r i UvjIW--" "fiKS ;--( -.!.. r Wi v " -.&. PAOR 2. TIIH I1KNI) BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEITEMBKR fl, JOifl. - - -- - OF I (ft ; & V : 3 J- Central Oregon i Neighborhood News I --.--- 4 TUMAIXJ. y ------ ---- (Spcclft'. to Tho Bulletin.) TUMALO, Sept. 4. Mr. anil Mrs. llyron Caily, Hurt Miller, Orovor (Jerking unil Mrs. Mildred Taylor, of Ttimnlo, and Miss Josephine Craw lord of Tho Dalles, returned lunt week from Crater lake. Krank and Harvey Dayton have gone to Walla Walla. Krank hau weecptrd a position In one of tho leading nhoo houses of that plnco tvhllo Harvey will take up Ills work In high hcIiooI. Mrs. J. Alloa Thompson will move to Hend for the winter no as to place Jier children In hcIiooI. Louise and Kuink Tuller havo re turned to California after Hovoral month!) vlull with thnlr parontH In Tumulo. Tho many friends of Mr. and Mrs. C'nily and Mri Snjdor win them u pleasant surprise last Krldny night. Uncle Krank Nichols, Molllo Nlcli--oIh, Mra. Wallace and MrB. A. Dick inson are upending the week end on tho Mctoliini. The Weal Hldo Ladles Club held their regular meeting Ir.Bt week. I'lnns for tho Tumalo fair, which Is to ho held September 23, worn ur nlngcd. Tho ladles will i.orvu their tiBiiat chicken dinner. Tho Tllllcum Literary club will hold the first meeting for tho club year September 1G. Mrs. Da) ton and Meeker are hostcsaei for the da). IIAMITO.V. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON, Sept. 2. Miss Lorn 2row spent Saturday with Mica Durlo llurton. .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Searcy and iIrs. J. II. Searcy and MIhh Darlo llurton were oiitortilucd at K. M. 1'ecks Sunday. A. T. Shaver wob a Hampton visi tor Sunday Madanm W. Roarcey nnil Master Klenlld Hicks called on Mis. C. I). Harmon Tuesday. Mrs. J. O. Whltakor vlBltod at C. II. llitrnmn'u Wednesday. Miss Amy Gulfsnn returned to bar lio mo In I'oitland WeduuHday after Vls'tlim a couplo of month with her rothor mid wlfo of Dry Lake. Mrs. 'Oulfson and baby accompanied Her homo for a visit MIbh Darlo llurton left Wedneoday fcr Portland wheros ho w III attend IiIrIi school the coming year. Harold loiw: went out on Wrny s (ruck Wednesday returning to Dun- ulco, Oregon, after a month'H visit 'with hlii father, A. S. Kogg. MIhh Eveline Crow retiirnii tn Kl- llcnshtirg this wrok to r.ttcud thu istnto noruiul. A. T. Shaver and llurr Hlnck went out to Head Wednesday. Mr. Illaek will meet his brothers William II. Illaek of Docutur, Tennessee, mid -.Icsno 1.. lllark of Agulrro, Porto lltlro. W II Illaek will como out "(o Hampton to visit with his mother, Mrs. lllack and Hlster, Mis. W. T. Harrluon, while the others will no in Mr. Hliiuur's car tu Curry count) 4in a hU week hunt. Low Rennet took supper at C. II. Jlnrmon'u Wednesday. jia.mi-ton itiirri:. ISpoclnl to Tho Uutlotln). HAMPTON IHITTE, Aur HO. lllnmiin and family aro hark on their homestead after being In Duel; Creek since April. Mrs. lllnmau and vhlldrou will remain hero while Mr. lllnmau will icturii tu Muck Creek noon where ho will work for W, W. llrown. J, M. llrioliey returned from llend Tuesday with lumber and Supplies. Mrs. IIuhmiI and daughter or Mis iry Kbits left for llend on Who's wtane today Mr. and Mrs Oscar Hiitroln ro 'turned from their uutlug at Silver Creek last Kilday. (labrlel H.ilnntl Is putting up hay on his hiiuiestead Hurt Meeks Is logging 20 acres of wigo brush for Osimr Hutzoln, Mis Mary Stiuiffer, Miss Maude Mrown, Mi Tom Coweu and Mr. ('bus. DiIh autoed over from Htituf fur Sunday A special school meetliiK of Dis trict IT was hold today unit elected V. Schredin an clerk. Mrs. J M Hrlckey spent the af ternoon with Mrs. II, M. Meuks to- ilny. AI.IWI.I'A. IHpcclal (o Tho Bulletin) ALl'ALKA. Auk. .11. Alfalfa pub lic school will begin Tumidity the ' tlfth. Theie will bo nine mouths of 1 school this year. Mr. I billow. ty has finished, bultd 'liiK'an addition to his house. John Sinner and A. C. Harbor havo rutin nod from the Stouer homo tcond wheio they have been puttluR up ryo hay A. O. Walker mid W. K. (luorln uundo u tiip to llend Thursday. Woorgo Stouer made lliutl proof on Ills homestead this week. Hay ltmy Malted tit the Alfalfa vnlloy fm in Saturdii) mid Sunday. A. O. W'.ilkar iiindo a trip to llrukoti Top uiuiiiitiilu to look after Ills entile He returned Krlduy of l4t week. Mrs. CtHirue Stouer Is Idling h r daUKhlor Mud Mm la llond this week CliurliM llucbaniui oumu down ftom III liouieuifud on the high deport -Sunday to help In tho Imriost lluliU. Prank OKle mado a busliKHW trip tu llend WudutX'd.ty MI lM CAN. (Special to Tho Bulletin) MILUCAN. Sept . J. Clifford Kvans had the misfortune of losing Homo of his stock. Several coyotci wore killed on hlfl placo and It Is feared tho cows mlRht have been bit ten by them and become rabid. H. K. Keller put up l.ro Tausch cr's hay, his little son no), accom panied him. I'. II. Johnson w-as In Hend Monday Mrs. Wltwer of Hemstad, Mr Schmorl and Mr. C. Kvans returned with him Mr. Johnson sold his htoer at Hend last week. Mr. Owen took him In for Mi. Johnson. Mr. Dubiicch, from Snn Kranclsco, California, has been visiting his sis ter, Mrs. Alox (illmoro at Hend, and spent a few days at Mllllcan to look at Otlmore'B homestead and bunt Mrs. C. Kviina nud children are visiting at Kort Rock with Mr Kvan's slsier. While there they will make a trip to KaBt fake. Mrs. Powers haH been In Hend. go ing lu Friday and returning Tues day. MIsb aindys Hess, from Seattle. Washington, Is visiting friends, the Israel's. Wednesday Messrs. Halm. Louis Hall and Krlc Hosteland mado a trip to tho Paulinos. P. II. Johnson took them by nuto as far os possible, from there tho campers walked and Mr. Johnson, accompanied hy Mr. draff enberger, uncle to Win. Rnhn, went to Hend. Tho campers returned on Friday evening. Oco. Mllllcan boiiRht 30 acres of standing hoy from Mis. Korgoy. Mcsssr Jnmes Heatsnn, Kr.mk Mes slnRalo and It. II. Keller are busy putting It up for Mr. Mllllcan Mrs. II II. Keller was vlnltlnK with Mrs. I. II. Johnson Tuesday nftor- 110011. Mr. McClure mado a fortunate s.iro lieu shoot so shared his trophy with P. II. Johnson. Mr. Wlttlvor and sou from Hem stad on Monday delivered the cow and calf to Mr. .Johnson which ho hail purchased boiiio t'mc ngo. Tho well drlller3 aro still busy nt Sponcor's place. Labor day the school will open at Mllllcan with Mrs. I. U. Owen us teacher. Messrs, Vernon Clovcnger nnd Mo)tI Owen aro busy ImylnR for Mr. Wiilkorwltz. floo. .Mllllcan called nt tho II. It. Keller, homo Wednesdiiy nflornoon. Mr. il'ressly put up his hay. Mr. Lee helped him with the stncklnR. .Mrs. J. J. Holland has some llnu new potatoes rabed In her Riirden. All her garden truck looks Rood. I'na Powors and Carol and Dolly HiirIo had u Rood time nt thu Hoi laud home Wednesday. Thursday afternoon Mrs. It. II. Keller and children visited nt tho Holland homo. J II. Heatson nnd It. It. Keller spent Sunday at home. Mrs. J. J. Holland nnd children visited with l.eo IIiirIo's Sunday, be fore Mr. HiirIo'h departure for Wash ington, where she will Join her hus band and take their five month's leae of absence from their homestead. MISS MONROE WRITES OF CENTRAL OREGON "Happy Valley" Is yocl of Harney County Cliaractcrs Mny Ilo Itcc- ognl7oI "Hill" Hunlcy Is Ono -.Settler's Hardships Depleted F. Illo l'OWIM.I, lU'TTi:. (Special to Tho Hullotin) I'OWKI.I. IIUTTi:, Sept. I. W, King and Win. Pancake of Prlnov were callers at Doc. Ha) no's on Suu IIll) Miss Paulina Truesdalo visited with Mrs. Dan Mustard a couplo of da) s List week. Mfls TrutMdaln will leave shortly for Tacoina whoru she will attend school this winter. in I'eterson, a recent arrival hero Is suffering n severe attack of rheumatism. Chirk Morso was a Hodmoiul visi tor Monday. Miss Josephine Mnnreau loft last Wednesday night for Sail Francisco where she will spend tho coming w Inter Miss Paulino Truesdalo returned Sunday morning from Tacnmn where she has boon visiting for thai list few week. Mrs Mnry llrown Is visiting In Itedmond this week at tho lib mo of her daughter. Mrs. Henry Young. Mr nud Mrs. Frank McCaffory of Redmond wuxo In this vicinity on Suiuluy Dr H. r Nevcl of Prlnelllo wns a culler at tho Hu)n ranch Sunday. J. A HIkrs delivered a loud of hniiK to McMlckle of Kedmond on Tuesday. i Mrs Win. Wells and family moved to Hedniond Friday where tho chil dren w attend school this winter. J A IUkrs went to Hiimptoii Hutte Thursday to lslt his brother l.ee The latter had gone to Heud with some horses bo Mr lllggs came hack that way mid thu brotbois met tu Heud. Mrs. Alton Wlllcoxon enmo down from Hend Monday nud Waited w'th friends In Itodmoud mul at tho buttes, returning to Heud on (ho train Friday evening. Willie. Qlto mid Ulad8 Pauls. Lester Dm la, Hoy Skeene mid Dow e Mooro wuro Sundu) guoails at tho Soars ranch. This Is tho last week of vacation for tho Powell Hullo high school students. They all opect to bo In Prlneilllo on Mondn uiurulug to be gin thulr ear's work. Clean up "aud paint up. ard Adv. Seo Ed- Anno Shannon Monroe, author of "Happy Valley," a story of Central OrcRon, arrived In Hend from Port land Vedneadny nlRht and on Thurs day morning lert for nurns. She will spend the next six woks In the Harney country resting nnd collect ing material for her next book, which will also deal with a Central Oregon subject. "Happy Valley." which wns pub lished n fow months ngo, Is already ono of the "best sellers," a phrnso whoso meaning Is really best appre ciated by the author, her publishers and tho book sellers. To tho hook reading public, tho question Is not how n book sells, but how It reads. Trying Miss Monroe's voluniQjiy this test it Is found good. It roads well, which, of course, Is the reason why It Is a "best seller." One needs only a Blight pcqunlnt nnco with the Harney country to know that tho scene of the story Is IlurnB and Its vicinity, and that Hill" Hnnley is the "Undo" John Hcgnn who successfully fought tho monopolistic cattlo company, be friended the needy homesteaders and worked to get the railroad Into tho country. Other charactors arc rec ognizable, also, though not tho hero and his companion homestendors who bet their tlmo against Undo Sam's land, ns Addison Dennett onco de scribed the homestondlng process. These Inst one 'recognizes, not be cause of themselves as persons wo hnvo hoard about or known, hut be cause of the hardships they cndiiro and tho reverses thoy meot In trying to win their bet with Undo Sam. Tho Jack rabbits, tho frost, tho forbid den public laud Juniper wood, the claim Jumper, tho lack of money, tho stnrvutlon, who that has lived In Cen tral Oregon six months does not know how truo tho Incidents aro and will not recognl7o with what skill tho author has worked them Into her story. According to Miss Monroo bIio wroto the book with the Idea of show ing tho legislators of (ho country what hardships there wore In home- steading which they might lighten If thoy saw fit, Howevor thoy may havo been nffectvd, those from whose ranks tho homesteaders nro drawn, tho land hungry, are nut deterred by tho recital, they wrlto to Miss Mon roe by the scoro asking how to And tho land described In tho book. Thoy want to go nnd do likewise. And that seems to bo n pretty good test of a book, after alt, whether or not It moves you to want to do or ho or llc what tho book describes. Hereabouts, perhaps, tho test does not work because wo havo many of us licd tho book already, directly or lu tho experience of our friends. Hut that opens another avenue of enjoy ment In Uniting recorded In such a pleasing manner tho story of the life wo know. The story Is told In the first pcr boii by Hilly Hrent, tho customer who, hy a combination of circum stances, Minis himself taking up a homestead with n few kindly, now initio friends In "Happy Valloy." Stowl) tho valley settles and tho liomesteaders meet the probloma of the country. Thoro are whole hsart ed Mother Lattlg. the unselllsh Old Man Clark, tho Dutchman, the Hook Farmer from lloston, Hullplt, tho lo cutor, Star K)ed Susie, and others. Always at Uiolr backs stands John HeRim sparing nothing to help them to stand up to their misfortunes and at the H.iine tlmo making ovcry ef fort to brliiR railroads Into tho eountn Finally he emceods and the Mill and Merrlniau lines are built up Hoarliig can) on, prosperity comes and "Happy Vulle) ' works out truo to Its name. .Kver) Central Oregonlau should bo Interested to read the book Every Home can have a Musical Instrument wonaerrw values in rtanos, flayer nanot 0r Tolhint MoMn,,. Etc. T UQS ye ire known to ctrry only what 1 r-,ldftfl .i.li is good, what will endure it fully worth the price 1 etty, ptyment terms place the beat muaical instruments within every one's reach. Fill out the coupon or write for catalogue. I anerman.usiay&Co. ot-mfctU w . ,. (Inn, 3ntJ.;,.vut ot "BV ..rr..ev 10 . Pul"!" . OREGON NoW-ruwi-t litalK"" lla D 0!"U A3J"" f,B n ni" U GOOD MEALS AT THE Altamont EVERYBODY WELCOME. MEALS 35c Alice D. Spalding Proprietor THE AUGUST WEATHER All Ilec-oiiN for Vcur Hrokcn so Far As Heat Is Concerned. The weather In tho month Just passed wns the warmest of tho year, nil lf16 records being broken for the hottcstd ny, tho wnrmest nlRht nnd the longest duration of warm weath-o-. Tho high .mark was DC degrees reached on the 2rth nnd tho low, 28, on tho 18th. Tho mean maximum was 83.G degrees nnd tho mean min imum 11, the mean being C2..1 There were .41 Inches of precipi tation tho grentcst amount of rein to fall In ono day being ,1G on tho 13th. Clenr days were In tho majority, thoto being 27 clear to throp artly cloudy and ono cloudy. Tho dally temperatures and char acter of oky wns ns follows: Date. Max. Mln. Chnr. of dny 3 4 , r , fi , ...8G ,..84 ...76 ...76 . ..7B ..SO . . .73 4: 41 41 42 43 42 42 Clear. Clear. Clenr. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. 8 9 10 11 , 12 , 1 14 15 1C 17i 18 13 20 21 23.., 24.., 2fi... 26.., 20... 30... 31... ...81 ...70 ,...83 Sfi ... 83 ...81 ...86' ...81 ...71 ...BO ...62 ...S2 ...81 ...88 ...03 ...9.-..C ...91 ...06 ...01 ...03 ...93.5 ...01 .01 38 30 45 54 15 It 51 44 II 32 28 32 36- 30 46 46 17 40 55 55 53 56 , ( Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clenr. I'tly. CIdy. Clear. Clenr. I'tly. CIdy. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. I'tly. CIdy. Clear. 56.5 Cloar. 47 Clear. Wi STOP! i And Investigate our prices before baying your groceries, AVe can have you money. P.B.Johnson's MJIllcan, Ore, Telephone g A doslrnblo brend knlfo free with every nnnunl subscription to Tho Hend Hullotin. MAUKKT ItKTOItT. NORTH rOKTLANI), Sept. 5. The week's trado began with only 050 head of cattle. Owing to a heavy domand for feeders tho market was Mr. Farmer: Your Vegetables will bring the high est Cash Prices at A. T. Bolton Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. See us first when you are in town with vegetables tosell a brisk ono and bulk of stuff was tnk en early In tho day. Ordinary and fair grades sold on a little higher basis while best sters sold at $0.75 for several lots. Most of them old nt $6.50 to $6.65. Cows nnd heifers met good demand at steady prices. Tho hog trading wns a slow nffnlr to day. Thoro wns a moderate run of 2100 head. Prices wore 20c to 25o undor last week's closo. Tops sold at $0.G5 with hulk of sales at $9.55 to $9.65. Demand wns, limited. Last wcok closed with exceptionally large receipts for Saturday, 1600 head be ing received. A very good demand continues for cliolco lambs and sheep. A load of choice lambs Hold at an udvnnco of 15c Saturday bringing $8.45. Yearlings selling nt $6.G0 with bulk of ewoVnt $5 to $5.50. OHKCiON TUU.NK TRAIN Arrhes r , nl. eaves . 8 l). m. O..W. It. jfc fi. TRAIN. ArrUes 7ns p, m, Leaves 7.35 a, m, AITO STAOi: J.INIJ SOl'TII. '-ve S.45 a. m. Arrh e 6 p. m. AUTO LINKS. Cars to Hums, Kort Klamath Kort Rock. Silver Loko nnd - other poluta south and south east. .. - ih)st okkici: it nuts. - General delivery open dally S n m. to 0 p. m No mall distributed on Sunday. Night train mall closes 6 p. m. Day train mall closes 6 30 a. m. Tia.lUiltAl'll HOl'ltS. cute Union dally 7 a. in. to p 111. Sunday and holidays 8-X0. 4.6. TKLKI'IIONK HOURS. rioneer Co., twenty.four hour sorIce, Including Sunday. Have you any ALFALFA HAY for sale? If so, get our prices, as we are in the mar- v ket for a few hundred tons of second and third cuttings. This we can handle loose at this time. Our new FEED MILL is nearing comple tion and when it is finished we will have SCIENTIFICALLY MIXED RATIONS, both MOLASSES and PLAIN, for all' kinds of STOCK and POULTRY. A CARLOAD OF DRIED BEET PULP JUST ARRIVED. We exchange flour and feed for wheat and . all other kinds of grain, and for hay. Bend Flour Mill Company Bend, Oregon T--T..-.....,.t ' .,A!lfW' KL mi