The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 20, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Bt '
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"HaJtes Music All the Day"
No phonograpli has the
power to reproduce the
natural tone possessed ty
It is our pleasure al
ways to play the new re
cords because we want to
acquaint you with this
greatest of all phonographs.
, There will bo a meeting to
discuss county division ques
tions In the Commercial club
room tomorrow (Thursday)
night at S o'clqck. Everyone
is urged to attend.
J. N. Mnsten, of La Pine, was In
town ou Monday.
Fred N. Wallace w?s up from Tu-
ruaio on saturcicy.
B. L. Clark, of La tine, was n vis
ltor In Bend on Saturday.
Do You Give This Kollum
the Once Over
every week? If you ddn't you
really have no Idea how good tbe
programs are at THE BEND.
Just take tonight. You can bee
Paulino Frederick In AUDREY,
taken from the famous novel, with
n news picture. Then every Fri
day and Saturday
peoplo see Helen Holmes In The
'Jlrl and The Game, and laugh at
Ham and Rud's unties. It
that our Sunday-Monday programs
nro so good. Wo choose them
, especially for these days, and this
njweek wo have chosen The Heart
'of Paula. This Is a love story of
old Mexico and has a
. ending. We will ehow the tad
ending Sunday, and the happy
closo Monday.
i h.
Homctlmc.1 Rtanda for an attached
Punk Squib, but In this instance
it means thnt
P; 1). Q.
you -will have the opportunity to
eeo Mary Plckfard In Tbe Eternal
Bend Theatre
The home of all Psramouols and
other good pictures.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Erlcson were
In from Alfalfa on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Malosh were
shopping In town on Friday.
Rev. Van Waters, of the Episcopal
church, was in town last week.
fcorgo Mllllcan, of MIlHcnn, was
a visitor In Bend on Thursday.
E. M. Lara left Sunday night for
Portland to have his eyes treated.
Horace Brookings, of Brookings,
was in Bend Frldry doing some trad
ing. John Sather returned Sunday
evening from a buslne?a trip to Pott-land.
Horace Brookings was In from his
half-way ranch and stage station last
Mr. and Mis. Alex Mcintosh left
Saturday night for a visit to Boise,
Mlts Nina Trlplett left last night
for Alaska, to bo gone several
Harry Manlon left on Saturday
evening for Seattle to visit with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Illlngsworth, of
Metolius, were in Bend ou Monday
W. J. Adamson made a trip to
Fort Rock last week, returning on
Born, to Mr and Mrs. A, G. Allen.
Thurda morning, a Bcvon-and-ahnlf
pound eon.
Ted Hoke, who has been In Alas
ka all summer, returned to town on
Sunday night.
W. D. Cheney, of the Bend Park
Co., came in Friday morning for a
two days' stay.
Mrs. Fred Fish left Monday morn
ing for a several weeks ls!t In Spo- and Salem.
R. M. Smith Clothing Company is
having a new cash carrier system In
stalled In the store.
Mrs. H. Trumbauer arrived last
week from Philadelphia to visit her
daughter, Mrs. E. M. Lara.
. Marie and Roy Fox left Friday for
Corvnllls, whero they enter tho Or
egon Acrlcultural CoUegc.
MifS Ruth Caldwell left on Friday
for Corvallls, whero she enters the
Oregon Agricultural College.
Rev. H. C. Ht.rtrunft held church
ccrvlce at La Pino on Sunday, re
turning to Bend on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Garrison re
turned on Friday from en extended
trip to Banners Ferry, Idaho.
Frank May expectn to leave some
time next week for Honolulu to be
gone during the winter months.
Mrs. N. U. Davis returned Sunday
from a several weeks' visit to Tcco
ma and Soap Lake, Washington.
Percy Stephens, of Endevby, U. c.,
arrived on Wednesday to visit with
bin filler. Mis. Frank R. Prince,
F, T. Parker, of tho Bend Water,
Light & Power Co., returned Friday
morning from a vacation at Astoria.
of the Summer
months and vaca
tion days is over.
The season for cold
resisting, warmer
garments is here
and a visit to our
store will prove
that it's worth while to Uy in your stock of cloth
ing right now while our
Stocks are Bristling
from collar buttons to trunks with NEW GOODS
H. Roingold. of Portland, arrived
in Berid on Saturday to take charge
of H. Roingold & Company's storo in
Tho Bend Brick Jfc Lumber Co. Is
delivering lumber this week for the
Warner warehouse and tho Princo
Mrs. James Ryan and children re
turned Sunday morning from a sev
eral weeks' visit with relatives in
Mrs. O. P. Putnam, who has been
visiting her parents in Connecticut
this summer, returned to Salem on
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warnor spent
Sunday with tho Misses Mary and
Susto Benson at tho Mountain Crest
View ranch,-
I. Wellrogtan Gardiner, Frank
Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bastes and
Miss Elsie Olson spent Sunday on
the Metolius.
A. C. Shclton and W, A. Kuyken
dall, of Eugene, passed through Bend
on Friday after a two weeks' visit
to Crater Lake.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W, Cray arrived
yesterday morning from Sonora, Cat,
Mr. Cray has taken employment la
the box factory.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hlbbard left
on Sunday night, after spending sev
eral months hero visiting their
daughter, Mrs. C. P. Nlswonger.
M. C. Athey. editor of the Harney
County Tribune, who la advance
agent for the Harney County Sage
Brush Orchestra, was In Bend Sun-'
H. D. Mellrldc returned from Mod-
ford on Friday to mako preparations
for the opening of his confectionery
store In the O'Knno building next
Born On- Friday, to Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Varco, n boy weighing six and
a quarter pounds. Mrs. Varco is tho
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II.
Dr. David N. Roberg. of Portlnnd.
chairman of tho State Board of
Health, arrived in Bend last night
and will leave tomorrow for Klam
ath Falls.
E. C. Lnndlngham, Ed, Swnlloy,
Chas... Griffith and Mrs. Lona Mc
Phorson returned Monday night from
a two weeks' camping trip on tho
couth fork of tho McKonile river.
Pnul C. Garrison returned Friday
night with his family from Idaho,
where they -spent the summor, He
loft again on Monday on a two
weeks' trip Into tho eastern part of
tho state.- .
P. Huntington wns over from Sis
tors on Monday with Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. Pednnult, who expected to romaln
hero. Being unablo to find .satisfac
tory accommodations they returned
to Slstoia tho enmo day.
Seth Stookoy, who has recently
brought a number of horses to this
section to carry on the range through
tho winter, left on Friday for Wil
bur, Wash., whero ho will arrange to
onng'nia raraiiy ncro In the near
Howard Palmer left on Saturday
for Tho Dalles, where-ho expects to
live permanently hereafter. On ac
count of his health he has been com
pelled to move to n lower altitude.
Hla wife nnd daughter nro already
at ine uauos.
There will be an Informal moot
ing of tho Parent-Teacher association
and n reception for tho tcacbors at
tho Held school on Friday evening
at 8 o'clock. All members of tho as
sociation and all parents whose chil
dren nro attending school nro invited
to attend.
Wlllir.ra McMurrny, general pas.
songor agent, and F. W. Robinson,
traffic manager, of the 0-W. n. &
N., arrived hero in tholr prlvato car
on Friday and loft for Portland Sat
urday night aftpr spending Satur
day In Inspecting tho town and sur
rounding country.
I. Wellington Gardner. Los Ange
les capitalist, who visited a few days
last week with his brother-in-law,
Frank Gilbert, returned to his homo
on Monday morning, going via Kla
math Falls. Mr. Gardiner Is much
Impressed with Bend and vicinity,
and will return In n few weeks.
A meeting has been called by L. D.
Welst, chairman of the Prohibition
Party of Crook County, to be hold
Sept. 24 at 2 o'clock. Rev. H. C.
Hartrantt will speak on tho "Brew
ers' Amendmont and Absoluto Prohi
bition." Several other meetings are
being planned by the party for v
eral towns In the county for the rest
of the campaign.
W. D. Barnes waa up from Tumnlo
on Tuesday.
C. T. Cbalfan Is In town today from
Plcicvlew district.
G.A, Smythe, of Burns, Is in Bend
today on business.
Philip Brooks, of Vancouver, B. C,
will arrive in Bend on Saturday,
Thomas H. Wilson, formerly of the
Klamath Falls Record, was In town
today on business.
C. J. Cctlow Isft for Portland loot
night to r.rrango for new programs
for tho Bead Thectre.
Fred W. Horitkotte, -of Spokane,
arrived In Bend this morning to In
spect the new Shevlln-Hlxon sawmill,
V. A. Forbes has begun the erec
tion of a house in Plnelyn Park,
which he will occupy when com
pleted. Scandinavian-Lutheran church
services will be held on Sunday
evening at tho Commercial club
rooms at 7:30 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs, C. M. McKay and
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rhode made a
trip to Paulina and East Lakes. Mr,
McKay planted 2,000 rainbow trout
In the lakes.
The Baptist Women will meet for
work and business at the home of
Mrs. Foley on Thursday at 2:30.
Members are asked to note that the
election of officers will be held at
this meeting.
Sara McMurtle, who has been seri
ously 111 In Spokane, la reported to
be Improving and wilt return to Bend
tbe latter part of the week. Mr. Mc
Murtle waa taken 111 while attending
the Spokane Interstate Fair.
Bend Doings
for next seven days
County Division meeting, council
chambers, S p. m.
Faront-Teachers' Assn. meeting
and reception, Held school, 8 o clock.
Tumato Fair, Tumnlo, beginning
9:30 a. m.
Harney CoUnty Sngc Brush Orches
tra concert, Hippodrome, 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school rally, Presbyterian
church, 10:45 a. m.
Preaching services at all chuches.
Prohibition meeting, Grango hall,
2 p. m.
School Board meeting, 11. J. Over
turf's office, 8 p. m.
Football turnout, Baseball park, C
p. m.
Tue day.
M. E. Aid benefit, Bend Ther.tro,
8 p. m.
Don't forget tbe big danco at tho
Hippodrome every Tuesday nnd Sat
urday evenings.
Oliver H. Erlckson, who has been
called frequently beforo City Record
er H. C. Ellis, la being tried today be
fore Judgo J. A. Estes upon com
plaint of J. II. Miner, for taking the
hitter's automobile without permis
sion. Erlckson was recently arrest
ed on the charge of driving an auto
mobile while Intoxicated.
Wood cutters and several good all
around men wanted nt tho Brickyard
at once. Phone Rural 72. adv. tfc
Dnhcu at tho Hippodrome after
tho concert Saturday evening at 9:30,
Peerless Orchestra.
Four chairs at your sorvtce nt tho
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
Masses on Sunday, 7:30 n. tn. and
10 a. m. Mass on Saturday, 8:30 n.
m., followed by religious instruction
for children.
CIiW.hIIrm Science.
Christian Science Bcrlccn arc
hold In Sathors hall every Sunday
morning at eleven o'clock.
10 a. ni., Bible school; 11 a. m.K
preaching sorvlce. Tho subject Is
'Forwnrd." 7.30. Evening worship
and sermon. J. L. Porlngor, pastor.
IVcwb tcrinn.
Annual Rally Day exerciccn will bo
rendered-by tho Sunday school next
Sunday morning at 10: 4G, Tho fol
lowing program will bo rendered:
Song, by tho school; prayer; Scrip
ture rending by rcsponso; an oxercino
by tho primary department: song, by
tho rchool; exercise by the begln
nors; Bong, by tho school; missionary
oxerclso by tho Juniors; talk to tho
children by the pastor; clotting song;
benediction. The evonlng sorvlce
will bo held nt 7:30, at which time
the pastor will speak from the thomo,
"Tho Relation of tho Bible to An Ed
ucatlon." This address Is to bo made
In tho Intorest of the Blblo study
course, which this year is bolng rec
ognized by tbe high schools of Crook
County. II. C. HARTHANFT. pas
tor. McBrldo Confectionery Storo will
open about October It In O'Kane
Building. Adv. 29-32p.
Favored Fall
Distinctive Garments for Fall ate
now being shown here. SUITS
of the better kind in serge, poplin, etc.
at $15.75 to $29.50
Serge Dresses
are greatly in vogue
this season.- The stvles
are varied, straight lines,
nnd plaited effects
navy is the favored
color. Prices arc mod
est, quality considered.
$6.75 to $19.50
For tho School Girl wo
especially direct your atten
tion to our Peter Thompson'
made Middy Dresses at $0.75
New Full AVnNtn of organ
die and vulle, daintily em
broidered nnd trimmed.
Priced at $1.1.1, sjtt.-",
"They Lace In Front"
Tho Now Full Gossnrd
C-orM-ts and llniviletTN nro
here. Oossnrds for every
typo of figure Wo can cor
set you Intelligently from tho
most varied stuck In the city.
Gossnrd Corsets
::, si:t., $i, $., si.."w
Gossard Brassieres
SOe, 7.V nnd 91.00
Wurnor'H Corsets, SI to W
Our Needlework Novclliri lot holiday
embroidering include the latett thing.
Pin Booli, Silverware Caiet, Cmi.
Kle.Cownt,Toweli. Weeipeciilly
invite you to viiit out ready to wear
department where evety convenience
hat been piorided to malty out telrct.
ioni with comlort and case.
r An
rW Jk
-" Mill ) (
C'ossam I
Watch Us Grow
The parth'H who hauled lumber
from Cory Restaurant corner Sun
day morning, sen owner nnd tmvo
trouble. A. G. BROOK.
Adv. 2'J.p.
About the middle of September I
will start a claim In vocal music.
Those who nro interested may write
or call ou mo, Mrs. Franklin Thor
darson, River Torrnco. Adv. tfc
Seo J. Ryan
lor.ns, Adv.
& Co., for farm land
Phono Red 101 for reserved seats
for Sunday dinner at The Altamont.
Open f:30 to 7 o'clock.
McBrlde Confectionery 8 to re will
open about October 14 In O'Kasa
Building. Adv. 29-32p.
Dance at the H'ppodromo after
the concert Saturday evening at 9:30.
Peerleu Orchettxa.
I Wa I
Mrs. Bornlce Halley-Forrcst an
nounces that her classes In music
will start on September 12,-Adv 2Ctf
Robert Zulllg, who wu formerly
employed at The Bend Company saw
mill, was In from his homestead lit
tho Christmas Iako Valley on Mon
ti ny to buy supplies for tbo winter..
Ho reports that farming conditions tn
his vicinity are nioro than promising.
There will bo big crops of grain and
potatoes and an unusual quantity of
rye. Ills own ryo crop, .Mr, Zulllg
snys, will bo 10 1 1 mi's larger than ho
expected nl oun tlmo. The grain In
the field stands higher than his chin.
Not I co Is hereby ( given that tho
plitnu and specifications for the ex
iv.Mitlon for tho now school building now ready nnd may be aeon at
tho office of loo A. Thomus, archi
tect, Thompson building. Bids for
tho excavation will bo received up to
noon on Monday, at the of office of
II. J. Overturf, clerk of tho board.
Bids will bo opened by the board nt
a meeting Monday evening,
29c II. J. OVERTURF, Clerk.
In its grandeur is with ud. All 1 peaceful, quiet and
sublime. Nature, In her nice, quiet way, Is clothliK
herself for the after month. Let us pattern after her
In choosing our fall 'apparel, electing fabric, tints
and shades as fittingly becomes this .beautiful season.
Uarlcfc Xtnco
Como to our store for selections. Wo are now nicely
prepared to furnish materials of many fabrics. Acces
sories to match and admire,
"Hew (Boobo
Our purchases for fail business arc arrMag and meet
ing with approbation and demand.
Xow prlcco
Wa aro pleated to announce that Although there has
been heavy advances In all lines, our foresight In plac
ing large orders In advauce, enables us to continue to
sell meritorious merchandise at near our former prices,
Hll "Oflclcomc
At this tlmo wo, wish to especially Invite toe new.
comer the stranger wltbln our gates, as well as our
old friend (tied and true, to make o'ur store your store
to tho end that we may better rierve jou In tbe future
than In th past, ever looking for Improvement n atoro
servlca and tatlsactory dealings with all.
E. A. Sather