The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1916, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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thk nKxnjicLi-Eny. nam, okr, Wednesday, September rf. ioio.
rAOB s.
f !r
I i'
I'tiblMier of Iliilletln Says Oregon
JteKlriK-nl Ha llr-n Especially
Favorrd In lu Camp Location
Training H .Made Soldier.
The following article was pre-
pared for The bulletin by "0.
- V. Putnam, publisher of The
liulletln and corporal In Com-
pany M, Third Oregon, recent-
ly stationed on the Mexican
border. Written before the War
department ordered the Oregon
troops home it shows In what It
ayH concerning the prospects of
return how complete a surprise
the return order m st have been
to the regiment.
Ily 0. I Pl'T.VAM.
Its a long way from Bend to the
Mealcan border, and a big change
from newspaperlng to packing a rllle
In tbc'foderaH7-d national guard.
And there are tome twelve hundred
Oregonlans down here who are hav
ing all sorts of new experiences In
this soldiering butlness and wpnder
Ing what Is coming next.
When the President's call came,
back on June lb. it looked very much
like business There really seemed
the best sort of prospect that there
would be action on and beyond the
border. We were hurried down here
on the Jump, our batalllon, the Third,
going directly to the international
line where we could see across a lit
tle valley Into Mexico and hoar the
bugles playing In the quartrcll of
the Mex gsrrihon. But, as you know,
the smoke nil blew away, and now
.hero wc are holdlcg down a Job that
seems to be about half police work
and the rest training camp.
What come next no one knows.
A lot of Die people think, (most of
them at home) that the Mexican fuss
bu subsided for good and that wc
might as well go north again. They
say there Is no ceed for troops on
the border and that It Is unfair to
keep the national guardsmen on the
Job when they are needed at home.
Then there are others who believe
that the men will be stationed along
the border for months to come, get
ting training and acting as a sort
of stimulus to good behavior on the
other side of the lice.
t Guessing I flood.
fjueMtlng Is food. It Is all a piu
xle. Of courte, most everyone would
like to go home. It Is no especial
fun to roost in a camp down here,
drilling and outing and sleeping,
when thern doesn't seem to be pros
yiHit of doing anything more exciting
In the near future. Also, it Is far
tram satisfying to draw from f IS to.
My (40, a month, which Is the pay
alu from privates up to sergeants,
Iftiload of the pay we gut In Oregon.
Tbl money end of It Is working a
rool hardship on many men. They
are wtlllng to make sacrifice if thuy
are needed for service, but naturally
thr grumble at Inuction.
However, that hort of thing Is al
ways the order of the day In such
klluullons as this. The old timers
remind ug that the Second Oregon
regiment was hold at .Manila, seven
thousand uiIIoh from home, for eight
mouths, doing absolutely nothing.
Tim Spanish war was over and tho
men couldn't comprehend why they
wrre marooned. Then suddenly the
I'hllllpltitt Insurrection broke out ami
the need for them arose.
Any such prospect as that Is not
cheerful. It Is understood here, as
tikewhere, that the Mexican mess Is
nut straightened out by a long ways.
1'urhaps It never will bu until there
U a good thorough cleaning up That
jrpjild to a su-ut He man's sized
job. and It will cost fortunes In lives
mnJ money, and years of wracking
work. U "vs 111 be a task like taming
the, rbllllpiues, only a thousand fold
lrfl(tr. Much a house dunning In
Mexico would be a terribly hard Job.
That should bo understood by every
SBe. If tt Is tho only way, well and
good. Hut It will be no tea party.
Crusted that perhaps some day vva
fctmll havu to go Into Mexico. Omitt
ed that iivun now umny troops uro
seeded along the border for policing
purposes and for their effect upon
Hvuruwental conduct to the south.
Grunted thut our regular army Is
Many times too ttmnll to eopo with
tho sltuutlon. and that tin National
Uuard ueuds training Taking nil
Into eous'ilorutlou, Isn't It reasonable
to supposo that roost of tho guard
which Is on the line now will bo kept
hero for sotuo time to come, and
Bight now tho War Department is
weeding out tho regiments on the
border. Thoso with dependent fain
llltw nud boys who should go to
school are being sent homo. It will
bo hard on tho mva who have to
stay, but at least at tho end of a
few moro months they will be reas
onably efficient soldiers and tho coun
try will have a secondary "ny
some real worth.
The militia, when It estne to the
border, wasn't In bad shape by any
means, as militia goes. But it was
utterly unquallBed to take the field
It lacked equipment and training.
There would have been sad tragedies
If the gdardsmen had been thrust In
to Mexico two months ago.
Situation Uba Bettered.
Now the ituatlon has bettered
wonderfully. All the troops, we are
told, are pretty well equipped. Two
months of hard drilling has wrought
wonders. The ruard could give a
good account of Itself.
So far as the Oregon regiment Is
concerned, we have fared wonderful
ly well. Without doubt we have the
best location all along the IS 00 miles
of border. The present camp at Im
perial Beach Is some tire miles back
from the Mexican line and directly
beside the ocean It would be hard
t find a more Ideal place to hold a
big body of troops.
There are outpoats,
single companies, at
Both Oregonlan and Telegram Make
Favorable Editorial Comment on
.Straborn IcveIopmenU-Suegtt
Now Is Time to AvvaXeu.
tude of the Klamath Falls Commer-
clal Club, which by unanimous vote
accepted the proposition. Commit
tees will go to work at once to meet
the conditions of Strahorn's propos
al. "The Telegram Is more than pleat
ed to note this new activity All
Oregon will rejoice over the second
invasion" of Central Oregon by the
(railroad. The proposed line opens
up a region rich In natural resources
I whkh have waited half a century up
on transportation for their develop
ment. "Construction of the line to
Sprague river mar be taken to mean
the first spoke in the hub of a system
that is to ramify the rallless empire
east of the Cascade mountains. A
vast territory needs only the ra'lroad
to make it profitably productive. It
appears that a new era in Oregon
railroad development Is almost here."
"GridlronlnR Central Oregon."
The Telegram's editorial of Aug
ust 29 entitled "Grldlroning Central
Oregon." was as follows:
"There Is a businesslike air to the
activities of Robert aStrahorr. in con-
rl J&r
Evidence that the Portland news
papers are waking up to an interest
occupied by in the Straborn railroads that has
other spots I real possibilities of assistance for the
Mong the line, and some or tnem are project in tne Oregon metropolis is nectj0n with the Oregon-California
hot and dry enough to fit any de- given In recent editorial comment In , & Eastern railway that speaks well
scrlptlon of tropical conditions. But the Oregonlan and the Telegrttu I for the Immediate future. Practlc-
nere at tne naaquariers me cumaiei mis nas been largely cauea torm i ajj. ajj tne s.jrVes for Important
is laeai actually cooler man suco-iDy tne news oi ine ranroaa aeveiop
mertlme In Oregon, thanks to tbe'mentsln the vicln'ty of Klamath
constant sa breeze and with about . Falls, the apparent possibility of Im
all tho comforts and conveniences mediate construction having shown
which an arm camp can offer
the enterprise In a different light
lines have been completed. Efforts
are now- making for rights of way,
terminal sites and the customary aid
from towns to be directly benefitted
by the railroads.
THE finest cook never quite equals
"the things Mother used to make".
An' no man can beat old Mother
Nature's recipe for ageing Tobacco.
vivivvJi-i. is cureu duW-w
iNacure s way.
Every good quality of choice Kentucky BurUy Tobacco i
brought to perfection In VELVET by two ytaxa' agalag of
the leal. o, y,. .
Of course there Is plenty of hard i from any In which they have viewed
work. An average day Is about like 'it heretofore.
this. Itevellle. which Is the get-up i "The Slmlioni Idea."
bugle call at 5.10. Setting up ex- Under the caption "The Strahorn
ercises and then breakfast at 6 to. .Idea," the Oregonlan on August 30,nave j,een carried to completion.
urni irora eigni iu eleven, ruur. saia;
Ing," which means clcanlng-up. of
gon is yet to be had by men of very
moderate means. Without tho rall-
the capital needed to road this land has little practical
construct and equip the several lines worth; with the railroad It becomes
Is in sight; otherwise the compre- a valuable asset for the common
hensive preliminary work would not wealth.
It "Relative to the next step in the
Strahorn saysr "We
tents and vicinity, and mers at noon.
Tho non-commlsstoned officers and
officers have two hours school every
afternoon, and probably a fourth of
the men arc n some detail or other
kitchen work or some other feature
of camp activity; there Is plent) to
do to keep a big camp running In the
perfect, orderly way habitual to ar
my organization.
Trooi Hnvc Recreation.
Probably there Is a swim in the
ocean during the afternoon. It can
bo followed by a fresh-water shower
baths, for each batalllon has a
shower. Tho Inter-company baseball
tour of Interior Oregon, where he has
sought to interest towns and com
munities in his plans. It has een
no task to show them that they will
be mightily benefitted by railroad
connection with one another and with
the outside world. They have known
all thnt for many years. More won
derful to state. It has been no great
Job, apparently, to get them to fur
nlah terminals, procure rights of way
teams play a game nearly every of- jand guarantee subscriptions. They
ternoon. San Diego is only six miles
distant, and pctntts to leave camp
are not hard to get for men whose
records arc good. AIbo, there Is the
big exposition, and a mlgnty fine one
It Is, at San Diego, and plenty of oth
er attractions round about.
Supper is at S'lC, and at six
there Is parade. Taps blows at ten
o'clock, when everyone Is supposed
l: .hakes a lot of money these days to enterprise Mr,
Mr Strahorn took up In Central bulld 450 m)Ieg of raiiroad. The .have finally gotten this project where,
Oregon tho project of building rail-1 corporation which must furnish It I within the next thirty or sixty days
roads where the great transcontisen- nM satisfied Itself as to the permn-' at most, we will be ready to tako up
tal systems left off, and he has car- nent rajue or tne investment. "I Its financing In all ita parts. For
ried it along so far that he feels nave BJ,m a vear and a nalf.. tay8 ' tne flrst t(me t can gaj. that we are
measurably certain of success. Sohe:Mr. o,rahorn. "In aimnst mnntanti within measurable distance of corn-
announces on his return from a long nv-,,iP!,,inn nf ,,,., ,.H nro. i menclnir pnnntrurt!nn "
ent traffic possibilities as well as! "Based on these activities a rcas
those likely to be added by the de-'onable view- of the general situation
velopment of lumber, Irrlagtlon, I In Oregon is that the tide has turn
drainage and the utilization of cer-'ed. Ther allroads have learned, de
tain mineral resources." 1 spite a lot of Intemperate talk, that
"It Is in the future development, no legislation In Oregon has "hurt"
which Is certain to follow- the rail-! the railroads, and that there Is not
roads, that all Oregon Is Interested. , the remotest danger of that sort of
Low priced agricultural land has be-1 legislation. They know thnt regula
come very scarce In the past fifteen j tion Is an established policy but they
years, and It Is steadily growing (know also that It Is and will remain
scarcer. Good land In Central Ore-1 constructive regulation. There Is a
are willing to show their faith by
their works, Just as Mr. Straborn
purposes to make a largo Investment
on his own account. lie is something
moro than a promoter: he" Is a build
er and Investor, lie has a legitimate
apd fruitful Idea, which he has
sought to capitalize with funds fur
nished by himself and by the Inter
ests concerned and benefitted. What
better understanding between the
people and new- ra'Iroads than there
was In the old days with the old
railroads. The railroads know that
the people of Oregon wiU lie Just to
them. We believe that this better
understanding will lead soon to the
larger railroad development for
which Oregon has so long waited."
About the middle1 of September I
will start a class in vocal music
Those who are Interested may write
or call on mo. Mrs. Franklin Thor
dnrson, Itlver Terrace. Adv. tic
Mrs. Bernlco Halley-Forrcst an
nounces that her classes In music
will start on September lL'.-Adv CJtf
Gosnoy's have leased tho Pierce
send cave. The best sand on tlio
market. Lcavo orders at Georges
barber shop. CItf
to be In bed. A Y. M. C. A. building could bo fairer?
offers much to tho men; It has mag- "This Is nn Intimation thnt Port.
azlnes and games and tables for writ
1ns with free correspondence paper.
Every few nights there Is some en
tertainment, mostly athletic. Educa
tional classes aro Just being Btartcd
offering much to those who aro glv.
ing up their school work nt home.
Tho camp Is assuming a very per
manent appearance too much ho to
pteasu thoso who are anxious to get
homo. How permanent It will be for
us most nnyonc In Bend can say Just
as certainly ns wc can guess down
hero And what tho upshot of the
whole situation will be Is tho big
gest puzzle of thu hour All wc do
know Is thnt wo arc lining treated
well, wo aro learning soldiering slow
ly, and physically all hands are ben
efitting mightily.
It Is true, a Vice President Mnmlinll
remarked, thnt tho Hughe speech of
accvptnuco "had all the length mid tono
of n dlsnentlug opinion." But he omit
ted to add that the dlSKentlug opinion
thus expressed U that of the American
Want Ads only ONE CENT a word.
land has on Interest in Central Ore
gon which It has not moved to pro
tect and realize through Its support
of tho Strahorn project. But doubt
less Portland will take a hand when
the time comes. The benefits to bo
derived from railroad development
of Central Oregon are so obvious
thnt It Is conceivable thnt Portland
would not bo fully alive to Its ohll
gutlons to Itself and to the state."
"Another Hull 'Invasion. "
Tho Telegram headed Its first od
Itorlul, on August 19, "Another Rail
MnvnHlon,' " snying:
"There Is n practical, business-like
flavor to Colonel Strahorn's proposl
Hon to ponotrato the Klamath lako
country with a railroad that Is In
every way pleasing. Ho mokes a
simple, definite offer to build a, line
from Kltumtth Falls onstwnrdly to
Sprugue river, a dlHtuncu of 40 miles.
Three things he wants: Free right
of way, a terminal site nnd $300,000
In cash In exchange for stock or lo
gul Interest. In return he promises
to hnvu the rond In operation Its
whole length within a year.
Still more gratifying Is the nttl-
When you build in Bend
specify local pine
Shevlin Pine
is true to size and grade. Grown
sawed right, sold right.
PINE, grown nt an altitude of 4,200 feet.
We manufacture
The Shevlin-Hixon Company
Bend, Oregon
Dtnrer zsti Salt Lake Rt&mcfttitive:
Qicage Rcprescfttative:
4jj; vjtii
V ' -
mux. L
I a 4
f "'-- -W " '."iii
''fWMWWMHJMBiJ1 ' I'lmiHIHI ''"
-yWtif , l.mi'immimm&i&'i'1 "f"r;yiSJiFSSSasBSSSSSSSJSpWSJMBji
4 h. 1 A
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