"BWffl HBHBWwpwEPBBiffl - - - -wwwpwwiwww iwpjW.'WMWe3,litti,SJ , . , . .. I'AGE 2. AGR 10. , -H? .rtl- v i ) tf". - THK IlKXD IiUMJ'.TIX, IIKND, OHK., WEDNESDAY, OCTOIIKR -l, 1010. 4r HIGHWAYS in OREGON Dy John H. Lewii, Stale Engineer Bend-Silver Lake and way points EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Tho current Orsgm Voter con tains n Koad Synopslttm cor. listing of articles discussing the aubject Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Berid Brick & Lumber Co. MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER SERVICE fiom various points of view. The - 1WWaA.L&!fi fcnim'5?iS!BUB , u first, n. Btimmnry on iccommciit.u tlons by Stnto Engineer Low Is, Is ropclnted U3 follows: If we tin to get anywhere In tha mnttor of road construction In Ore gon, vp mint hr.ve n plan or defi nite road policy. Alco un orgnnlzu tlon to oxeruto such n plnn and pol 4cy7 At the present time, we have no plan and no policy. Responsibility 1h cot definitely flxc.l In any par ticular officers or hoards ICr tho maintenance of any particular roads. At the piosent time the state Is working on one project where state, county, district, city and prlvuto funds aro being expended In tho M.nui work. Much effoit Is wn.'tcd Jn getting all these agencies to woik In harmony at the rlBhl time to the Hiimo end. When the woik Is com pleted, who will he responsible for tho maintenance of tills woik? In two other rases, the state In cooperation vlih rount'es expended largo minis In the construction of now grades. The vork was nbiwi doired durliiB the winter Unit) nnil ii iiumbei' of lllls were unshed out nnd many imuccvMiiry slides camo In for lack of piorer altcntlnii at the rli;ht time. In the spring, disputes xvcio had between the coumy and i tutu ollli'lnlr ns to who was respon sible for removlni; theso slides mid rinkliiB new fit's so that the roads constructed at i;roat public expense could lu need dining the suiuuier motitliH. In one of our cnunlles wh-ro the stale Is coiiNtructlni; a trunk line on f por cent grade, tho county or the district this Hiimuiur exiiuiided n tomdduialdo sum In constructing a 10 per cent grade. Ignoring the stato survey, uiid v here the miio In vestmeut will prove a totnl loss mid tho work done oer lu n yeai or so. Under tlio I. w, the county courts mitcl e.llot 70 per cent of all mail IovIihs to the districts for o.xprndl- ttire by the road suponluiis, the balunce of such road funds to be tixpiuili'd by and iindei (ho direc tion of tha county com Is. There urc itio pnitirulnr ronds set r.pmt for tho Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. L county i oiii t to build or nm'nlnlii The result In the luter-mlngllng of work In i.ii c!i n way that the peo ple fins not tell whether tiiu county court or Hiipervlsois lire to bliiine. (Jitidlt fur good woik c.iuiiot, there fore, be glvofi tun! the responsibility for bad wink ri.iinot lie iMIuliel) fixed. Thorn Is br.t Httlo Improvement In the matter of st'ile highway ex penditure. The lonlsli.turo In l'Jlll attempted to diillnltely adopt n itr.te highway aysle.u on which nil state tiiuils worn to bo expended until Hindi tliiiu us ho sjttcni 'uk cum plute, but the Attorney fioneml linn rocunlly hold t Tin t tho Highway (.'oiniiilnsloii tit ii expend :i to money on any mad whlub II nicy i.dopt us it stale road. This Is wtong. The legislature jiluno tdiould liuvo the power in this very Intpoitnnt mntter of selecting trunk IIiich of the state and auth orizing tho expenditure of stain funds thereon, NVe linvo approximately 37,000 mlloH of road In Oregon to bo main tained at the present time. In addition, tunny more miles of new roads must be built to open up the shortest mid most desirable throiiKli routes. llesldi'H, mtll'ons of dollars must be luiestcd In the near fiituio lu pavements. With the most rigid economy, the problem confronting Oregon Is enormous, when we tnko tutu consldeiutlou Its great urea and limited taxable wealth. We must, therefore, sjstematlio Mini organize this work In the Inter est of the luxpuyer and the traveling public and see that mi unwise ox peudltiuo Is made and that all work Is done lu aecordsnoo with some delluite plun so that event ually when our i')itm I cnmplHto there will bo no dupllntiiM of uiT'irt or waste. This can I e nctvuui!.dirl by clas sify Iiik our roads In nccjiduur w'lli their relative Importance and dtli nltoly HxIiir responsibility upon t-puclllu otllcers for the construction and maintenance of each particular class of roads. Three classes appear sutllclent -Male, county and district roads. The state roads should include til principal Inter-county and Inter state route. Home of these have not h yet been opened up. For this leiison. they should bo spoken of In the law as routes, VIicneor any portion of a stato route has been constructed by the state, the statu and no other sub division of the government should ho thereafter responsible for thu maintenance of this road, Theso loutea should bo briefly dgtlued lu the law, such es the Pa ulllc Highway, boglunlng at tho Inter-state bridge near 1'ortlaiut, ruu nliiK thvuco southerly through Port land, Kufieno and Modford to tho California Hue. In a like manner all other Im portant routes should bo defined. The John Day route, e.xtendlnB from Portland across ho Coscnde itcngo south of ML Hood, up the John Day river to the Idaho lino near Ontar io, will shorten the distance for through travel from Idaho, t'tnh and eastern points more than one hundred miles. In u like maimer, tho Ihigcuc-Klnmatli Kails line when completed will shorten tho distance to Portland from Klamath mid Lake Counties nnd other points to the southeast -by about one hund red miles. The stnte ronds should be under tho Jurisdiction of the State High-v.-ny Department and no state funds should bo expended on rny other road until such time as thu program Icld out by the leglslutuio has been completed, The county roads should Include the most Important inr.ds lu tho county and operate as feeders for the state trunk line ajstem. They should be selertcd by the County Couit with the appiov.il of Jio Btnto UlKhway Dcpailmei.i cud their totnl lmi;Mi limited to s .me roiaoii'iblu per cent of the tot il mileage of roads In th? count , and all county funds should be expended upon thoho id ills by tho county couits. Pti'or It the tnl.lns ever cf tho Intel -statu load? In the county by the state, tN county nhoultl be responsible for the ion- Htructlou end mt.lnteunncc cf nich state routes. The district roads will coinprljo nil other iiicils. Theso nro the lo cal roads rnd of little linpoitancc to Iiitct-ntctc or !utor.coun?y tr..llle. Thojio "linuM bo umloi local control Sultleleiit power must bo IoiIkciI. l.owever, In the State Highway De partment to ioi relate iho work of nil three of theso hallway depart ments. Thu stuto should preset Ibe dcllultu slandaido for ciiivn'ure, width, Kitidu (fud nllKiimenl for oach of these classes of roads, also stnudaid loadings to bo uaed In tho diislgn of nil bilduoa , culverts, Pveiuonts, etc. In older to enforce such stand arde, all plans anil specifications for construction oik by tho county or district hi excesn of n llxed amount ulimild be submitted to the Stuto lllKlivuy Department for lis approval prior to the lettlim of con tracts lu this way (bu best prnc tlco of ull tho countlen can bo mndo nvi liable tn each and the statu standards adopted enn lie com en- len..y eiifoiccd. Tho rends be tween districts nnd vount'os, when! they connect nt tho border, will then all be found to follow tho same , tit a ml u til h and ultlmutely form units lu n complete state sstem. One of the most Important func tions of the State Highway Depart ment should bo to prescribe nnil en force a-unlform sctem of cost keep ing; nnd pitblluli nunurlly total anil unit costs of nil construction or malnteuauca work nt - thu el'ise of each car. Tho pcoplo In this way can be convonlcntly Informed ns to how and whuiu their fluids aro be-i lug Invented. This Is tho iil.itt followed In New Y'lk and many other states at the present time. It Is rbsolutely Impossible to pnvo all roads In Oregon at the present time Neither will It he possible to ptiie all state roads In the near fu ture Wo must, therefore, ascertain whrt are the most Important pro jects to be taken up tlrst and pro reed In an orderly mnnner for tho completion of the whole plan. It Is my belief that the stato should not take up an extensive paving program at the present time. Wo should at the outset contluo oursolves xery largely to the Im preuuut of alignment and grade and in opening up tho uncompleted links of short through routes, so that within the near future ull of our roads may bo made uniformly passable, and that wn may get tho maximum uso out of theso roads while wo aro developing our moro expensive highway system. With thorough maintenance of existing: roads, n considerable de velopment will tako place ana tho Increased taxable wealth assist In building a more Ideal system. Wo should, therefore, confine ourselves for the next few years to the cutting down of steep and dnn goroug grades, such as on tho Pacific Highway lu Josephine and Douglas j Counties, and on the Columbia , lllver Highway tn Hood ltlvor and Wasco Counties. There aro a few important links which should ho built to connect up present ronds such us from Prairie City to Pnlty on the John Day route and n limited amount of construction to open up a present road fromx Kugene to Klamath Kails. There are also mnnv dangerous in'lroad gradu crossings which illicit, Id lie eliminated, t'lich as on tho illiu between nuKeno nnd ltoscbur, nil no pavement s'loeld bo permit- ;d on Mie present ' cation until (hi no crossings aro removed. Ily the time this work Is well under way mid the fills thoioiighly settled, the Statu Highway organi zation will have been milllcleiitly tried out and enough foundation prepared so that extensive p.ivlng operations can bo cominonced and carried out with economy and elll elency. Until such time, ex pensive wearing sin faces, If ptovld ed, should bo largely, If not entirely paid for by the community benefit ed, ir our limited state high way fundB nie opened up for pav ing projects, they can all be used In tho Willamette Valley without mnking any material showing. This would not bo fair to the other sec tions of tho state which contributed to this fund. Tho most Important rond for enrly paving, however, Is undoubt edly In the Willamette Valley. In tho vicinity of tho Pacific Highway from Kugeno through Sal om to Portlnnd, more than SO per cent of the entire population of Or egon resides nnd a paved auto truck highway through this section with necessary feeders would do more to stimulate development than any other program which can be sug gested. However, It Is useless to stick to our present stnto standard of G per cent grades unless wo can get ade quate entrance to tho various cities such ns Portland. At tho present time, It Is absolutely Impossible to get Into Portland from the south west on anything Ilko n 5 per cunt grade. The Terwllllger Iloulevnrd vns built with park money nnd nuto truckH will not bo permitted to use' this load. i:en this, It Is suld, lias a short utrctch In excess of G per cent. Who'e the hoavy trrlllc which will ultimately develop between Portland and Tillamook nnd be ns well as tho west side road from Portland through Oswego to Oregon City, Is concentrated for entrance to tho city streets of Portland, wo should have a specially constructed trunk lino ofi not to exceed n 4 per cent grade, eliminating ns far as posslblo tho numerous grade cross ings through the suburbs. This we must do. If we are to encourage nuto truck traffic between tho pro ducer In tho country and merchants In tho city. It is fincratly admitted that with paved trunk lines, auto trucks can compete with railroads In handling freight up to n limited dis tance of approximately 50 miles, on account of the greater convenience In lecclvliiS nud delivering. This Is due to the fact that the cost of handling frolght In cities, together with terminal charges on railroads, Is so great compared with the cost of hauling short distances that the cost of haul can practically be Ig noi ed. I have endeavored to point out tho present chnotlc condition of highway development In Oregon and show the necessity for the ndoptlon of some plan nun definite road pol ler. There Is ampin precedent to bo i iii-ii in c eauuif an org.iin.-..uu ii 10 A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The Bend Bulletin. tween Portland, Salom and Uugene, j executo such plan nnd pollcyt P. E. CHASE Watchmaker and Jeweler SHKKT MUSIC. MUSICAL IXMTItU.lII3.VrS Our watch repairing Is guaran teed to stand. P. E. CHASE joiixsox nuir.mxG wamj HTitin-rr Automobile Values AI.CO -Will, ,"5 Passenger. A poivt'iful cur of the lH"t nmteiluK s " that money can buy. lllcvtrlc generator ami llghtH, Demountable rims x It Ii two extras. Tire-4 good. In ex- ' cellcnt inec'haulcal condition. Xcixly painted 91 t."0.(l(i ni'K'IC 11)10 Spetilbug. A chi.ssy little minister. Just ieuilnted....$ 1KU1.00 III'ICK 1IM1 Kho Passenger. Koredoors. Thoroughly mer hauled nnil lepalutvd. Tlie.s good, A light ear for fam ily use 9 :t'J5.(M) CASK 10 til Kie Passenger. Klectrlc generator nnd lights. Con- tlnenlal motor. $ :rt)5.(M) C.DIIX.C 1IH I Klve Pitssenger. CoihI luechuiilcal condition. Olio , of the most popular models put out by the Cadillac , ' Coinjiany. Ono nt $100 nud one 8 aVJO.OO CADIMklC 10ia Klie Pas-senger. KorcdiMrs. Drlco electric " m lights mid self starter. Oicilmuleil nnd repalntel. ' Snap 8 150.00 - CADlMiAC lOItt I-To Passenger. lu excellent mechanical con- jlltlon $ 700.00 CAD1I,UC 10l:t Seven Passenger. Tim pump. Klectrlc horn. ('ooil condition. Just the car for stage or III cry usa.$ 750.00 CADH.UVC lllin Sexen Pustteiiger. An elglit cylinder car In line shape $1800.00 CADIIiIiAO 101(1 Helen 1'jisj.cngcr. I'msI only for demonstration piirMsiN and coiistMnieiitly kept tuned up to tho min ute, nt nil times 910,10.00 DOlHii; 1IM5 I'lxo Passenger. Kierjlwuly knows Dodge xalues$ 050.00 DOlKiK 1010 Kho Passenger. IVeil for demon-stratlng; purKse only. A snap 9 750.00 j- DOIKJK 1010 Hoadster. In lino condition. .. . $ 000.00 " (ilill)lv 1011 Sox'eii Passeaigcr. A line appearing1 car In good shape 9 .100.00 1ACKSOX 1011 Four Pusaenger. Deml-tonnenn. timid tires. ..$ "ril.00 M)C0M01UM: 1012 Four Pu.scigVr. A six cylinder car In gooil ' mechanical condition. If good MOikmanshlp ami inn- terlals count for an) thing this cor Is u good buy uU.$ 800.00 MA.WVKI. 11011 Hoadster. A snappy car In good shaie. ...9 :150.0() MAltlOX llllit Fio Passenger. An excellent appearing ear In good condition. Just repainted $ it75,00 riKUCIJ 1011. A roomy cur in good meclianlcul rondltlon. He- Italnteil. Just the ear for stage or livery purposes. Cood tlies. Klectrlc lights. Storage battery nnil Pre- to tank, Xeiv top... $ 750.00 P1:i:HI.K.SS toil Four Passenger. Four cj Under 10 liorKi-iower..$500.0O VKMK 1010 niassls. An excellent cIuim1s for i Iiuk rtnnlster or it dellxery car, 0erlmuled. (Jooil Urt S 225.0O Write us for further diita. If in the market for a good used car at an honest figure it will pay you to investigate these values. Covey Motor Car Company Washington Street at Twenty-First PORTLAND, OREGON 4. h r -&u6 tJL$v v