X11 -. ma THE REND nCLLETIN, I1END, OnE., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMREU 27. 1010. rAGE It, hu . AA3nri-iiA aXIAiSi'- ' r-pt A""l T, c in oserve rire Prevention Day Ily HARVEY WELLS, State Eire Insurance Commission. The anniversary of tho Chicago conPagratlon la October 9th nntl nearly every state In the union will oliservo this as 'Fire Prevention Day " Tho Insurance department ot Oregon wishes to urge the observance of this day nnd earnestly requests the municipal olllccrs to call tho at tention of the'cltlzcns of their com munity to the need of fire preven tion. Flro prevention means good house keeping; the cleaning out of attics, store rooms, closets and basements; the proper disposal of rubbish; re pairing defectlvo flues and chlmnoyB; lepalrlng gas fixtures and electric light cords; making heating plants und stoves safe; and proper storago of gasoline Try Are prevention once nnd you will find It Is to your Inter est. I am sure the cleaning up of places will mean sanitation as well i8 flro prevention. And I appeal to ovcry school dis trict to hold appropriate exercises and flro drills. If any schools aro Interested probably this department E can offer suggestions for tho school program. I trust that tho insurance agents will cooporato with the flro depart- , mentB r.nd officers ot the differed r, municipalities in oracr mat me many towns In this state may properly ob servo this day. Telling Tariff Points (' Let these telling points on tariff iud protection In tho speech by -Charles Evans Hughes, tho Republic an candidate for President, delivered i"Jn tho Bait Lake Tabernacle, bo Hxed permanently In your mind and .memory during the remainder of the p -campaign: Wo nip desirous of baring strong L.itnd suro the foundations of our na- fttlonal greatness In this pursuit of com petition among the nations which is iuro to follow tho cessation of tbo jircscnt struggle. I propose that tbo Republican pnrty las tbo natloutil party, according to tho constitution of tbo United States, vlthln tbo national sphere, shall pro- oced wherever It Is practicable to build tup and foster and encourngo American Pentcrprlso nnd open the doors wldo for fJioncst American achievement. Then came tho Underwood tariff bill Mtsolf. What was tbo result? Enter- Eipriso baited and there was a contrac tion of trado throughout the land, und Imorlcn, Instead of going nbcad, stop. fa'cd. That Is what happened. Tlireo .hundred thousand were unemployed In tho city of New York. Tlicro was not city In this land where tbo Jobless nan anxious and able to work did not gjralk tho street. They wcro fed by our Fcharltablo organizations, which wcro Raxed to tho utmost limit to provldo for thoso for whom American enterprise Pcould no longer mako provision. It was sad spectacle. Americans have not forgotten It. It U not forgotten hers or anywhere. It cannot be forgotten. It Is too recent. Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land D0U8. AQV. EGAL NOTICES moment of the Ownership, Mmi- auement. Circulation, Etc., He- 'quired Ily tho Act of Congress of August 21, 1012, tft Tho llnnil lltl tint In. IHlllllshcd Iweekly nt Uend, Oregon, for October 1U16. SStato of Oregon, County of Crook: . Ilnfnrn nin n Nntnrv I'llllllc In and Jwr tho Btate and county aforesaid, ur.nni.ll nnnrirAil II. W. SaWVer. Who, hnvlng been duly sworn accord- lmtr in Inw. ilminam anil savs that llO ?. Mm lulllnr nt tlin Hnnd lltlllotil). inrf hnt Mm fnltnwtnc la. to the best of his Knowledge nnu oouei, a iruo Mtatemont or tne ownersnip, man iicT.ipnt (nud if a dally napor. the rculatlon). etc., of tho aforesaid Hbllcntlon for tne date snown in me vo caption, required by the Act Auguct 24, 1912, embodied In sec- mi 443. Postal Laws nnd Regula rs, to-wlt; H. That tho names and addrees the publisher, editor, managing Ktnr nnri hmlneaa manacers are: IPubllshor. G. P. Putnam. Saloui, egon; editor, it, w. sawyer, ncno, egon; managing editor, R. V. war nrul. Oreron: buslnosi man- r. R. W. Sawyer, Head. Oregon. 2. That the owners ere: fa. P, Putnam, Salora, Orocon. it. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities nre: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving tho names of the own ers, stockholders, and sscurlty hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders nnd security hold ers as the appear upon tho books of the company but also, In cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or In any other fiduciary relation, tho name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee Is acting, Is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge nnd belief as to tho cir cumstances nnd conditions under which stockholders and Becurlty holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capac ity other than that of a bona fide owner: and this affiant lira no reason to believe that any other person, as sociation, or corporation has any In terest, direct or Indirect In the said stock, bonds, or other securities than aa so stated by him. Tiiat tho avorago number of copies of each Icaue of this publication sold oi distributed, (trough tlo nin I la or otherwise, to paid subacrlbora during tho six months preceding tho dnto shoown above In (This Information Is required from dally publications only.) R. W. SAWYER. Sworn to nnd subscribed beforo me this 19th day or Septcmbor. 1910. II. H. DE ARMOND. Notary Public for Oregon. (Seal.) (My commission expires January G, 1917.) NOTICE FOR i'URMCATIO.V.. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land oiilce at Tho Dalles, Oregon, September 1C, 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that I.n- vonn E. Rogers, of llcnd, Oregon, who, on April 12, 1910, mado Desert I.nnd Entry. No. 00 ICO, for WV6 NWU. Section 6. Township 17 South, Range 12 East, Wlllnmctto Merldlnn, has filed notice of Inten tion to make I'lnnl Desert Land Proof, to cbUbllsh cl.nl m to tho land above described, hetoro II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt ilend, Oregon, on the 21th day of October 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Al bert Knrryman, August Hallberg, Patrick Mogan, James It. llenhnm, nil of Ilend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, .10-31 p. Register. existing between you nnd the plain tiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once n week for six consecutive weeks, pursuant to an order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the above entitled court, dated September 14, 1910. First publication, September 20, 191ti. publication, November 1, Last 1916. 29-33c A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Plaintiff, Ilend. Oregon. IN THE CIKCCIT COl'IlT OF THE STATE OF ORECiOX FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. Edna llurch. Plaintiff, vs. Leonard Ilurch, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Leonard Uurch, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby requir ed to appear and nnswor the com plaint ot the plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled cause, and court, on or before November 1, 1916. that date being six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons: nnd If you fall to so appear or otherwise plead, for want thoreof the plaintiff will npply to Bald Court for tho relief prayed for In her Com plaint, to-wlt: Tor a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you nnd the plain tiff. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks, pursuant to nn Order of the Honorable T. E, J. Duffy, Judge of the above entitled Court, dnted September 14. 1910, First publication, September 20, 1916. Last publication. November 1, 1910. A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Plaintiff, 29-Ii"c. Rend, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PCIIMCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land oftlco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Setemborp 16, 1910. NOTICE Is hereby given that Aug ustlno Werner, of Ilend, Oregon, who, on September fith, 1916, mado Homestead Entry, No. 07407, for El&SWU, Lots 3 & 4, Section 30, Township 20 South, Range 11 East, Willamette Merldnn, bus tiled no tice of Intention to mako Final Flvo Year Proof, to establish claim to the land nhovo described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Ilend, Oregon, on the 25th day of October, 1916. Claimant names ns witnesses: Georgo W. Trlplett, Thonins W. Trip lea, Mnrtln J. Main, Fred I.. Huey. nil of Demi, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 30-3 4 p. Register, NOTICE FOR PUIU.ICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olflco ut Tho Dalles. Oregon, August 10. 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ar thur A. Dickinson, of Ilend, Oregon, who, on April 10th, 1911, made Homestead entiy. No. 08619. for SW i, Section 9, Township 17 South, Rango 12 East, Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notice or Intention to mako Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tho Innd nhovo described, before II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, at Rend, Oregon, ou the 10th day of October, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles R. Low, August Hallborg, Albert Hnrrymnn, Walter Daniels, Nels Anderson, all of Hend. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 2C-30p. Register. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. Edna Ilurch, Plaintiff, vs. Leonard Hurch. Defendant. SUMMONS. To I.oonard Ilurch, tho above named defcndnnl; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint of tho plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled cause and court, on or before November 1, 1916, that date being six weeks from the first publication or this sum mons: and If you fall to so appear or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolv ing forever the bonds of matrimony IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY. Emma Ring, Plaintiff, vs. John Ring, Defendant. SUMMONS. To John Ring, the Defendant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You nre hereby requir ed to nppcnr and answer tho Com plnlnt filed against you In tho above entitled suit on or beforo October Rth, 1916, and If you full so to an swer, the Plaintiff will tnko Judg ment against you for tho relief de manded In her complaint, to-wlt: for tho Decree or this Court dissolving tho mnrrlago contract now existing between yoursolf nnd the Plaintiff, nwnrdlng tho custody nnd control of the children of said marriage to this Plaintiff. This summons Is ordered to bo served upon you by tho publication thereof In Tho Rend llulletln, n week ly nowspnper published In Crook county, Oregon, by order of tho Hon orable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of said Court, said order being mado nnd en tered on the 10th day or August, 1916, date of 1st publication, August 23rd, 1916; length ot publication, six consecutive woks. Dated this 23rd day of August, 1910. C. S. RENSON, 2r.-31c. Plaintiffs Attorney. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of an execution duly Is nued by lh. clerk '.f tbo Circuit Court of iho C Minty of Cook, Stnt of Oregon, dated this 21st day or Aug lift, 1916, l'i a cfarluiii nc'l'in l:i tho Circuit Court ro.- the did County nnd Smtt, wherein G. M. Slocii'ii, Plain tiff, recovered Judgment against Fred Gibson. Defendant, fo.' tho turn of Thlr.y Threo and 03-100 dollara with Interest nt 10 per cent fr-m Mcrch 19. 1912, Fifty five nnd 35-100 dol hiis with Interest nt 10 por cent from Juno 29th. 1912 nnd Thirty nlno (Mid 50-100 dollnis with Interest a: 0 per cent per annum from Muy Ulct, 191b. und accruing coat. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on 8nturdny, tho 14th day or October, 1910, at the North front door of the cnurthouso In Prluevllle, In said County, i.t 10 o clock In the fore noon of said day, sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, all right end title that tho abovo nam ed defendant Fred Gibson has or had at date of said Judgment In the following described property, to-wlt: The south half or the Southwest M l.l Economy in Painting T&: Ynnr TTmis does not mean buying! the paint sold at the lovest price per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers the most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number of years of service in other words, the best value for your dollar. ACME QlALITV o HOUSE PAINT costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us show you pleasing color combinations, estimate quantity needed, or be of any other service we can, whether you buy or not. Come in and got an Acme Quality Painting Guide Book and some color suggestions. Bend Hardware Co. BEND, OREQON yfiULJELUri quarter Sec. Two and Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of Sec tion Threo In Township Sixteen South of Range Eleven East or the Willam ette Merldlnn In Crook County, Oro gou. E. R. KNOX'. Sheriff of Crook County. Dated at Prlnovllle, Oregon, this 7th day of Sept., 191B. Uy FI.OYD A. llOWKI.h, 2S-32C. Doputy. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORUGON FOR CROOK COUNTY. Sophln Fallen, Plaintiff, vs. Patrick Fallen, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Patrick Fallon, tho Defendant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You nre hereby requir ed to nppenr and answer tho Com plaint filed ngalnst you In tho above entitled suit on or beforo Octobor 6th, 1916, and If you fall so to an swer, tho Plaintiff will take Judg ment against you for tho rollef de manded In her complaint, to-wlt: lor the Decree or this Court dissolving the marriage contract now existing between yourseir and tho Plaintiff, awarding the custody and control of tho children ot said marriage to this Plaintiff. Tills summons Is ordered to be served upon you by tho publication thereof In Tho Ilend llulletln, a week ly newspaper published In Crook flNS CLEAR WHITE SKIN BY SIMPLE NEW METHOD elrl whose race had been a mass pimples and blotches for years , her friends a dellghttui surprise appearlng before them with a plexlon clear and wnite as new The change was so marked ihn who knew that for years Lnfortunate girl had tried every MT on the market wondered how Shad accomplished the apparently asible tasK. nno uuc .- .. that she bad useo a vv- friends and that Just one 50-cent bottle bad performed the miraculous change In her appearance. Santlsep tic Is used for all kinds 'of skin troubles. Including acne, eczema, moth spots, sallowness, discolora tion, etc. It is Invaluable for sun burn, wlndburn, frekles and other troubles due to exposure, banishing all soreness and leaving the skin white and softly smooth. Delightful cfter tbbavlng. Santlscptlc can be obtained at Reed and Horton's Drug CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS MJFFSCIIHIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS BEND. OREGON PHONE DL.ACK 741 LUMBER LATH . SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT All Finish Lumber Klin Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLIN-H1XON LUMBER. OrriCE O.N OREGON ST. county, Oregon, by order of tho Hon orable T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of snld Court, sold order being mado nnd en tered on tho 16th day or August, 1916, dnto or 1st publication, August 23rd, 1916: length of publication, six consecutive weks. Dated August 2 3rd, 1916. C. S, RENSON. sri-rtlc. Attorney for tbo Plaintiff. SCHOOL TIME is a HARD TIME on SHOES IF YOU CLAD YOUR CHILDREN IN Village School Shoes You will find nt the end of n year that you have expended less money, lleforo you buy shocit for your children oxumlmi first the Village School Shoo, llrlug tho boys mid glrl.i and Imvo them titled, NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially mndo for this kind of country. None are bet ter made. 0 J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome sorvlceablu dress shoe for men. Cannot bo beaten for tliu money. Give these shoes u trial. R. H. Loven BOND STREET NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fillh tod Wulungton SliMb PORTLAND. OREGON Ccatrafly Located The Hotel fw YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bnth privilege, .single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up, Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot cars pass our doors. From North Bank Depot Sear transfer at 5th St. ONE CENT A WORD IS ALL A LITTLU WANT AD WILL COST VOU. on called oauuiv -- had ben recoramenuea uj uc Store.