' traTWWTO asC J, " uaLfcjMum frrtuemnn; k. jrei-maflp &-5iMtG9fl-(i THE BEXD.BtXLKTIN, nKNT), Pfii:r UyHSKSPyVV, ftKrKMIIEn 27,. 1010. PAGE 7. . . . . y s Y i-xm-m? til Mra t -id 2ki j nTHni. ison "Males Music All the Day" No phonograph has the power to reproduce the natural tone possessed by THE EDISON. It is our pleasure al ways to play the new re cords because we want to acquaint you with this greatest of all phonographs. REED & HOR TON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Den Holslng, of Midway ranch, was in town aunuay. Gcorso H. Hrewstcr, 0( Slkters, wag in iienu juonaay. In Portland on J. C. Smith was business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorse Sellers left Saturdny for Crescent. George K. Hoover made a business nip to Fort Hock Sunday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. William Ab ernathy, a nine-pound boy. J. H. Wennndy went to Portland Saturday night on business. A PARAMOUNT WEEK AT THE BEND The Race!!! Tonight and Thursday. Victor Moore!!! in Snobs A ifour-reel comedy. Tho Girl nnd The Game Friday and Saturday. 10c nnd IGc. Mary Pickford!!! Sunday and Monday with Pictoerapb. COMING Marguerite Clark In Molly Make Hullce. Charley Chaplin Tlllle's Punctured Romance and The F.ternal City. Dr. Dwlght F. Millar returned this morning from a business trip to Port land. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. K. llrooks on Monday, a five half pound son. District Attorney Wlllnrd Wlrtz, as a business caller la lleud Satur day. The Ladles Library club will li'ild a meeting at the library on Tuesday uf ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCnnn re turned on Sunday from n trip to Min neapolis. Myron H. Powell, of Mcdford, has accepted a position with Maiinlioliuer brothers. Hi O. Dlmtck went to Portland on business Thursday, returning Sun day night. J. E. Tourtellotte, Portland architect, was a busluess vUItor In Ilend Friday. A cougar Is mportod to lmvo been seen by children living In Aubrey heights last Keek. J. William A. IlURch and F. C. EIckemeer, of Fort Peck, were liend visitors last week. County school Superintendent J. E. Meyers was over from Prlnuvllle on business on Friday. William Ardery, of Seattle who has property Interests In Ilend, was here on business Friday. State Health Olllcer Dr. David N. noberg, of Portland, was heiu on of ficial business lust weak . N. A. Southwlck, of tho Ilund Flour Mill comapny, made a trip Into Jef ferson county last week. Muyt Sarah Perry, of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday with liur sister, Mri. Nolan Gilbert. Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Couuarn and Harry Wyse went to.Lakuvlow Friday returning Sunday evening. Frank McGulrc, engineer for Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company, returned this morning from Spokane. E. O. Logan, of Silver 1-ako, Is In Ilend this week with tho view to op ening n confectionary Ktoro. The Hend FJcr Mill company will conduct a booth for the dlnpluy or Its year at the Crook County fair. Herbert Cannan and Frank Thorn- trite hne purchased an Intel oat In the Oregon Transfer Company. Mrs. C J. Uiverott returned on Sunday from Washington where she has txen spmllng tho sumiuur. The school board has lot the con tract for the excavation and fill for the new Kchool houw; to Joe Itock. Shoe News Whatever your choice for Street or Service Shoes we are prepared as nev er before to make assurance of satis faction doubly sure.. Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Tilt man, In Mllivlow- addition, this morn ing, a nine and a halt pound girl, H. C. Baughman, of Prinovllle, superintendent of the Crook County High school, was a visitor In Bend Saturday. Herman Moore, nslstant buttcr mnker for the Central Oregon Farm ers' Creamery, leaves October 1 for Corvallls. A. W. Evans, of Stiver Laki, ship ped three cars of emigrant's movables from Bend to Coronation, li, C, on Saturday. , Howard Turner and McKtntey Kane, of Madras, passed through town on their why to Crane Prntrlo. last week . Tho Warner Company tins com pleted the erection of a now brick store, room, 1C by 35 feet, at tho rear of Its building. Mrs. P. W. Ileesloy ,who has tiecn visiting with her Bister, Mrs. V. A. Forbes, left Saturday night for her homo In Portland. ' J. F. Wolborn. of Seattle and C. A. Whltakcr, of San Francisco were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dement several days last week. Philip Brooks arrived hero Friday morning on business connected with tho Pilot Butte hotel. His Portland nrchitcct accompanied him. Mrs. Allco Bennett, who lived lu Bend a number 3f vcars ago. has re cently returned with her two chugll cro and will make her home here. A benefit dance will be given In tho O'Knno building, Friday night, for tho purpose of raising flint's with which to equip the foot ball team. M. C. Woodward and P. Swan, of Portland, saw mill bulldors, were In Bend Monday. Mr. Swan Is In chnrgu of the construction of a largo mill lit Sllverton. Miss I.uctluM. Howell, of Thorton, Washington and Luther M. Clarkspu of Pullman, were married Monday mornlnn by Justice oU tho Pcaco James A. Enstcs. O. Llnne, who has been working as a mill wrlght at Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company plant, will open a llsh market on'. Bond street tomorrow to bo called tho Bend Fish Market. A. W. llenton, who litis been with E. A. Sathor, left Friday for Torre bonne. Mr. Benton will accompany Mrs. Benton from Torrobonno to San Diego whuro she goes for her hnnlth. Although no day has been set aside, as Bend day at tho Crook county fair Manager Schco advises that he has expected that tho majority of tho Bond visitors would como over on Saturday. . ' Mr. and Mrs, Fred G. Morse, of Portland, woro guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward II. Coblo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morae motored from Portland over tho McKenzIo ptvtn rud returned Monday via Tho Dalles. Mrs. A. M. Lara, who has been spending the Inst four months In the east, returned to Bend Sunday eve-, nlng. Mrs. Lara left today for Prlne vlllo where she will take charge of tho Bend Flour Mill company's booth at tho Crook County fair. Tho Baptist Women's union, at Its meeting held Inst Thursday nt tho homu of Mrs. T. II. Foley, elected tho following olTlcers for tho ensu ing year: Mrs. T. II. Foloy, presi dent: Mrs. II. II, DcArnold, vice-pros-Ident; Mrs. C. J.J.evcrett, secretary; and Mrs. Thomas Cobb, treasurer. C. from Marjorlc Smith entertained a num ber df her friends on' September H In honor of her seventh birthday. Tho party was tiotd on the lawn at tho home of Mrs. G. W. Hall. Those present were: Opal Merrill. Vera Whltsett. Spencer Kctchum, Eugene Kotchum, (leorgo Hobba. Majorle smiui, Howard Whltsett, Baby Mer rill, Baliy Hobbs, Mrs. Whltsett, Mrs Smith, Mrs. Merrill. Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs Hall and Dolly Hall. J. Callow returned Saturday It llll.ltinafi l . Dn.llnml .w.. u .r..t.i q l. .1 . Ullliltm wheru hit wont to obtain nniv fonlurnu for tho Ilend theator. Whllo In Port land, Mr. Callow, was tho u st of tho Oregon Moving Picture Mon'M as sociation at tholr rogiilur w")kly luncheon at tho Oregon hotel on Thursday. Busslo Smith, Francos llcyburn, Doris Pattlu, Murlon Sather and Sa rah Murphy, accompanied by Mrs. J. D. Davidson, bavo tomorrow for Prlnvvlllu to attend tho Crook County fair. Tho girls aro members of the Girl's Canning club or tho Ilend pub. lie Bchools and will demonstrate can ning at tho fair. MILL NOTES r E. It Stoehr, local mnncger of tho Bend White Pine Sash company, went to Portland Saturday, returning Mon day morning. Tom Doollng, of Portland arrived Tuosdny morning to accept a posi tion ns stenographer with thu Bend Wh'to Pino Sash company. H. II. Kctchum, for two years "nil American" center for Yale, nnd one of tho best konwn eastern foot ball players arrived In Bend Inst Wednes day to accept n position with The Shevlln-Hlxon company. Carl Johnson Is this week scouring tho pay roll for likely foot ball ma terial to co-operato with Bend In .tho organization this year of a strong cloven. F. Begin, nrlvrd In Bend Sunday to accept a position with The Shevlln Hlxon Company. It. II. Lamping, sales manager for the Brooks-Scnnlou Lumber com pany, left last Wednesday night for Knnsas City and other eastern points on business. Large pictures showing tho plants of the Crookston Lumber comapny, of BemldJI, Minn., Nlchols-Chlsholm Lumber comapny, of Frnzee, Minn., nnd tho Shovlin-Clark company of Fort Francis, Ontario, surrounded by frames mado of Shevlln pine, have been hung In tho ofllce of The Sliev-llii-Hixou Company. K. II. Stoehr, mrunger of the Bend White Pino Sash company, reports that labor conditions In (be snsh nnd door factory aro much better than thoy have been for aomo weeks. Men who were called to their farms nnd homesteads r.ro beginning to return to town and accept omployment In tho factory. Tho sash factory N now employing about 100 men. During tho Inst month up to Sep tember 115 112 cars of products of Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company wcro shipped to outsldo points. As yet tho car shortage, reported to bo critical among tho lumbermen of tho Wlllametto vnlloy has not af fected lscat lumbermen. Cars suffi cient to handlo tho local product ara said to bo available. F. E. Frallch, who camo to Bend ln8t Monday to r.cccpt a position iw stenographer wltli tho Brooks-Scan-Ion Lumber cumpany, left on Friday for Portland, The llrooks-S:anlon Lumbor com pany Is making arrangements this week for the enlargement of Its lum ber yard. A pamphlet, dealing with tho method which Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Comapny uses In drying lis lumber, will soon bo published nt tho com pany's printing plant. Tho sales man agers or tho company aro frequently naked regarding this end of. tho busl ncs.s nnd tho pamphlet will scrvu as information. Carl Johnson Is bolng Importuned by local xrldirou fans to mnnngu tho Ilend foot hall team. Fred Hoskotto, of tho firm of Dion und Horekotto, who was lu Bend n fuw daB of last week loft on Friday SISTERS FAIR Oct.4th&5th OCT. 4TH REDMOND DAY OCT. 5TH BEND DAV For These Cool Autumn Days You'll Find a Complete Stock of Underwear, Blankets, Mackinaws, Wool Hose Outing Flannel Gowns and Pajamas - Priced to fit your purse JUST OPENED New All Wool Challie Waists and Cotton Flannel Waists priced lroin $1.25 to 0.50 SPECIAL VALUE.in Serge Trim med Middies nt $1.25 New Shoes jtMMiMMMMiS-Mt In addition to our large stock of Shoes we have just received two new English lasts in the Nettleton Shoe, They come in both Black nnd Tan in A, B, and C widths. 7.50 the pair A. L. FRENCH MEN'S FURNISHINGS THE STOIiE TIUT SETS THE PACE." We are Ever Trying. We are ever trying to make this store a more efficent, economical convenien place to shop. We have completsd our newest addi- tion-A MODERN BRICK WARE ROOM. This will make our store more effi cient than ever Warner's Tie PenuMaf, PropcsHie, Refiaife Store f Bttd New Trimmings Just Received from the Style Centers New Novelty Buttons for Dresses, Coats mid Suits. t Men's and Boys' Shirts Boys' Cotton Flannel Shirts,, special values ,. 50c Men's $1.00 Cotton Flnnncl Shirts nt 75c Stop and Shop at MmmmMwm, il- BROTHERS J4Si IROTHERS Satisfaction With Every Purchase for KiKiknno after IooVIiik over tliu work on thu now mill, Seerul of tho mon o will bo em ployed In the now mill when It Ito KlnH cutting next ThurBday hnvo ar rived on tho Krouud. MBay Don't fcrjtut to consult I)r Qg" Turner tho woll known oy Keclallr.t of Portland jt TIiowii'm Jewelry fi'oio, Wedncudoy, Orl. lltll, iw diy i I'ly. MmidtirhfM relieved, cio," eve HtralKhtonrd, rutUfHcMon KUUl.mtted. Dr. TuilH'i- mi. ken tOB ular ! ItH to Ilend every 30 risivis, nnd you will receive the naine careful examination ninlcoiinldHnitlon und nro li h tired of tho IkU of servlco. JiihL thi name u you would leulve In our ctllce In Portland. Don't forgot thu date -Adv. McllrUlH C'onfectlonwry fitoro will open uliout 0( tolier 11 In O'Knne llulldiiiK Adv S9-32p. ZUUAO HAY'S CHOI' GOOD.- Itobort Zulllf, who wnn formorly employed at Tho Hum! Company niiw Four clinlra nt your dorvlco at thu Metropolitan. No wnltlnK. AdY. HOME COOKING Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vtgtfallcs Only ccryllung cl tlic very Utt on our uLltt. THE COZY Mri. Ncii! Sifvtotoo IF IT'S A FALL SUIT You Need Come in and look overour line of Cnpps Suits -nb-ititely nil wool at a price for every purse, $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.00 $25.00 -B,w TiflH Mm m ?5?T) EST.UIUBH'I) HTl'LK CKNTKIt E. A. Sather lir.ND'H PMJNKKK MKIICUANT Ml 11 Vi i' J fl