THK UE-M BCTXETEf, BEXD, OHE WEIttTTflDAT. OCTOBKR II, 10W. PAGE . -it J V H 1 a FORI ROCK RIGHT OF WAY STRAHORN WANTS LINE THROUGH VALLEY people Trould be mors than glad to "lose up thin short link across Fji Rock Vallcr The time now having arrived whrn we can give yon the ipflnlte information upon which to go to work, r am writing to ak to whom the map and dei shall tie swnt Your hartal? bn the one 'nnplcuouB and pimilil booster for thin jrrot Central Oregon develop ment, I my only ewmec tor wrtUna; to yoti rather than to lwrneone mm 4. 4. 4- THERE SHOULD BE NO AC- -r TIOM UNDER PRESSURE, f- UNDER DICTATION. "Ve have one priceless trcaa ung in this country, and that is the mign of good judgment after publia diteuttion. In the long history of the people, victory Tom ur. those of M lw render kf '' vic"T has been won over ... . ....... rfu 1. .. lino -J- tyranny ana lor. we nave a t mr) mi'Bl wwvlnv 'wro wj ..-, Wrlt nwh SunHMarVlnu Rlalit of Way Work tt Daf Finn I Sur- Vfyn am Oomplrtn for Kntlre fljtent rroott ItrlRlifr. Tfce tewa iMM of te Fort T1 awilWiM tfce followlnic UMWr from rt. n atrahorn of Intel I in Us anwrmory of tfc .tMIhhmI wort 1 now batmr none. The letter wan ad- j Irwrf 3 Wt. A. Boaa. sHHtor! of Tb Tlma. who bna called a in- . intf to start work on proeniUK mm tU0A of wrty Jeatrwi. Mr. tafihnm wiot aa follows: "An wn Iwww anally fomnteted oor nrvnya af U north and aou'h line fhrMkgn Ptrt JUk Vallny and the riant of war " for tDl" Motion will be isjnrfy vry ahortly, I nan writta n antt whatnr Tort Hoe nnn amy nrvalmtlon to which tftoae msw slWMM be aant for turn In aeenr n tM aortteular rlaht of way "r tkimk that yon are thoroughly advtMMf nnon tnn manner in which tftta nwtnH in bain csrrlnd out ity the loom! mnsnKfttiUea In Control Oregon If not, wtM any that the oommerial Hob of thn4 ban uadertaJren ro aa core tnn HrM of way from that city to Alloy, afcowt Ion mllea, and from fhn Jnnotwa of the Fort Rork line with too aHovw line to the north od of Fort nVMk Tatlny. aome 24 miles' mom. The Hirer loika Commerrial 1 rinh hna aimed to net the rlnht of way anm the Ivla betwnen Tort aoek "alloy and g'lver Lnha Valley to tnn north and of nummer Lak Vallny. Anm fmm tllmr Lako on the JCbMMtfi Falls line to tnn north bonnonrlna of the Klamath reserva tion. From this point throne to Klamath Falla has been covered Jointly by tnn Klamath Falla people ano mynnlf The Paisley Commer rlnl Ctab ngmnn to aernre the rlnht of way from the north and of fcim nmr Lake Oirnngh to an ncmed point nowth of Falsley. from whlrh point Inn Lnknrlnw Commercial Huh e CtMH It Cnrnnrh to tkevlew "aVdytna; upon aaanrancpM of vnn! naif and oher of Kr.r Hi u 1 always asH'imed "ut , r are alwaya relied npoo tn shoulder aaMIUonal bttrdena. "The anal anrveya now betns; comptqte for the entire ayntem. and the najnre. rlnhta of way. termlaaia and all other details which I muat bam oompletod before I oan proceed with the heavier flnandn, makes t very Important that this Fort Rock rlsjht of way work should b pot j thronnh at 'he earliest possible date "I am very glad to adrlae yon that our proapcu nrow krlnjiter ever' ' 1 tyranny free pret. we have a free form of public discussion, to the end that there may be a general un derstanding of our activities and a general appreciation of what Is necessary to the improvement of our eendltions. We may disagree about this measure or that, but we have sonfldence in the pub lic judgment in the long run. Henee there is one thing which we must always maintain, and that is that there snail be no aetien on the part of our elected representatives, taken under pressure, under dletatlon. We mast know what the facts are ami wfrat justice renmres." Mr. Huahes- in His Speeeh at Port' land, Maine. day for the completion of at least nonnh nnandna; to Justify oonstruc lon work on the Bod-Ktnmun Falls line very early nest prime. If not sometime yet this fall. I think in view of the fact that the field work was only commenced about a ymr ano, and that a va amonnt of pre- j,j.j.j.j...o,o.o.o.o.u.o.j.o.4. Ilmlnary detaiia ham bad to be aa-1 J embted. all hands tn Central Or-1 nn will aarea that with tboae bright; ! -f ! -i- prospects w are even maklna; mor ' . nmajrnaM than the moat annnlne NO ONE WAS AFRAID OF boned for at tot time mat rear - HAITI. xfanawhfl wa m tat not overtook the Important advances rnndn In the de-1 of vnrtonn mnonrees of Contml Oreajon an n rnnoh of my in ntntianoe that this must be done to Insure tba aaeceas of tan railway nterprlne. and aa a ranttlt of onr rail way anttvltloa." . tmmcrt TKir.vK train Arrives .. 7:20 a. m lavna ..9pm O.-W. R. A S. TRAIN. Arrives " 3'. p m Leaves 7 1S a m. ACTO STAOK MNB SOfTH. Lenme S IS a. m. Arrlvee . . S p. m. .irro u.vnH. Cam to Rnrae, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver tk and other points south and south IfHT OI'FICR HOCRfl. Onnnral dellvary open dally I 10 1 hi to p m - No mall distributed on Sunday Ninht tra.n mall cloaea t 1" Dey train mall closes 4.20 a. m. TKI.Kr;K.ll'll HfM.'ftfl. Waatern r:nlon dally 7 a m to 9 pm. Sunday and holldcys -in i-h'iiovk riorrts. Pn" ! . Tr ( .ln..r r . . t , id1 x S'indi r nltl aid not behave nt bmlly to on as Mexlro behove!; nut Mr Wllnon interrened. foncht the Rait lens, nbedrtln their Moot) ami the Mom! of our tmops. took noaaMNlim anil now bna onr arm ed forma In ontrol of Haiti and rftmcruisT lis snrernment. His conrse of action In Hatti an be lefnled only if bla course of ar tlon in Mexico is nnqnalMfili.r condemned, for such action wns far more needed in Mexico than m HnM. Bit thvre wn 11 ilhTer ane In the two cases: ami lo Mr Wilson It vrn a vital dUTerence Haiti wss weaker than Mexico. No on was afraW nf nai From the Speech of CWonW Roiwevelt Oeliveretl nt Tojwhium, Maliw. In Bfinaif of Charles E. HonJKtii. ' HUGHES FOH ARBITHAnON. Hs Would Be First to Accord to Labor All Rights Found Just After Consi deration. In bis Maine speeches Mr. Hughes made It plain that he was nut attack In c lobar or the equity of the pro posed increase of wages for the rail road isen. He was simply contending for the all Important principle of arbi tration as the right means of settle ment of such questions. Speaking at different places In Maine Mr. Hughes dwelt upon this question, saying: "I deeply deplore. In the name of labor. In the namo of Justice. In the name of American Ideals, the surren der of tha Executive and of Congress to force. Instead of permitting reason to reign. "The measure to which X have allud ed was not. properly speaidng. an eight-hour measure. It waa a wage measure. It was a plain proposition for a change in the wage icalc I do not speak of the equity of tlint That Is a matter to be fairly considered. I wanr what Is Just and right with re spect to wages. I am for the arbitra tion and the peaceful settlement of these Industrial controversies. We can settle ererythliig In thla country If we approach thou plotters with a fair and open mind and an examina tion of tha facta. "This particular measure shows on Its face that It was lcstslatinu in ad vance of the InTesHcntfwn. Instead of Investfceatiou In advance of legisla tion. It Is said that there was In its favor the Judgment af societT The Judgment of society In this -otintry bns norer been pasdeil tn favor 'if leg islation without knowledge of tie equi ty and regardless of the facts of the case. There was no Judgment of so eipty hi favor of the road whlrh were excepted from Its provisions. If there was a Judgment of society, why not ap ply the rulp to ejpctrlc or other klids of roads or roads lose than 1'jO miles In length? I say. away with uc h pre tense! It was a surrender to fire In stead of a clear, candid, faithful fram ed examination of the farts, and then action la accordance with American principles. "AHtocrncy represents for-e- tyran ny reoreieatt force. DomocnuT rep rewnta the rule of the common Judg ment after illscuHsIon. after an oppor tunity to know the facts." Mr Home Builder see that your A desirable bread knife freo Trith house Is plastered with Gosney'a every annual autwenpuoa to The sand. Adr tfc Bend Bulletin. j. j. j. o. o. 4. o. 0. 4. 4. 4. Th President says that be bt above all tblocs else "an Amnrnvin ctosen. Fortunately for him. nothlns bns tak en bno to Euro-e or Mexico dnrtns; the pnat few years. Papers that need- to call McKmley a crook nd Rooeevelt a tyrant 're scnndallxed now that anybody snonid breathe a whisper against onr hlsh anil b.i W'lrow nmys) sssssssssssBsaassssayy lV J 1 in JsasseassssWsnr Refinishing Marred Furniture IS EASY AND INEXPENSIVE Shabby-, scratched pieces of furniture that are unsightly and a discredit to your home can be made to look bright and new at slight ex pense and you can do it yourself. ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAG stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur able, lustrous surface of beautifully finished oak, mahogany, walnut or other expensive woods. Call for color card. Bend Hardware Co. It AH Depends. "If Ruche wlni an Oregon town will tint a new lstnxfo mill employing nfry men," says the Otympta Rci.nler. ".irrordtux to an annonnenment of the Individual who rook an option m tim bered land. If Wlbmn wim fbe option will be allowed to lapse. Tluit 4 ton way with a t bonne nd ami oun enter prims, all watttn to whlrh way the wind blows. The moment it la as sured that rbarhtn K. Hushes Is elect ed. Jot watch fbe wneeh of Industry spin ami listen to the hnnt of buslnmn." UK. HAKVtT W. WILhT TO VOTE FOR HUGHES. H Says Wilson Has Failed to Enforce Pure Food Law. "I favor the election of Mr Hughes to the Prtsildency for entirely different renmma than th held by most of bin supporters. It bt not because f the Mexican policy nor the foreign policy of the administration nor by reoaou of IW ilomestlc policies. It Is because of the apparent Indifference of the admin. Lit ration of President Wilson to the cause of pure foods and drugs. Prac tically all of the abuses which were Injected Into the pure food law by the preceding administrations are atiu in force Benzonte of sodn la still reg nant. The fume of burning sulphur are marching along undisturbed. There Is evidently a lull In the activities of the administration of tbo law. A well- known boTernse. declared by the u pieme court mlsbranded and amenable to the food law has not been molested. No attempt bas been made to enforce the law In regard to tbo Weaehlng of Hour. The repeal of the mixed flour law. that splendid safeguard to the purity of our bread, has teen tacitly approved by the treasury department. "Mr Hushes In hi activities on the supreme court bas stood like a stane wall for the proper administration of the food law. I believe bis election would ace a radical change la the atti tude of the government towards pore food ami para drugs, so vital to the welfare of our people. For thH reason I slwerrly hope that Mr Hughe may be chosen as our next president. "I should expect Mr. Hushes a pres ident to have the aame attitude toward the pore food and drag law that be had as a Judge on the bench and to appoint a secretary of aprUulture with subor dlnate officers who would be cntbnsl attic ami earnest In the enforcement ef the pre food law far the benefit of the physical, mental and-moral wel fare of our people." Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Sundud Sizes. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. TyrpfconeRcd 1431 or 701 Qy Sato Office Eod Compsny Bmldbj POLICIES TIL1T PROTECT. The Oldest Insurance Agency in Central Ore. WE WRITE INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES "It's the way we write our policies." Our companies pay 100 cts. on the dollar. We have over 400 satisfied policy holders. The largest insurers in Crook County are our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency Bend, Oregon POLICIES THAT rtlOTECT. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets PORTLAND. OREGON Centrally Located The Hotel far YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot cars pass our doors. From North Bank Depot S car transfer at 5th St. Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. 4- " WE SHOULD CONSIDER WHAT IS RIGHT, THEN 00 IT. "Our government It btd on th it! that wa havt LtgitU ! turtt to invtttigatt, to eontldtr ! what it right and to do what it right. It it bastd on th idtathat 4 public opinion It formed from h diteuttlon of quattiont, and that wt can com pottibly to right 4- tsJutiont. It It not batad on th t idta that th Govarnmtnt mutt i- ait without knowing th juttU and marltt of th eaut in whteh It aett." Mr. Hugh In Hit f Sptath at Portland, Main. ' l J. ' ! i True Economy . . . n"- th wiie spesdice of enc't roocty maUng evtrjr delta do full dvtf and gttting in return aa article that will utiify you la every way. . white: b a real hirjiia hyitrve it a told at a, fcfulit price i because it gives you the kind of tcwisf you delight laj bcciuve it will turn out the uxrk qukUy and thoroughly and give yea x tie litre of utsiictory tervice; rvrge its iaprovemesa wCl enable you to do thtagt which can't be dec to any other machine; because it will plea you with its fine finiA and beauty of its furcihire. In short you will find the Thhe retafcl: icd . DfMTAWC UVKU Ttry XJUU 0 VCVT. Be sure to see the Vhife dealer who will be glad to show you how good a rKne the 7hoe is. If there is no White deder handy, write us direct for cat alogs. Ve do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machcus. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND,). KOK S.IX 11V E. F. 1AMJAN ONE CENT A WORD IS ALU A LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU. BUND. 0R0Q0N ! J 1 Amiimh wit-r "-- fr... .. . .,.., agAv . iKk. . .aVafflaV.. ..'jJ$3VZZ1.ZVl7' ' ..