TIIK BKND nnr.f .vrtnv r. ; i, m rAGE 2. T1IK OKXD BCLLETIX, KKXD. ORE- WKI-RSDAr. OCTOBKK 1", 1916. mi? H Central Oregon Neighborhood News - ' Cay DarU eatered scioo? Wordsr ' He sad RoM. Peanoa tll take Ki'Jfc j grade irort. I Seveatx pad spelllar cUm ui J ! per rent a tae ao-.y tit'.' :c COate. Fml Setties-eyer aoMs SrsC J -Ue is ta ptuiuxkip te Ur Sepieanber. H.OIITO.V BCTTE 7VIMS) 'Soecacl I T- Batei-i. HAMPTON BtTTE. Ore, 0t 11" Mm Ger-naoe Jaaoes took a car for Bests' lai Monr. ske ill a'tearf kick school. WDttia Hoist re-orse-d from La Crose. Vuk. --aere se orkMl ur- ISpetiil t Tbe BctttUa) TCMALO. Or. Oct- It. Mr. Xax IH-Ua r-nru-lea1 is TUU cuk Literary Cln at tb? Hal teoer- 4taB of w-aa's , kM am. in live or to- k wo year at CmjMc UK -. I X.- aa4 Mr. Alht W.Ucosoo. Dtttrset AUry Willi rs! Wlru.anioo oaoiac- Jrl Id Bead o -sad SriS Kswc were callers I 5tary a oa Sunday " '. ThmI Soiardiy. ' "" "" Xr. is Mrs. rsco Mr ' 7 esw'ae -oa-risp so Vx-or MMXn-K 0 rlw of "rnae-lUe 31s- tarala? ona arrived ta so-snt Swarf r Ta-fi-o ;Rc4 rrMay atnlB?. after ' T. C KmIw sa4 xtl r Saaasr lac 4U a -re or of oa tae trip to PfHi. H-mzj Haaf- is uUi: ear of to raa la ir - tos aarr- i-oo. Mr. Hwm aa -wartaxs V. D. Harris of Lt Creek a to will boas taa .s-aae4 to Mr. Ttfitor at BrookteFi r'err. Alau HtU. irlB It to tb Mr- V. P. Wray. of . rb.-4 lae ItH nrot4 aatf os ik o-1ti Kn Brt Mtkj Soa4r. Mr. &od Mr. JlB3le BrKler ai a trip .o Mimrr Mooatrta lnj st to z laaioer vita -akm tsr It oolM a caota i :ar aoa4t44. T. C Evtac aarraii a tiiirt lu of r. tad M.-f. Owl-. ! ro4. W. Kla? aa4 Wj Vie JohOB aad Toa Evla? ar aelatec Horaee Bcooktssx kaot -cxxl. Xn. J. M. Brtelr rkMe v.ti Mr. Bfrt Mt Iat Tariaar- LOST CltEEK AraoM PotMo lfrfii: to ta orr of to of Prterrflle e-a wrr to t It daT 1 tali rMzftr. isotctax tro!a4 K ry for - Mr. Sa roru ta oroo ta j yr 1U I a - tarwaiac Wi aaotar - ' :Tlni rot.-. , f'-aw h cot to tat-rn!- J socl to Te BoneOci Xtu JL C PaMec. vao Itaa -' It ha aot aro rty Mtlfof-i IXfst CRBBK. Ore.. Oet. It. W ar roont Jor mu Maw. torr ih are tare tasier - -- j. .. m.j. ilr rTrlic. A aw? croT.j eorr4 ta aiorf al 1ik TaoAK;r wwt. rt- by ta Uaa Dtotan of Ba:r CHy Ororer Gort!a aa4 VxaS Hrpr arral a bia of ao is Bea4 fcK . PMlttoc r a-itez rlmlate4 tarootovt ta rooaty to ao-afaat J AHoa Taoai'f af as taoo at caooloSM lw ol srtata4 at of Una etj- Maw JaM cA MIm UWy 'HI -vrtaaa ta TMMa- Lif-nry dab ta toartl Sx.-o.y of tUt aavaU. 9aoHt. -MMrHsl:." Xaaay of tae Jrar of Uhf 44 tratt are eiiTtrUc tair mix at twoinrta for ttt-aw t. oatatf at ta Kt- aa It i . wj tay fll arW tie the t oai Hattea aaI Boy Staaer of hH the ?oo4 thr av. aal ? "' ? t tae sumtr aH the -asc ta M raaatat ta oe Uat rrMay. Buy Your Flour Now the to haal tr for thrhtar. hieh U wlly are coeKJ of Csarles Dt:. eaaat Othrvtf saar ill fcare ) aa Mn. Be De Altt iad ioviim. nirrriL (5eOal to Tie Bslletla) POWELL, HUT7K. Ore . Oct. It ,Vr. asJ Mrs. Alks WUIcoiok aa4 4uc. MtM laa Roe. a-otoretf to Prteetflle PrWay t.Mereos Mr. Mary K.oa tad Mim Kay Raioett eaaat oat Uh theac aa4 they ere ll eatortaiae at aiaaor at K. A BMt'i aoate Uim Jtte V Hart )y. the Saoaher wrhool teaeher. ai alto a diaaer pieM. Mr. La rial Jot cot to 0f vhote Saay ta May at the P. M. Daa hoate lor iota tlave. Mr Baya hat heoa eatlod to WUtova to the b4Me of br father. ho taffer tos (rots a brakes h'p. Os aeeoaat f hit aoraaeed Uf. llftW hope I hoM of hit iKorery. Doe Itaya hat in aeci4st to hi trleht racea on We4ae4ay Ut. ''htch noted a day's delay la de VveHBK hte load of frrtcht to Pr'ae MOt aaerehaau. When atom hU ay aoroH the dert the tire oa the roar vhool of the trail wanoa broke a ad ateaimd leartn; th Koa thore aatll a' - ael eoaM be broajcat oat (raai Priartlle A bad of t.i arrived at the Wllana raarb aooat aooa Str day. It look a it te- thcep ladmctry ht a ara foothold here II M GhMly nreoa. the Wlavoa whoa loaeaer. seat to her hoave la PrlaovlU for oier Saadar. Bari Saaadee aad J. P. KJe at teajdod the toH-tnoae dlrortor aM-rt-aac at Kedawad en Satarday Mm Uaa Moore eaate aoae oa Prhiay eveatac ta tpe&d the weV vad at the raath. MIm laa lto left Saturday taora toe tor ar hea la Psrtlaad. after a plaaiaat -Wt lth her tUtcr, Mr. Alleai WllleoxoB. Lktle MbM Harriet WtlJeoioa eatse ap froa Portlaad oa the trata. arrtv. la-; la KedtaeDd Thwrxit? aorainr Sh ilt atlead tehool in Prlaertlte that later. U.)lac ita Mr E A Baotett. Mr aad Mr E N Hall left the art part of the k fur a Nuism t,aite a tak. IIAJIITO.V r.UTTIL saeial to Th BoHotla.) HAMPTOX BrTTE. Ore.. Oct 4. Mr. aad Mr. Jtaaatt Brteke' aad Mr. J. M Brteley atod to P.lae Till to attod the fair. W Joaaioa hat retaraed to at hoaiMinad. after Vtor oat Tral aaoatht. T. C. E-riar a rleito. at the Roaioas-rh place Uk Saaday. Edtrta Sh.-er I otd:r fdo-rtac oo Mr. M. W. Sheoherd ptaee. Jm Moaro vho ha- twea ork lat fat Waihtanoa foe loait faoath. at retaraed to his faatHy oa their Mr. Chaj. 'aa4 aad chlldrea vere rMton la tht aeiFhborboad last week. Bert Meek Is p"o1ar oa C.-W Ttaoor' hoaaeatead. Billy KoNerteoa. Wat. 5ehatder aad J M. BrteW left Mooda- asoraia-;. by aato. for poiat tooth, they etpeet to be j-ooe ereral week Mr. Ooea. of IoH Crt aanod throat a here today oa hk ay to Mr. aad Mrs. S. J. Haboard. -rho have bea la the thera par: of the eoaaty for seTeral -"ek. kire retaraed to their home here. Carton Walter has bees .a tie --alley for Teral day. tbreMsr for W. T. Covaa aad H. Klataus. Mr. aad Mr. Deaeer peat tte -reok-ead -rth frtead la Head. Hatll Carrot rMted the irhool Vis Moaday. Ofoar Black U aorklar for Mr. Sehalder darta the Utter a MILLIC.l.V. i:i.V(.-f.f KI-f. 'Special to The ttalkMU-i PRINOLE Jt-TS. Ore.. Oet. S. A. B. Dart retaraed Satarday froa Bead. All bo are 'atereited la orraati lB a drama tie toeietr are rqaotd to meet at A B Dark oa the after boob cf Orlober 2S. Mr. Pied Hamlla. Mr. Kthelya Stotaoa aad Mt ColdW Lark t a aad Ulllaa Hamlla sere Sonday vUltori at Mr. aad Or Plaloy Hllirtoa fermoa wlU b hold la the hall, oa October ' Kamor of mad coo are a sat a hoard. Mr. Haley killed a coyote laet week, wboee actio ere ery -reca-llar aad he xroaj-t? satpeeu It to have bea mad. K. K Varco Is batldlair a itv d lera oa hi place at Brother Mr aad Mr. Paal Held left Wed a4ay for the inter. They so from here to AhUd for a tHU ith rela Uet aad from there will co to o thera California for the winter Mr and Mr. Held have a host of! friend who hope that the rhaai:; may pnne beaearial to Mr Held.! whose health I very poor I Those earntni- a place on the roll , of honor for the month of October. are Lillian Hamlin. D-isat and Alfred rolllrieham. Mrt)e Dan:e!oa aad Carl Settlemerr 'Special to The Balletic.) MILLICA.V. Ore.. Oct. It. Ma Opal Coxa-ay. w-ho I harts; iroale -t1th her eye, had to make a trip to Bead reeeatly to free aa opticira. Mrs. J. Beauoa reterssd froa Btad Motfiay rikh P. B. Jofeao-i. Mr. Beatsoa mt r at the Mt. Pia? !ss wih ae hr .'ad bzsr. Mr. Keller h.-d laaeh trHh the Hotteao Mocday. I the aftentooa Mr. aad Mr. J. J Holland aad Mr. Keller eot taraipc for their eow at the U A. Hall ranch. Mrs. P. B Johasoa sad 4d, Rob cu rllfd sehool Tneodiy forenoon. ' I. A. Ha'.l made a irtt to Bead thlf wk to hare oac deutal cork done. Barney Conway and Hooper Dyer a-e worktcs t Bear Creek tw Ceo. Millies a. L. A Hill f r employed on the Keller ranch Wedae4ey forenoon. Mr. Beatton vas emptoyed at P. B. Johasoa's Thandry. J. J. Hottasd havled water for Mr. Keller Thnrsday. Mrs. Holland aceorapaaled him. Mr. aad Mr. Gritted and -mall too have moved onto their claim, the foratr Haatcr rials. A brother came oat with them. They have haaled ta two large toad of laaber i lace their arrlral Thursday. Mr. Stookev. ccasla of Mr. Gritted, went throash Mlllicaa the tiae day. John and Sam Ureal were at 'a Mt Pine Ian recently. Sam woat to Seattle, where he will be employed dvrias aUjAve month' leave of ab tear, whth John retaraed to Ms claim. Thurda Mr. J. Be.-ton west to 05T EtfnjftLOpC -Art Xr i-fr ""Ji5,?,Hr n " mJ 'H&liV'X J fSlj -VCTfAIUlT ft. " si rTSJiv-feJ ! lr w :. cmui (mm TtJe ts casTuu. mm m THE PP.ESE.VT 3IAEKET IS STKONO AXI ALIj STATISTICS I-OIXT TO AX KA'CEITIOXAUA HIGH KIGL'ItE KOK PiJilt I5EPOKE SPIIIXG, KIT WHEX KfVIXfi DO XOT KOKGirr TO SPECIFY FLOl'I. .MADE KKO.M WHEAT GROWX IX VOUIS OWX COl'XTItV. Ot'P. DE.SCHlTi"S SPE-W A XII TEL"E KLl'E KPa.VIrS .VRE THE EQUAL. IK XOT KETTEIL THAX AXV OTHEi: KR.XDS OX THE li:kit. AXD AP.E CAP.IHED ItV ALL GP.OCEILS. Ask Your Grocer for DESCHUTES RYE FLAKES Bend Flour Mill Company Bend, Oregon iCostiaued on pace 11.) SF STOP! Aad Inreotlgate oar prices before buying your grocer to. We can save you money. P.B.Johnson's MiUican, Ore. Telephone I MrUlAHLEMAN MR. SHEEPMAN iBi iff I I I r If You Borrow Monev 1 1 Mr ITa-r-rrini- Era m wv a i wA to Carry On Yur Busmen or to HI ' ja. M Add to Your BcnJt V L Call On Us. I 1 Our Rate of Interest is 1 I OUT Vegetables 1 gCft 9 will brine the high. , 3 M Mak Afplkcthrt Through Your Bank It est Cash Prices at ; i M or Direct To Ut. In Making You H ? 1 M Lom H't Do t'ol Compel You to I A T UnUfsn ; , H L Consign Your Wool to Ux, J A. PUUQH I Bond Street, Bend, I PR H Oregon. See us first ; B 1 f n a.1 j xir i iir i r when you are in town I. A. ElASTELS. President I : ' Jf 'i Portland Wool Warehouse Co. withver-etabiestoseii ' rat I F "H - b "iiiiegeiaDic-ioseii , -rrr "B"hFa,i a ; J - I osg-aw I Woodrow Wilson Club 3 Senator Harry Lane OF OR.EGON Will Address the Citizens of Bend ON NEXT FRIDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. He is Ripe in Political Matters, Knows all the Inside Q of it, and Can Tell it COME AND HEAR HIM TELL ABOUT Woodrow Wilson and the Great Achievements of This Administration. HE KNOWS HIM Having Labored With Him Three Years. Don't Miss It! It will be a great treat and much to be learned from him. Friday Evening at 8 O'clock in Commercial Club Room.