TJIK I1KXD HULIiETIN, JIKXI), OUK., 'WKnXKSDAY, SKlTF-MIlKn 20, 1010. rAQB tt, 1 FEEDING THE BOY. Every Healthy Youngeter the OIt HI System Cravea. ! growing boy the active, healthy. hnl boy Is a better Judge of his hthim inothrr or father or doctor. seeds every kind of food, plenty of lid his system will naturally cravo lust thoso foods that uro best for Icli, In substance. Is the theme of Irtlele In the Nntlonnl Food Maga I, by Dr. II.. E. Uarnard. aero aro two kinds of food pro- B, with which the body Is built up. ( the growing boy needs as much of as the full grown man. often b: carbohydrates, which are the and sugars and starches that ply heat and energy. bo boy's protein food need not all neat Dr. Barnard says "It Is hot- that no small part of this nltrog- iia food come from milk and cccs. ese, beans and peas. If ho has ty of these rich and relatively up foods ho will not crave meat so llnatcly im some growing boys do," 'Barnard continues: Che boy needs n large quantity of bobydratcs. That Is why his de nd for bread and butter Is limited by the supply at hand; and when uses almost as much butter as nd, do not stint htm. Iiy tho pound Iter Is expensive, but It W pure. olesome food, and he can use It Idlly. It will not inako him 111; Ito the contrary. And do not be afraid of sugar and cct foods. Sugar Is a tmo conccn- I ted food. Give him candy for des- rt Ho craves It aud his craving Is tural, not abnormal. t'Tbo boy's Instincts will lead him to looso the all around diet ho needs." 6INCH0T OUT AGAINST WILSON (Continued from Page 0.) iiolo country eagorly awaited the idcrahln of tho President, Wilson bdged. Ho refused to tnko sides on Bo greatest moral Issue of our time. lo advised our pcopla to be "nuti pal oven In thought," uudoclded he reon right and wrong. While our Hondo abroad were lighting for tho rluclplea we held oqually with tlium, e taught us that profits and casu roro hotter tlutii self-respect. Prcsl- Icnt Wilson has dono our Nation tto mo3t serious Injury that any fader can do to any people by mnk- ig us lllnch with him from a groat ftornl (leclslon. Thereby ho weaken- kl our hold as nation on tho princi ples which nlotio can mnko any poo- llo self-respecting, safe and strong. Having led us wrong on tho ground bat wu must bo neutral In tho faco If tho dcllberato breaking of the rorld 3 pcaco, ho has Just reverssd jimsolf again, and In his speech at lhadow Lawn now assures us that ..N'o nation can any longer remain fivcutrnl as against any wilful dlstur Ijaanco of tho ponce of tho world," Iwlt Is bad enough that Wilson's for- fcelgn policy has left us, as tho War iOraws toward Its end, without n Ifrlund among tho great nations of tho world, and without tho respect of any ono of them. What la worso Is that ho has kept us from atandlng up for what wo know to bo right. Tho lgnoblo standard uf profit over principle which Mr. Wilson forced (upon tho country In our foreign ro :1 tlons. ho has happllcd to himself Ins President. In what he has said, ii.-ne, and left undone, tho record !hiowb him steadily dominated by po litical expediency. Thes facts, nml innny others like them, havo forced mo to see- that what Mr W'lson says Is no sign of what ho has dono, or of what ho will do. Tho one thing his record shows Is that what ho stands for now ho Is not likely to stand for long. 1 do not caro what his platform or his campaign declarations may be, be- School Days are Here Sec to It that tho children's shoes juq well eared for. Money Is saved in doing so. Our shoo repairing ranks the best Only tho highest quality leather used. WU OIWH.ANTEE ALL WOUK TO 3E 8ATISFACTOUV. Austin's Quick Shoe Repair Stop. "Wright Hotel Illdg. CJreouwood Ave. AIR DRIED FACTORY WOOD $2.50 Per Load OREGON FUEL CO. PHONE US NOW-RED 661 cause tho common experience of us all has taught us that to hlra thev are simply J'molasses to catch files." Hughes, on tho other hand, Is a man of his word. His record as Gov ernor of Now York proves that. It shows him to bo honest, fearless, and free from tho domination of special Interests and corrupt politicians. So fnr as the Conservation policies are concorncd, both what he said and what ho did could hardly havo been better. I am confident that under nlm these policies will he safo. He Is a strong man who will dodgo no moral Issues, and he will glvo us an honest and an efficient administra tion. As a Progressive I hclteve In Na tionalism. Do does Hughes. I am certain that under Hughes the pro gressive policies will faro bettor than under Wilson, and that the safety, honor and welfare of the country will bo In Immeasurably sur er hands. I can not vote for Wilson because I scan not trust him. He does not do what ho says. Hughes does. Therefore my choice Is Hughes, and I shall work and vote for him. Very truly yours. OIPKOIH) P1NCHOT. No waiting at tho Metropolitan for that shave or hair cut. Four chairs now ready. Adv. , LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOH Pl'llMCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, August 10, 191C. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ar thur A. Dickinson, of Dend, Oregon, who, on April 10th, 1911, made Homestead entry. No. 08G4!. for SW tt. Section 9, Township 17 South, Ilango 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has Died notlco of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before) II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, at Bend, Oregon, on the 10th day of October, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles II. Low, August Hallhorg, Albert Harrymnn, Walter Daniels, Nets Anderson, all of Hend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2G-30p. Register. IN THE CIHCt'lT COUHT OF THE STATE OF OltECOX FOB THE rOlTV-OF (.'BOOK. Edna llurch. Plaintiff, vs. Leonard llurch, Dofcndant. SUMMONS. To Leonard llurch, tho above named defendant; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHEOON, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer Uio com plnlnt of tho plaintiff filed against you In tho above entitled cause and court, on or boforo November 1, 1010, that date being six weeks from tho first publication of this sum mons; and if you fall to so appear or othorwlso pload, for want thereof tho ulnlntlff will apply to said court for tho relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolv ing forever tho bonds of matrimony existing between you and tho plain tiff. This summons Is served upon you by publication thoreof once a week for six consecutlvo weeks, pursuant to an order of the Honornblo T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of tho abnvo entitled court, dated September 14, 1910. First publication, September 20, 1910. Last publication, 'November 1, 1910. A. J. MOOIIK. Attorney for Plaintiff, 29-3oc llend, Oregon. IX THE COIWTV COURT OF THE STATE OF OUKOO.V FOH THE COUNTY OF CUOOK. In tho matter of Urn estate of Charles Prlngle, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that tho tin- dorslgnod, James Byan, administra tor, of tho estate ct Charles Prlngle, deceased, has filed his final account and report with tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for tho coun ty of Crook, and that the 2nd day of October, 1910, nt tho hour of 10:30 o'clock a. m. on said day at tho court room of said county -court In tho court house In Prlnovlllo, Oregon, has boen appointed as tho tlmo and place for tho hearing of objections to said final account and settlement thereof. JAMES ItYAN, Administrator. WM. A. CABTEIl, Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication, August 23, 1910. Date of last publication, September 20. 1916. 2G-29c IN THE CIHtTlT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKUON FOH THE COl'XTV OF CBOOK. Edna llurch, Plaintiff, vs. Leonard llurch, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Leonard llurch, tho above named defendant: tut TUP MAXtP nP TIIR STATE I OF OnEOON. you aro hereby requlr- ed to appear and answer tho com plaint of the plaintiff filed against you In tho above entitled cause and court, on or before November 1, 1910, that date being six weeks from tho first publication of this sum mons; and If you fall to so appear or otherwise plead, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief prayed for In her Com plaint, to-wit: for n decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you nnd the plain tiff. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof onco a" week for six consecutlvo weoks, pursuant to an Order of the Honorable T. E. J. Dutfy, Judge uf the above entitled Court, dated September 14, 191G. First publication, September 20 1916. Last publication, November 1, 1910. A. .!. MOORE, Attorney for PlnlntllT, 29-3"c. Bend, Oregon. IN THE C'lIlCTIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKUOX FOH THE COUNTY OF CHOOK. Nellie Spencc.x Plaintiff, vs. John Spcnce, Defendant. SUMMONS. To John Spence, tho above namfcd de fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you arc hereby requir ed to appear and answer tho com plaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled causo and court on or beforo September 20, 1910, that being six weeks from tho first publication of this summons; and If you fall to so appear or oth erwise plead, for vant thereof tho plaintiff will apiiy to said court for tho rollef prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plain tiff. This summons Is served upon you by publication thoreof once a week for six concccutlvo weoks, pursuant to an order of tho Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge uf tho above entitled court, dated August 0, 191C. First publication, August 9, 1916. Last publication, September 20, 191G. A. J. MOOUH. Attornoy for Plaintiff, 23-29c. Bend, Oregon. rr IX THE CIRCUIT COUHT OF THE STATE OF OltECOX FOH CHOOK COUNTY. Sophia Fallen Plaintiff, vs. Patrick Fallen, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Patrick Fallon, tho Defendant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You nro hereby requir ed to appear nnd answer tho Com plaint filed agulnBt you In the abovo entitled suit on or before October Cth, 1910, and if you fall so to an swor. tho Plaintiff will tako Judg ment against you for tho rollef de manded la her complaint, to-wit: for tho Decree of this Court dissolving tho marrlago contract now existing between yourself nnd tho Plaintiff. awarding tho custody and control of tho children or Bald marriage to this Plaintiff. ' This summons Is ordered to ho served upon you by tho publication thoreof in Tho Bend Bulletin, a week ly nowspapcr published In Crook county, Oregon, by ordor of tho Hon ornblo T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of said Court, said ordor being mndo and en tered on tho ICth day of August, 1910, dato of 1st publication, August 23rd, 1916; length of publication, six consecutlvo weks. Dated August 23rd, 1910. C. S. BENSON. 2ri-31c, Attornoy for tho Plaintiff. IX THE CIKCriT COUHT OF THE STATE OF OltECOX FOB CBOOK COl'XTV. Emma Ring, Plaintiff, s. John Ring, Defendant. SUMMONS. To John Ring, tho Defendant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro hereby requir ed to appear and nnswor tho Com plaint filed against you In tho abovo entitled suit on or boforo October 6th, 1910, and if you fall so to an swer, tho Plaintiff will tako Judg ment against you for tho rollof de manded In hor complaint, to-wit: for tho Decree of this Court dissolving tho marrlago contract now existing between yourself and tho Plaintiff, awarding tho custody and control of CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS HUFFSCUMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS DEND. OREGON LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT All Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLIN-H1XON LUMBER. OFFICE ON OREGON ST. Real Estate tho children of said marrlago to this Plaintiff. This Kiimmons Is ordorcd to bo seTrvcd upon you by tho publication thereof In Tho llond Bulletin, a week ly uewspapor published In Crook county, Oregon, by ordor of tho Hon orahlo T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of said Court, said ordor being muda nnd on tored on tho 10th day of August, 1910, dato or 1st publication, August 23rd, 1916; length of publication, six consecutlvo woks. Dated this 23rd day of August, 1916. C. 8. BENSON, 2D-31c. Plaintiffs Attorney. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE. Hy vlrtuo of nil execution Culy Is sued by th. clerk of tho Circuit Court of ilio C .unity of Cook, Htntu of Oregon, dated this 21st day of Aug uvt, 1910, In n certain ac'l-m In the Circuit Court for tho Bold County nnd Stats, vheroln (I. M. Hloctim. Plain tiff, recovered Judgment ugplnst Fred Gibson, Dofcndant, fo.' tin rum of Thirty Threo nnd O.'I-IOO cImIIuth with Ir.icroct. at 10 per cent fr"iu March 19, 1912, Fifty flvi mid nr.-lOO dol- lata with Intorost nt 10 por cent from Juno 29th, 1912 nnd Thirty nine end 00-100 dollars with Interont at 0 pur cent per nullum from May 31ct, 1916. aud . rcruliig costs, Notice Is huroby given that I will, or Sriturday, tho 1 Ith day of October, PHONE BLACK 741 THE BEND CO. Owners of the original townsite of Bend and the five adjoining additions. 80 of all the buildings now under construction are on the property recently sold by The Bend Co. Location, price and terms are the three advantages you gain by buying from The Bend Co. , We will enjoy showing you this property. Call and see us before you buy. D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office corner Wnll nnd Ohio Streets. 1910, at tho North front door of tho courthouse In Prlnovlllo, In said County, it 10 o'clock In tho foro noon of said day, 30II at public mic tion, to tho hlgliuat hlddoi for cash, all right nnd tltlo that tho abovo iinin cd defendant Fred Gibson has or had nt datu of said Judgment In tho following described property, to-wit: Tho south half of tho Southwest quarter Sec. Two aud Southuast NEW PERKINS HOTEL Tilth and Waihington Sirred PORTLAND. OREGON Centrally Located The Hold for YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up, Hoom with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains, , Union Depot curs pass our doors. From North Hank Depot S car transfer at 5th St. Every Home can have a Musical Instrument Wonderful Valuei in Pianot, Plover Pianoe " iTT "" rtacnmn, me. W.reVnowntocrryonlywht lood.whtw,llendurerulvh.t UfullyworthtlutprKatiked Our c.iy payment the beat musical inatrumenia within erery one a reach. I ill out the coupon or write for ctteloguca. Slierman.Pay&Ca l"iurf Attn ttEeX 'y-vn-A.. ivnifcnmi, unUXJM ONE CENT quarter of Southeast quartor of Sec tion Threo In Township Slxtcon South of Rango Eloven East of tho Willam ette Meridian In Crook County, Ore gon. E. II. KNOX, Shorlff of Crook County. Dated nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon, this 7th day of Sept., 1916. By FLOYD A. ROWELL, 28-32c Deputy. m"e . " i1ndUG n ,,t'ful . a? f HOQW W - p0tttvJ I , . C1 Dt " " -iouea aa uv , ,,.. 'wBru-jrr:u. Mu" t.Ulal I ' ni" A WOl IS AM. A Lin LI! WAfVT AU WILL cosr vou. i I- ! 1 1 t, i n