mBvmsa" -?- THE UEND BUIiUETlN HEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, SErTEMBErt 20, 1010. rAQB S, '& PIHGHDT IS OUT AGIST WILSON TELLS WHY HE IS FAV IORINQ HUGHES E-Clilef l'oi ester Enumerate In- etnnccs In .Which Wilson's Worth and Deeds Arc- Not In Agree- uicut- Hughes Has n Good Itccord. It is the duty of every American citizen to make and support openly his choice among the candidates for the Presidency. That duty Is espe cially solemn this year Because great events nnd great decisions are cer tain to confront us during tho next administration. I am writing to give you my reasons for my own choice. II you care to lay them before your readers, pleaso do so, but not brforo .Monday morning, September 11. 1 am neither a Democrat nor u Up publlcnn, but a Progressive. Yet, thero being no Progressive nominee, unless I choose to support a caudt d.tto who can not be elected, must vote ror either Wilson or Hughes. For many months after his Inaug uration, I thought well of President Wilson. In many respects I liked what he sultl about what ho was go ing to do. He talked woll and made i good Impression. It was only when I began to check up what ho said by what he did that 1 was forced to 'hrfngo my view. In the end I came to see that Pres ident Wilson has n greater power than nny other man In public life to ny ono thing but do another, and set awny with It. Tho fucta which Justify this state meat uro common knowledgo. We have all heard him tell Germ iny publicly that she would bo hold to strict accountability; and hnvo learned afterward that ho had ac tually let her know seerotly at the time, by tho mouth of his Secretary f statu through tho Ausrian Ambas. sador, that what ho said ho did not mean. Wo have all seen him prove that ho did not menn it by his total fnlluro to exact reparation, apology, or oven disavowal for tho murder of Amorlcuns on tho Lusltanln. I do not say that Wilson should havo thrust us Into war. Thero was no need of war. Hut thero was need of courago to glvo us peace with self respect. If Wilson hod shown cour age thin country would not have skidded from ono crisis to tho noxt, apnln and again narrowly escaping disaster. Wo havo all heard him declare ngalnst Intervention in Mexico, while -actually Intervening to dictate who should and who should not hold of fice thero: and denounco war against .Mexico wlillo actually engaged In war. With war on every aldo of us, wo nil heard him, In bis second annual message, solomnly assuro the coun try that wo had not been negligent of natlonnl defense. It was not true; nnd later on ho himself proved that It was true by proclaiming uloud tho need for what ho had solomnly as sured us wo already had.' For more than n year after the world-war began, Wilson did not raise a finger to put us In a condi tion for defense. Only tho proverb ial good luck of America has kept us from paying tho bitterest prlco for hU imforglvablo neglect. Wo havo all heard his ridicule tho CHALLENGES MAltTIN. O. Qustafson, of Breakers, Wash., has challenged Max Martin, of Bend, to meet him In a wrestling match at any tlmo sultablo to Martin. (Jus- (. OUSTAI'SON, Breaker, Wiij.1i. tafson says ho will meet Martin at his own terms so tbore should be no difficulty in arranging tho affair. The challenger gives his weight nt 138 pound: P. E. CHASE Watchmaker and Jeweler SHKKT .MUSIC. MUSICAJ, IN8THUMENTS Our watch repnlring is guaran teed to stand. P. E. CHASE JOHNSON' HUILDINH WALL HTBKirr Bend's Present Population Is You Say What What do you think the present population of Ilcnd is? Last spring the high school boys and girls took a careful census and established the fact that tho then population was 3,205. Since then tho town has grown. Many more now poople have como hero to live. The Sliovlln box factory as begun full operation slnco then, numerous fam ilies havo como to join tho father who proceeded thorn to make a home, construction has continued, office forces have been enlarged. In short, the city has grown. What is your guess as to its pres ent slzo? Is it 3,500 or 4,500, or somewhoro in between? To satisfy a little curiosity Tho Iliilletln has asked four peoplo whoso business is such as to give them a good opportunity to mako a careful cstimato and hero are the nnswers: D. B. Hunter, Tho Hend Company, 4,000 to 4,200. C. 8 Hudson, l-'lrst National Dank. 3,700 to 4,000. T. H. Foley, Hend Water il.lght & Power Co., 3,800, II. B. Ford, postmaster, 4,000 to 4,500. In 1910 the population at Hend wns about 550 and In 1900 14. What will it be In 19207 TAKE HOME A BOX ol Popular VOGAN'S Chocolates Shell lile them now, eten if you've been nsanied ten yean or mote, jiut much at when you wee trying to "get tcrou" Reed & Horton Bend, Oregon Idea of a greater navy, then declare for Incomparably tho greatest navy In the world, and then go back on that. Wo havo all heard him declare for exempting our coaat-wlse trndo from tolls In the Panama Ccnal; and havo seen him show our own peoplo and the English that ho did not mean it. Wo have seen him elected on a. platform which pledged him a single term as President, and then becomo n candidate for another term. We havo all heard him declare for tho Conservation of our national re sources; and have seen him neglect that policy, and refuse his help to de feat the Shield's waterpower bill, the most dangerous attack on Conser vation since Halllngcr'8 effort to turn Alaska over to the Guggen-helms. We have all heard him declaro for efficiency in Government, and have seen him set the pork-barrel first and throw efficiency away. I have known official Washington from the Inside for six Administrations, In that tlmo tho Government has never been so badly done and so extravagantly as It is now done under Wilson. We have all heard him announce himself as the champion of Civil Ser vice reform; and have seen him turn tho Government Department over to tho spoilsmen as no other President has done in twenty years. We have all heard him declaro for plttlless publicity; and have seen him conduct the most secret admin istration of our time. ' We have all heard him announce himself as President of all tho peo ple, and have seen him, as the most partisan President of his gencratlpn, flout and oppose the Progressives, whom now, because he needs them, he seeks to conciliate and enlist. Worst of all Is this: When every principle of freedom and equality for which our father's fought was at stake In tho great war, when our HOO 1IOO CONVENTION HELD. At the annual convention of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo held In Memphis last week Now York City was chosen ns the meeting plnco of the 1917 convention. W. P. Lock wood, of Seattle, was chosen Senior Hoo Hoo. -Mr. Lockwood has visited Bend twlco this summer to ho present at Hoo Hoo concatenations. Live Stock Show Comes Dec. 4-9 T,he Sixth Annual Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition will be held nt Union Stock Yards, North Portland. Oregon, December 4-9, 191C. The following statement con coming the show has been received from General Manager O. M. Plum mer. "Owing to the splendid manner In which tl'.e Oregon Hankers Assocln ton; tho Portland Chamber of Com niorce; tho State of Oregon nnd tho different Hreed Associations, havo niado appropriations, tho Show this year will tnko rank with tho largest Livestock Exposition in tho United States. Hetween $20,000 and $25, 000 will be given in cash premiums for livestock. Tho Shorthorn and Hereford Associations of America havo made total appropriations of $5,000, which being matched by the Exposition, mnkes premiums of $10, 00 for thoso two breeds alone and Insures the strongest kind of com petition In this class. "Close to $5,000 Is being offered in the dairy division, which covors Holstclns; Jerseys; Guernseys nnd Ayrshire. Practically $2500 Is be ing glten In the sheep clnsses, while nogs are recognized to about tho Bnme extent. Tho draft typo of horses are given over $1200, divided hot ween the l'ercheronj llelglan; Clydes and Shires.. Cattle In carlots are recognized to tho extent of $2500. Tho Student Judging Contest, to bo participated In by nil of tho Agricul tural Colleges of the Northwest again receive $300. "Wo call attention of tho breeders to the fact that tho closing dates aro as follows: Hrccdlng classes Novem ber 13. 191 tl; Fat classes November 27, 1910. Positively no entries will receive consideration tintpstn hi our office nt North Portland, on or beforo noon, of tho nhovu closlnc i hit on. This rule enables ua to put forth n catalogue very valuable to both tho visitors and to the exhibitors. En try blanks will bo furnished upon ap plication to tho undersigned nud ex- Brooks- Scanloh Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Huildinpj Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Sundird Site.. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Telephone Red 1431 or 701 City Salet Office Bend Company Building hlbltors should noto on their entry hlnukH number of stalls or pens re quired for their showing. "Members of the Granges of Ore gon, Washington nnd Idaho havo In dicated their Intention of nttondlng In large numbers, over 2500 being expected. Judges of national repu tation will handle the different classes." (hired Her Two l.ltllo GlrK. Mrs. Ada Sanders, Cottontown, Tcnn., writes: "We ur Foley's Hon ey and Tar as our best and only cough remedy. It novor faits to cuni my two little glrlB when thoy havo colds." Believes hoarseness, tickling throat, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma, croup. Sold Everywhere. - Adv. Want Ads only ONE CENT a wont. "fc- i "iI fl W mm 'g i mBF 'r J&G tT La 1 1 a m m aw aiHtf I 4tt -fcH Like a juicy steak vihsto you're hungry-they sat isfy! i You know what a thick, juicy steak does for your hunger. Chesterfields do exactly the same thing for your smoking they satisfy ! But, besides that Chesterfields arc mild! This combination of mildness with "satisfy " is an achievement new to cigarettes. Chesterfields give smokers what they have always liked (mildness), united with a new kind of enjoyment "satisfy!" No cigarette, except Chesterfields, can give you this' new enjoyment, because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend! Try Chesterfields today!) CxZtfUpcXiyUaaao Cat Wr.rir. ..MSSK.... fctestertiW 3H5 CIGARETTES The Chesterfield Blend csnUlm tho mod famous Turltiih tobaccos SAMSOUN for rlcho... CA VALLA for aroma SMYRNA (or weetoe.. XANTH1 for fragrance, combined with tho bail domestic leaf. 20 for 10c 1M0 I 4 and yd they're MILD h (Continued on Page 11 J