'WTffT ?& mPWBr, ..,.: I 1 A- i ".' MrrMJi Jl I tj - fwi; vvw iwirww Hf11 fW" " "s5f" " " HIMpMn -r - if "H ' A PAGE 8. TUB IlKM) IIUIXKT1N, BKNI), OKB., WKOXESDAY, SKPTEMHElt 27, IfMfl. M 1 ; 1UHTERS TO AL 1 E REDMOND SPOKESMAN SAYS ONE COMING .'nn Ofllrlnk An- Said to l- SwmiiI liiK I'mult ltoeUirvl) Eminu'r- lltOS VllridllH ('MliillllK iiildm- ISttllillii!; One Kern If YOU KNOW OF A Viiitor A Dtptiture A Uuth- A Dfih- Aa ActUcnl A Rt EUte TroictJo Any lmMovtmtBl An lllnm Any New Building OR- AnjthinjlK! ii el Utcrrtt IPS NEWSl nd Phone it la The Bulletin r(ti UU'tlmond Spokcuraan.) Tlicro nro mutterlnga of discon tent with present methods of con ducting county nffalro anil these nn hatenliiK the. orsnnl-tntlon wt the TiixpnyorH' IcaKiiu, which thu promot tTB will noon cHtuhllHh In each pre cinct of thu count, with u head or central organization. A dlnpoHlli'on to dccreiisu ta.atlon and fxpenillntres to the lowebt point Ih everywhere prvnent and, natiirall, county expenditures are being closely HcrutlnlzL'il and ome pretend to see n tendency on the part of our repre KcntathcH to drift toward carelesg- neBfl and oen rcckleHHiH-SH In theHO uxpenilltiireR. TIiuhu criticisms mny ho Juki or limy may Ins wholl I in a gin a ry, and on that point the. SpiikeHimin hatt no personal knowledge; we mx' merely Htutlng tliut wu hear them.1 mnltera dlHciiHHed. Olio complaint Ih In thu matter of building bridges, It Ih alleged that the board IiUh these of steel when that article Ih at lis highest price duo to abnormal conditions, when thev coillil hait Hid construction made of native lumber, thus giving tho homo lumber manufacturer Hid benefit and saving hundreds of dol lar h on each bridge. Another charge Is that tin' board nctfl Illegally and without warrant when It iIiiiwh large warrantH imy nblo to Its members .o lm xpcinlcil for futiiro road work. Instead of luw Jug the work done and then p.ilng In the. usual wu, when sworn ouchurH rvh presented. It hih'Iiih thut the board may lino acted hastily and without riMco In nmklnga loan of jr., ODD to the Dalles Cnllfornlu highway, In lew of thu fact lint they may hau created a dollclency In evcesa of thu constitu tional permission. In all this mutter the board can bo Actuated by only one desire to fol low thu law strictly mid spend thu money an carefully an they would were they rpiMiilliiK their own, and It In only fair that they lwu n knowl edrn of these complalntH. rnd thuy nrn an ever-growing source Honda end bridges wc must have of expense. KLAMATH RIGHT OF WAY ROLL 0FH0N0R CONTINUES GROWTH 1 lilqiie I'osllloiiN t copied b' Kevi'iut Of tint Ihinoi-s III Mil of 'Hie stillborn llniiil, It' miiith raid l The list of those laud ow'iielM who line ilnniiti'il t'glit-nf-wav fur the Hinihniii rullroml eoiitliiueM to (trow dull). iH'ftiidlliK to the rlglit-of-wnv rommlttee, which Is V. H. 'llt. II. I.'. Wlthrow and It. 14. Ilrailbuo Among lliiiie present on the "roll if honor" sevural ticuup) unique po hltlons. To Cllnii Idm llorton goes the honor of having contributed thu longest single strip of laud for right-of-way puipOKiui. The inllroail crosses nine forties of bin ranch; hciicu hu Iiiih donated more than two miles of con Millions rlghl-of-wa), or an area ap proximating thirty ncrrs. To Dempster V. Anderson, tho grizzled old putrlnicli of s'l summers of Olene, goes thu honor of having been thu first public spirited land owner to actually sign and deliver . right-of-way deed to thu committee. To hun Welch koch thu honor of being the ouugest landed proprietor, to dute, to glvu a right-of-way. Mr Welch Is one of the young progresavo farmers of the county, having Just reached his majority. To datn, J. I. Sporup holds the record for speed In actually signing up. After the committee had merely identified itself to him, it took lem than three minutes for ho and his wire to execute the document. As it heroines more appnrent from dn to day that Klamath Tails, as well as tho entire county, is bound to experience an iinprcccndcnted per iod of development and prosperity In all linei ilium the commencement of construction of thN road, the people are beginning to be aroused to a high pitch of optimism and confidence for the future of Klamnth county It Ih oxtreniel grat!flng to note the team work, or, as the Frenchman would say. "osprlt de corps, ROGERS LUMBER HOLDINGS ARE NOW BEING BLOCKED (i'uiiIsoii &ih HtiililliiR of I'llnevlllo Itond Would be Spur to Activities Iooklng: to Milling. (Crook County .lurnnl.) C. (larrlsonj, Centrnl Oregon I', representative of tho Uogers-Youinnii Lumber company, passed through I'rlnevllle on Morula) en route to the company holdings In 'the Summit I'rnlrlo country. Mr. Onrrlson Iipb been busy for tho past year preparing for the holdings among In tho llluo mountnlns, mid expects the people In connection with this ( to soon hnvo t'iPrto lands so arranged tremendously important project that milling of tho timber can start It Is tnerefoie discerned that n n- at n comparatively early date ilal wave has alreail started In favor of tho earning of the railway bond Issue. The peoplo even now are ready for the "'big push" ou the bal lot box. and apparently there v i'l be no ocaslon to hurl any verbal broad sides on mi entrenched voters for little or no opposition to the measure Mas developed. IIOHSI'.S AltK .SIIIl'PKD. F. A. Applcton shipped a carload of horses to Portland on .Monda.v The horses were to be turned over to the United States government at Portland for cavalry purposes. There were 21 In the shipment which is the second made by Mr. Applcton re cently. 'Wo renllzo that this timber Is ilpo nnil should bo cut," Mr. Harrison snlil, "and tho building of tho rull- road to rrluovillo will or course be a spur to our nctlvltlcs In the prep arations Tor these operations, "Tho timber will bu cilt into lum bei either on the Ochoco or nt I'rlne vllle," ho continued, "and tho Idea that the logs could be hauled a greater dlstanco than to I'rlnevllle Is absurd." Mr. Garrison sard further that while there Is no announcement of immediate activity from his company thu work of gtoitplng tho holdings is progressing very satisfoctorylly and that the day Is approaching wben such un announcement will be made. .MAItKET IJIH'OUT.' xmt.ui: Di:i'osiT small. (Special to Tho Bulletin) Aiier spcnuing hiinu-iy in ninKing; r,.m.. nnrn mn.in n cnmi an examination of the recently -? Htron basis Monday. Receipts were rovereii ni rnie ueposii in uio uiiissi,, u,0 llloru ni,mitlnilt thnn last Ituttu section, (leorgo S. Youiu, of Ilend, reports that tho mineral does not occur In sulllclvnt iiiantltles to be of commercial vnluc. Manugei Wil son, of the American Nltrats nun pany, which Is developing tho deposit In tho Wagon Tiro country, ban also exxnuilned the (linns Ituttu Iln-1 mil ngiees with Mr Young's conclusion week, reedei buers vere liberal blders as well n killer btivers. Steers brought an high as $7.00 with the bulk around $C 7i. Cows were In demand nt $ii.00 to I'p.fiO for the best. Dulls were high iih $4.10. lte celptH I,:i00. Hog receipts vveru light 1,!I00 being nrdcd Tho market was n brisk one and went to HO. OS with i... 1...11. n fin i.i cm nr 'm,.. No waiting at the Metropolitan for miirk... closed BtrniiK. Sheen rccelnts that Hbavo or hnlr cut now ready. Adv Four chairs ttero lighter than usual with prices j on a strong basis, jyii' hSSstxjIsp WHS 'KwiJw GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES BERRIES AND FRUITS BUILDERS' HARDWARE and k uCrCAiy i liih.iiiiii-mii.i.iiiiij 1WjK'1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT F. DEMENT (& CO. The Bend I CAFE llllll Under the maiugfmrnt ol 11 C. G. HUDSON II II Will give yoti Uetter - Table Service, Hotter ; things for your table 1 Everything will be Imll i Hll I of the best that can , I be purchased I '' 1 liifll ' Ml We Never Close I HI 1037 DOND STREET 1 i v. m SB k 4t wf 11 nwi i jm. ymzw t m wcih rm:'c Awl wa '4 imryJMm P m jmrnrtimm w Mmmit,:m W. WMmWM'xl wzav .mmijjy SKMBni KSSL'-X T W . xmi K 111 M2tas--V J-i i PiHrllMumUuullU WPr I i l? I vm M M ?J A Udi c nII lil Vc lS ilpiHiiWirni tTlTi i ifi ii i i linn i... f i ii ' i.l'ilril piiiiii iRinuiiiHiurn TiiiiiiTi in minr CO S PREPARED IE OF AC ,.w - . . - -. r -- FflR SMOKERSUNDEFttHE Liii"Trjiin;::-'Ji.iir. ROCESS WSCOVtKtU IN AKIHG, EXPERIMENTS TO R0DUCE THE MOSTi DE- GHTFULNpWHOLEH SbMEllOBACCdFORClG- lEnEANDPIRESMOKE U ii 1 1 lil' . il ii ilPROCESS RATEfiTEK ! i wma REYNOlbsroBACCdCOMPi WlHSTOHSAilEM.HC.liSlAl! Mill II 1HD fi I in ii!', miiinii iiiii p0ESN0TDTBTHEIQ liiiiin ;iil'liiiiiiiili UE Prfne Albtrt h tettf vrwAr in teppy ttf bag; Set tidy rJ tint, iOet handom pound and halfpounJ tin humidors and" thai cir ry$tat'gta$ pound humidor with pongmoitnt top that kp th tobacco in tuch tpUndid condition. P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking ! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it's certain-sure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco I P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch I You can smoke it long and hard without a come back 1 Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoymentl And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, porch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer fullest investment you ever made I iRiNGEi Albert R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.tWintlon-SaUm, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. When you build in Bend specify local pine , hevlin Pine is true to size and grade. Grown right, sawed right, sold right. MILLER LUMBER COMPANY CORNER WALL AND OHIO STREETS EXCLUSIVE LOCAL SALESJAGENT ' - TO THE TRADE:-- Our lumber is CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE, grown at an altitude of 4,200 feet. We manufacture LUMBER, SASH and BOX SHOOKS K TEST the T. EXTURE" The Shevlin-Hixon Company Bend, Oregon Denur and Salt Lake Representative: G. W. GATES & CO. Chicago RepreseBtah're: W. A. LAMMERS 7, l ;