rH asesu rcaaKtefes-aai C 'tt I'AGR 2. TIIE BEXD I1ULI.KTIN', BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1010. iwy 1U, iW H. l6 n 3 u (FAl I Central Oregon Neighborhood News W. T. Harrison took a trip to Warm Springs Sunday. Leo Rlggs returned Tuesday from n two week's visit with his parents who lives at Hrownsvlllc, Ore. He at tended the Hound-up at Eugene, whilo on his trip. .- ---- I TUMAIjO. (Special io The Hullotln.) TUMALO, Sept. 21. Anderson llro.'a are furnishing tho lumlier for the now bridKO at Cllno Knlls. 15. V.'. Snyder loat two valtiulilo nowa liiHt week. Dora M. Hull hr.H returned to Tuninlo nfter an absences of four months. Sho left ono daughter In school nt WnlUburg. Wash. Attorney General Brown, of Salem, Addressed the people nt tho Tumulo frlr last S.itnrda. morning and spent tho afternoon looking over tho pros pect. Prlncvlllo, Redmond, Ilend and Sisters wcro well represented (it tho Tumalo fair last weok. .Mnny from hero nro making prcp nratloim to attend tho county fair this week. SISTEUS. (8peclol to Tho IJulietln) BISTERS, Sept. 23. Mcshis. II. U: Tone and C. I. ilnilcy, who havo been training homes on tho SlHtorn race track, nro now In Prlnnvilln attend ing tho Crook county fair. They ex pect to return In time for the Sisters' fair to bo held Oct. mi and run. Hod Foster accompanied Messrs. Tone and llnlloy to Crook county fair. R II. Robertson, polo player, who holds third pliiro In tho game In tho Dominion of Canada was a recent rnllor nt Sisters mid Is now attend ing Crook county fair. .Mr. Regal, of Eugene, with four Hpeuders wan hero for a fow days on the Sisters' race roiiran prepara tory to a visit at I'rlncvlllo fnlr. .Mr. Rpgnl expects to return In tlniu for tho Sisters' fnlr. Ho Io so Impressed with the track hihT cllnuito hero for training purposes that ho Intends to return In tho spring with his string of horses for training. .Mr. nnd Mrs. !' Ij. Shaw, who at tended tho Tuninlo fair, teporl n lino uhllilt nnd general good time. .Mrs. II. IC Allen and sister, MIhs 'I'llloy Davidson accompanied .Mr, and Mrs. Shaw to tho Tumalo fair. CJultn ti number of .SiHtorH' people attended the Tuninlo fair among whom weie: Mr. C. I., (list, Mr. nnd Mr.s. II. E. Vincent nnd daughter, Ethel, .Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, Mrs. John Tay lor and son Why, Mrs. (irant, prin cipal of Slsteis' schools, Mis. (icoigc l. Altken, Mr. and .Mis William Knickerbocker and fiimll) anil Mis, J. J. Wilt. Many Sisters' people nre pleahcd to note tho iiulisti.ntial bridge going In at Tumulo. Morn and more they sire beginning to llnd occasions for traveling this toad and they nru glad to pee n safe brldgo at this tlnt. Dr. A V. West Is In I'llnevllle 'with Itolit. Kniith's pacing stallion Ruzln Patch, ulteudlng the (.'look motility fnlr. A Mtork vlatlotl tin- home of Air and Mrs. P. Iliintltmton leaving a lino baby glil In time lor tho hah) whow nt the Sinters' fnlr. Mr. Iliiut liiHlou siiyn ho I now iimhIv to en ter all ehiMK'H ut tlio tdiow (llydo (list ol Plain View hits uioTcil into town to woik In Ihu Slsteis' saw. lnlll. (!. H. Wood llulshed puling up his tu'coud crop iiT hay Inst week. Crop conditions In and around Sis tors' nio unusually good, so much so that both mills linv been running i I j Notice P UOl'OSALS von the erection and completion o f a residence, t o 1) e built near lYme ville, Ore., will be received by George K. Kelley, lYme ville, up to noon Thursday, Oct. 5, 1010. Pjuns and specilications may hesecnuttheoHice of this paper. Sptte bklt will be (rcrivrj lot Cent. Contuclinj.l'luml). iaj and I (eating Sjrtem. SISTERS FAIR Oct. 4th & 5th OCT 4TH UEDMONU DAY OCT. 5TII UENU DAY for some time supplying the local demand for lumber for farmers. II. K. Allen, who Is working at Scott's mill, spent Sundny In town. Itobert Smith, former Sisters' mer chant, has disposed of his residence property hero to Mr. J. O. McKln nty. Several parties from Sherman county have contracted with both mills for lumber to build summer cottages on tho Mctollus. F. K. Shaw and wife, H. K. Allen nnd wife, explored the dizzy heights or lllack Itutte last Sunday. The party made tho trip on foot reaching tho summit, a distance of four miles nnd a half from tho base. In six hours. They report ono of the finest panoramic views they havo ever seen. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Edmonson nnd daughter returned last week from a four months auto trip to tho valley. Frank Zumwnlt and family have moved Into town so that they can send the children to school. Arlle Oaster, who has been work ing for C. I'. llnlloy, on the Mctollus was up to Sisters Sunday. Warren Farthing ias returned from Plalnvlow where ho has been working for tho two weeks. Fred Mclteynolds, who hns been working In the Hear Creek country, was In town Sunday. Elvln Vnnmotro was In town Sun dny. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S, Hudson passed through Sisters on their way to the Metollus Sundny. MI IjM CAN. IIA.MITO.V lU'TTE. (Special to Tho Ilulletln.) Mr. nml .Mrs. J. O. Whltnker io turned from Ilend the first or this week, W. II. lllack visited Friday with his sister, Airs. W. T. Harrison. C. A. Morris returned Saturday from a trip to Portland mid other points. Ho Is selling off his stock nnd farming Implements, with the In tention of leaving the desert. Mr. Allison Is living In I). Spur beck's house so tho children ran at tend school. Mr. mid Mrs. .1. O. Whltaker made a trip to Maury mountain after lum ber Friday. M. I.. Crow vl3tled with homo folks Sunday. Mr. Smith took supper nt C. II. Illinium's Thursday. Mr. (lUner bought a lino milk cow of ('. A. Hun Is Mondny (Special to Tho Bulletin) MIL.MCAN', Sept. 2i. On Monday water wra struck on the Spencer ranch at tho depth of 407 feot- The dilllora had ben there for two months. Thursday Me.isrs. Prcsly, George Cook, J. Ilcatson, Vnn Clove nnd Stanley Smith, with their teams moved the drilling outfit, with tho ex ccptlon of the bunk house, which Air. Prcsly moved Friday onto tho Stanley Smith place, vhoro thoy nro now busy drilling. George Cook will be tho next ono after Air. Smith to have a well drilled. Herbert Moore will nlso havo n well drilled as soon as he can get the drillers. Mrs, J. Ileatsnn has not been so well of late, so Air. and Airs, ilcatson wont to Ilend Tuesday to consult a physician. IP. 11. Johnson mitoed thom from Ilend. The Doatson's In tend to wove to Ilend soon. -Mesdames J. J. Holland and II. It. Keller called on Mrs. James Heat son Wednesday. Georgo Cook also stopped at the ilotson place a short time Wednesday. Th i j Goodmnn's aro hack on their homestead. Tho Conway's were out on their homestead recently for few days. Thoy bought Abo Evnn'3 team while here, then returned to town and moved back to their homestead Fri day. There will be three more pupils ut our school; that Is Jay and Wal ter Goodman and Oscar Conway. AIlss Opal Conway will rcutrn to Demi to attend cchoot there. It Is reported that .Mr. nnd Mrs. fnnlrl,i lino nlun unlit Hin ri.llnriiilali- ment to his homestead. The new owner or tho Hunter homestead tins received a big load or lumber and Is busy building, while his belongings nro already ut Ilend. Alcssro. Grnffenbprgor and Wren have now completed C. Grnffcnberg or's house to such nn extent, that Mr. Orr.ffcnhorger will return to To ledo, Wash., to get his family, while his nephew, William Halm will com plete the houso. It. it. Keller went to Ilend, on .Mon day, to seek employment. Airs. J. J. Holland was hauling water Into her cistern Friday and Saturduy. Aire. It. It. Keller wont up wltn her Friday and visited with Airs, Holland pnt of the afternoon. I,. A. Hull hauled out soma lum ber tor Air. tiraffeuborgor tho past week. IXEIIl'llST. (Special to Tho Hullotln). PINEIIITIIST. Sept. 25. School opened Tuesday whh nn enrollment of 1!) pupils. I.loyil Hoot imd Hcglnnld I lay ley look some beer cultlo to Ilend to O'Donnel brothers Tuesday. 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR YOUR CHILDREN SQUARE DEAL FOR EASTERN ORECON ir you nre In favor of a sipiure deal for the country Fust or tho CiiHcades you will ote for and work for TIIE PHOPOHED EASTERN OllKGON ST VTE NOIIMAI, SCHOOL AT PENDLETON. OUKUON. Oregon has but one Normal School. This school U located ai Monmouth and is not able to supply mom than TEN PEP. CENT of the touchers re ipilrod In the puhllo schools of Oregon. Of the moro than six thousand teachers In our public schools. HPT 13 PEIt CENT are graduates of Nor mal Schools. It Is a matter of simple Justice to tho country East of the Cascades to establish a Normal School East of tlm mountains to furnish thoroughly trained teachers for the schools of Eastern Oregon. TRAINED INSTRUCTORS WANTED Every resident of Eastern Oregon has a tltal In tnreat In the pasaaao of this measure for Eastern OrnKon pays 111(111 SALARIES to her teachers and Is entitled to the services of Til INED INSTRUCTORS. ONLY COSTS 4 CENTS PER $1.000 Tho annunl cost of maintenance of the proposed State. Normal School amounts to HPT ONE 25TII OK A MILL OR CENTS ON A THOUSAND DOL LARS of taxablo property Isn't It worth this to you to have your children trained to become USE FUL AND PRODUCTIVE cltlicna? STRONC ENDORSEMENT J. A. Churchill, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, voices inn aentlntont of the educators of tho state when he ay- ,,,,.,. "Oregon's sreatest need tor Its rural schools Is the teacher who has had full preparation to do her work. Such proparatlon can uetl come through Normal School training. "I truit that the voters of the state will assist In raising the standard of our schools by establishing a State Normal School at Pendleton, Tho location la central, the Interest of the people of Poudletoa In education most excellent, and the large number ot pupils In the public schools will give ample oppor tunity to all students to get the amount of teaching practice required In a standard normal school." The educator of the State Insist that Standard Normal Schools be located In towns of 5000 popula tion or more and having ENOUGH, GRADE PUPILS FOR TEACHER PRACTICE BE LOYAL AND VOTE RICHT Show your loyalty to the beat Interests of Eastern Oregon and of the whole state by working for this measure and by voting YES TOR NO. 30J. Hy vot ing YES for No. 30 you will help to GIVE TO THE SCHOOL CHILDREN OK OREGON THE SAME ADVANTAGES ENJOYED HY THE SCHOOL CHILDREN OK OUR NEIGHHORING STATES. Eastern Oregon Stat Normal School CommlttM By J. H. Qwlnn, Socy., Ptndltton, Or. (raid advertisement) GOOD MEALS AT TIIE Altamont EVERYBODY WELCOME. MEALS 35c Alice D. Spalding, Proprietor W F. V. Swisher hns been hauling hay to Ilend this week. Hnrry McGulre left Thursday morning ror Pendleton where he at tended the Round-up. C. Silver moved his family to Ilend Wednesday on nccount of Airs. Sil ver being in poor health. Air. Silver Ib tnklng care of the Star ranch on the Tumalo project. Chester Hayloy arrived hero Fri day evening to visit his uncle R. 11 Uayley and family. Gono AVImer was a Bend visiotr Wednesday. Reginald Uayley wns the guest of Lester Snyder Sunday. Airs. G. W. Snyder and two child ren and Airs. C. Sandil were Tumalo visitors Friday. Air. Cantorberry was n business caller at tho Georgo Snyaor homo Sunday morning. Almost all of the people or this vicinity attended tho fair at Tumalo Saturday. IHJWEMi IIUTTi:. (Special to Tho Bulletin) POWELL IIUTTE, Sept. 21. Airs. L W. Van Doren arrived homo Tues day morning nftcr an absence or sov ernl months. A new baby boy arlved at tho Frank Kesslcr homo Inst Friday morning. Win. Wilson shipped lCft rat lambs to Portland Saturday night. AIlss lma Afooro, Miss Edna Alley and Jimmy It'gshy mado a trip to Prlncvlllo Saturday to arrange ror the exhibit of tho Industrial club's work nt tho Crpok County fnlr.. J. A. Itlggs la serving on the Jury In Prlncvlllo this week. Friday. He brought his daughter, AIlss Fay Ilussett nnd .Mrs. Drown home for n visit. A most disastrous fire occurred at tho Hut ten ut fivft o'clock on Friday evening hy which Ora Foster lost his now separator, valued ut $1200 dol lars, with no Insurance. It Is unfor tunatu for tho farmers, nearly every one nro ready and waiting to have their grain threshed. Reaves Will coxen at whoso place tho fire occur red lost 140 bushels of barley mid 75 bushels lf oats. AIlss Hazel Hayu spent Tuesday evening at home with her parents. J. L. Gibson went to Tumalo yes terday taking nn exhibit to the fair. Miss GtailjB Hreen went to her homo near Prlncvlllo for n week end visit with hero mother. AIlss Hreen Is the tcachor at the Wilson's school. Mr. nnd Airs. S. D. .Mustard at tended the fair at Tumalo. J. F. Rice took a load or hogs to Horlgan In Prlncvlllo on Saturday. Raymond Vnn Doren Is so lar re covered from 'his recent accident ns to be able to bo taken home. Ills parents brought him out Saturday af ternoon. John Rhode, formerly of this place, but now residing in Portlandj Is here on a visit. Airs. Carl Ulalr arlved from Port land TueBday morning. Henry Hnwson met with a painful accident ono nlgbt last week. Ho wag driving n colt out of tho yard and In tho dark stumbled nnd roll In a hole, hurting his leg unite badly. At first ho thought It was broken, but on examination, by a physician it was found to bo a sevcro strain, however, be had to remain in Redmond sev eral days for treatment. 11a waa taken over by William Peterson In his car. A small threshing i.uchtna I" at work between the uppur unit lower Prlncvlllo roads having completed sovernl small Jobs, b'li owlu'f to its slzo does not thresh veiy rupldly and It Is hoped that Fostir will ajccred In getting a now nuiuhlnu tic oiicc us there Is n great am'jjnt of work yet to do. Carl Charlton nuilo 11 tttp to l'tlno vlllo Sunday. On Sundny evening J. A. Rlggs and Air. nnd Airs. A. W. itayn 1 io tored to Deschutes ttpeiiillii; the eve ning at tho F. 11 'loyn hoir.-. POWELL HUTTK. (Special to Tho Hullotln.) POWWELL HUTTK, Sept. 20. Raymond tho young Bon or Air. and AlrB. L. W. Van Doren. met with n painful accident nt echool Inst Fri day morning. Ho climbed tho llcg polo nnd then slid down In somo wny ho caught on tho pin nt tin bottom, that holds tho ropo and tore a deep cut In his abdomen. A physician wna summoned from Redmond, who found It necessary to take 10 stitches to closo the wound. Ho then took tho boy to the hospital In Redmond where ho could givo him personal at tention for sovernl days. STOP! " And Investigate onr prices before buying your groceries. Wo can snro you money. P.B.JohnsoiVs Milllcan, Ore. Telephone J rtrfl Mr. Farmer: Your Vegetables will bring the high est Cash Prices at A. T. Bolton Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. See us first when you are in town with vegetables tosell POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each City. Town and Village (Irlng dttcrlpllir iVelch ot each place, location, population, tele graph, ahlpplnff and banking points atao Claxined Directory, compiled by biulneM and profeulon. K. I. I-OMC CO. BK.VTT&E . Soo Edwards (or papor hanging. Adv. For (arm land loans seo J. Ryan & Co. Reasonable rates, prompt service Adv. Clean up and paint up. Soo Ed wards. Adv. Have you any ALFALFA HAY for sale? If so, get our prices, as we are in the mar ket for a few hundred tons of second and third cuttings. This we can handle loose at this time. Our new FEED MILL is nearing comple tion and when it is finished we will have SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED RATIONS, . both MOLASSES and PLAIN, for all kinds of STOCK and POULTRY. A CARLOAD OF DRIED BEET PULP JUST ARRIVED. We exchange flour and feed for wheat and all other kinds of grain, and for hay. Bend Flour Mill Company Bend, Oregon K ..liil3 A K'" US gMH" . . aU&