The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Public Lands
in Irrigation
Tlio Ilulletln Iioh received from
TJonKresamnn Slnnott a copy of the
roaent net providing for lions on pub
lic lnnds within tho botindrrlea of Ir-
rlRntlon dlHtrlctn which is of cspe
dnl IntercHt In thin section.
Tho act Is aa followH!
"Ho It enacted by the Senate and
House of Heprosentntlves of tho
United Stales of America In Con
eress assemhlod, That when In any of the United States under tho
IrrlBatlon district lawn of said Htatc
thoro has heretofore been organized
r.nd created or shall hereafter bo or
ganized nnd created any Irrigation
district for tho purpose of Irrigat
ing tho lands Bltuatcd within said
Irrigation district, and In which Irri-
Bntlon district so created or to be
created thcro ehnll be Included cny
of the public lands of the United
States, cuch public lands so situated
In said Irrigation district, when sub
ject to ontry. and entered lands with
in Raid Irrigation district, for which
no final certificates have been Issued,
which niny bo designated by the Sec
retary of tho Interior In tho approval
by him of tho mnp nnd plat of an
Irrigation dlstrlrt ns provided In sec
tion three, nro hereby made and de
clared to bo subject to all tho pro
visions of tho laws of tho Statu In
which such landit shall bo situated
rotating to tho organisation, govern
ment and regulation of Irrigation
Olstrlcls for the reclamation and Ir
rigation of nrld lands Tor ugrlcultur
nl purposes, to the same extent and
In tho same manner In which the
lauds of u lllio character held tinder
private ownership nro or may bo
Htibjeet to s.ild laws: I'ro tiled, That
tho United States and all person
legally holding unpatented hinds un
der entry Hindu under the public land
laws of tho United Slntos nro accord
ed all tho rights, privileges, lienellts,
mid exemptloiiH given by said State
laws to persons holding lauds of a
llho character under private owner
Hblp, except as hereinafter other
wise provided: Provided further.
That this Act shall not apply to any
Irrigation district comprising a ma
jority acreage of unentered laud.
Sec. 2. That the cost of construct
ing, acquiring, put chasing, or main
taining tho canals, ditches, reser
voirs, reservoir sites, water, water
rights, rights of way. or other prop
urty Inclined In connection with any
Irrigation pi eject under said Irriga
tion district laws shall bo equitably
apportioned among lauds held un
der prlvato ownership, lands legally
covered by unpatented uutrloH, and
unentered public lnnds Included In
mild Irrigation district. Olllclally cor
tilled llstu of tho amounts of charges
assessed against tho smallest legal
viihillvUloii or said lands shall ho fur
nished to tho register and receiver of
the laud district within which tho
lnnds affected nro located ns soon us
'charges are assessed; biit nothing In
this Act shall ho construed ns creat
ing any obligation against thu United
States to pay any of said charges,
'UttscssmcnlH, or debtB Incurred.
"That alt charges legally assessed
'shall 'hu a lieu upon unentered lnnds
and upon lands covered" by unpatent
ed entries Included In Bald Irrigation
district; ainl's.ild lion upon said
land covered by unpatented entries
may bo unforced upon said unpat
ented lands by tho hiiIo thereof In
tho name umiiuer nnd under the same
proceeding whereby ruIiI assessments
are enforced against lands held un
der private ownership; Provided,
That lu the case of entered (input
onted lamlH the title or Interest
which such district may convey by
tax sale, tiu deed, or as a result of
liny tax proceeding shall tin subject
to thu following conditions and lim
itations: If such unpatented land bo
withdrawn under the Act of Cnn
greiw of June seventeenth, nineteen
hundred and two (Thirty-second
Vfliitutes, par.o three hundred and
eighty-eight), known iih the reclama
tion Act, or subject to the provisions
of said Act, then tho Interest which
the district inn) convey by such tax
proceeding or lax deed shall be sub
JmI to a prior lieu reserved to the
United States for nil the unpaid
olmrMos nuthorWml by the said Act of
June seventeenth, nineteen hundred
and two, but the holder of such tax
deed or tnv title resulting from such
district tux shall he entitled lo ull
the rights and privileges In the bind
Included In such tax title or tux deed
if an assignee uudur tho provisions
tif the Act of Congress of June
t went) -third, nineteen bundled nnd
ten (Thlrty-Uth Statutes, page live
hundred hiiiI ninety-two), and upon
tuibiulsdlon to the United States land
oltlco of the district In which the laud
U loeatod of satisfactory proof of
such tax title, the name of the hold
'or thereof tdi.ill he Indorsed upon the
records of such laud olllco as untitled
to the right of one holding a com
plete and valid assignment under the
aid Act of June twenty-third, nine-
tnon huiuliod and ten, and such per-
ou may at any llmo thereafter re
cwlvo patent upon submitting satis
factory proof of the reclamation and
Irrigation required by tho said Act of
I'migrotm of Juno 17, 1U02, nnd Arts
Hiiiendstoiy thereto, nnd making the
payments required by said Act.
"See. S. That no unentered lunds
nnd no unttirvd lauds for which no
tlMl certificate have been Itsucd
t4iall be hubjwet to tb lien or lions
herein mutumphitad until thuro ahull
Imry burnt submittal by wild h rlija.
ttun dhttrtet to tint Secretary of thu
Interior, nnd approved by him, a re
lief map or plat of oald district and
auinclent detailed engineering data to
demonstrate to tho satisfaction of tho
Secretary of the Interior tho suin
clency of the water supply and the
feasibility of tho project, and which
shall explain tho plan or mode of
Irrigation In those Irrigation nis
trlcts where the Irrigation works
have not been constructed, and
which nlan shall bo sufllclcnt to
thoroughly Irrigate and reclaim said
land and prepare It to raise ordinary
agricultural crops, and which shall
also show the source of water tobo
used for Irrigation of land Included
In said district: Provided, That tho
Secretary of the Interior may. upon
tho expiration of ton years from the
dato of his approval of said map and
plnn of any Irrigation district, re
lease from tho lion authorized b
this Act un unentered land or lands
upon which II mil certificate hss not
issued, for which Irrigation works
have not been constructed and water
for such district made available for
the land: Provided further, that In
thoso Irrigation districts, alread or
ganized and whoso Irrigation works
have been constructed and nro 'n
operation ns soon as a satlsfactor
map, plat, and plan shall have been
appnncd b tho Secretary of the In
terior, as In tills Act provided, such
entered and unentered lauds shall be
subject to nil district taxes and as
sessments thoretoforo actually levied
against the hinds lu snhl district and
In tho eiiiiiu manner In which lands
of a llko character held under private
ownership are subject to Hens and
"Sec. 1. That upon the approval
of tho dlstrlrt map or plat as bore
Inbefore provided by the Secretary
of tho Interior tho register nnd re
colter will note said approval upon
their rcroids where any unentered
or entered and unpatented lands arc
"Sec. C. That no public lnnds
which were unentered tit tho time
any tax or assessment was levied
ngnlnst sumo by such Irrigation dis
trict shall lie sold for such taxes or
assessments, hut such tax or assess
ment shall lie nnd continue n lien
upon such lands, and not more than
oiio hundred and sixty acres of such
In ii (1 shall he entered by any onn
person; and when such lands 3hall bo
applied for. after said approval by
thu Sccretarv of tho Interior, under
tho homestead or desert-land laws of
tho United Statea the application
shall bo suspended for a period of
thirty days to enable the applicant
to present a certlfleato from the
proper dlstrlrt or county officer
showing that no unpaid dhtrlct
chnrges nro due and dellniiicnt
ngnlnst wild land.
"Sec. C. any entered hut
unpatented lands not subject to the
reclamation Act or Juno 17, 1002
(Thirty-second Statutes, pngo .188),
Bold In tho manner nnd for the pur
pono mentioned In this Act may bo
patented lo tho purchaser thereof or
Ills nsslgnco nt any time after the
expiration of tho period of redemp
tion nllowod by law under which It
nicy havo been sold (no redemption
having been Hindu) upon tho pay
ment to the receiver of the local Innd
olllco of the minimum price of $1.2il
per ncro, or such other price ns may
bo fixed by law for such lands, to.
gether with tho usual fees nnd com
missions charged In entries of llko
lnnds under the homestead laws, nnd
upon a satisfactory showing that tho
Irrigation works havo been construct
ed and tho water or tho district Is
nvnllublo for such Innd; but tho
purchaser or his nsslgueo shall at
tin time of application for patent,
nave tun iiiallllcatlou of a homo-
stend entrymnn or desert-laud ontry-
niaii, and not more than one hun
dred and sixty acres of said limit
shall lie patented to nny one purch
aser under tho provisions of this
"Thc30 limitations shntl not npply
to sales to Irrigation districts, hut
shall apply to purchasers from such
Irrigation districts of such land hid
In by said district,
"That unless the purchaser or tils
assignee of such lands shall, within
90 days after the time for redemp
tion has expired, pay to tho proper
receiver all fees and commissions
and the purchase price to which tho
United Staton shall be entitled as
provided for In this Act, any person
having tho qualification of a home
otead cntryman or a desert-land en
trymnn may pay to tho proper receiv
er, for not more thnn ICO ncres or
said lands, for which payment has
not been mndc, the unpaid purchase
price, fees, and commissions to which
the United States may be entitled;
nnd upon satisfactory proof that he
has paid to tho purchaser at the tax
sale, or his assignee or to the prop
er ofllcer of tho district for sucli
purchaser or for tho district, as the
case may be, the sum for which the
Innd was sold at sale for Irrigation
district charges or hid In by the dis
trict at such sale, and in addition
thereto the Interest and penalties on
the amount bid ut the rata nllowod
by law, shall be subrogated to the
rights of such purchaser to receive
patent for said land.
"In nny enso whero nny tract of
entered Innd lying within such np
proved Irrigation district shall be
come vacant by relinquishment or
cancellation for any cause, any sub
sequent applicant therefor shall bo
required, In addition to tho qualifi
cations and requirements otherwise
provided, to furnlBh satisfactory
proof by certlfleato from tho proper
district (ii' county ofllcer that tie lias
paid all charges then duo to the dis
trict upon said Innd nnd nlso has
paid to the proper district or county
officer for the holder or holders of
nny tax- certificates, delinquency cor
tlllcates, or other proper ovldonco of
purchase at tax sato tho nmouiit for
which thu said land was sold nt tax
sato, together with the Interest and
penalties thereon provided by Inw.
"See. 7. That alt notices required
by the Irrigation district laws men
tioned In this net shall, ns soon ns
such notices nro Issued, bo delivered
to tho register nnd receiver of tho
proper Innd ofllco In cases where un
patented lauds tiro affected thereby,
and lo tho entrymnn whoso unpat
ented lnnds nro Included thornln, nnd
the United Stntes nnd such untrymnn
shall bo given tho same rights to ho
heard by petition, nnswer, remon
strance, appeal, or otliorwlso ns nro
given to persons holding lnnds lu
prlvato ownership, nnd nil entrymen
shall bo given tho samo rights of re
demption ha nro given to tho owners
of lnnds hold In prtvnto ownership.
"Sec. 8. That nil monoys derived
by tho United Stntes from the sale
of public lnnds herein reforrcd to
shall he pnld Into such funds and ap
plied ns provided by law for tho dis
posal of the proceeds from tho sale of
public lands." '
Your Health
Ilctlevo In natlonnl prepared-
ness and then fall to keep your-
BcU Dtfyslcally lit?
Wnsh your rnco carefully and
then uso a common, roller towel?
Go to tho drug storo to buy a
tooth brush and then handle the
entire stock to see If the bristles --
nro right?
Swnt tho fly nnd then main-
tnlu a pile ot garbage In the
back yard?
Cured Her Two l.lttlo (JlrK
Sirs. Ada Sanders, Cnttontnwn,
Tcnn,, writes: "Wo uso Foley's Hon
ey and Tar ns our best nnd only
cough remedy. It novar falls to euro
my two llttlo girls when they hnvo
colds." Relieves hoarseness, tickling
throat, bronchitis, tiny fever, nsthmn,
croup. Sotd Everywhere. Adv.
A dcslrnbto bread knlfo frco with
cvory annual subscription to Tho
Uend Bulletin.
For farm land toass see J.
sorvlco. Adv.
For sign painting boo Edwards.
8eo J. Ityan
lonns. Adv.
A Co., for farm land
Bend-Silver Lake
and way points
Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co.
Air Dried
Box Factory Wood
$2.50 Per Load
Oregon Transfer Co.
Want Ada only ONE CEN'T a word,
0 0
THE election of ISTiO was tho
llrst contest between tho
two parties us they exist
today. Hiichnuan, Domucrnt, of
Pennsylvania, opposed John C.
Fremont, ltepiibllcnn, of New
York. The Itepuhllcnn party had
Just been created. Slavery was
tho principal Issue, and signs
of the approaching catastropbo
were plainly visible. Buchanan
was elected, receiving a popular
voto of 1.838,100 to 1.311,21)1 for
tils opponent. Millard Flllmuro
of New York, who was tho can
didate of the American party,
received 87-1.5.18 votei. J. C.
Drecklnrldge, Democrat, of Ken
tucky, was chosen vlco presi
dent. (Watch for th. .lection of Lin
coln In 1860 in our n.xt lnut.)
We Know How to t
Swat the Fly
If joh nnt to soo a fllyless store just drop around.
Wo will not tolerate the appearance of a lly.
Our snnltury refrigerator counter keeps our fresh
nnd perishable goods frco from contact with dust or flics.
Tho vory best of grocery merchandise In the very best
or condition may always ItS purchased at
Wall Street, Near Ohio
Phone Red" 161
Fruit Canning Season
is at Hand
Suro Seal Quarts O.'c
Kconomy Qunrtes 1.00
Economy Pints OOc
Jelly Glcnnes . . .v- ilUc
Mason Jar Caps "Oc,
Skuse Hardware Company
Bend, Oregon.
True Economy . . .
means the wise tpendlng of one' money making every dollar do full duty
and getting In return an article that will satisfy you in every way.
The . WHITE .
, la a real bargain because it Is told at a popular
prices because It gives you the kind of tewing
you delight ins because it will turn out the work
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
of satisfactory services because its improvements
will enable you lo do things which can't be done
on any other machines because it will ptcate you
with its fine finish and beauty of Its furniture.
In short you wilt find the White reliable and
! Sit fnsm wrtr Wllnf nf vJF-
Be sure to tee the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White Is. If there is no White dealer bandy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
tres; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company