(wnswemrssrs f" THE KCXD nUTiLliny, RKXP, OllE., WEDNESDAY, OCrOIIER t, 1010. I'AQE 9. HIS TWO TENSE MOMENTS. On a Ninth Inning Crlili, the Other a Dinner Table Climax. I heard a prominent Catnbrldm mnn 4tpll of tbo two most tense moments of ins we. uut iuo tension m each caso was different. "I doubt If I ever shall forget cither occasion," ho snltl reflectively. "They wero big moments. "Tho first wns when I was In col lego. I wns cnptnln of the baseball team that year. Wo cauio to the end of tlio ninth. Wo needed one run to tlo the score and nnother to win the game Two men were down atiK two on the narks when I cnuie to bat And for once In my career I did It. 1 lined out a three bagger right over the railroad track. When I felt It go-well, that nils ono occasion. "And tho other." He chuckled, but a slow flush crept over his cheeks. "It was thirty years ago, soon after 1 left college. 1 went over to see n girl I thought was pretty nice nud to meet her folks tor the first time. I went on Sunday. All the men crc away. And they had duck for dinner." Uo stopped. "Ever carve a duck?" be asked meaningly. ".No. neither had I before. Nor have 1 since." UIs flush deepened. "1 never oven went to see that girl ngnln," lie added plaintively Boston Journal. BONEHEAD BASEBALL One Curloui Break That Even th'e Um pire Did Nat Notice. Baseball s champion foolish play was mado In a gatuo between Washington and the White Soi In 1007. In that battlo Larry Schlafiy was captain of tho Washington and also played sec ond base. At the end of nn early Inning Schlafiy vent out to telephone or buy n goat or something nnd wns delayed so long that tho Senators had three men put out before his return. Tho Sox cam trotting In for their turn at Lmt Washington tool: the field. t It U only eight men nnd nobody on ei-uim, aim iuc gnuio went on Hint way till I'lelder Jones hit one straight across second. Then, nud not till then, was It discovered that there was no body on second base. Incredible as It may seem, nineteen men seventeen players nnd two umpires-had started tho half Inning In this fashion and not ono of them got Mlso till Jones' hit shot over the Watches ELGIN l7Jewell.inDu.l Proof c" $12.00 WALTHAM 17 Jewell, in Du.t Proof Caie $12.00 ELGIN Movement, in 20 Year Filled Ci. $10.00 We hve wtche from $1.00 to $ 100. Come in tod gel our prices B Larson & Co. Wttehmtleu end Jeweler BEND. OREGON this down to n pint, cooking slowly for nbout two hours. Then strain while hot nnd ndd a sufficient quantity of cold boiled vrnter to make a quart of the fluid. Keep cool In n covered Jar. Jetlyfiih. The bay of Naples abounds in me dtis.to, or Jellyfish, often growing as large as two feet In diameter nnd weighing fifty nnd sixty pouuds. Some of them shine at night with a greenish light and are known as "noctlluca" (ulght lanterns) by the natives. empty station. Schlafiy reappeared at this Juncture, and the umpires decided that tho hit was illegal when made with only eight men In the field. Jones had to go back and bat over. New York Sun. Best & Harris WALL ST. VULCANIZING A SPECIALTY Ilrlng us your old casings and tubes for repair. Work quick ly dono and guaranteed to bo satisfactory. Out of town pat ronage sollcltod. Best & Harris Calamities of Authors. ITomer was n beggar; Plnutus turned a tnlllj Terence wns n slnve: Cervnntes. tho author of "Don Quixote," died of hunger; Bncon lived n Hfo of menn ness nnd dlstres: Italelgh died on the scaffold; Spenser, the charming, died In want; the death of Collins was through neglect, first causing mental derange ment; Milton sold his copyright of "Paradise Lost" for 15; Drydcn died In poverty and distress; Otway died premnturcly nnd through hunger; I.ee died In tho gutter; Steclo lived n life of perfect wariar" with bailiffs; Gold smith's "Vicar of Wakefield" wns sold for a trlflo to save him from tho grip of law; Snvago died In prison nt Bris tol, where he was confined for n debt of 8; Bugler lived n ilfu of penury and died poor; Chattcrton, tho child of genius and misfortune, destroyed him Naming the Gerrymander. The gerrymander wns christened In 1813, although It must have been In op eration long before that A stanch old Federalist, Governor Elbrldgo Gerry, controlled through his legislature tho redisricting of Massachusetts under tho census of 1810. In tho ofilco of Benjamin Itusscll, nn ardent Repub lican editor, hung n map of tho state ns nowly subdivided by Gerry and bis men, Gilbert Stunrt'a ready pencil whimsically added to tho outlines of a grotesque district the wings and tall of a dragon. "Hal" ho said when ho had finished. "How's that for a salamander" Tho Itepubllcan Itusscll growled. "Better call It n gerrymander." And American KlltIclans have taken his advice. . Barley Water. Sometimes the doctor orders barley or oatmeal water for baby. When such Is the enso prcparo as follows: Add two tablcspoonfuls of washed pearl barley or of oatmeal, ns tho case may be, to a quart of cold water. Boll CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS HUPFSCHMIDT'DUGAN IRON WORKS BEND, OREGON PHONE BLACK 741 OSCAH CAULSON El) LYONS Carlson (8b Lyons PLUMBING AND HEATING Plumbing & Heating Supplies, Bath Boom Accessories, etc PIPE, VAIA'ES AND FITTINGS PHONE BED 1301 AIR DRIED FACTORY WOOD $2.50 Per Load OREGON FUEL CO. PHONE US NOW-RED 661 GILBERT-DOBHYFIGHT DRAW Mux Martin Out WrcMles Millers nt Prlncillle Saturday Night Fred Gilbert, of Bend, boxed Jack Dobry, of PrlncvJllc, ten rounds to r. draw decision at Prlnovllls last Saturday night. Mnx Martin, of Bond. COt two falls to Prod HlUnm one In the wrestling bout which fol lowed. Tho fight wna fast end full nf pep, nnd tiie draw decision mpt een- orni approval, for whllo Gilbert seemed the cleverer of tho two his slightly stronger onnoacnt did much of tho leading. In tho wtestllng .Martin cot the first nnd third fall. and tho Canadian man downed tho Bonder In flvo minutes, tho second go, with n too hold. Tho matches wore scheduled to start at "eight o'clock promptly; no waits." After tho crowd wts about half frozen, tho first round got un der wr.y after nlno thirty. Local sport fans hopo that when Prlno vlllo pulls a light card again tho nifnagers will set their clocka ahead. Nti More Backache for' Her. Mrs, J. M. Gasklll, Etna Green, Ind., writes; "I suffered from sovero bnckacho nnd sharp pains. I could not stoop over. Foley Kidney Pills gnvo mo such relief that I cannot praise them too highly." This stand nrd remedy for kidney troubla on1 bladder ailments can lio t.aWnn win. nbsoluto safety. Sold everywhere. AUV. BOUNDARY LINES. Mostly Straight In Our Land, Crooked and Illogical Abroad. Most United States boundaries are straight lines, nnd the majority of thrso lines nro duo north and south or east and west. Whero tho lines nro not straight they aro nearly always established either by river or by mountain ridges. It Is very sjutplo to kiiuw iviiere ono siaic cutis mm an other begins. In Europe, on the contrary, nearly all boundaries nro established by crooked nnd usually Illogical lines. Tho frontiers wind about llko foolish cow pntbs. Tho more Important Hues aro definitely established, for they nro too Important to bo left In doubt. But on soma of the dividing lines guessing be comes a lino nrt. Tho arbitrariness of European bound arlcs Is largely n relic of tho old un scientific centuries. But even In this highly scientific century, when new lines nro to bo laid out, they follow tho old meandering custom. After the Balkan wars tho now boundaries wcro Axed ns they were MX) years ago, whol ly without regiird to geometry or sim plicity. Tho contrast Is a minor indication of n fundamental difference. Tho new world Is inoro huslncHslIko thnn the old. It goes moro directly to the point. It docs practical things In a more Some cigarettes may be mild, but they don't satisfy. BUT Chesterfields satisfy, yet they're mild! This is a new kind of enjoyment for a cigarette to give. It is something that no cigarette, except Chesterfields can give you, regardless of price. Why? Because no cigarette maker can copy, the Chesterfield blend I (ml 11 35v S&dLBsEZGZZJML -e! II .-ffrBT Snt CIGARETTES Tho Cheiterfield Blend ConUtnt the moat famous TurliUh lobactos 3AMJOUN (or rtchnoM) CAVALLA for rom.i SMYRNA for twwtn...; XANTHI lor frt ranee, combined with the belt domoillc leaf. 20 for 10c . and yet they're MILD prnctlcnl way. A straight lino Is moro practical than a curl or an nrnbesrjuo. And so the United Stntes Is strong for straight llnes.-Cleveland Plain Dealer. Saved by a Dream. A farmer living at Lapford, Euglaud, dreamed thrlco In succession that ho saw a pit dug In ono of his fields nnd somo of his property cast Into IL At tho third tlmo of drenmlng ho got up, dressed and went out. Ho hcnnl tho thud of a spado and caught sight of a man digging by lantern light. The digger fled at his npproach. It was a grave, upon which ho had been at work. By tts brink lny n huge knife. On his way back tho farmer met ono of his maidservants. Sho had had a quarrel with tho man to whom sho had been engaged, sho said, but he had prevailed upon her to meet him for tho last tlmo at 2 o'clock that morning, when ho had something to show her. "This Is what ho lind to show you," said tho farmer, leading her to tho grave. London Tat ler. Pretty Poor Pilot. "I nas out with Unison In his auto inablle tho other evening," said tho fnt plumber to his friend the thin car penter. "Didn't know ho had ono." "Yes; ho bought ono secondhand." "Did you have u good rldoj" "I nearly lost a year's growth." "Speed fiend 1" "No, but he can't guide tho thing straight." "Poor at tho wheel, eh?" "Poor at tho wheel? Why, man alive, Umson couldn't steer a street car." Exchange It's the uniform unva rying heat of a Rood oil stove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in that pre serves tho savory goodness of the meat and gives that even brownness all over. juicier i asiier foists a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and less fuel expense A Don't Bo Cnvloue. Crush all envy out of your heart. Tho envious person Is In pain upon nit oc casions which ought to give him pleas ure. Tho relish of his life Is lost, nnd tho objects which administer tho high est satisfaction to thosn who aro er empt from this passion glvo the quick est pangs tn persons who nro subject to It. All the pxrfectlons of their fel low crentures nro odious. Don't lxt envious. Make tho Most of Piiispority Every man should keep fit thcao dnyu and mnku tho most of hlii op portunities. No man ran work liln best hnn'dlcappod with dlsordnrod kidneys nnd bladder, netting back, uwullen Joints, ntlff nmcclcn or rhoumntlc pains. Foloy Kidney Pllla pay for thomselvca a hundred Union over In houlth Improvomont. Hold uvorywhoro. Adv. Sco Edwards for good, houso paint ing. Adv. For alga painting soa Edwards. Adv. A deslroblo brtmd knlfo froo with ovory annual subscription to Tbo Bond Bulletin. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. NEW PERFECTION OIL COMiSTOVE All theconvenlenceof gas. Cooks everything any wood orcoal range wilt cook, but Aeepa y'our kitchen cool. The long blue chlm. neyi do away with all smoke and smell. In I, 2, 3 and 4-burner sites, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Firelets Cooking Or ens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (OIIlMtu) "" Brnd "OMULS' A Money to Loan in sums from $250 to $25,000,3 to 10 years time. Reasonable rates, prompt service. J. Ryan & Co. BEND HARDWARE CO. F. DEMENT & CO. Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the IhisiiJivs Center. Lots 40X105 $75 for Inside, $100 for Comets Lots 50X125 $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Anlomoble Life Accident Swtt; Bonds J. A. EASTES OKKGON STKKKT, I1KND, OHKGON .Member Portland Iteiliy Hoard. J ., ' : f ;j ' 1