The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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Tin: nr.xi) ui'iii.ETix, iinxn, oiik., wkxiiav, si:itkmiu:k o, win.
I'AGB 0.
Growing Timothy
Timothy ordinarily is grown in
mlturcs, usually with red clover or
with red and nlslko cloVers. Hi tho
New England States and parts of
New York redtop commonly Is added
to tho mixture. Alslke clover is es
pecially to be recommended on poor
ly drained soils that have a tenden
s to heave, as under such conditions
It generally vl come through the
winter better than red clover. On
such soils redtop enn be added to
pood advantage. Tho first crop of
liay is composed chiefly of clover.
After tho first year most of tho clover
disappears nnd the following hay
crops nro made up almost entiroly of
timothy or of timothy and redtop.
In some of the irrigated valleys of
the Northwest alfalfa is substituted
for clover in mixture with timothy.
Timothy generally Is sown with
wheat, ryo, oats or barley, which
commonly aro referred to as nurso
crops. Tho first hay crop is produc
ed, as a rule, tho year after the grain
crop Is harvested. When seeded with
spring grains the timothy seed to
gether with tho clover or grasses to
be grown in mlxturo with it, Is sown
nt the samo time as tho grain. When
winter grain Is used ns a nurse crop
either n portion or all of tho timothy
seed may bo sown with tho grain or
In tho spring with the clover. When
sown in early spring the timothy may
lie broadcasted with ono of tho var
ious types of hand seeders nnd left
on tho surfaco of the soil to be cov
ered by altornnto freezing and thaw
ing: or seeding may bo delayed un
til tho surfaco of the soil has be
como somowhat dry, when tho seed
should bo covered with a splko tooth
harrow. ,
Timothy may bo sown alone in tho
fall and a crop of hay harvested the
following season. In the lattltude of
northern Ohio and southern New
"York tho best results may be ex
pected when tho seed is sown from
about August 25 to Soptcmbcr 15,
though nn excellent stand Is some
times obtained when sown as lato as
October 1. If clover Is to bo grown
with timothy, tho clover seed may
be sown on tho field early in tho
. spring and left on tho surfaco of tho
A joIl to bo covored by freezing nnd
Timothy seed always should bo
-sown on a well compacted seed bed,
othorwlso the conditions will bo un
favorable to tho proper development
of tho young plants.
Tho quantity of seed to bo used
will depend somowhrA on tho condi
tion of tho soli, but on tho average
from 10 to 12 pounds per aero havo
been found quite satisfactory. It
mixed with clover, from 8 to 10
pounds of timothy and 10 pounds of
red clovor, or five- pounds of red
-clover and three pounds-of aUike
-clovor aro generally recommended.
Mnnngriucnt of Timothy MoimIoun.
Timothy usually Is grown In ro
tation with other crops, tho timothy
commonly occupying the land for two
or thrco years during each rotation.
Whoro thcro Is a good stand of tim
othy tho yields may bo Increased by
top dressing tho meadows with eith
er farnv manuro or commorclal fer
tilizers. The former may bo spread
on tho meadow during tho all, win
ter, or early spring. Commercial
fertilizers should be sprcud on tho
land In tho spring, soon aftor tho
growth of grass has commenced.
When normal prices prevail, nltrato
of soda may be usod alono at tho
rato of 100 to 200 pounds per aero,
or it may bo usod in combination
with 150 to 250 pounds por aero of
acid phosphate.
Timothy moadows may bo pastur
ed to sorno extent after tho hay crop
has boon harvested. When tho mead
ow is to produco a hay crop tho fol
lowing year, howovor, caro Bhould be
taken not to lot the stock grazo tho
grass very closely, and when tho
ground Is soft animals should be
kept off tho meadow,
' HnrteMliiK tlio liny Crop.
Timothy growing In a mixture
consisting largely of red clover
should bo cut when the clover Is In
full bloom or Just past full bloom.
When timothy Is growing alone It
should bo cut as soon as possible af
ter tho plants have passed the stage
of full bloom.
It timothy Is to bo harvested for
teed, It should be cut after most of
the beads aro mature and when tho
seed Is beginning to shatter from the
tips of the earliest spikes. It may
be cut with a grain binder, shocked
until cured, and thrashed with an
ordinary thrashing machlno. The
yield of seed usually varies from
about 200 to 300 pounds per acre,
though larger yields are sometimes
obtained. If tho ripe timothy is har
t vested without much damage from
rains, tho straw has considerable
feeding value.
Our Jitney Offer TliU and Be.
Don't miss this. Cut out this slip,
encloso with Ave cents to Foley &
Co., Chicago, III., writing your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive In return a trial package con
taining Foloy's Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, folds and croup,
Foley Kidney Pills." and Foley Ca
'hartlc tablets. Sold Everywhere.
A desirable bread knife free with
'ecry annual subscription to The
Bend Bulletin.
Want Ads only ONE CENT a word
4. .....
It Is apparent that wa ara
ahoeklnflly unprapared.
When we contemplate Indue
trial and commercial conditions,
we sea that we are living In a
wwi m paradise.
Not only have wa a host of
resources s!ort of war by which
to enforce our Just demands,
but we shall never promote our
peace by being stronger In
words than In deeds.
We are neither deceived nor
benumbed by abnormal eondl Wa know that we ara in
a critical period, perhaps mora
critical than any period elnce
the civil war.
The administration utterly
failed to perform Its obvious
duty to secure protection for the
lives and property of our cltl
ions. It Is most unworthy to
slur thoso who havj investments
In Moxico In order to escape a
condemnation for the nonper
formance of this duty.
It Is only through Internation
al co-operation giving a reason
able assurance of pcaeo that we
may hope for the limitation of
We have determined to cut
out, root and branch, monopolis
tic practices, but we can do
this without hobbling enterprise
or narrowing tho scope of le-'
Ultimate achievement.
We demand a simple, business
like budget.
I bellevo It Is only through a
responsible budget, proposed by
the executive, that we shall
avoid financial wasts.
We have had brave words In
a series of notes, but, despite
our protests, tho lives of Ameri
cans have beon destroyed.
! e J j a a J e-J
Wo do not see why thcro should hare
been any stir in tho senate over tho
discovery that President Wilson has
completely reversed himself in tho mat
ter of tho proposed child labor law.
Senator Borah was ablo to show that
Mr. Wilson described thU legisla
tion In his "Constitutional Govern,
tnent" as unconstitutional, an "obvi
ously absurd oxti'avagancc," carrying
tho congressional power to regulato
commerce beyond tbo "utmost boun
daries of reasonable and honest Infer
ence'' and making It possible, if sus
tained, for congress to Icgislato over
"every particular of tho industrial or
ganization and action of tbo country."
That, wo must confess, bits also been
the Evening Post' view. But (he
Evening Post and Senator Borah aro
old fogies, dating back to tbo time
when It was the custom to have fixed
beliefs and principles and stick to
them. Tho senator has evidently not
read Mr. Wilson's letter in explaining
bis change of front ou the tariff com
mission that it Is only a narrow man,
whoso mind is stupidly closed to new
ideal, who doe.s not niter his opinions.
By this test Mr. Wilson Is obviously
ono of the broadest minded men this
country lias ever produced, for ho baa
changed his mind to dato ou tbo Initia
tive, referendum, recall, woman suf
frage, tho tariff commission, tariff for
revenuo only, a permanent diplomatic
servlco beyond politics, tbo merit sys
tem In tbo civil service, tho proper
placo of Tammany Hall In tho scheme
of tbo universe, child labor legislation,
preparedness, Bryan, a continental
army but why continue? It is n long
enough list to provo that Mr. Wilson's
political views uro not fossilized by
any fear of Inconsistency. New York
Evening Post
...... t
Don ts for Hunters
llo Vnn Won led and Hopple.
"For ten jcars I was bothored with
kidney trouble," writes T. F. Hutch
inson, Little Hock, Ark. "I was wor
ried and had almost given up all
hopes. I used flvo boxes of Foley
Kidney Pills and am now a well
man." Foley Kidney Pills drive out
aches, pains, rheumatism and all kid
noy trouble symptoms. Sold Every
where. Adv.
Want Ada only ONE CENT a word.
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Six Schools and Forty-eight De
partments is engaged in the great work
of uniting Learning and Labor.
Forty-eighth School Year Open
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses requiring a four-year
high school preparation, are offered in
the following!
AGRICULTURE, 18 Departments;
COMMERCE, 4 Departments; ENGIN
EERING, 6 Departments; MINKS, 3
Departments; FORESTRY. 2 Depart
menu; HOME ECONOMICS, 4 Depart
ments; and PHARMACY.
Vocational Courses requiring an
Eighth Grade preparation for entrance
are offered in Agriculture. Dairying,
Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String,
Band and Voice Culture.
Catalogue and beautiful illustrated
boollet free.
Address Tub Rroistbab.
(The Oregon Sportsman.)
Don't drag a gun over n log,
through the brush or under a fence
with the muzzle pointed toward you.
Don't hunt with any ono that jou
know to be careless. Carelessness
with three and a quarter drams of
ponder behind nnd one-eighth ounce
of shot is Inviting St. Peter.
Iveep your fingers off the trigger
until you nro looking down the bar
rel at tho object you wish to shoot.
Don t load your gun until you ac
tually get to buslnccs. At all other
tlmts It should be empty.
Don't attempt to take your gun
from a vohlcte muzzle end first. The
same r.dvlcc applies to n boat.
Don't become intoxicated while
hunting. Many a man who has tried
the experiment has tired his last
Don't rest on the muzzle of your
Don't borrow a dog or a gun or
lean either.
Don't shirk doing a little more
than your share of tho work In camp
or boat.
Don't violate tho gamo lawn. It
Is not only criminal but somMlmcs
It's blnmod costly.
Don't try to hog nil the game.
Leave a little behind for the next
fellow nnd for seed. Aa Shnkes
peare says, "Enough Is sutllclent."
Don't rest the muzzle of your gun
on the ground. A gun muzzle clog
ged with dirt or mud Is n dan serous
Keep the business end of your gun
pointed from you, but not at the oth
er follow.
Don't shoot at anything you see
moving in tho brush or tlmber-untlt
you nro dead sure you know what
you arc shooting at.
liny Fctcr, AM hum nnd Itroncliltl.
Every sufferer should know Hint
Foloy's Honey and Tar Is a reliable
remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
hay fever and asthma. It stops rack
ing coughs; heals raw, Inflamed
membranes; loosens tho phlegm and
cases wheezy, difficult breathing.
Sold Everywhere. Adv.
Xcliniikn Man Wlm VIMted llcve He
ccntly Ss Town It Iluy.
Returning to Holdrogo. Nebraska,
after n sW weeks trip through the
west, Q. Abrahamson had many kind
things to say of his visit In lleml,
which was ono of the places visited.
Mr. Ahrnhamsou spent several days
hero going over tho mills and taking
In tho other sights and, Incidentally
subscribing to Tho Bulletin.
According to the iloldrcgc news
paper "Whllo nt Bend, Oregon. Mr.
AhruhaiUEou visited with Mr. Over
turf, county commissioner, n broth
er of W. F. Overturf of this city.
'Bend is the busiest town I have been
In for years,' said Mr. Ahrnhnmnnn.
'It 's a town about tho size of Hold
rege, but Its nourishing condition Is
duo principally to the fact that they
havo two large saw mills in tho city,
one of which covers an area of 54
ncros. Tho pnroll nt both Institu
tions .amounts to over f 00,000 n
month. Eight years ngo this town
consisted of only three or four
houses nnd several streets of tents.' "
Lots at Half the Price
Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from
the Business Center.
Lots 40X105 $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lois 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners
Central Oregon's Leading
Fire Aulomoble Life Accident Surety Bonds
Member Portland Ilenlty Hoard.
i hi n ft i ii
"HI it D I n
K rwvj:
I OMtniTTiOt tlftft I
With now bullillnca, belter iulinifnt, nnd
mnnr m!dltlon to Its fHrtiltr, Ihti Unlvrrtltr
of Oregon wlllbcrln lt fortr-firtt Irnr.Tura
dnr, September is, 1910.
8te4nl trnlnliic In Cnminerce, .inurnnlUm,
Architecture, I.nw.Meitlcllie.TMchlnir.I.lbrn.
tr Work, Mu.le, I'hMlml Trnlnlnc nml fine
Arts. Large anil itrulic ilepnrtuientt nt Liber
al Kdtirntlon,
Llbrarr of more (ban 09,000 rolumei, fir
teen bnllillnas fully equipped, two splendid
Tuition Free. Dormitories for men and for
women, Kxpennea LowrtU
Write for f reef ataloct.addreMlna'neclatrar
Tho HELP-A-PHOXC is nn Inven
tion designed to Improve telephone
If you were receiving a telcphono
messago oer a long distance wlro It
would enable ou to hear eory word
and c'vory sentence, without asking
tho person at the other end to repeat.
It is the frequent requosts to ro
peat sentences and parts of n con
versation oer a long dlstanco tole
phono that doubles and triples tho
toll bills. Ilenco the busy merchant
or manufacturer who otico uses this
instrument would not bo without It
for many times Its cost.
The HKl.P-A-PHONE enables deaf
people to uso tho telephone and hear
every word distinctly It their hear
ing 'is 'riot completely gone.
Tho HBI.P-A-PHONE will be tnnll
cd to any address on receipt of f 3.00.
The Deschutes Merchandising Co.
Steady, evenly dis
tributed heat, un
der perfect control
makes a good oil
stove wonderful
for baking.
Ftr Bat
Rt suits
Piarl Oil
good oil
stove b just
like cooking with
city gas. If you
haven't a New Per
fection you've missed
comfort for years. Bakes.
broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient
than wmia iuna.1 n a1 atnval.and CDltl ! ta Ot
a r,.la u.l K coal.rvnil mnA twfsAd hfil drudaraf v.
cj Apur ifcvn coof, inr long iu iniiiiniji jiiirt ui XV
imwortuor,ini,(,jtna purvr ..-'. , -. VV
CabiaatModtU wlih F.UCooklo Ovtm au your CtiriMy
111) hYONH
Carlson (& Lyons
Plumbing .M Heating Huppllc", llntli ltooni Acccw)orloH, etc
l'HONi: IlIMI 1S1U
Money to Loan
in sums from $250 to
$25,000,3 to 10 years
time. Reasonable
rates, prompt
J. Ryan 8b Co.
The Oldest Insurance
Agency m Central Ore.
It's the way we write our policies."
Our companies pay 100 cts. on tho dollar.
We have over 400 satisfied policy holders.
The largest Insurers in Crook County are
our leading customers
Bend Insurance Agency
Bend, Oregon
Ono of tho ililnKn that nuikua ha
M os Irritable. poovUh, crow nnd put
ulunt la cliafln? of tlio W"eato akin,
duo to huat or friction. Tho delicate
skin of habit aro particularly Bill)
Ject to thU trouble and It chudoh no
end of worry for tho child ns woll as
tho uinihor. If your buby'H sklti
shows the Rllglitfwt rodnosw or tund
ney to Irritation, you van rollovu It
iniifantlr by uln a llttlo 8ntloptle
l.atlon This prupttnition hwals and
aoothwa the Wln and ht Inruliiablu
otun after IIih baby grow up btumiuo
it IiuaIh bunu, stalJu, bruUtw, cuu,
ubrOMlonB of tho akin urn! rrmlicH Just
u orfectlvui). It U prlinurlly u toil
et preparation for hoaullfylni? and
proscrvliiK tho akin hut IIh IioiiIIiik
riuutltliti ciitjBo HiciiihuikIh to lino It
for all kinds of Mkln troubluit hucIi
aa limuct bltw. poison oak or Ivy,
fever or cold aoroa, ute.. us wull an
for minfjurn. tan. frouklna, plinptcH
nnd facial hloinuhotf or all kinds.
.Men find It dellKhtful nftnr Mhavfn'K.
Try a bottle and he oauvlHCud. At
itot'd and Morloun DrilK Btoru. It.
Intiiuott Chemlaal I.aboruiurlo, Port
land, Oregon.