rJttWWV wt" "mil iiig!g.'3aHtjl thk rend naums, iiend, cms., Wednesday, ocronKit 11, into. page in MN.HVW.V.I I' I $ CliOVERRALE. (Continued from Paco 2.) the guests of Mrs. C. Ward Sunday. .1. K. Meyors, County Superintend net, was out to visit the Cloverdalo school Mondry. The farmers of this vicinity are gettinz leady for tho threshing ma china. Mr. McCnffcry, of Itedmond was out In this country Monday. Lillian Van Mntro was the guest of REPORT OK Till: CONDITION OK The First National Bank of Bend Xo. fi:io:t. In the State of Oiegon, at Uio (Muse of Ituslne.ss, September IStli, 11)1(1. Resources. Loans and discounts (notes held In bank) .199.21 8C2.C6 n , n n. Total loans o Overdrafts, unsecured, $862. 6G t'. S. bonds deposited to secutc circulation i (per value) iir.nnnn Total U. S. bonds " "' ' in r.nn nn cevui iima. iiuiiub uuiur man u. a. uonus pledged to secure postal savings dcposlto ,. 2,010 36 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged ;. ?i r.tt t Total bonds, securities, etc 26 343 99 jiuvh "i rcuum iimnnu u.i uK aj per cent ot sun- scrlptlon) 1300 00 Value of banking houso (If imencumliorbiVrV"'"V"""""""" na'cns'r.? Furniture and fixtures " 4iR 77 Real estate owned other than bunking houso ,.., .'.".. 3, nil 30 JCot amount duo from Fed 2ml Ilcservo bank ' 22.27C.C7 i. uiuuuiii uiiu 1 mm uipiuvua roservo agents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis 1.905.8S Net amount duo from approved agents in other reserve cities 191.412.cri 19C.318.53 .Net amount due Trom banks and bankers (other than Includcdln 10 or 11) 18,40r. 09 Outsldo checks and other caali,ltcm3 J.99L40 Fractional currency, nlcklcs and cents ..., 3C3.7.. 2,3(ir.lii Notes of other national bank3 3,110.00 Coin nnd certificates '...'... 21.707.no ?-ogal tender notes .",', " . G.S'JG.OO Itedomptlon fund with V. S. Ticasmer and duo from V. S. Trcnsurer r.un.OO Total 02ri.597.37 Liabilities. Capital slock paid In .1. 25,000.00 Siuphu fund :. .... 25, 000.00 Undivided proIlt3 ., 238.12 Circulating notes outsLuilliiK .'. 12, 500. 00 Jndlvldiml doposlts subject to check 197,037.97 Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 davs 935.00 Certified checks ; 35.27 Cashier's checks outstanding 913.35 Postal savings deposits 833. It Total domnnd deposits 500,354.73 Certificates of deposit 27,493.85 Other time deposits 35,010.07 Total of time deposits : 82,504.52 Total C25.597.37 1 STATU OF OREGON County of Crook I, 10. M. LAHA, cashier of tho above named bank do that the abovo statement Is truo to tho best of my knowledge- and belief, K. M. LAHA. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 25th day of Scptcmbor, 191G. J. A. EASTES, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: C. S. HUDSON, H. C. ELLIS. K. A. SATIIER, Directors. solemnly Bwcar The Bend ' nun -v 111 u 1 ' CAFE ll Under the mtnjgcmcnt o( I C. C. HUDSON Will give you Better j II 1 UII1C DEI I lk(. Ubb.l 11 things for your table Everything will be of the best that enn j be purchased Iljjll ..; I lltlll ' llflnll mill 1111 II lift r We tyever Close 1 1037 DOND STREET llil illill IIILII ii linn i L Idella and Viola MHier Sunday. Thero was a party nt the Ager homo Saturday night. About, 25 wore ptescut. Elvln Van Matro went to Ilcnd Sunday. Thero was no school last Wednes day or Thursday on account of the Fair. Mrs. Heard nnd Idella Miller wns In Plalnvlew Saturday Mr. Herllng raado a trip to Red mond Monday. Mr. i.nd Mrs. Fred Welso rnd fami ly were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Andrus, Sunday. No More Ibiekuche for Her. Mrs. J. M. Oasklll, Etna Green, lnd, writes: "I suffered from severe backache nnd sharp pains. I could not stoop over. Foley Kidney Pills gavo mo such relief that I cannot praise them too highly." This, stand ard remedy for kidney trouble eml bladder ailments can bo taken with r.bsoluto sarety. Sold everywhere. -Adv. See Edwards for paper hanging.-Adv. LEGAL NOTICES IN THE COrXTV COURT OK THE STATE OK OREtiON FOR CROOK COUNTV. In tho matter of the estate of Jesse L. Polish, Uucensed. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to the Order of this Court dated September 25th, 191C, the un dersigned will from and r.fter October 2Sth, 1916, proceed to sell nt private salu for cash tho following described real estntu of said estate, to-wlt; NWU of Section 8. Township 18 South of Rnngc 1C E. W. M. S. C. CALDWELL, as Administrator of tho Estate of Irssu L. Pons!), deceased. 30-33c NOTICE KOR PUI1LICAT10N. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land OITIce at The DalUs.Oiegon, September 27lh, 191C. NOTICE h hereby given that Waltor A. King, of Alfnlf.i, O.egon, who, on March 31st, 1913, inr.de Homestead Entry No. 011497, for NEU KVi NWU, E',4 SWU. Sec tlnn 18, Township 17 South, Range 14 East, Willamette .Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Fin al Thrco Yea:1 Proof, to establish claim to tho lnuil above described, I'.-foro II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt llend, Oregon, on tho 7th day of November, 191C. Claim-tut m nes as wltnenses: Mary F. Ilonn, Henry E. Ruff.., Juno A. Rnftn, Harry E. Men, all af Al fidfa, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 31-35c. Regis. cr. NOTICE KOR I'URLICATIO.V. Department of the Intel lor, 17. S. Land (i illce nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, September 1C, 1010. NOTICE Is hereby given that La- NATIONAL FOOD EXPOSITION. PORTLAND NOV. 9 TO 18 PACIFIC LIVESTOCK SHOW. PORTLAND DEC. 4 TO 9 Central Oregon "OWL" SAVE A DAY EITHER WAY Jtttntwa Portland and Central Oregon California Trips at this time of year are Ideal. All rail or rail and ocean routes. The short ocean voyage via tbo "Twin Palaces" exceeds your fondest expectations of comfort and pleasure. Fares Include meals and berth. ROCRLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. PORTLAND TO SPOKANE AND THE EAST D. KELLER, Agent. Rend. Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting. Cornices and Skylights. Gilbert & Son The only store In Rend whero you can get your gro ceries and meats at the same place, FREE DELIVERY Phone Red i!7I YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE WK'Mj CLEAN YOUR LINEN, CLOTHES, SILK DRESSES, Etc. vona E. Rogers, of llend, Oregon, who, on April 12, 1910, made Desert Land Entry, No. 0G466, for V4 NWVj, Section 5, Township 17 South. Range 12 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to mnko Final Desert Land Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before II. C. Ellis, IT. S. Commissioner, at llend. Oregon, on tho 25th day of October 191C. Claimant names as witnesses' Al bert Hnrrymnn, August Hnllberg, Patrick Mogan, Juiues R. Itenham, all of llend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 30-34p. Register. NOTICE KOR PURLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land olllce nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Setemberp 1C, 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that Aug ustlno Werner, of llend, Oregon, who, on Septomber 5th, 191C, made Homestead Entry, No. 07407, for ESWU, Lots 3 & 4, Section 30, Township 20 South, Rnngo 11 East, Willamette Merldan, has filed no tice of Intention to mnko Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land nbove dosrrlbed. before 11. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Rend, Oregon, on the 25th day of October, 191C. Claimant names ns witnesses Oeorge W. Triplet!, Tbomns W Trip lett, Mnrtln .1. Main, Fred L. Huey. nil of Rend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 30-3 4 p. Register. WOOD DRY FACTORY WOOD YOU DONT HAVE TO SPLIT IT NOR SAW IT ECONOMICAL CLEAN BEST SPECIAL PRICE FOR FIVE LOAD ORDERS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREtiON FOR THE COUNTV OF CROOK. Edna Rurch, Plaintiff, vs. Leonard Ilurcli, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Leounrd llurch, the abovo named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREdON, you are hereby renulr ed to appeur and nuxwer the com plaint ur the plaintiff tiled against you In the nbovi) entitled ciiuhu nnd court, on or beforo November 1, 191C, that ditto being six weeks from tho first publication of this sum mons: nnd If you fail to ho appear or otherwise plend, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to said Court for tbo relief prayed for In her Com plaint, to-lt: fur a decree forever dissolving the IioikJb of matrimony existing between you nnd tho plain tiff. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof onco a week for six consecutive weeks, pursuant to nn Order of tho Honornble T, E. .1. Duffy. .Iiulgo or the ubovo entitled Court, dnted Septomber II, 191C. First publication, September 20, 1010. publication, November 1, Lust 19 It!. 29-35c. A. .1, MOORE. Attorney for Plaintiff, lionil, Oregon. PHONE 441 Bend White Pine Sash Co. WE DELIVER THE BIG LOADS NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Ry vlrtuo of nn execution duly la mi I'd by tlu clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho C .unity of C.-ook, SJato of Oregon, dnted this 21st day or Aug ust, 191C, In u CL-rtnln ncMin la the Circuit Court for tho Bald County and Sir. to. wherein (I. M. Slocii'n, Plnlu t iff, recovcied Judgment ngelnst Fied Olbsoii, lWcnilir.it, ro,' th3 cum or Thirty Three and 03-100 dollnrH with liiicrost at 10 per cent frvtu March 19, 1912, Fifty II vn nnd 35-tOO itol Inis with Intorost at 10 per cent from June 29th. 1912 nnd Thirty nlno iud 50-100 dollars with lutorciit ut C per iviit per milium from May 31&t, 1910. and accruing costs. Notlco Is hereby given Hint I will, on Saturday, tbo 1 tth day of October, 1910, nt tho North front door of the rourthoiiso In Prlncvlllc, In said County, nt 10 o'clock In tho foro iKioii of said day, soil nt public auc tion, to tho highest hlddor for cash, nil right nnd tltlo that tho abovo nam. ed defendant Fred Gibson has or had at dnto of said judgment In thit following described property, to-wlt: Tho south hair or tho Southwest quarter Sec. Two and Southeast quarter or Southeast quarter of Sec tion Three In Township Sixteen South of Rnngo Eloven East of tho Wlllntn otto Meridian In Crook County, Oro gou, E. R. KNOX". Sheriff of Crook County. Dated nt Prlnevllle, Oregon, this 7th day or Serif., 191G. Uy FLOYD A. HOWELL, 28-32c. Doputy. BE COOL in YOUR KITCHEN. COOK WITH Electricity Bend now has the Lowest Electric Cooking Rate in the State. Cooking and Healing Meter Rates First 100 K. W. II. in Any Month c per K. W. II. Next 100 K. V. II. in Any Month 2c per K. W. II. All Over 200 K. V. H. in Any Month, lc per K. W, II. Efleetive April 1st, 1IU0. WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from $10 up which we sell on easy terms. ft.' W . Mb '' ; A BEND WATER UGHT & POWER CO. Phone 551 .OREGON TRUNK RY. PUT YOUR DUDS IN OUR SUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRV CLEAJONCJ rararera CENTRAL OREGON LINE