The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    & ;;
Wants to Meet Local Wrestler Hero
In Hend.
Ernest Miller, of Chicago, at pres
ent living nt Kootenai," Idaho, has
challenged Max Martin to a wrest
ling contest to be held in Hend in
October. Negotiations for the match
oro now going on and it is expected
KItNKST MIM.KK, of Chicago.
When Tripoli Trlid to Wring Trlbutt
From Our Now Republic.
T,T.he1fl"'t foreign war in which the
,tn. ' ,? was e"K&eU began in
1M1. when Tripoli Issued n declaration
or war against the new world republic.
The ruler of the piratical African
state una learned that tha t?u.i oi.,
had paid larger sums to Algiers than to
himself and demanded n greater annual
!n , T1'1 wns r-,f"-"eil. and on Juno
t10, 1S0I. ho declared war.
An American n.iiiadron under Com
modore Hlehard Dale wns dispntched
to the Mediterranean and was followed
by squadrons coinuiamled by Commo
dore Morrli and Commodore Preble.
The war continued until SO.' and was
characterised by several feats of vnlor
Performed by American sailors. The
bey of Tripoli and the other Harbary
rulers, who had long preyed upon the
commerce of America and Europe, were
brought up with n short turn.
Prior to the Trlpolltan war the Unit
ed States and Prance fought several
sea engagement... Inn m. n. .,r.f m
cially declnred and the dllllcultles were
settled without recourse to open and
avowed hostllltloi.-N'ow York World.
! 4- ! 'I' ! -I- -J- ; j -j. - ..
that final arrangements will be com
pleted soon.
Miller claims the feather weight
championship of the world, some of
IiIh recent vlctorlos belpg over "Hil
ly" Lynn, of Chicago; Albert Cote,,
lightweight champion of Canada;
llnrvey Donaldson, of Seattle, and
Prank Olnho, of Spokane. He weighs
130 pounds.
Curious Old Clock.
In the tower of the town house of
Heidelberg wns an old clock so con
structed that when the hours struck
ihc figure of nn old man pulled off his
hat, a cock crowed and clapped its
wings and soldiers fought with one an
other. 'Hut this curious piece of work
manship, with the castle and town,
was burned by tho French in 1093.
A dcslrablo bread knife free with
every annual subscription to The
Bend Bulletin.
Want Ads only ONE CENT a word.
We demand "dequate national
defense: adequate protection on
both out western and eastern
coasts. We demand thorough
ness and efllcleucy In both arms
of tho service. It seems to bo
plain that our regular army Is
too small. We are too great a
country to require of our citizens
who are engaged In peaceful vo
cations the sort of military serv
ice to which they arc now called.
As well Insist that our cltUens
in this metropolis be summoned
to put out Ores and pollco tho
streets. We do not count it In
consistent with cur liberties, or
with our democratic ideals, to
have nn adequate pollco force.
With a population of nearly 100,
000.000 wo need to be surer of
ourselves than to becotno alarm
ed at the prospect of having a
regular nrmy which can reason
ably protect our border, and per
form such other military service
as may be required, in the ab
sence of a grave emergency. I
believe, further, that there should
lc not only n reasonable increaso
in the regular army, but that tho
first citizen reserve subject to
call should be enlisted as a fed
eral army and trained under
federal authority. Prom Mr.
Hughes' Speech of Acceptance.
In the spring of 1014, occur
red the capturo of Vera Crux.
Men from ono of our ships had
been arrested at Tamplco and
had been discharged with an
apology. Put our admiral de
manded a salute, which was re
fused. Thereupon tho president
went to congress, asking au
thority to use the armed forces
of tho United States. Without
waiting for tho passage of tha
resolution. Vera Crur. was seiz
ed. It appeared that a shipload
of ammunition for Iluerta was
about to enter thnt ort. Thcro
was n natural opposition to this
invasion and a battlo occurred
In which nineteen Americans nnd
over a hundred Mexicans wcro
killed. This, of course, was war.
Our dead soldiers were praised
for dylug like heroes lu n war of
service. Later, we retired from
Vera Crux, giving up this noblo
wnrfnre. Wo had not obtained
the saluto which was demanded.
We had not obtained reparation
for nffronts. The ship with am
munition which could'' not land
nt Vera Crux hnd soon Inndcd nt
another port, nnd Its cargo was
delivered to Iluerta without In
terference. Iteccutly tho naked
truth was admitted by n cabinet
olllcer. We nro now Informed
thnt "wo dlil not go to Vera Crux
to force Huertn to snlutc tho
flag." Wo nro told that wo went
thcro "to show Mexico thnt wo
wero In en r nest In our demand
that Iluorta must go." That is,
wo seized Vera Crnx to deposo
Iluerta. Tho question of tho
saluto wns n mcro pretext
Prom Mr. Hushes' Speech of
Acceptance. '
We proposo to promoto by
every practicable means our ag
ricultural Interests, and wo in
clude In tills program an cffcctlvo
system of rural credits. We
favor tho wise conservation of
our natural resources. Wo do
idre not only thnt they shall bo
safeguarded, but that they shall
bo adequately developed and
used to tho utmost public advan
tage. Mr. Hughes' Speech of Acceptance.
what does that mean?
It means that NEW quality, in a cigarette, that does
'for your smoking exactly what a drink of cold water does
'for your thirst!
To satisfy, a cigarette must do far more than just
'"please" you it must let you know you've been smoking.
That's what Chesterfields do they satisfy! And yet
For the first time in the history of cigarettes, here's
,a cigarette that satisfies and yet is mild! Chesterfields!
, Other cigarettes may be mild, but they don't satisfy.
BUT, Chesterfields satisfy yet they're mild!
.This is new enjoyment for a cigarette to give. It is
something that no cigarette, except Chesterfields, can
give you regardless of price.
Because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield'
Try Chesterfields today!.
ojfttflujexo ioCtueo Cot
Uso Gosncy'a sand. Can fill or
ders promptly. I.eavo orders nt
Georges barber shop. 24tf
Bend now has the Lowest Electric Cooking Rate in
the State.
Cooking and Heating Meter Rates
First 100 K. W. H. in Any Month 8c per K. W. H.
Next 100 K. W. H. in Any Month 2c per K. W. H.
All Over 200 K. W. H. in Any Month. 1c per K. W, H.
Effective April 1st, 1910.
WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from $10 up which
, we sell on easy terms.
Tha Cheiterflcld Blend
contain. ttio noit famous Turkl.h tobacco
SAMSOUN for rlthn... CAVALLA for
rom.i SMYRNA (or iulnui XANTIII
lor frairanc, cutublo.U wild (ho
dom.tUc Lai.
20 for 10c
and yet they're MILD
Phone 551
A Proof.
"Ills teacher says Gcorglo has a won
dcrful memory. Ho ran run off, with
out a mistake, even tho most unimpor
tant details."
"Ves. I heard him the other day tell
tho names of all tho vlco presidents."
Baltimore American.
ONE CENT A WORD la all a little
Want Ad wlh cost you.
! ! ! ! ! ! !
! PhriMi which will NOT cc
cur In tho Woodrow Wllion
4 ipsoch of acceptance
Psychological proip.rlly.
Molaitaa to catch fllaa.
! 8trlct accountability.
! Too proud to fight.
Oaluta tha flag.
Oat Villa.
! Butt In.
J ! ! $ J tj Ja f ! aj a a
m bbok aHjaiBmaftoBB. 1bv .acB ta bbwC Vj l7a"J f
Cartar In Naw York Bun.
"Great Scott. Woodrow! I've Been Up In the Air Almost Four
lllloit to Mucin in Hiiifaco With
(YiisIiihI I tuck,
(I. u I'lnu lntor-Motintnln.)
Work an tho highway from llnnd
to l.a I'lno Is progressing rapidly, tho
HttimpH and trees have been rumovod
all along tho lino from I lend to Baud
Flat, and tho grading crow Is fol
lowing cIiihu hehlnd,
NuimiroiiH plluH of l.nva Hock
which huvo ht'ou encountered by tho
grading crow uro soon to bo blown
out; nB noon iih these gaps aro graded,
up and connected to stretches now
complete, tho now. roud will bo open
to tho public.
No auto tnickii of moro than nui
ton capacity will ho permitted to uso
tho roud, they will bo obliged to uso
Hi" old road,
Tim appropriation now being used
In this work will unablo tho crow to
build iih far na Hand Plat and per,
haps a mllii or so further.
.No hard Hiirfuio will ho put oit
tho Krmlii this year, but next spring
an effort will bu mudo to get an ap
proprlutlou from blth the stato and
the I'onwtt Service, to build the road
to tho county line and surfaco tho
eutlro highway with crushed luvu
An agent lit uiiiiteO In iIiIh count
by tliu lllg Oregon .Vunx-ry Company
of Oreuro, Oregon, (.urgent ami iiiimi.
rompleto nviOi tmeiit of imrKcry hUck
In tho t'nlti'd iStJitivt to m'II from. X
iiiiim iilio run leot IiIh tlmo uimI ut.
trntloii oclu"lu-ly to tliu buhlneis
enn under our new plan do u big; ami
profltubln biinluenN, Art now befom
the Held In let to hoiueone t'ln.
Orcnco, OrrKon,
, i