The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    jt ytfT'ggf
tip: liKxn iuij.ktix, hkxh, phi:., avksks!av, SKrrr.nnnn a, ioio.
Readiness for School
Opening September 1 1
We are the headquarters for a com
plete line of
School Books Tablets
Pencils Paper
Drawing Instruments Inks
Drawing Pencils Erasers
Emyltiing in Supplies the bey uid girl netdi lot school
Mrs. A. W. BeDton Is reported to
be ill.
C. h. Gist wob oer from Sisters
on Friday.
T. H. Foley made a trip to Hamp
ton on Sunday.
V. G. Hastings went to Prlnexllle
today on business.
Joe Muszyinsxy leit on luesuay
(or Chicago to reside.
Frank Hrown left on Monday over
land for Independence.
A. L. Klrtsls, of Imperial, was a
Hend visitor last week.
Mrs. Mary Dobbs has returned to
Bend from her homestead,
N. A. Southwlck mnde a trip to
Jefferson county last week.
Mrs. Hugh O'Kune leaes this
evening for n visit to Seaside.
Fred N. Wallace was up from
Turanlo on Saturday afternoon.
H. H. Parsons, of Hedmond. wan a
business visitor In Bend on Friday.
P. J. Dorsett, of San Francisco, Is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Harry Oant.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. n. Qraham and I.
B. Wallace arrived In Bend on Fri
day. Monty O'Donnell left for Portland
on Tuesday evening on a business
V. V. Burke returned to Bend on
Tuesday from a business trip to On
tario. M. J. Main has been confined to bit
home fpr several dae on account of
R. M. Smith and H. J. Overturf
nade a business trip to Prlnevllle on
Monday. '
Mrs. J. P.yan will return the lat
ter part of this week from a vliit to
' Mrs. J. M. ILawrence and daughter
Marlon left on Monday morning for
The fall term of the Circuit Court
will open on Monday morclnc at
Louis Bennett and family return
ed on Thursday from a few duy's trip
to Medford.
Fresh Fruits and Fresh VegeUMes
Only eeiyUut of the very b4
oo our ukltt.
Mm. Nellie Slevemon
M. W. Knickerbocker, of Gist, was
over on Saturday looking for a house
for the winter.
X. E. Gilbert has been away from
his business tor Bcveral days on ac
count of Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Smith ore
In town today from the Pine Moun
tain Hanger Station.
E. M. Thompson returned yester
day morning from a .business trip to
Portland and Astoila.
W. L. Cobb has gono to Hoscburg
to get his family who have been
there for several weeks.
H. H. De Arinond attended the
Labor Day picnic on McKay ilatB
near Prlnevllle Monday.
Dennis Cnnnody returned on
Thursday from n business trip to
Silver I.nke and Paisley.
L. C. Whltted, with his mother and
bister. Eugenia, left last week for
Fort Luuderdale, Florida.
Fred Kates, who 1iih been In San
Diego for thel nst four months, re
turned to Bend on Thursday.
11. M. Abbott expects to leave to
morrow night for Medford and Ccn
trulla, Washington, on business.
Mrs. P. W. Beesley, of Portland,
arrived on Sunday morning to vlst
with her sister, Mrs. V. A. Forbes.
It. A. Kllpatrlck has moved Into,
town from the Shcvlln camp whore
he has been employed nil summer.
J. C. Rhodes and C. M. McKay re
turned on Tuesday evening from n
week's hunting trip In tho Cascades.
Aside from the closing of tho
banks and post o(llco Labor Day was
not generally observed hero on Mon
day. J, E. Tourtollolte, who spent sev
eral .davs of last week In Bend, re
turned on Sunday evening to Port
Lee Thomas left on Sunday night
for Portland on business connected
with the new school building for
J. L. Oalther, 'local manager of the
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
spent Monday In Prlnevllle on busi
ness., i ' '
J, D. Donovan, of the Bend hos
pital. Is building a house in Ken
wood, E. P. Brosterhous doing tho
C. O, Powers, nn architect and
builder, und F. W. Hubbard, of Med
ford arrived in Bond on Monday
F. T. Parker, of tho Bond Water
Light & Power Co,, left on Thursday
evening for Astoria for a two week's
District Attorney Wirt was hore
on Saturday on Ills wuy into the
southeast section of the county on
MUs Grace. Cnno returned jester,
day, accompanied by her slstor, Miss
Ettn Cane
On the Border
September mtika trie transition from Summer to autumn.
This is the most dlffcult month in the ytar In which to dress
comfortably unless you know b-re to buy the right kind of
apparel. ,
l1 m I
Soft Hat Time
We have our entire stock of soft
hats on display Solid mixed colors
in snappy Btylcs
Mr7 We certainly are showing tho most
IN 31 W attractive and neatest line of caps
CAT! J that has ever teen given to the men
FALL of Bend. They are particularly for
CAPS ca,:,y tBi; 75c to $1 .50
i Our fall line of suits is here and
S we invite your Inspection hour dir-
niuc .t. v. r--
SI a, --, $-
IDDIUCn fnrpnt models.
JUVIUTH ( tcrC(J tQ tvtQi jrom
Several new" numbers in Buckingham & Hecht shoca came
last week. 14. 12. 8 and C inch top priced from to H.
One number Is a chocolate elk with Neolln sole and rubber
heel '
Mrs. A. 0. Brook, who has beon
visiting with Mr. Brook for several
weeks, returned on Monday morning
to Seattle.
Miss Olive Johnson of Medford,
passed through Bend on Tuesday for
Eugene where she enters the Univer
sity of Oregon.
,. a. L. Hicks, of Portland, arrived
In Bend on Sunday evening to accept
a position with tho Central Oregon
Credit Bureau.
Hugh Thompson leaves on Friday
for Eugene where ho will enter tho
university of Oregon to, take a course
In architecture.
Tho West Side Agricultural Fair
Association will hold n Harvest Bnll
on Friday evening nt Tumato In the
fair association hall.
Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Lamberson and
Mrs. Lamberson's sister, Iluth Cald
well, returned on Sunday ,from an
outing at Sparks Lake.
Larson & Company will hold a
formal opening of their Jowelry store
In tho Mutzlg building on Wall street
Saturday, September 9.
D. A. Boyd, of Seattle, and owner
of the Bovd building, arrived In
Bend this morning to visit with his
brother, Chas. A. Boyd.
M. C. Athy, editor of the Harney
County Tribune, and advanco man
for the Burns Community orchestra,
was in Bend on Monday,
F. L. Young has been In Bend
Blnce Monday night attending to bus
iness connected with tho American
Soda Products Company.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Steldl and
daughter, Francis, returned on Sun
day night from Seaside Mrs. Stcldl's
health Is much Improved.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J, A. Eastcs, Misses
Alice Ward and Elslo Olsen spent
Saturday and Sunday on Crane
Prnlrlo nt the Stanley cabin.
Eric P. Bolt, prlnclpnl of tho high
school, arrived last night preparatory
to taking up his duties with the
opening of school next week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sproat, Miss
Nell Market and Vernon Harpnatn
loft on Sunday morning for Crater
Lake, returning Tuesday night.
C. S. Hudson, who leaves for Port
land tonight on business, will drive
back In a new Natlonad roadster
which he has recently purchased.
Mrs. C. C. JohnBon, who has been
visiting with her parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. G. Brook, left on Monday for
her homo In Fort Worth, Texas.
Mrs. M. L. Derstlno Is making
plans for tho opening of a millinery
storo In the brick nnnox to tho Des
chutes Hotel on Minnesota street.
llev. O. J. O'Hagen, of tho St.
Edward's Cathedral, of Baltard, and
John McGuIro, of Seattle were
guests of Hugh O'Kane on Thursday.
Mrs. O. O. Tlcknor, who has been
visiting with hor sister, Mrs. A. M.
Prlnglo for tho last two weeks, re
turned to her homo In Portland on
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. J. Todd return
ed on Saturday morning from Port
land. , Mrs. Todd and chlldlron havo
beon visiting In Portland for several
Mrs. C. A, Warnor, who has been
visiting with n sister on Vashon
Island, near Seattle, for the last two
weeks, returned to Bend on Sunday
mornlngr I , "
K. C. Shepherd, of Portland, who
has been looking ovor timber condi
t'ons In Central Oregon for tho last
two weeks, left on WodnoBday for
Erie Chrlsman left on Monday for
San Francisco to enter the U. S.
Navy as an olectrlclsn. Mr. Chrls
man has been employed In the Bend
Flqur Mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brain leave tho
latter part of this week for Minn
eapolis, where Mr. Brain has accept
ed a position with the Neuera Manu
facturing Co.
Misses Lillian Plnne and Cora
Sathcr, Hhrold, Gladys, Marlon and
Theodore Snther returned on Sunday
from a week's outlug at Spring Itiver
and Twin Lakes.
H. D. McBrlde, who will open a
confectionery store In the O'Kane
building, retuincd to town vestcrday.
Mr. McBrlde expects to manufacture
all hs enndjes here.
It. P. Button, state superintendent
of the nutl-saloon league, will speak
at tho rresbvterlan church Sunday
morning on the brewer's amendment
and absolute prohibition.
Miss Helen Pcrrlngton, of Burns,
spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
N. F. Heed. Miss Pcrrlngton w-yi
re-enter the University of Oregon up
on its opening next week.
Frank Brook, who has been vis
iting with Ills fatiier, A. G. Brook,
for several weeks, left on Thursday
for Scattlo where he will enter tho
University of WnBhlngton.
Ersklne Wood, a Portland attor
ney, passed through Bend on Satur
day on his way to Portland. Mr.
Wood was an attorney In the recent
water hearing at Lakeview,
F. C. Hale, a Minneapolis attor
ney, arrived In Bend on Monday, Mr.
Halo has been a practicing attorney
In Minneapolis for several ears and
may locate permanently In Bend.
Mrs. W. G. Hastings, who hag been
In Southbrldgo, Massachusetts, where
sho was called on account of the Ill
ness of her mother, returned on
Mondny. Mrs. Hastings was met at
Tho Dalles by Mr. Hastings, return
ing overland to Bend.
Bend Doings
for next seven days
K. of P. Sathor's Hall 8 p. m.
Gymnasium meeting nt Bend Co.
ofllec, 8 p. m.
IVAi It., Satlier's Hall, 8 p. m.
Harvest danco, Tumnlo, 9 p. m.
It. A. M., Masonic Hall, 8 p. m.
' HutuiilAy.
Commercial Club Wright Htcl, 12
Teacher's meeting Held b hool 9
a. m.
Bend vs. Prlnevllle, Ball park, at
2:30 p. in.
Shovlln-Hlxon vs. Brooke-Scunlon
office force, game 1:30 p. m.
Preaching In nil church?.
Scandlnavlnn-Luthoran service In'
Commercial club 2:30 p. m.
Public schools open 9 n. m. .,
Mfcscott vs. Turkey, Hlppodromo,
9 p. m.
I. O. O. F. Sathor's Hall, 8 p. m.
O. E, S. Masonic Hall 8 p. m,
City council adjournment meet
ing, council chamber, 8 p. m,
Parcnt-Tcachors meeting nt Hold
school 4 p. m.
Ladies' and Children's
for Fall
A long line to choose from and
For ECONOMY Sake Shop at
4 terested in New Styles
our New Suits, Dresses
and Skirts have a very
important message.
The Suit-Coat:- long, and longer
as to length and more fitting as to
lines; Sforts continue full without
the tendency to flare. ,
The Suits priced at $15,75 to $28.50
Skirts priced at $4.50 to $13.50
One Piece Wool & Silk Dresses $0.75 to $19.75 '
New 8-in. Kid Hoots, luce or button, some in
contrasting colored stitching
Sa.75, $4.00, 84.25, $1.60, $0.00
New Men's Walk-Over Shoes $4, $4.50, $5.00
Dainty Undermuslins
Dove Brand
New nnd pretty effects In Knvelopo ChomlHC, Petti
coats, Corset Covers, Gowns, and Princess Slips Priced
bo lovv that you cannot help but agree with im that this
line exceeds nil our prevlus offerings.
Fit (hi the CVild's
Wardrobe here for
Varfl Ik
h m K .
Ml "04.
Poys school shoos SI. 75 to l.ii.1
nirls school shoes $1.10 to $.'..
llo h knee, pants fOv (o Si-'.oo ndr
io)H Kajneti waists and shirts , Mv to 91.00
Uo)s knlcker suits Wn to 7.7.1
1)IJ(,V The pnrioHi otitis storo Is to sntUfy and
ft-no the public- Its policy Is to kUo that iiullty of
merchandise and render tho bfst of service to accomplish
this end To Kite tho lilKlifMt poaslblo iiualtty of mer
chandise at the lowest pouBlhlo price.
Watch Us Grow
School Opens Sept. 1 1
at which time the children will need to be fitted out
in SHOES, HOSIERY, DRESSES and all sorts of
We have especially strong, sturdy, good looking,
nature form shoes for the kiddies. We are pleased
to be able to stand back of every pair of our child
ren's shoes, as we have the quality worthy of it.
for children in black, white and tan, in the cele
brated Play Proof Brand and the Sandow for wear.
Hosiery prices are per pair 12), 15, 20 and 25c
We have all sorts of materials for children's school
dresses -School Day Cloth, Galatea, Idealean,
Ginghams, Percales and Madras.
E. A. Sather