tir -- :V THK IIKND HULLETIN, nEND, OUR., WEDNESDAY, SEITEMBER 20, 1010) PAC3ES. Shearings Ronl I'ut Through. Two real estate deals of conslder r.lilo Importnnce were made here Tuesdny. Joe Elrjgo having purch ased tho Crescent Hotel property tit Crescent and J. N. Mnsten having purchased the Ringo ranch, which Adjoins tho townslto of Crescent on tho south. La 1'lne Intur-Mountaln. . . To Make New Survey. N. 11. Ilogue, chief of the Strahorn purveying; crows and the entire out fit, Including all tho men who have been employed at different points on the lines, stayed In Paisley last Fri day night. They wero onrouto to southern points on the Strahorn lines. While It Is not definitely known where they will work. It Is nasumed that thoy are going Into the Surprise valloy country to run some additional lines. The last link in the lino to he completed, that near Fort Hock was finished last Saturday thus making tho lines ca originally planned ready for tho contractors. Cncwaucan Press. FAMILIES SPLIT ON CAMPAIGN Wives of Wilson Supporters Will Take Stump For Gov ernor Hughes. DIVERTING CAMPAIGN PHASE. Kino Fruit RaLmhI. If there are nny who think this ountry Is not adopted to fruit rais ing on account of tho altltudn, we would cite them to the varloua kinds of fruit raised by fnrmerf, In this section and brought Into tho local markets. J. L. Campbell has some Klberta peaches at his market which wore grown on tho Irvine ranch, on tho river. These peaches measure on an average ten Inches In circum ference, and arc of fine flavor. Oth er fruits and vegetables brought In 10 tho local market prove that with .proper care and cultivation tho soil and cllmnte of Central Oregon aro well adapted to the raising of fruits vegetables, grains and grasses. With proper Irrigation Centrnl Oregon would become tho garden spot of Oregon. Madras Pioneer. Signs Aro Appreciated. Whoever the gontlcman may be that recently placed about a dozen road signs between Fromont, the old Horso Hanch and tho "Pot Holes" country, ho deserves tho hunks of tho community. Tliasu sign boards aro not only valuable to local pco plo but tourists appreciate them nbout ne much ns good roads. Fort Rock Times. Wnshlngton.-Fumlllcs nre being di vided by the pncnt political issue. Here ar' a few examples: J. A. H. Hopkins of New Jersey la treasurer of the Progressive (genuine) national com mlttec and bus announced that be per sonally favors tho re-election of Wll son. Mrs. Hopkins is a member of the Woman's party and will tako tho stump and do all she can to prevent the election of Wilson. Clifford Plnchot Is for Hughes and on me militarism Hughes and his backing can secure. Amos Plnchot, hH brother, is a member of tho American Union Against Militarism und will sup port Wilson as the lesser of two evils. Representative William Kent of Cali fornia Is a wild eyed enthusiast for Wilson and Is bending a Wilson non partisan league, while Mrs. Kent is a member of the Woman's puity and will stump for tho defeat of Wilson. George Mldilleton has allied blmelf with tho group of writer who have announced themselves for Wilson, while his wife, Kola La Follette, Is one oi me members or the Congressional union who will hold' Wilson responsible for the defeat of the Susan II. Authony amendment. Meredith Nicholson Is a Wilson supporter, but Mrs. Nicholson will write mid stump against Wilson on account of bis altitude toward the federal suffrage amendment. Mrs. Louis F. Post is a member of the Wo mau'B Peace party and an ardent Tol stoyiiu pi.lst. Louis F. Post, assist ant secretary of labor, Is for tho ad ministration's "reasonable" program of preparedness. ( Tm aooo uupftE QTtsHtut im ouptmm coNvtmvrroH. ) J try HtCK.iDoirr niNDUvnml I BUI BIW3. .kh W, ir . w swirmst rj rich TotAeeo, rmi, 9Ln?oncp wvm awt; uttli CHtw sATisrira, ICOT aRA ALU DM T I i : I HHVC SOME W-B CUT TOBACCO. 'rS ""' a "ty cco,cvrt I XSOAJ BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. IT MAKES a hard-working man glad to have a dime's worth of W-B CUT Chewing in his pocket. A small chew is going to keep him tobacco contented and happy a long time and lie saves himself the labor of grinding, spit ting. It's rich tobacco and pays both ways: finer in flavor more satisfying and it saves money. M ly WETMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. SO Uiiea Surt, New York City GEORGE 8. Y0UN0 Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Surveyor. Room 6 First National Hank Building Qrt itvntoni Trill. The Yellowstone trail is one of the wonders and one of the curiosities of- tho west. It starts somewhere east of St. Taul, and it ends somewhoro west of tho Yellowstone National park. At Intervals along the route there are places where tho trail forks and the Inuocent wayfarer will havo to do some thinking and make some Inquiries ns to which is "tho really truly Yclow stono" and which Is the side track. This uncertainty, however. Is n part of the Joy of tho trail nnd adds greatly to tho attractiveness of a trip over It. Outing. lights. Quality as n rulo waa noth ing out of tho ordinary. Hulk of light hogs went over $9. GO. Sheop receipts were 14,000. Lambs sold at J8.50 for tho best. Wethers at $C.7t and ewes at JG.GO. Demand was goon. UOUKUT 11. GOULD Civil Engineer w llend Oregon Practical Nursing Mrs. A'. Chllgren will ho pleased to nccommodnto the. public with her services ns practlcnl nurse. Can furnish good rocom mendallons. Terms renson nble. River Terrace, Kenwood. 2 9-3 Op W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Offlco Over PostofTico Bond, ... Oregon CENTRAL OREGON PLUMBING & HEATING CO. l'LlMIHNG AND HEATING 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. DR. J. C VANDEVERT Physician nnd Hurgcon Phono Hod 271 Hours 9'1'i a. m.: 1-B n. m.; 7-9 p. m. Bather Building A deslrablo broad knlfo freo with cvory annual subscription to Tho Bend Bulletin. Coyoto Scnro On Again. Tho rnbld coyoto scare scorns to bo on full blnst again. Much of this .may bo Imagination, but It will bo well, nevertheless, for everyone to bo nlcrt and careful. "An ounce of precaution Is better than a pound of eerum." Silver Lake Lender. Metollus, The Irfitfcnl Point.) Tho bond election on the rnllroad proposition this week at Prlnevllle carried with ono dissenting vote tho 'snmo as tho former election. It Is understood tho present proposition does not necossltnto connecting at any particular point on tho Oregon Trunk, nnd probably means that con nection will bo mado ut what Is gen erally considered tho logical point Metollus. Jefferson County Record. Mr. Wilson says his mind is progres sive, but thoso who try to follow its progress can never tell tho direction it is taking. It is Just ns likely to bo progressing backward as forward. .MARKET REPORTS. PORTLAND UNION STOCK YARDS. NORTH PORTLAND, Or.. 8ept. IS. Moro cattle camo to hand than wero looked for today. While tho run wns small, Indications wore that it would not bo over Inst Monday's run. Total receipts for tho day wero 976. Steers sold at $7 for tho host, with the bulk better than $G.G0. Cows woro Bold ns high as $6 and bulk brought $5.f0 up to tho high spot. Bulls, $3 to $1.25. Rccolpta of but 1,400 hogB mado a short mar ket that went $9.sr, on prlco SCHOOL TIME is a HARD TIME on SHOES IF YOU CLAD YOUR CHILDREN IN r Culver Goes Wet. It Is said that cleanliness Is next to godliness, then we should by nil moans take on n fow more of the at tributes of the Creator for we now havo enough water to tako a bath Wo should do this by all means. The accumulation of those crusts which have formed during tho many years in which wo have seen so little water that wo havo shied at It wlien wo saw It Bhould bo removed. Culver has gono wet, nnd wo should tako full nd- -rantago of it. Tho caution might ne timely not to use too much water tho Jlrat time, as thoso who npproach a pool of water with parched lips and throat may easily tako more tiinn a sufficiency for their own good, there fore lot uo bo as temperato in all things, and especially In this until o become familiar with th's new element. So far as we arc concern ed, wo do not hone to get the laBt Jayer off for several weeks, but thon of course thero are exceptions to all rules. Deschutes Valley Tribune. Kelmond Schools Open. School opened here on Monday and Is now In full swing. Slxty-ono aro attending the high school, with many more to follow as soon as the fall crops are In. Of this number, 24 are from outside points, in me manual training department. Just or ganized, mere are in ouruutu, uuu IS girls are taking domestic science and art under Mrs. Lee. There are ten enrolled In the commercial de partment, and 16 In the teacher train ing department. Redmond Spokesman. Village School Shoes You will find at tho end of n year that you havo expended lean money. Heforo you buy shoes for your chlldron examine ilrst tho Vlllago School Shoe. Bring tho boys and girls nnd hive them titled. COMING Thos. H. face's Plea for Preparedness War's Women A Mauhie 6 Act Production W. G. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. omco In First National Bank Building Tel. Sll Rend, Oregon WILLARD H. WIRTZ Ii A V Y 12 H Prtnovlllo, Oregon. Tinning nnd Sheet Metnl W.M. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces, Spouting, (luttorlng, Comlco nnd Skylight Bepnlrlng promptly attended to Prices right, work gimrnntood OrcgOnUfC Insurance Company ,. xcluivi;lv orsqon" Homc OrriCK, Conn.rr Dioo.. Portland. ASHLEY FORREST, District Mnunger. DANCE Every Saturday Night At HntlierV Hnll Under Now Mnnngomont With Now Orchestra THIS PAPER REPRCSENTED FOR FOREIOft ADVERTISING DY THE O. 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Bonaon Building, Wnll Street Bond, Orogon. VERNON A. FORBES Ij a v Y IS II First National Bank Building Bond, :: :: Oregon OENcnAL opficco NCW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES NAP-A-TAN SHOE la especially mado for this kind of country. ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome sorvlceablo dress shoo for men. bentcn for tho monoy. GIvo these shoes a trial. YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE J. B. Boll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ARSTRAOT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Honor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Inaurnnco None aro bct- Cannot be R. H. Loven BOND STREET K1IU Ilig Deer. Perry South has enlargement of the chest this week. He appeared before Judges Cleaves ono day and bought a hunting l'cense and the next morning he went out and killed the biggest buck that ever butted " 'round these parts." It was, ac- , cording to Perry, of the Democratic 1 w.A,i , n unvan nnlnipr. The deer nhen brought to town welgbod over 350 pounds and was the largest ever killed around Crescent And when Perry tells the story he says 'The Joke was on the other boys, they -ent out two hours ahead of men and didn't Bet nnythlng." Howerer, the honors belong to Mr. South for bringing home the biggest Mule deer ver seen In Crescent. Crescent News, A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The ' Bead Bulletin. Friends of Wilson are still tryto to explain what he meant by "too proud to ftght." But can they tell n what be jncsnt by "strict ccou.n.',.',i,i5?' - Wont Ad only ONE CENT a word. oosier L itchen frtbinet DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Nnprnpnthlc Physician Over IOgun Furnlturo Co, Wall Street Hours 9 to G Phono Red -IHii Erickson's Grocery Succcuor lo T. R. McClincy STAPLE AND FANCY K GROCERIES Quality and Service Our Moito. Phono Black 211 AUTO DELIVERY 0. P. NISWONOER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Eiubnliiicr, Funeral Director, Phono Red 421. Lndy ATitt: WE'LL GLEAN' YOUR M.VE.V, CLOTHES, HILK DRESSES, Etc. "PUT YOUR DUD8 IN OUR HUD.S" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANINQ DR. J. II. CONNARN UKNTIHT Office In Bather Building, Houru 9 to 12, 1 to C. Sunduya nnd evenings by Appointment. JtimmA FVm "UoOfUr WonJfr." AnrtUl M IMMVNWUilW a Week The Great Time Saver First nn PRACTICAL CONVENIENCES QUALITY OF MATERIALS PERFECTION OF DESIGN PERMANENCY of CONSTRUCTS VALUE PER. DOLLAR. OF qOST Gilbert (& Son The only atore in llend where you can get your gro oerles and meats at the same place. rKEE DELIVERY Phono Red 271 H. II. p e A II M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. Bend, Oregon H. P. SMITH I'Ui'n ind Ornimrnlil PLASTERING ALL WOIIK GUARANTEED II. O, ELLIS Attoraey-at'Latr United HUtea CommlMloner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION VVOHK rock or dirt nASEMENTS STREET WORK. ETC. Lfe Ofdrti tt A. EASTES OFFICE Oirgon Slittt JOT.0NK BEND HAULING CO. N N PALMCHTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. Become . mcmWf cl the HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET CLUB. A certificate entitle you lo meitbcjiKip. I 1,000,000 ubioeti now io uc. We have MOVED to our new borne oo WALL ST. where we co ihow you muty new thingt ia houwf umiihiftgt. The bett there u. . M. Thompson The Furniture Man HAVE YOU TRIED THE Wet Wash Laundry One Day Delivery Service 20LbsJDryWt. 5CCents SANITARY LAUNDRY PHONE RED 1461 O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNIONMAR.KET REAL EKTATE FIRE INHURA.NCE INVEHTMENTH C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTS FOR HALE I.V EVERY ADDITION IK BEND I'ROI'ERTY HANDLED FOR NON.RIMIDENTH. TIMBER BOUGHT AND HOLD. OFFICi; OREGON HTREET ft 1! 4