rAQE 0. FORESTS HELP SERVICE MAKES RE PORT ON STUDY Snow Measurement nt 20 Different HtAtloiLs In Columbia Forwt, Half in Open and Half Under C)ver Open Ground liavcl KarUtt.1. THK ItKND BULLETIN, IlKXD, OnE., WEDNESDAY, HEPTEMDEIl 20, lfMrt. SAVE MOiSTURE That snow roraa'ns on the land much lonKcr under forest trees than in open places of the samo altitude end similar conditions, Is clearly shown In a report Just received by DlBtrlct Forester George H. Cecil, Portland, Oregon. During the Bprlng of 191G, the depth of snow wbb measured regul arly at twenty different stations In tho open and In tho forest near tho Wind Itlver Experiment Station on tho Columbia National Forest, to de termine tho value of forests In pro longing the wlnter'B Bnow Bupply. Tho stations were In pairs, each one In tho forest having Its counterpart In the open where all conditions were similar except that there was no standing green timber.' , In every pair of BtaUons without exception tho snow lasted longer at tho station under the trees than at the one In the open. On the flat, the snow left the plowed ground two weeks before It left the woods: the burned nnd logged off lands four weeks earlier; nnd the unburncd BluBliIns two to three weeks earlier than tho corresponding forest sta tions. On tho mountain sides the snow dhnppeared from old burns on eotitli slopes seven to eight weeks sooner than from plmllnr foreated nlopes, and from the open ridge six weeks before It left the wooded rldgo. As each station In tho open be came entirely bare during the study ,thoro wob Btlll on the ground at each station in tne forest an nverago for tho cntlro study of over 2S Inches of snow, equal to more than 13 in ches of water, b was ascertained by careful measurement. The report states that In n eenuon of loss or greater snowfall than last winter, this dlffcrcuco would be correspondingly lesfl or greater. According to tho report, these figures show that all forests In this region, especially the N'nttonal For est nrcas In the high mountains, nro very vnluablo for conserving tho spring water supply, and should bo carefully protected. Denuded forest areas should be restocked with trees and protected from Are a.d all other destroying Influences. Members of the Harney County Sage Brush Orchestra The orchestra will be heard at the Hippodrome in Bend next Saturday night, before leaving for Salem and Portland to play at the state fair and before the Portland Ad Club. SAGE BRUSH ORCHESTRA TO PLAY HERE SATURDAY NIGHT llliifliliifr Portland Hoop Dud McctN Uie Hmwy County Suxe Next Wovk at Portland Ad Club. On the first trip out of their own sago brush country, the Harney County Sage llrush Orchestra, re named from the Hums Community Orchestrn, will give their first con cert In Ilend on Saturday night. The orchestra is to arrive from Hums by autos in me anernoon ana m i o'clock tho concert will begin at tho Hippodrome. Sunday morning tho party will leavo by special car for Portland and Salem, the orchestra being a special attraction at tho State Fair. On Wednesday It will return to Port land and appear before the Portland Ad Club, sharing the tlm with a delegation from Pendleton which will advocate the placing of a state normal school at the Kound-Up city. According to M. C. Atbey, who has beon acting as the advance agent of the orchestra, Wednesday will go down In history as "Sage DruBh Day." In addition to the featuring of tho orchestra at the Ad Club lunch eon that day it Is the Intention of those who are behind the affair to take down a carload of sage brush and pin a piece on every person In town. Your Health 8oe Edwards for good bouse paint ing. Adv. What profited a man that ho gain the whole world yot Iohc hlc health? NuturalUts say that long ago the prehistoric wateis were Infested with n species of enormous shark which finally becnino extinct by reaBon of tho workings or Its voracious appe tite. Thus Naturo eliminates tho over-fed. The desire for easo of llfo and plentiful diet is universal nud Is tho great stimulus of man und animals alike. When man becomes greedy and.tr.kes moro easo and food 'and drink than Is his share. Nature dis cards htm. In tho raco for power and place, for easo of circumstances and relief frnm tlin stlmuluH of hllll'Ker. till! modern mhn Is apt to forget that unless ho Is careful or inn uouy no will soon be made to suffer for tho lnffntlfin nt Vntiiro'H lnnvornhln physical law. With the loss In body tone comes an equal loss In mental acuity and tho brain which for n tlmo vim nble to oneratc despite tho com plaints of nn over-fed, under-exer- clscd, self-poisoned body, stops worK Ing. Statlet'clnns havo discovered that the mortality rato of person In tho United Statos over 40 years o ago Is increasing. Tho strenuous llfo of today Is not alono rrsponslblo for this. Lack of health-giving exercise, superfluity of diet, lack of restoring sleep, over-stimulation, the high pres sure of tho raco for power, weulth and position, plus physical neglect these bring early decay, iiio goal Is reached wealth Is amassod honor, position and power aro Just being grasped when the applo of ac complishment turns to the ashes of dl3folutlon. The brilliant mind be comes clouded, tbn steady hand Is no longer accurate, the eye which once gazed fearlessly on the whole world Is dimmed and It is not long before the final break up occurs. All of this was entirely preventable. Other things being equal It Is tho man who leads the well-balanced life who lasts the longest, whoHO work to the end Is uniformly the best, he who neither over-works nor ovor-plays, neither over-cats, over-drinks, nor over-sleep, he who maintains a standard of simple healthy diet In moderation, who offsetA mental work with physical recreation, who la sb honest with his own body as ho Is with his own business. When suc cess comes to such an ono his phys ical and mental condition is suctt that he can enjoy In poaco of mind and contentment of body the fruits of his labors. Tho regulations of U. S. Public Health state: "Ji Is tho duty or of ficers to mnlntnln their physical as woll as their professional lltncss. To this end they shall be allowed tlmo for recreation and study whenever their ofllclal duties will permit." If the Government regards It as esscn tlnl that Its sanitary experts shall bo safeguarded In this way, Is It not equally Important to every citizen that ho similarly maintain a high standard of physical Integrity? Hny Fever, AMlitim nnd ItronchltLs. Every sufforor Bhould know that Foley'H Honey nnd Tar Is a reliable remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, hny rover and asthma. It stopB rack ing coughs; heals raw, Inflamed membranes; loosens tho phlegm and cases wheezy, dllllcult breathing. Sold Everywhere. Adv. Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and ' PASSENGER. SERVICE Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. Air Dried Box Factory Wood $2.50 Per Load Oregon Transfer Co. PHONE US NOW-BLACK 45X T iasss. m.A m m fulyovrself in HEKplace JZxMmn Money to Loan in sums from $250 to $25,000,3 to 10 years time. Reasonable rates, prompt service. J. Ryan ( Co. Why not get a good oil stove to that dur ing the hot weather your wife or mother orsiater or daughter, can prepare the meals In a cool, com fortabla httchenr -S There's no overheating the kitchen with artup-to-date oil cook stove. It's just like cooking with city gas. The burners con centrate Jhe heat at tho different cooking points. JiLtil: s, 'If G WI. tljgV A5iSVaATCl liH ' THE "GREATER OREGON" With n.w bulldlnr.. better mulpm.nt.and many addition, to It. farultr. th Unlvrnllr of Orocon will bcln It. fortj.ftnt ,.ar.Tu.. dar. 8ptrmbr 1. !. ttpcflal tralalns In Comm.rrr. Jonrnallim. Arrhlttur.tw.Mllclii.Tflilnr.I.lbr. rt Work. Muilc I'hj.lc.l Tralnlnc and Kin. Aru. Larad.tronidi)rlni.nUof Llbcr. al Mutation. Library of maro than o.000 Tolnmri, (IN Ihk bulldlnn follf wialpocd, two .pl.ndld Tuition rra. Dormttorln for tn.n and (or Writ (or (rMcaialocaddrtMlnc tt.xlitrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ' EDflKNK. OREGON P3 rfV4feU LI fTiQ2SfJH WWI -9 ml QHaU 1 I Baiski JKJKnm fggZ Twb;w(bvCariOtAi MIIIIM II NEW PE$fcECTJON OIL CGfoK&TOVE No wood or coal or ashes to lug. No waiting for fires to catchup. The long blue chimneys do away with all smoke and smell. In 1, 2, 3, and 4-burner lie, with or without oven. Alio cabin. t models with I'irtltu cooking ov.ru STANDARDOIL COMPANY (C.lir.rol.) afeass BEND HARDWARE CO. F. DEMENT & CO. Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the business Center. Lots 40X105 475 for Inside, $100 for Corners bis 50X125 $100 for Isside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire AulomoMe Life Accident Surely Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STKEET. I1END. OREGON .Member I'ortlund Krnlty Itonnl. OS( Ml CAItLSON i:i I.YO.NH Carlson (8b Lyons PLUMBING AND HEATING I'lutnblnic & HrutJuK Hiipplle, Itatli Itootn ArcfhAorltw, etc I'll'i:, VAIA'KH AND I'lTTINGH j'uoNt: iu:ii 1.101 ONE CENT A WORD IS ALL A LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU.