tndny be the lepoit that
the Prisldlut nwnke with sore throat.
Strong men fnliitit before they cud
reach the ucaieitt saloon. There Is
talk lv npplutlu' 11 tbiy Iv prayer. It Is
hoped that Senor Arre-ye-on-tbnugh
will clnlm that the dead Americans
ra) slated lxlcushuu, A high author'ty
tales that this wud end the crisis.
The Prlsldlnt made but wan remark!
Hope revives.
sore throat. Kitten by Insect.
President wlni. All Phrases Iv Mnt
ther to bo considered.
"'The anxiety In the Cnpllal was re
laved today be the follow In' bulletin:
Tho Prlsldlnt has n slight per
foration In the cuticle oer the Infery
lire uuixluiary enuved lie 11 Insect tiltln
him wlili asleep. The patient was too
proud to scratch. (Signed) ('ni)son."
"'It Is reported nln that Mineral
Scott will go to, the bonier to bury the
deud, and apologize to the Itisurglnts.
He will nxo Carninzy, whether he wud
accept n loan If offered. This Is con
sidered tiic tbrile 8'liitlou Iv the dllll
culty.' "Wlnsdnh the ,Prlsldlnt goes motor
In', Thiirsdah he writes a note and
Glneral Kett starts for the border.
Fildnh the headlines sajs 'Peace In
Europe near. Prlsldent stud, In terms.
Will he stop the war? Another note
expected. Capital excited oer report.'
"Kut we're comforted be belli' towld
the Prlsldlnt will not bo bethruyed
Into hasty ackshlin.
"Sununh, he's conslderln' th' Ar
me.nynn question, an' Mondah be ad
vises Grandmothers about sucktn'
eggs. And another crisis Is past.
"So It goes lry day. As 1 was say
In', there's a'plenty publicity, but 'tis
not the brand lv 11)1'.'."
Evidently Mr. Wilson has made up
his mind about something. He refers
In his acceptance speech to "the sov
ereign authority of Mexico." Ho may
hate decided to whom he was refer
ling. Less than two years ngo he was
not sure whether It "uns the soldier
bandit Villa or the grocer-grafter Car
ra 11211.
Kl) liYONS
Carlson (Sb Lyons
Plumbing & Heating Supplies Hath Itoom Accessories, etc
PHONE Ili:i 1301
$2.50 Per Load
It's not to bo wondered Hint Tbninns
A. Edison favors Wilson's re election.
The electrical wizard naturally likes
am thing that switches on nnd off.
I Political Jottings I
Th Wilion Keynoto.
In his kneeling to tho demands of
the trainmen, In his saerlllcc of ttie
sacred principle of arbitration on the
altar of peace-at-iiny price, we sec, in
ret low, the whole philosophy of the
Wilson theory of goernmeut and na
tionality. "It Is better to run than to fight."
That theory Is at wink In American
government today for the lint time.
Iloston Journal.
122 Oregon Street
Th Wilion Waltz.
In view of recent events the follow
ing formula orerhenrd on a hotel t
rauda may be of Interest: The Wilson
waltz, one step forward, three steps
backward, hesitate, then sidestep.
Tho Administration Is depressed by
the reflection tlmt under no clrciim
stances can It iostpone election day.
Wilson Insists that he will never rec.
ognlze government by assassination.
but he hasn't cut off relations with
those who bine assassinated Americans.
The tlrst President and the first Con
gress that ewr submitted to a hold-up.
And. by the way, nobody will ever
be able to claim this was a regular
Democratic Administration unless
have a bond lisue before Munli 4.
ptibHrans, In one of the New 'F.iij
land stales such a bet was made a few
dajs ago. The ofllcers heard of it. and
they arrested the ltepiibllcau 011 a
charge of robbery and sent the Demo
crat to an lusune its) linn, lie careful.
Keltlng on Hughes and Wilson Is
dangerous both to-Democrats and Ite
.1. ('. ItllODFS HAS OLD Itlll.lC.
.1. (' KhodcB Ib In poibohhIoii of 11
rolle of the administration of Andrew
Jackson Tho relic In 11 patent imido
to n John Fisher, tho number of
which Is 3,ror, 'to land In Missouri
and is signed by Old Hickory In his
characteristic handwriting. Mr.
Rhodes entile Into pnssomdon of tho
relic several eurs ngo while In Okla
Mr. and Mrs. 12. L. Wnldron, form
erly prominent residents of tin
Cloverdnlo dlstr'tt, who moved fro 11
there to Wnllu V.'nllii last toitng,
have reeeutb bought 11 farm In Fin
ley, Wash, nnd now 111 1 IUI111; on It.
In writing asking Hint her paper be
runt to Urn new address, .Mis. Wu'd
ron nnH hIik Is au!oiiH (o hear of the
ftsitiH mid Tuiiinlo f.urs nnd al
though sho bus u pretty Ikiiw ,nn
UK's neighb.mi tiu cunnm forgo.!
Clover diilti.
(Fort Rork TIiii.h.)
t). II. Ilnrdy tins been relnstatoil
r.s County Agriculturist mid Agqut
fur Lnko County. Ho rislgued sonm
dam ago, but hIiico the real estntn
deal on which ho wnH working ami
which wna reporteil iw eompletod.
did not go through, ho again applied
for and waa i;lnn bis old pnnltlon.
Steady, evenly dis
tributed heat, un
der perfect control
makes a good oil
stove wonderful
for baking.
L & 1.
Money to Loan
in sums from $250 to
, $25,000, 3 to 10 years
time. Reasonable
rates, prompt
J. Ryan ( Co.
Fir But
Ptarl Oil
good oil
like cooking with
city gas. If you
haven't a New Per
fection you've missed
comfort for years. Bakes,
broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient
tnta yont woea .r co.l lov, suae. fUl.Mt top
tat. Cull .lit lb. coal-hod anil wood b.i dtudctfr.
XWp. ywir ktUhn col, Tht long blu. chlmntr. prtvtot
mokor.4ir In 1,2.3 ind 4-burnr !, otn.cpr.U. AIk
CblBtMa4lwlthPlcltiCTCtln(0rtni Atar.urdi.ltf Xair
1 1
Lots at Half the Price
Asked in otlier additions of Kquul Distance from
the llusiiievs Center.
Lots 40X105 $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lots 50X125 $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners
Central Oregon's Leading
Fire Automoble Life Accident Surety Bonds
.Member t'ortlond Itealty IhMtrU.
sgg i!