The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 27, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
no. :io.
:OKhop O'Reilly Here Tomorrow to
Tell of Plan Site For lasUtu.
.tlon to ho Donated Invest
ment May be Heavy.
With tho xiew to Investigating tho
conditions locally for tho establish
ment of an academy nad Catholic
Sisters hospital In Qcnd, the night
Reverend Bishop O'Uollly, of Baker
City, will arlvo In Bend tonight. To
morrow evening Bishop O'Reilly will
be the guest of W. I). Cheney nt tho
Umblom club nt a banquet at which
persons Interested In the enterprise
ulll be Invited to attend.
It Is understood that a Bite for tho
proposed hospital has been offered
freo for this purpose, but tho Identity
of Us donor, and tho location has not
been made public. At tho meeting
tomorrow evening this will likely be
mado known, and something as to
the charactor and the purposes of the
hospital will bo given out by Dlshop
Bishop O'Reilly has been a fro
quent visitor In Rend, and for some
time had In mind the establishment
nt a hospital here. Tho bishop Is
greatly Imprcssod with Bend and Its
future. On former visits ho has ex
pressed himself ns favoring tho foun
drtlon of an academy and hospital
under the auspices of the Sisters in
Rend ptnvlded local conditions were
-nlsfnctary. It has boon learned
t'nrt oxtonslvo oupport will ho given
to tho ochool tind hospital.
On a recent trip oast Illshop O'
Reilly conferred with tho hoad otn
cm of the Sisters of Charity of Na-
2rrcth. who are .'Imost exclusively
an eastern and southern order of Sis
ters of Charity. Thin order Is ono of
tho moat enterprising In the country
And tho Institutions under Its direc
tion aio known widely for tholr cm
clency and modern methods. It hau
.Iso been learned that the order la
prepared to Invest extensively In the
erection and equipment of an
academy and hospital In Bond.
Tho cntrnnca of tho Sisters into
this locality hos been doterrod for
romstlmo owing to tho ncarclty of
Sisters and tho great demand for
thorn z centers whore their hospitals
nro locatod In tho east. Tho order,
however, has had Bend under consid
eration for sometime, with tho view
t Increasing Its activity In tho west
aind it Is expected that dellnlto re
sults will follow from Bishop O'Reil
lys visit.
county fair tIiih vi:i:k.
Tho annual Crook county fair Is
nelng hold this week nt Prineville.
An Interesting program of races and
special attractions has been arranged
' Manager R. I.. Schee and It Is ex
pected that flna exhibits of stock and
Agricultural products will bo shown.
Prom Bend an exhibit will be mado
by tho Bend Flour Mill comapny, and
children from tho schools will dem
onstrate canning club work. In tho
lino of sports, Max Martin will meet
Fred Miller. In a wrestling match
And Fred Gilbert will box 10 rounds
w'tr Jack Dolirey.
County Division
ON THE BALLOT nt the coming election will nppenr
the question of removal of the county seat from Prine-
- ville to Bend, nnd the
Deschutes county from Crook county. Two years ago a
division campaign was waged and more than 00 per cent of
the voters in the proposed Deschutes county voted in favor
of division. As soon as Bt)nd
growth it was generally agreed
carry if the necessary 85 per cent vote could be assured from
the east side. When an attempt was made to obtain this
assurance Bend met with evasion and double crossing of such
nature that a removal of the
possible methad or bringing to
and was entitled to, that is, a
local bill was initiated to remove the county seat from
Prineville to Bend.
Later, assurances were received from representative
citizens of the east side that the necessary 85 per cent vote
could be obtained if division were undertaken and it is how
ncrreed that Deschutes unty will receive much more than
the 85 per cent vote needed from Prineville and the rest of
the east side, it is apparent also mat the necessary 05 per
cent vote will be cast in Deschutes county. In fact, the
certainty that the vote would be favorable has produced an
apathy which has led some to ask if the Lame were dead.
The issue is not dead. It is very much alivej ps is anything
-which the people want ,
In the few weeks remaining before election certain
aspects of the division question will be discussed here, par
ticularly that of taxation, which is one of the most impor
tant and most misunderstood. Division is the question.
County seat removal will be voted down. Get ready now to
mark your cross against removal and for division.
Wnnt Danger of Pollution of Den
Chutes by Rltcr Front Kcsl-
dents llcmotcd At Omo
Drastic mensures are to be taken
by state and city health authorities
to remoto the present danger of pol
lutfon of the water of the Deschutes
by banishing from the rler shore tho
out houses and refuse piles which
hnvo boon collected In tho past year.
In the beginning owners and accu
pants of the river front property will
bo warned and given tlmo to clean
up their premises and thereafter
..8(.who fa" t0 nced tho warning
will be prosecuted under tho Des
chutes pollution statute passed by
the 1911 legislature.
In carrying out this campaign Dr.
.n ' RoberK' "tote health officer,
of Portland was here for several days
last Week. Sncaklni? nf Innnl nnnill.
tlons Dr. Roberg said that they were
worse than In any othor place ho
knew In thestoto and his work takes
him around rather extensively. City
Health Officer Coe has done his best
to improe conditions, but public sen
timent Is not sufficiently strong to ob
tain results. One offender was tried
while Dr. Roberg was here and fined
S25. He loft 12 complaints and de
positions which nre to be used In
trials as soon as Deputy District At
torney Krsklno returns to town. Tho
council will also bo nsked to pass an
ordinance requiring septic tanks on
river lots.
Whllo here Dr. Roborg also de
scribed tho workings of the model
registration law now In effect In Or
egon under which all births and
deaths are reported to a local regis
trar and by him to the state board
of health. In this manner tho stato
board Is able to keop in touch with
hoalth conditions all over tho state.
Tho local registrar Is Dr. U. C. Coo,
who haq appointed as his assistant
Dr. Dwlght F. Miller.
Dr. Roberg said that the town
should do everything In Its powor
to protect the Deschutes water shod,
staling that tho opening of Crane
Pralrlo would bo a great mistake.
Incorporators of Spokesman Co., to
Publish Two Patters.
Back of the recent Incorporation of
tho Spokesman Publishing Co., con
sisting of M. W. Pottigrew, J. X. Wil
liamson, Georgo Dickinson, K. T.
81ayton and C. W, Elklns Is an Inter
esting story which Is expoctod to be
unfolded as tho county division cam
paign and the work ou the Prlnovlllo
railroad dovelop.
Apordlug to tho best reports avail
able tho primary object of the now
ontcrprlso will bo to obtain a location
of tho Prlnevlllo railroad satisfactory
to tho Interests behind the new com
pany. Another object will be to fight
county division. It Is understood
that a portion of tho Redmond
Spokesman plant will be moved to
Prlnevlllo nnd that two papers will
be published, tho Prlnevlllo Spokes
man and the Redmond Spokesman.
Under the auspices of tho Bond
Parent-Teacher association tho ex
hibit of tho stato child welfare leaguo
will bo shown horo next weok, tho
exact dato not yet being known. In-
ciuaoa in tho oxhlblt is u display
which will probably be set up In tho
commercial uiuu room, and two lec
tures with slereoDtlcian Blldes on
kindergarten work nnd child welfare.
question of the formation of
began its recent remarkable
that this year division would
county &eat seemed the only
the west side what it wanted
county seat. Accordingly a
Capacity of Plant will be Increased One-Third-Nearly
200 More Men to be Added to Pay Roll
Labor Situation Reported to be Brighter
With the Ending of the Harvest Season
The third saw- mill for Bend, the
second or twin mill of The Shetlln
Hlxon Cumpiny, with ono band, wilt
commence operations net week,
Thursday, the finishing touches on
tho Installation of the machinery now
being almost complete.
With the beginning of operations
of tho twin mill, tho capacity of The
Shotltn-H!xou Company will be one
third greater than the present out
feet dally on two 10-hour shifts.
This will increase tho cut f-om nbout
120,000,000 to 150,000,000 feet.
Together with tho Increased cut will
come n one-third Increase In the num
ber of men directly connected with
Power Plant and Twin Mills of The
Shevlin-HiXon Company
, I H
t I H T
The mill, uhlch trill begin culling next week, ' shown at the left oflhe picture.
On the right Is lite new fuel storage building.
the saw mill units of tho plant which
will affect the pay roll In the mill
proper, sorting sheds, stacker and
unstacker, dry kiln, lodging Toad
and In the logging camps. It In es
timated that between 150 and 200
men will ho added to tho present
forco of the company within the next
fow weeks. Of tho number to be
added about SO men will make up
tho force at tho compnny'g plnnt.
Twenty-five men will be ctnplojcd In
tho mill during tho two shifts.
Tho twin milt Is Identical In sire
with the first mill being 54 by ISO
foot. Al. hough only ono nlue-foo: blind
saw mill will bo operated nt the pres
ent, the builders have mude provision
for tho Installation of n second band!
as soon as It Is needed. The cuti
.Suturduy Will II Bend Buy Crop
IMiibltN PromlM' Well.
The Sisters' Fair and Race meet
which will beiheld, October C and T,
promises to be tho best oer
Crops are unusually good this eur
and farmers will bo enabled to choose
man) fine samples of tholr produce
for tho exhibit. ThortiwllI be no
entry fees this ear for oxhlbltors aud
farmers arc eager to enter the con
There were nine horo trained on
the track this ear nnd all thoiw
horses will appearand context In the
races. The truck Is being put In ex
cellent condition and the grounds and
buildings are being Improved. More
Interest Is being shown In the fair
than ever and Indications are that
there will be plenty to Interest and
entertain visitors ever' minute.
Saturday. October C, will be ob
served as Bend day.
In the first week of September, ac
cording to Secretary of State Ben W.
Olcott, tho registrations for the com
Ing election were CO, 00 short of the
total registrations for 1911 Regis
tration books close on October 7 and
all who wish to receive the pamph
let contelolng the tnerdures to be
voted on in November should register
before that time Those who have
registered elsewhere and since re
moved to Crook county can have
their registration changed by appli
cation to tho registration officer and
should attend to this at onco.
Alfred A. Aya has brought suit
against J B. Morton, for $0,000
claiming that amount on account of
transactions between the two In con
nection with phases of the Deschutes
Una Company, or llorson project, at
3a Pine. Papers In the suit were filed
In Portland yesterday, according to
the Oregon Journal,
will bo handled over Individual tram
ways to tho first mill aud will nil go
through tho trimmer of the first mill.
As the forco of men In the woods
Is now Just Btifllclont to supply logs
for ono mill, It will bu ncce4sary to
Increase the logging force about one
third by the employment of mora
than 100 men. A night force will bo
emploed on the logging road. Fifty
new logging cars have boon ordered
and are expected to arrlvo buforu the
now mill begins operations. Xoxt
Sunday tho water In the logging pond
will be lowered and tho piers In Tho
Shetiln-Hlxiu Company V logging
pond will bo blown out which will In-
crcaso tho pond area sufficient to
huuJIo the logs for the second mill.
Tho now mill is built hy Dion and
Horskotto, of Spokane. Duncan Mo
Luurln has been In charge of con
struction. With tho labor situation at the
mill now becoming brighter no dif
ficulty In obtaining mill hands nnd
loggers Is expected. Tho situation
which was acuto a fow weeks ago Is
much better, according to foremen
of various parts of the plant. Men,
who lime boon engaged on home
steads nnd In tho hurtcst fluids for
several months, are now turning to
steadier work for tho fall and winter
inoutliH and It Is expected that all
the men necessary to run tho plant,
to its cupacltj will bo available,
I'.iity of no I'mm IIiiiiih Ariltcri
Hiitiiitlny mi Way to Kaleiii.
Tho Ilnrne) County Sago Brush
orchostra nrhed In Bend from Burns
lato Saturday afternoon and left on
tho night train for Portland. While
here the part) of nbout SO, Includ
ing tho members of tho orchostra nnd
older folks traullng with thorn, were
entertained at dinner at tho Kmblom
eliili. Tho) are expoctod to return
this way later In the week nnd mu
Hsslbly glo a concert here before
leatliiK for Burns.
Itoports lime been current horo
this week tint tho reason tho or
chestra eancollod Its engagement to
piny here Saturday night was bocauso
an exorbitant price Imd been
charged for the use of tho hull. Ac
cording to the best Information avail
able this Is Incorrect Munager Doud
lab, of the Hippodrome, asserting
that the price was reasonable, whllo
the manager of the orchestra states
that tho trouble was caused by Ina
bility to obtaaln satisfactory hours
for the concert. The chief difficulty
seems to have been caused by leaving
the arrangements to some one not
connected with the orchestra.
The Ilrooks-Scanlon Lumber Com-
prny's box factory started operations
lait Saturday morning The factory
will not he running to Its capacity for
a week. Whon going to Its full cu
paclty the plant will employ about 20
men. Tho manufacture of box shooks
Is a new field for the Brooks-Scaulon
Lumber Company,
On their way to cruise the timber
of Lake county for assessment pur
posts. M. O. Nease, of Portland, and
a party of timber cruisers In his em
ploy passed through Bend last wook
Ono of the party was 8?ni Bellab. a
well known athlete and pole vaulter
According to members of tho party
It is expected that their work will
occupy them until snow flies.
Onict'i-s nnd (AimmltWfH Kelcctetl
i'llnevllle Will bu Next .Meeting;
Pluttjj-Bnniiuet Wiw flltm.
The Rebekah district convention
for Crook count) met In Snthor's hull
nt Bend h-st Friday afternoon. Dale.
gates were In attendance from tho
Redmond nnd Prineville lodges. Mrs.
A. I. Trench was chairman of the
Tho officers elected for the ensuing
year were as follows: K. True Shat
tuck, Prlnovlll. president! Kmlle
Clinc. Redmond, Ice-president;
l'thel Fleming, Bend, secretary;
Amanda Chores. Prineville, uiarshnll;
Maud Shuoy, Bend, chaplain; Lucy
French. Inside guard: nnd Elllio
bless. Bend, outside guard.
Mrs. Nellie Wattoburg. grand pres
ident of the Rnbeknh lodge for Ore
gon, nnd Henry 3. Westbrook, and K,
True Shattuck or tho Rebekah as
scinbly were present.
Tho committee nppotntcd were ob
follows: Legislation II. S. West
brook, H. True Shattuck and Kthel
Fleming: Thanks Snrah Abel, Rob
ert Watteburg and Vivian Henkle:
Press 1 L. Shattuck, Kmlllo Cllno
and Martha UngcbrotHun.
Tho next concntlon will be held
In Prlnotlle.
Tho (siting delegates were cnter-
tnlned ut a lumiuet given In tho eve
ning by tho Odd Fellows and Jte-
bcknh lodges.
i:cutiitlon For Pllpt llutto Hotel
Begun .Monday Morning,
Tho work of oxcnvntlon for tho new
Pilot Butte hotel begun Monday
morning, nnd, according to Phillip
Brooks, will be pushed aa funt ns pos
sible with tho Idea of completing
the hotel at the earliest poslblo dato.
ArrangumentH for tho work were
made by Mr. BtookH when hero last
week aud on Saturday ho explained
to tho Commercial club, at Its lunch
eon at tho Wright hotel, tho reason
for tho various dolnya In starting
worH The new hotel will ho carried
on by Mr. Brooks, Frnnk Sullivan,
who has been associated with him In
thu enterprise hating found it ne
ccsaary to give it up.
A triangular piece of land belong
ing to thu Bend Water Light and
Powor Co., nnd adjoining tho hotel
property will bo sold to Mr. Brooks
td give him a longer frontage on
Greenwood awuuo and, thi roar Jf
tho lot will he tilted In by waste frJtn
tho excavation, Tho conntructloa
will ho In chargo of George Ingo
mann. Mr. Brooks Ih oxpectod to ro
turn on Saturday.
J. II. Corbett, who has been agent
In Bond for tho Oregon Trunk nnd
tho O.-W. II. & N allien thu railroad
was first built In here, left Sunday
for Astoria wheru hu will bn freight
nnd ticket agent on the S. P. & S.
Ills position here has been takon by
I), Keller, formerly ngent nt Red
mond. Mr. Keller has moved to
Bend with his family. Thu Redmond
office will hereafter bu In oliarge of
l). K. NtiMienakiTt of Wnslitucs,
MRS. .1. MA.VMII.'IMHlt l)li:s'.
Mr. nnd Mr Plnriinfii MnntilifJmnr
left hurrledl) Tuesday morning for
wnicngo iming icceiveil word the
night before nf tint Hurloim lllnnua nt
Mrs. J Mnnnhelmer In Chicago Lnter
in tne loronouii Claud Maunholmor
received n mosiago reporting his
mother's death. Mrs. Mnnnholnier
was 07 year old and leaves three
duughters besides Clarence and Claud
Maniiholmor, of Bend. Tho fiinerul
will bo held on Friday nnd Mann
holmor llrothors store will bo closod
for tho da)
Ith thu mustering out of the
Thlnl Oregon ut fiackumus on Mon
du, (1 P Piitnum. or Bond, pub
lisher of The Bulletin, who Ims been
sari In k rs n coiporal In Company M
resumed his duties im secretary to
Governor Wltliycombe Mr. Putnam
Is expected to arrlte In Bend for u
short tlslt on Saturday. Mrs. J'ut
nr.m will accompany him.
C. M. Yahne. a driver of one of the
mall trucks of tho Pioneer Autn Him?
and Truck Company, was badly
burned last Monday by a gucollne ex
plosion In the Walsh and Smith Oar
age at 8llver Lake Yahne was strain.
ing gasoline through a chninol InUi
the gasoline tank of the truck when
tho explosion occurred. By the pres
ence of mind of persons In the gar
age, who rolled Mr Yahne In blank
ets nnd amotbered the flames, the
burns wero less serious. The com
pany's truck and a lurge quantity of
freight was destroyed. Mr. Yahne
was brought to Bend last night.
A 40-ucre tract, west of tho Bend
Company' old mill on tho west side
of tho river wrui purchased Monday
by the Bond Fair and Race Track
association from Tho llen! r'nmnnnu
Tho consideration wan 160 per acre'
n cirvr in men unuor i narle Carroll
was put to work Tuesday mornlnx
clearing and grading tho groundH
preparatory to the grading of the
race track and the erection of grand
stand aud stabltx. The nsuoclatlon
plans to hold a meet hero some
time during tho latter part of next
Attornoy-ficnfciil Brown IVtwonl to
SjHNik Idulles Kerto VsunI
GimxI Dinner Sports Oc
cupied the Afternoon.
Tho Sixth Aunuul fair of tho Vrtat
Sldo Agricultural Fair ascoclatlon.
hold at Tjtnnlo on Saturday, wan
a worth whllo oxhlblt of tho progress
and Industry of tho people living on
tho Tumulo fojoit, and u renewed
testimonial to tho productivity of tho
rroject lands. Alto, It tho first
of tho fall rnt.'ri f tho roi'nty whom
f"lk8 from nil sections mtiot to talk
crops and pol.t'ca nnd car duett.
And nljo again, It was tin occasion
for another ono rf those V Sldo
LndleB' dlurers which aru always a
drawing car J.
How truo this vns on Stturdav was
shown hy Attorney-Ounrral Brown,
who was dr?wn nil tho w.iy fiom Sa
lem by tho mM.iory of 'Ji" dinner
sorted by these ckiuu ladles a jcar
ngo In Juno, v hen tho Dosirt Land
board camo In to Inspect the project.
Mr. Brown recalled this event In his
Hpoech, delivered from thu front plat
form of tho hall, F.xccpt for this,
and congratulatory words for tho
stnndard of exhibits dlopla)od In tho
hall, tho greater part of Mr. Brown'H
speech was devoted to a discussion nf
two of tho moustyrpit on tho ballot thin
rrll One, the full rcntnl valuo land
luw, ho denounced, urging that every
man who owned piece of land
should toto ngnlnst It. Tho other, tho
so-culled browor'n amnnduiont, was
equally repugnant to him, and appar
ently hu hnd a good part of his audi
onco with lilui.
Mr. Brown furnished a good fourth
part of tho day's progam, AnoUier,
tho dinner, has ulready been meu
tlonod and a third, thu afternoon
spurts, must find their talo In tho
summary of prize winners which will
bo published In next week's Bulletin.
Thero remains one more, the fair It
self, or more particularly, tho exhib
its In tho hall.
The EMbll,
In otut Initial resfe.t the show was
fnr ahead of last year's and that was
In the arrangement. On Saturday,
with the two sldo tables there worn
two tables up tho center with an and
botwoen thereby doing away with
tho crowded nppoaranco of Inst yoar
and making navigation of tho aisles
u far easier matter.
On thu tnhlos tho most abundant
oxhlblt was possibly potalocH. Tho
other more noticeable dlsplaya wero
thu root crops and gra.iscH and grain
which, with tho dairy cow and stock,
will bo the agricultural making of
Uio country Hero nnd thorn woro
less hard) products, cucumhoni, to
matoes and corn, but these woro not
up to lust jour's standards, nor was
there an) such fruit display nt at
year's show. Perhaps tho most at
tractive exhibit uas thu dleptuy of
atrattlieiiivii 'rotn- "u ."cckor ranch,
hlg, red berries that ?.Vinlv Djtoutml
for tho rest of a shortcake IngroTl1?"
ents to mako produce u perfect end.
Tho Becker honey, alongside, mado
mouths water, also
Another exhibit to which especial
nifuri'iirn should be made was tho
general display of K J Rogers which
took the blue ribbon Mr. Rogers
had oter 10 diffureiit kinds or food
produtls displayed, from enko and
iieuse and pie aud briiud to all tho
vegetables, smoked nioatH, n rnant
chicken, Jolt) and Jams. And all, ev
erything, front the cuko to tho Jinn,
raised or made by him on his home,
stead Ho Is a bachelor, but uoiiin
girl will have him cooking for her
A iiumbqr or tho exhibits havo
been takiui to tho stato fulr at flulom
by Manager Walluu
A big crowd saw the show, coming
from Sisters. Redmond. Prlnnvllln
and Bend, as well as from every
home on the project Tho politicians
were not ry noticeable and almost
best of all. there wore no rlnir.tln..
cane, hlHhe-nlggor-hnby and other
bally hoo affairs which uro so often
found at agricultural fairs becauso
those who attend them ore morn ag
ricultural than the fair Itseir, nt least
In tho eyes of the bally. hoo men who
get Uielr mooey.
Tho second half of the taxes for
tl.e year 191b Is now p-iynblo to Bher-
Iff Knox. In Prlnnvllln n,.i
Thuruda) being the last day on which
puiuwii cau no mane witimut Inter
est. After Thursday, Octobe 6, In
tarest la navabla at thu mi,, nf nnu
per cent a month or fraction of u
inuuiu unui paiu.
Mill rlu AA n(,..,.),..l a i . . . . .
k1vio on Friday night by tho Parent
Tn.i-hrir Asamtl.Hnn ... tfc... . I-. .
of tho Bend public schools nt tho
Kmblura club Mrs. O. A. Thorson,
a president of tho association. In-
..-v- ., . ,.!!-, ui win snooi
board for a fow welcoming remarks
finil Mr V.IV&. flln In..... I 7.1 I.
-",' '. """i' ", iuiiuiim; nup-
orlntondoat Thordnson. Following
a p . nine u luuncai progrum was
given i nd refreshment trcro served.
1 1 1