"SKf- UN THE BEND BTLLETEr. EENP.OBE. WU.MDAr.i?LlTEMBgK 6. lnl. PACK ft. .'4 Si n Ft . ' JE1 ' I i 'K !: 3 u 'ft. , c ; f f THE BEND BULLETIN li'ablhb4 Eterj Wei-wUy.) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM PaMUfcer i ROBERT V.'. SAWYER E4ilCT-il2BtKtT. FRED A. WOELFLEN t AdJ Editor. fr An indepentfest sewtptper ttasd "jcg or the s-;a?e deal, eleas keul e, clean poMtfci aad tke belt ts teretti of Bend aad Ceslral Oregon Ose Year -. . -Six Months . . Three Month i ' j- Jl AH trJpai are dae and PAYABLE IJJ ADVANCE. Nolke of expiration are roalPxc nfOi-criber aad If reoewal I cot ai -ruble reason able time tke papr UI be difcos tlssed. ilea- notify prstxiy f any cbaag of Ms. or of failare to re ceive tee p regalarly. OtkrJe w wttl at t-e resoomeMe for eop4t talued. Make all !" asd order, pay able to Tbe Bed Bulimia. Some of tie sec f i - " n-411 tkat are ttsttisir sa of lack of can or:! to '-: ? here aid ret M t - &i Tke Fresck bar takes k of Chilly. Proah4y after J is' Jokaey mm Lsarektcr fc ost at wsexTettedly t -- a a. NJs we-k to elee-Jos dty MOHLER WOULD OPEN CRANE PAAIR1E TO HOMESTEAD EffTRY WEDNESDAY, SEPT. C. - - lilt. QCESTIO.V AXD ANSWERS Two ' ato I'kn Tke Red aosd SpokeaasiX a ft'" naettioaa bearing oa tfc twf-Jtrtttea ullclt hid been maktar. Apparently they were foaod eatbaraor for io"iti of isxkts? y U-t at ztfr Ti gpokiBiaa ii k at mBt that "Um-j f ej.tl7 rtky nuUviti6X ' rtu:ie u :: I CfA ?)iotur to PJtPn A'HaZ InterUir tprtmnt. In Act on K qnt Mrnrtj Rrffm I S. S Kok!r of PorUcai i;-it iTral Iy of laat k ar i .r- la fjrDitfi w a tit.-is -.o ' prxati to ti Iatrtof Ipa-'ls,. la oactloi Hs the eot3s' 'oft the opeait? of Craae Pra to, koatal estrr- W'kll k k, akowed j'ltIom j!ri4r i'rs4 V' nanr veil ksova aes Is ?jr'.ii acd Oreixs Cit AMordlar t Mr Moklr a ; Tioat m'tioe vklch ke rest to tie 'department Mklsg for tke ops'.xg of the pralrf kit Vies piea koled as4 It it IsspoM.ble to set ny aetic-x oa It. Tke prnt petltioa atkf that tbe firm oe be Ukee op asd a i-r- Ice bekl. Tke alrailo of tie Izr- ptl- (ton, ktrk kaa tee preriowtly S9 jpi 1 Supply the Chfldren ij J ufiA Ij I School Supplies 1; I : m rom Ei: I 1;: 1 "- lii I Warner's : B Bend's Economy Center II : IE 85 &S I! am ifcJ Ur Eftl n nd By -3 H. Tr... vkalt nVaiAS srtateW elkf it ki per ad mentioned la Tke Halletts. :- t tke ..j .-. . w , in i!p4i.I in thfilf-ffwf (hat tb rlrt t irtltdnvi ari im -; . . . .- - f 1 ehtCJC. Vt e eaaaot reiraia irom , irons entry for te keseat or te ' .,. o k a lot rare. bt u '.iev poinUae ot tke ke o' e po-, Jtok ma hot eattle xrat It d-ir- tts jjare s Smarts a tke oeritt cf MH9B '7 '.- --. 'vini; te imr. aa4 tne It it - THE SPOKESMAN SIDESTEPS RrlcxMvl Pf-r Say Oar QuetiOBA THtiat. RfB to .n.er. Cider tke keadliaei "Bstletis .lii Mtt Trfrial QeJO03J." Tke Rd a d 5iMB. is lu Issoe of ip k 21. uri tke fMovics: Tke Bed BlleU. atiar - 5fkeMaz'f rplr of Hit veek. arc tilktu Uka y . RXiaoaa inea.t? the Mmm.ri 1B4 Is refotUK to r itfBi. , rrrir taylsjt tkt kat ettkr of tbiaka '" " " '" JiV . ":i ..?T tk vvir .i!'! merely a tk tro&Mttloa to dttide Crc-Jk ras- Mt. talc !t-' 1T. tkr r Mrelr -rorthr of coi- lr. CaraMaitton kidi lui. r-r aad tfc aklr u. "w """ " ""? " " '- slderMJoa. rteelTed aa! eoMdre4 1k qoetk o lu oa aeeoast. - " 'i Wkat tke 5pokeiaa or B:Je' a Tb jHn fc-d oa aeem a j prairie and Pilot Matte raak later-: ,rkt tkiok resardlae tone latcc MUle ortky of eojnMratko at Tkejet, fnetudlns Srtary of Sut Ol- iry comnmer enu little fir Sfkenroia y oon are Hat wellleott. are alleged to be beblad tbe wt tke people are Interested a i aker tbew, a folio withdrawal. t ta oeri? tke ui rate aad ll'fa? 7Kt. e 00 ao ik " i jr. JIofclr M-tird a larte aiar i ih bard from tblr own iai he tf. ZItkOOCb Biaar. .Wl.r. of lhoi hn thcr S..-J prairie U aot iil'-, . ... Mn,. BMMtirl fcm ni 'rom f 4llaf fS - ----- & K-aJ I aiA. ll ..a . tr aor any otter laoepeaceot eor- . - ; . . . , : . . . I ,r ' . - .: aoratlon a ortHtt of a bridge rot-""" "" li5 "1 " " ai lw,lot of oveatioat aaked before inr eeral ktiadred dollari iQe- tk- proper tkls tor Crook roaaty to ot tiKBZt9t j,.f( sutld a eonrt bute for JeSeraoa i u.ho f(e, ,blf (6 TO RECEIVE BIDS. Staled prepctaU will I relTed stil 1 3 p. t Septct-r 1, ISIS for the erectfcra aid Mxpte tks of a two ttorr brick ylses iaiki:? Shllt for D. H 5;k.er oa tke corner of Boad aad M xsota areaae. Bead. Oresos. Phas and spetiScatloct arepare ky O 'j- Bra. baker, architect. 137 Wall street. Bead. Oregos. 8li win te .-eired separately for tke saasoary. carpea ter work, lath, pluterlBC. keatixs. electric wrias. rooSa? and tkeet metal work. phtatMar. keatlar. salat- 111 alo be Plaat aad ii-cl2catioa vHI ke oa file at the oSce of the Oreroa Balldia; Rec ord. Portland. Orejoa. aad at tke architect oOce. Bend. Orerc: Tke owaer reorres tke rtgkt to accept any or rejet asy or all bldf Ad &f& all proooMls to tke arck!tt Is care of tke Central Oregoa Bask tlon for the Sbokeawaa. vsnat a tbU to do with tbe dtvuten of De bMtt county from Crook Ye, If It were Redraond that waj a caadldat fur county t honor Tke liulletln would b-. In favor of county division lvcaae The Bulle tin bettered In tbe dlTlilon of tbe county, IQuMtlon for Tha Spokes man. If Redmond re for awiwn would Tbe BDokumaa te") A reaaon why dirlilon U both ne- eeary and detlrabte I becaute It will aery tbe convenience of a ma jority of b popIe of tbe weal aide. ,jb ahort a majority want dtvlcn, li i provd to year aro, (Qu tlon for Tbe fipok'-'toan. Do you be lieve In majority rale?) We await anera from our Red mond friend, '' Dr'MCATKLY PUT. We have Jum reclvtd a letter iu Ce4tlnie to ut In a moit delicate man cer bow can net a little adver tlilojc a election draw sear. Tbe iM.ter I altocetber lo! rood to ton to the watte batktt to "e are re printing tb pertinent portion! here with. In th meanlroe we are wait Ian on l aad ae4lm to te If e ret tbe advertltlar,. Hwe'a the letter "Oar (lea'-ral Comrnltt-e ta kre witb rirlar thankful rMOxaltlon to tbe ut-W- a'ceptaat aad paMI cation of tke tariooc artkle tkat tkey k4Vf ea flt to tetitl out all over tke Male boar In on the I'rotat fttUca aNMradiaeni ltue. feel warran ted at tklt time to write of a cont'd efahl placiaK of advertising with the aeiaooert of lh- atate for about t vooka pnov to olectloa You will aawowtand tke policy of delaying tat Information understanding iho with tkat our geanral committee hat to r-eeiv krat sm niiawl tm alhy and aapport with tblr propo Ml aweodmeot fiom tko riwtpaeri HaHag loeoived tkat. our general eoouokiee now fel tkat no m-"ti-4eftMft4lfcK aa aow br plareri on the pro mil ot of tke later pU'lng of 'l verlUlue together with tne eompen tatfSh tftr tke uae " ilgn. FORECAST OF SEP TEMBER PICTURES The plaa or tk Kortnt Service to ke fMwMi la spending tbe ten mil lion dollar appio'irtalloa for roadii U dfarlbHl ctaewhere tn this Imu f Tbe Ballxtln. The Mat of Im motllate laioreot here la lhat appli cation matt le filed before October I In order to obtain conildorotlou lor expettdlturee In the coming fttcal year. If Crook county wants any of I kit mosey (pent hare It would be detlriMe for the county court to teotlder the matter at it pretent meeting. f i.'ow that thf Portland newspapers ate waking up to a little favorable comment on tht Btrohorn road wu may begin lo iiourlth the hope that they sill Influence the city lo come forward generously with aid for the project. As e hato said before, tke Portland attitude Is the onlv tli qalhtlug thing lo the whole pro pet. Now Is the time to bvAtn to change lhat attitude. 11 was only two rars ugo that, we felt proud of a monthly payroll of 110,000 and uver-tlilnx In sight was combined to make tho total Now llund has two mills which together hate payrolls more than double the 140,000. . . -i CODE OP H.a.RCI. GREY BIUV CARtOOS Toe gbt and Tburtday JO and IS Cent MADAM IIUTTEJU-'LY I'lCTOGflAI'll JWOAZI.VE Susday asd lfon5ayf Sept. 10 t 1." sad XS Oat t THE kM.KHl.MlY September 12, IS and H. 11 THE .VKK IK) UEI.I, Ten reel ruper-feature, Sept. 1" U IS THE SOWERS spteraler 13, 20 and 21. HEART OP 1MI'U September 24 and 26. THE R.UE September 2C. 27 and ZS. THE (.1111. AM) THE CAME Wtk Ooraedfe eiery PrMay and Saturday IBend Oheatre "Now that we"hae the prointto ol bolter condition In the vay of our telegroph service would It not bu a good 'plan for the Commercial Club to are, what could be done tow-artl obulnlnc (reo eiprcet delivery? 100 New Richardson Roller Skates Just Arrived Music will be ftirnishcd as soon as arrange ments enn be made SKATING Wednesday and Friday v Afternoon 2:30 -Evening 6 AT THE NEW IPP0DR0M1 Bead, Oreson aad mark, oa tke ea- oap'Telope, "Propotai for Scaler baild- aad wk'.ek it will ke up to tome .ng " Adv. promlaeat eoaaty officials to aac-er ia tbe meaawkile will The Bulletin i A desirable bread kalfe free with tell u if it thick It would be tke'eTery annual scbtcriptlon proper thlag for Crook county to Bead Bulletin. build a court boute for Jefferson county? Or to make JeTerton coun ty or any other independent corpor ation a pretent f a bridge teveral hundred dollars? to Tke Is Your Spending Money Running Low this Month TRY DOLVG YOCR TR-.DIN AT THIS STORE FOR OSK MONTH AM SE: HOW MCOI MORE YOU IIAK LE1-T 0ER. Just in from New York by Express: Ladle tailored skirts .J-0 to $!2..-o Ladies tailored ikiru 15.00 to 92.i.oo Women aad children's coats W.50 to S22K) Mes fall suite S15.00 to 823.00 Mea's overcoau 7.3o to K!..oo MaMng tinderrcir for men, women and children the world bet fall wtlghu now here fcr you Lac carta Ins at 30c 7.V, SI, $J-"K, 91.75, upward Curtain icrlmg 1'Jc, l."Vc, 18c, 20c and 25c. yd. Couch covers $25, $2-"0, $.'1, 8.-J.25 nul t.,-,0 Woaec's outlns flknel night germs, extra li-rge and full 91.25 Black Satteen bloomers for children at :5c and 50c For women U5c anil 75c 10 pair Wool knap blankets, extia sizes In grey, tans and pltids at $a.."o r. Silkollae comforu, good tlze hand ties sllkolino covered filled with laminated cotton at $2.50, &I.50 erli Cotton blankets $1.10, $1.25, $1.50," 51.73 :1 R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY 043 AND 017 WALL STREET THE FASTEST GROWING STORK IN OREGON X r 1 Ic making plans for entertalcaeat , next year don't forget to make a cottier! toci old fasnlpned Fourth of July ceieor&uon lor luree oajs ic ui, ! ,Va Y) w.AMn, l.a,& lv If It were Redmond that was : " """'" v' """ Ctadldate for county seatiocor. a-rrt-v-rinv ir-c avn r.nttc would The Uulletln t In favor of ( ,,'.a g,rls brin,: ;our coupoM divU'on. and if to. why? I,0 t Co lntitLr aoTBiBK unc via IWVU u Ml, .uw I, iwfn,, fm. )-. VTV IIH-r In u.l. either necessary or desirable, Tbe Spokesmaa cannot teo tke an alogy between a blsh school deemed unneccettary though cottly by a.cem- in unity, and tbe proportion to dl- .vide tte county. ed envelope with came' and address plainly written. Adr. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS NORIUfi HARDY DIM. Norrit Hardy, tbe only ton of Mr. aad Mrt. George E. Hardy, of Port land, who died at hi parent' home there on Friday wa well known In Uend, bating lived here for a num ber of month last ear In search for health For a time the young man lived with Mr and Mr. R. L. Todd Jind later erected tents on the river wture he spent last fan, nis mother and sinter being with him Mr Har dy, who was executive secretary of thd Portland Chamber of Comtrfcrce. visited hi son here last fall Mr. asd Mrs. E. S. Deaarce, of Hallowell, Kansas, arrived In ilend on Saturday by automobile after an auto trip of more than 3,000 miles through tbe northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Demarce may locate la Ilend. Mr. and Mrt J. C. Bogle leave on Friday via Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. for Chicago. Mr, Bogle has been enraged ia making extentlve Im provements at the power plant of tbe ilend Water Light L. Power Co. Mrt Leroy Hotallng, of Ncz Perce, Idaho, arrived on Saturday evening to visit with her sister, Mrs. George S. Young Mrs. Hotallng wa form erly Mitt Meda Castle and was with Martin & Cashman Clothes forM en an d Boys We want to call your attention to our Boys' De partment. We are prepared to fit your boy out for school this season. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits $20 to $40 David Adler Suits from ' $15 to $20 . Dutchess Trousers 10c a Button $1.00 a Rip. We make Florsheim Shoes a special ty, Always a complete hnejof frur- nishings for Men and Boys, goods arriving every day. New MARTIN & CASHMAN Tkt homt ol Hut Sriufntt & Mux dothn W will occupy 0Kaa txdttBf tWt October I . - . - -IH- the Pioneer Telephone Co., In Bend. C. S. Hudson leaves tonight for Portland where be will be a witness before the Federal Land Board which hold a hearing In Portland tomor row on the matter of the establish taent of a Federal Land Bank In that city. Tke first meeetlng of the Parent Teacher Association for tbU season will be held at the Reld school at 4 o'clock next Wednesday afternoon. All parents and others Interested In the work of the schools are urged to attend. Norman Greer, who has been mak ing the Central Oregon territory for Portland dealers for several months with Bend as his headquarters, baa accepted a position with the Modern Confectionery Company and will make Medford his future headquar ters. Mr and Mrs. Greer left on Tuesday for Medford. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hunter. Claire and Carl Hunter, Margaret Thomp son and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Staata returned on Friday front New port after a two week's trip over land through the state by automo bile. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staata and Mr. and Mrs. Prince Staats, who al so made up the party leaving Bend were detained in Corvatlls on account of the serious Illness of the Staats baby. ATTENTION BOYS AND GIRLS. Boys and girls brlnB your coupons to Larson & Co.. Saturday morning before twelve o'clock. Bring In seal ed envelope with name and address plainly written. Adv. Four chairs at your service at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adr. See J. Ryan & Co., for farm land) loens. Adr. POLITlCAii CARDS. Vote for H. H. De'ARMOND Regular Republican nominee, for District Attornej- For Crook County Adr tC MEALS THAT ARK MEALS 30c AND UP NOT THE CHEAPEST, HIT THE REST Little BricK Keitaurant FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK The Tailor All Kinds ot CLEANING AND TRUSSING Phone Btack 1481 fxl WW "TV V St Jdrson Cr Co. cordially invite tAe public to attend the open in a of their Jaivelru Otore on Oaturdatj OeptemSer ninth nineteen, hundred sirteen ." . Hutxiff iBuitdimg, Ortgom St. ., ' iBtnJ, Ortgom I B .6 - 1 I i w: