r r-wpips T11H BK.VD BULLETIN, DENT), ORE., WEDNESDAY, SETTKMBEn SO, 1810. PAGE 10. MIL CONTEST TrHODE Dwms l&aTmSSlM3k' IS . --s - o o Ifflfl CHS mm 0-niitaiiioii.DmOHionirja.iiotuDiiioiuoiiiaiiiauia.i.o.i.oiiia &2! SURPRISE VALLEY IS THE GOAL Jtoport Comw lYom Hnn KnincNcimf Ibtttlo Itotuocn Mtrnhorii iiml tlic Southern Pacific In California Valley lilno Would Join with o. a. & i:. (Tlio Oroonlan.) SAN FUAN0IHC0, Sept. 15. -Special.) A hattlo royal between tlio Southern 1'aclflc and tlio rejuvenatud Western Pacific riillroadB, with an old-fushloncd construction end trr.ck lujlng r.icc, Ib Impending, according to reports circulated locally today, following Iho receipt of iiowh that a corps of surveyors, directed by Kob--rt 13. Htrahorn. j'-x-piosldonu ivnd Konnwil manager of tho Portland, Eugono & IJailoru. n Southern Pa cific subsidiary In OroKun, had begun work In Fandango Pain, Modoc Count). Tho prl7c for which It In bclloed the two rinds aro contending Is tho Surprise Valloy, an undeveloped, mi nxplolled Inland empire In North eastern California, said to ho nH rich In poHHlbliltk'K as an) section of tho state. .Mr. Htrahorn haH established, ticadiiiinrtriH In tho Hnjford build ing at Lakcvlow, Oregon, and 1h per sonally dlioflllng Iho survo). Ono crew of engineers In milking a uuivoy for a three-mile tunnel through tho 'iindiingo Mountains, starling on tho tlooso Lake tilde and coming out In Eurprlse Valloy. Prom tlio chhI, or Surprise Vullej. lid of the tunnel, tho lino will fol low tho rldgo or tlio hills to Luke City, where it will destonil to tho level or tho valloy, which is coiisld rahly lower Hum (loose Luke Valloy on tho went Mr of tho mniintulns. Iilio City Is Junction. Tho now survey will, It Ih s.ild, connect at lako City with tho survey mndo lust spring from Flniilgiui, on tho lino of the Southern Pacific, to Lake City. Tho KuiprlHo Vollov Itiillroad, iih tlio now lino In called, wus Incorpor ated under Iho laws of Oregon Octo ber 27, 1910, ahortly after Mr. Stra horn had tiirni'd over tho completed Portland, Eugene (L Eastern to tho .Southern Pacific Much In Oregon, of 'which It la now an Integral part Tho Incorporator)! wmo .Mr Stru horn, James 0. Wilson uud V. 13. lloud, all of Portland. ItH avowed purpoHC was to do a Kcncrul railroad business. unlng any typo of motive power and to build a railroad from KlanlRiiu, Wualion County, Nevada, and runnlnjr throutfh I.nsAcu and Modoc 'Counties, California, to Ceil- larvlllc, Modoc County. It Ih believed Hint ultimately thlH "road Ih to ho linked with tho main 'lino of tho Southern Pacific's Shasta rnutu at Klamath Falls, connecting 'tit Its -southern extremity with tho .Southern Pacific's Suianvlllo branch - it rianlgnn. llnuuli lontr Consldeieil, Tho South' rn Pacific would thus huvo not only a Hue tapping tho fer tile Hurprlhc Valloy, with Ingress both at tho north anil houth, but would n Iho huvo priirtlcull) a second iniiln lino from Portlund via Klamath Pulls, I.iikcvlew, l.al.o (it), liunl Kim, rernli')', lluzou and Thome, through the Owoiih I. alio union to MoJiiU' UUd I.Ort Angeles Tho WoKloru Pacific liranch Into Surprise Valley bun been under con ddcrutloti ni.iny )oars Whrn t'hus II. SchhicliH wus In chnrgo of tho WeMorn Pacific hero as first vice president, ho and bin engineers made not loss tliun two rcconiinlssnnrcs to Surprise Valley l automobile, and tho brunch would hnvn been built (ho or hIx M'iiih ago hud tho money been available. Present pinna rail foi a bri.nch '.ealiiB tlio main lino of the Wovtorn Pacific tit Cerlnrh, Nov., and extend Iiik mime 90 or 100 iiiIIcj north and uorthwiMt Into I .alio City, tho prcH ent kouI of Mr Slrahorn. Tho route will itomh Into California at a point between lower UViko and Mlddlo Luke, and will thenco run inrthward up Hnrprlko Vnlley. Mr. Sprouln MiiUixs IKmiIhI. Willi.. in Sproulo, prcaldent of tho Southern Pacific, who arilvud In PunUud IuhI nli;bt, dmiled that tho Sovithuru Pacific Iuih any Intention whatioor of hulldliiK a line Into the SurprlHo Valley or throiiKh an other ' portion of Northern California "Mr Slrahorn is not oporutitiK for uh," he added. XiOZjm!&tt .5 gffBWaS6 JoraufenuBuiomSuumHllc D 5 Q Q a o tr g rV' riW To ho shown at the liend Thentro Sunday and Monday. At the Movies i.. 'Our Jitney Ou"ci Tills and fto. Don't iuIhh (hlii. Cut out tbU blip, nelono wltli llo ceutu to Foley & Co., ChlciiKo, III , writliiK jour name and ndilri'HH clearly m will ro. oilve In return n trial pnckiiKO con tnlnlnK I'oUd'b llonoy and Tar Com pound, for couRtm, co hU mid croup, Foley Kldnit) PIIIh. and Pole) Ca thurtlc tabloU. Sold Kvor where. Adv. ISvnil Theatic. Plodro Itlanco, the Mexican town In the photoplay, "Tho Ilourt of Paula," that Htarn I.enorc Itlrlch, Is ho tplcal of hundrcdB of others In that Htranso country that It is worthy of deBcrlptlon. Tho narrow BUn baked r.treetH flanked h opon-front-ed shopa and warm-colored one-story udolio hoiiioa, ondH In the cuitomary plaza. I.ooklliB down the principal street, the facade of the undent ad obe church visible beyond tlio plaza Heoins to possess tho uiiHtore aspect of tho "padre oaplrltuul." L'ncou corned b the hot Htm the Mexican nenoias are busy ubouf their market Iiib and the tranquil spirit that Ih tho oMhence of thin pecullur coiintn jier nieateB nil their aetlom It was in thlH peculiar slow-movltiB world that Ilruco Mel.ean found tho face that ho had alna)H soiiBht. This lo utorj with Its HcorchlliK ImihsIoiih sliows In all It human renllu "The Hiart of Paula, and Is cjiiiIhb to the Mend Theatre Sunday a.ul .Momla, Sept Slth mid li.'tli. DurliiB tho tiuikliiB of this picture thcie ileMdoiied a consldeniMo dif ference of opinion as to the proper mid most effectho ondliiK MIhh t'l rich took one vlow and the producers another So much Intercut was evi denced In this point that It wag de cided to put tho picture out with two undltiBii. the first, or tratt'c cndlnK. and tho second, or hupp) endlliK. On Sunday nlKht the triiKle eudltiB will bo shown and on Moiulii the ulosu will be tho happy ono The manage ment of The llend will welcino o picosIoiiH of opinion us to which of tho ending Ih the most effective The Paramount PIctoKruphs have been nptl) termed "The miiBuitlno on tho screen." These releases differ from thu usual iiouh plcturei In that the present pictorial articles on timely subJectH Instead of showinK Iowh of happeuliiBH. A ileiuirtineut of better hablea appcarti regularly, and the stute of our national defensu Ih pictured In each Ihsuu. A dlshevellod, barefooted, radiant ly happy Bir), with hair streaming out behind her, sped mudly clown tho course, easily out-dlntanclnB all her competitors, uud was Brected with a liurst of applause as she won thn race. It was Pauline Frederick who plas the title part In tho adaptation of Mary Johnson's celebrated nool, Audrej. which Is tho Paramount Picture at the llend Theatre tonight and Thursda this week. Audrey Ih a simple Blrl of the woods who has been refcued from tho Indians when a child, mode the household drudge of a hypocritical minister and his wife, and Is finally neurly drowned by an angr mob that believes her to bo In the power of a witch. As the scene of the story Ih laid In the South, the plajors were taken to -Florida, where the natural beauty of the Httlngs could he made to add immensely to the effectiveness of tho photoplay. OwtriK to the popularity of Mary PIckfonl's plas, Tho llend has been erj fortunate to secure so many or her pictures Her lust npneurunco was In the artistic pla), "Madame lltitterfb " Sho will next ho seen In The Kternul Orlnd." This will bo screened tho first and second days of October 111 cam Theatie. "The Coward" Is a stirring drama of the CI II Wiir da)B, with tho Hconoa laid In the valloy of Vliglnla In 1SC1 The story Is that of a pr'de ful father, of the stern type, with n weak, timid son. Frank Keenun, well known upon the legitimate stugc, uppears In tho rolo of an arro gant and domineering father. The rather, though aged retains his flro for tho flout, and at tho outbreak of the war he finds his ten Frank un wllllng to enlist. Frnn'c is ushered to the recruiting office at the point of his futher'H pistol and forced to enlist. Ho Ih put on picket duty, es capes, runs to his home and Is hid den by a negro servant. I'pon hearing or plans or Confederate officers Prank becomes Imbued with patriot ism anil hurries to tho I'nlon ranks. jl'LJ j3tw VH i m Ift. Bb. HM M H B B BV Ig sXF7Tv. i inr tiiM IiiIIbiEi iiu EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. He Is shot by his father, hut not fa tally wounded. The father Is proud of his son's uchleement. This play will be shown at the Dream tonight and Thursday. On Friday "The Iron Claw," .lunglo comedy and a Luke comedy will bo shown. On Saturday "The Idol of the Stage," featuring Malcolm Wil liams, a story of regeneration and sacrifice, will be shown. "Tho Soul ot Hroadway." featur ing the much talked of Velaska Sur att, will be shown at the Dream The atre on Sunday evening. Velaska Suratt nnd William Shay make up loads In a strong cast. MIes Suratt, ns l.a Valenclo, a typical woman of the Now York stage, wondorfullly beautiful, but old In ctn, Ih madly In fatuated with her lover (portrayed by William Shayj, who becomes a thief that ho may shower luxuries on her. Ho Is sentenced to prison nnd for five years cats his heart out In solitude, to emerge at tho end of that time a nad-faccd, Bray-haired man, eutliely cured of his mad Infatuation, lly accident Valencia sees him. Her old pabolon for him has rovlved. It means nothing to her that since his release from prison he has fallen In love, and married n good woman. Sho tries to win him back. When her fascinations fall, sho threatens to ex pose his past life. Ho will not yield nnd she propnjen to carry out her threat, but rails through the hand of destiny. DRY FACTORY WOOD YOU DONT HAVE TO SPLIT IT NOR SAW IT ECONOMICAL CLEAN BEST He Was Won led mill llopolcs. "For ten yenrs I was bothered with kidney trouble." writes T. F Hutch inson, Little Hock, Ark. "I was wor ried nnd had almost given up till hoies. I used five Iioxoh of Foloy Kidney PIIIh nnd am now n welt man." Foley Kidney Pills drive out nehes, pains, rheumatism nnd all kid ney trouble symptoms. Sold every where. Adv. For Blgn painting bco Edwards.-Adv. Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loans. Adv. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. SPECIAL PRICE FOR FIVE LOAD ORDERS PHONE 441 Bend White Pine Sash Co. WE DELIVER THE BIG LOADS CENTRAL OREGON LINE Westbound Colonist Fares Fall 1916 Low furcH to Oregon nnd Washington points will he In effect dully, 8optombtir a J to October 8. 19 1G. lu Spokane, Port land & Seattle and Oregon Tt ink Hnllwuys and ufflllated lines. Fares from pr'ticlpa! points. IVom I'nro Atchison, Kan Kt'-VJO Culro, III I-'.OJ Chicago, III I0..10 Council niiifft., Ih.... If-'.no Dallas, Te 1 1.55 l)ener, Colo il-.50 Den Molutvt, la,, ..... :t5.:U Duliitli. Minn. . . it'J.50 Pot th Worth. Te.... tiMIO HmiNton, Tex. 1(1.05 human City, Mo.. ;t-J.ft Lincoln, Neb :i'-.ftt Little IliH-k, Ark, , . . lil.TK .Memphis, Tenn, , . , lit. Til I'mm Furo MUunuLrc. Wis $.il.OII MliiiteitpolU, Minn. il2.no New Oilcans, 1m. , . 10.05 Nu Voi k City .1H.00 Oklahoma City, OMu 117.75 Oiuuliu, Net ifJ.flO l'corlu, 111 iW.ntl Sun Antonio, Tc. . 10.05 Slouv City, Iu ifJ.no St. .tMpli, Mo il'J.no St. Louis, Mo itH.lO St. Paul, Minn ifj.no Supeilor, WU ifj.50 WlnnlKeg, Man. . ifj.50 lYrcii from man) other points on application. TKItltriOllV TO WHICH TICKKTS AHK SOLD The fares shown apply to all points on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Hallway, Spokane to OohUiidulo, Portland and Astoria. Ore gon Trunk Itallwu), Fallbrldgo to llend; and Oregon Electric Hallway, Portland to Fore3t (irovo, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Corvnllla and Eugene. STOP OVi:Us Stop within thlrt d from d-ito of pur chase of tickets will bo ullowed at any point or points, regard Icto of the limit I accept prepaid order. .1. II. COHllHTT, Agent IIF.XD, OULtJOV. WATI'.H IS IIAISHD. lly the placing of mure Hash hoard on thu spill wu) of tho lloud Water il.lght A Power Co dam rorontl) tho water above the dam has boon rultKtd to a height uoor before rtxuiicd. It will ho kept ut this level for tho grontcr pait of tho time herctftor In order to nrmldo n grout ttr amount of power at the plunU HERE'S AN EASY METHOD TO CLEAR SALLOW SKINS A desirable bread knlfo freo with every nnnuut subscription to Tho lloud llullettn. Want Ada only ONE CENT a rd. Shallow, mottled, discolored, spot ted skins are bo prevalent that thou, unds of women and men, too will bo glad to know ot u simple, easy, ' hurmlcsH method of clearing the skin ot blemishes. Anvono can fol low those Instructions ut homo and will be delighted with the results. Tho simplicity and safety of this vvuy Is vvbut recommends It. (lot a bot tle ot Suutlseptle Union from lleed & llortou's drug bture, It ouly costs "0 cents and uso It according to the directions given In a few da)s ou will unto u chnnge, and In a short while you will bo astonished at the Improvement bhown For freckles, pimples, acne, ull kinds ot skin Irri tation such us sunburn and wind burn there Is nothing qultu so cool lug, refreshing and healing as Santl septic. Delightful after shaving. A good big bottle only costs fifty cents. Eshencott Chemical Laboratories, Portland, Or, BE COOL in YOUR KITCHEN. COOK WITH Electricity Bend now has the Lowest Electric Cooking Rate in the State. Cooking and Heating Meter Rates First 100 K. W. H. in Any Month c per K. W. H. Next 100 K. W. H. in Any Month 2c per K. V. H. All Over 200 K. W. H. in Any Month: lc per K. W, H. Effective April 1st, 1910. WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from $40 up which we sell on easy terms. f BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. Phone 551 '