CAnwaii,. iwT - '- ,.-- -r -r-i 5r X 1 THH BEND BULLETIN, 1IKNI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1010. TACJR . C 7 onearmgs Get To Work. "With the Strahorn people ready to conimcnco construction on the roads from Klamath Falls to Bend It he hooves the local organizations handl ing the railroad proposition to get to work In earnest and procure all the light of way In this section. There Is a number of people who have not yet signed up along the road who could possibly bo induced to do so If visited personally by the committee This Is n matter which should not be allowed to rest. Get to work. H is well known tl)at Mr. Strahorn was personally favorable to first con struction on the road from llend to Lakevlew, but when he reached ' Klamath Fells he found matters so far advanced In that section that he unhesitatingly promised first con struction there. And they are going out after It with n spirit that is sure to win. Let us not see these plums nil captured by a rival community Chcwaucan Press. mountain lakes and streams, the many rich and pretty valleys, com blnlng what Colonel Thntclinr. the wandering good roads scout, declar ed three years ago as one of the greatest scenic regions In tho cntlro world, are more widely known, Cen tral Oregon Is deatlued shortly to be come one of tho national playgrounds of America. Crescent News. A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The Bend Bulletin. Ln Mno Schools Opwi. Tho regular fall term of school etarts Monday nntl the pupils are gathering up their discarded books and brushing up on their studies. Prof. Wesley Anderson, the new principal, has added several new rourses to the curriculum, and Is persuading some of the high school students, who had decided to quit school, to continue their studies. La Pine Inter-Mountain. Irrigation n Slice. Geo. W. Martin, J. S. Martin, and S. W. Mnrtln, of Silver Lake, made n business trip, to Lakevlew last week, returning home on Saturday evonlng. Mr. Martin snld thnt In his conversation with Judge Daly re garding tho Irrigation problem the Judge stated that It the people want ed to actually see what Irrigation would do, to go to the west side of Goose Lake and look at the Hanson ranch. The third crop of alfalfa Is nuout ready to be cut, and tho total yield will bo between six and seven tons per acre. Just a few yeapi ago this ground was covered with sage brush. Silver Lake Leader. Important KlUppIng Point. 0. F. Wallenburg began the con struction of a new warehouse In Cul ver this wcok. Tho building Is lo cated on the warehouse lota formerly occupfed by the warehouse of tho Culver warehouse company. This Is the. fourth warehouse for Culver and demonstrates that this Is an Import nnt shipping point. Deschutes Val ley Tribune. STUDENTS GIVE RECITAL Mrs. Hcrnlce-llnlley Forrest Presents Young Ladles at Her Home. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Uernlce Hallcy-Forrest presenter In n recital at her home the Misses Mary Lln ster, Genevieve C-errlsh and Mario Hrosterhous, ndvnnced students In voice under Mrs. Forrest. Tho young ladles Issued Invitations to about 30 friends. The following program was given: If all the dreams we dream dear . Frank Lyncs A Little Pink Hoso Carrlo Jacobs-Bond Miss Gerrlsh. "Still WIe Die Nacht" ...Carl Bohm "Die Lotosblumo" Lerman MIrs LliiBter. "Spring Is Only Love" Canzloff "Du Hist WIe Klne Illume Chadwlck Miss Hrosterhous. "Little Playmates" Allen Tuck-Flold "The Stars aro Brightly Shining" E. Bronte Miss Gcrrlsh. "Whore My Caravan Has Hosted" Lohr "June Time" Oldy Speaks Miss Llnster." "Winds In tho Tress" A. Goring Thomas "Le Sarnn ltoso" (Waltz Song) Aridltl Miss Hrosterhous. Duet "Vo Merry Birds of Spring" Whlto Misses Brosterhous-Llnster. t thk aoop oupat waks it titt.-st.nT roTm sn run ) M I y gouy i roRsor ni rw-h CUT TOBACCO.'TMC UTTLl CMtW THA.T 1T I AND SATISFIES. POHT VOmy..'M SUPPlltP 1 WITH THE RCAU TOBACCO CMtwl ANP Will DIVIDE I ' -T 1 WHEN once you know W-B CUT Chewing you nrc wise to rich tobacco. And when a man once knows quality he's got no patience with ordinary tobacco. You like the way the touch of salt bring9 out the flavor also that a little nibble out lasts a big wad of ordinary two for one and how it does satisfy! Dealers that want your trade keep W-B CUT Chewing 10c a pouch. Nti j WEYMAN-BRUTOH COMPACT, 50 Uaiot Surt, Nw Tk Oty drive In Galacla. Mike, who Is a naturalized citizen of the United States, has written his brother to tako tho first ship to this counry. Agreeably Disappointed. Nearly every one In this vicinity has been ngreeably disappointed In their hay crop. It has been much bettor than they had reason to ex pect. In some places the rabbits wero busy and secured their share, whllo in many places they have bothered very little. Fort Hock Times. RELAT1VESARE IN ARMY Mike Drngicli Hears From Brother and Nephew In Austria. By tho same mall ono day last week Mlko Draglch received post cards from a brother and n nophow who are each soldiers In tho Austrian army, but sorvlng on wldoly separat ed fronts, the nephew being on tho Italian front at Gorltz, and tho broth er on the Russian front. The brother wroto from Kovol where he Is now a prisoner of tho HusslanB. According to his post card he Is being finely treated. Ho has Eeeji a great deal of sorvlce since the war opened having been first with tho Austrlans when they made their unsuccessful campaign against Belgrade, and last year in WE WANT THE AMERICAN FLAG UNSULLIED. rr 'rr 'r"". "Now, my friends, we wnnt not only American efficiency In business. In efficiency In the or ganization of business. In tho protectlou of tho factors of hu man Industry nnd commerce, we want the American (lag unsul lied and tho American namo honored throughout the world." From Mr. Hughes' Speech at Chicago. will not recommend them. You owe this to your children. Headaches relieved, cross eyes straightened. Satisfaction guaranteed. Be sure nnd lot Dr. Turner show you tho now lenses for distant and near vision combined, nil In one light, solid plcco of glass. Don't forget tho date. Adv. 2fi-2"c - School will soon commence jJSWoro your children backward Syln their studies last ycar7 If so, It may be due to eyo troublo of some kind. An education obtained nt tho expense of eye sight is of slight value. It Is bettor to obtain both by seeing that tho children's oyes aro right. Children cannot toll you whether their eyes aro right or wrong. Bring them to Dr. Turner at Thorson's jewelry store Monday, Sept. 11th, and let him give their eyes a most thorough, searching and scientific examination, with tho lat est improved olcctrlcal Instruments, and ho will tell you whether thoy are rlsht or wrong. Is not such Informa tion almost beyond price? Yet thoro Is no chargo for consultation or ex amination, and if they do not neod glasses Dr. Tumor most positively Market Goo to Plec. Tho grain market wont to pieces In this section the first of the week, none of tho buyers being In the mar ket at all, caused largely by the un-) certainty in me ranroau strixe situ ation and the entrance of Hournanla actively into tho European war with the Allies. Jefferson County Kecord, Wants to KuUw. Tho Squaw Creek Irrigation Com pany has applied to the public ser vice commission for a permit to In crenso their rates for Irrigation from 35 conts per acre foot to CO cents, stating In their application that they are operating at a loss under the presen rates. The matter will be set for hearing soon. Crook County Journal. oosier rsi " ii lllll 1 I I J MaK.H f HH ijuhl lifeffi Grain Yields Well. The yield of grain In Jefferson county this sorson Is proving consid erably abovo what bad been esti mated before cuttlnc Tho poorest yield that wo have heard of v.-ts eloven bushels per acre, and that looked as If It wouldn't so more than .x or seven. Most of the fields will Averago between 26 aud 80 bushels, wbilo n numbor will yield 40 bushels. At tho Longford place, In the Lemon ta neighborhood, owned by Mrs. Rob erta Grant, they threshed wheat last week averaging 25 bushels and soma that had not yet been cut will go considerably over. Madras Pioneer, llhwA fVvA "llooiUr WonJtr," AdrtrtUtd in nailing tuagauntt itchen (abinet a Week RE. CHASE Watchmaker and Jeweler NHHET MUSIC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Our watch repairing Ih guaran teed to stand. P. E. CHASE JOHNSON BUILDING "WALL STREET YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE Tourist Cremd .Ochoent. This js the way It strikes the News "It's an 111 wind which blows no body good;" that the horrible con flict which has been going on In Eur ope the past two years lips compell ed the wealthy people of this coun try to adopt the slogan, "See America First." Never, it Is bellevpd. In the history of Central Oregon, has the tourist trrvel been as heavy as It has been the past month or six weeks. Night after night as many as 25 or 30 cars have been parked at the free camping grounds In town, while the hotel has been full and almost overflowing with guests. At the isame time, too, the owners of the conces sions at Odell and Crescent lakes have been taxed to the utmost to pro vide accommodations. The same thing has been occurring nightly at tvery town In this part of the state. As the wonders the numerous per petual snowpeaks, the wonderful The Great Time Saver r-,. PRACTICAL CONVENIENCES h irSt QUALITY OF MATERIALS PERFECTION OF DESIGN in PERMANENCY of CONSTRUCTS ( VALUE PER. pOLLAR, OF COST Bome a mmWr of the HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET CLUB. A ctitificate catkin you to menbet ihip. 1,000.000 cabinet! bow in me. We bare MOVED to our uw home on WALL ST. where we ca ihow you Buy new thiogi in hoinefunjilungt. The bat theie u. WE'LL CLEAN YOUR LINEN, CLOTHDH, BILK DRESSES, Etc. "PUT YOUR DUDS IN OUR BUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING . M. Thompson x The Furniture Man Gilbert (8b Son Tho only store In Bend whero you can get your gro ceries and meats at tho satno place. rREE DELIVERY Phono Red 271 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ROUERT 1). GOULD Civil Engineer m Rend Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Offlco Over Poatodlco Bond, ... Oregon W. A. JACKSON AUCTIONEER Handles and soils everything OIIlco corner Greenwood, avenue and Well streets. DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician nnd Burgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p., m.; 7-9 p. m. Bather Riilldlng W. O. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Offlce In First National Dank Uulldlng Tel. Bll Itcml, Oregon WILLARD II. W1RTZ LAWYER Prlnovlllc, Oregon. C. 3. BENSON Attorney At Law Bonson Building, Wall Streot Bond, Oregon. CENTRAL OREGON PLt'MUINa & HEATING CO. PLCMHINO AND HEATING 117 Minnesota Streot. Estimates Cheerfully Furnlshod Jobbing Promptly Dono. Tinning nnd Sheet Metal W.M. MONTGOMERY. Furnnco3, Spouting, Guttering, Cornlco nnd Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed OrtgOnllfc Insurance Company Homk Orner. Conarrr Dloo.. Portland. ABHLEY FORREST, District Manager. DANCE Every Saturday Night At Bnthci'N Hull Under Now Managotncnt With Now Orchestra VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :: Oregon GEORGE B. YOUNO Civil and Irrigation Engineer. V. B. Mineral Surveyor. Room C First National Bank Building . J. U. Bell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. H. Honor Abstract Co., Prlnevillo, Oro. Abstracts Insuranco IMS PAPCR REPRESENTED FOR FQREIOfc ADVERTISING DY THE GENERAL. OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CHID DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Nnprnpnthlc Physician Over Logan Furnlturo Co. Wall Streot Hours 9 to C Phone Red -IHl! Erickson's Grocery Succmor to T. R. McCKocy STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Quality and Service Our Motto. Phone Black 2 1 1 AUTO DELIVERY C. P. NISWONOER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER IJccnsed Einbulincr, Funeral Director. Phono Rod 421. Lady Asat DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Oinco In Bather Building. Hount 9 to 12, 1 to C. Sundays and ovenlngs by i Appointment. H. P. SMITH Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING ALL WOKK GUARANTEED II. II. Do A It M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. Bond, Oregou H. O, ELLIS Attonioynt-Inr United Htutefl CommUnloner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt BASEMENTS STREET WOKK. ETC. Lrave ordm at J. A. EASTCS OFFICE Oirjon Slicct Pfiainie 3-21 ICE y A. G. ALLEN HAVE YOU TRIED THE WeMffash Laundry One Day Delivery Service 20 Lbs. Dry Wt. 50 Cents SANITARY LAUNDRY PHONE RED 1461 SiW,0 BEND HAULING CO. K N rALMKHTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL. AND WOOD. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET REAL IIKTATH FIRE INBL'RANt'E INVEBT.MENTH C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTH FOR SALE IN EVERY ADDITION IN REND PROPERTY HANDLED FOR NON-RESIDENTS. TIMBER BOUGHT AND HOLD. OFFICE OREGON HTREET 1., i'A 1 ! I f ., l I ii V,