f-wpi ..Jt -. . W 1 Tin: m:x iiullktin, hend, oiik., wkuxksdav, September o, 1010. PACK 12. AV LOCAL NEWS ITEMS jS ' ' M i I ' '1' t: M1 ! 1 1 ; j 1 u I ll M .1 W. K. McCorninck, of rnlaloy, is In town today on business. Miss Mno Illtchcy Is expected to Teturn thlH evening to take up her work with Ujc opening of school on Monday. Tho Ilnpllut Women b union MIh wlonary circle will hold its regular mooting at the church on Thursday t 2:30. Tho Scandinavian I.uthoran church will hold Bervlres Sunday nfternonn at 2:30 o'clock In tho Commercial yjlul) rooms. It. I. Mlnter has begun the con- strltntlnn flf a IIHW llUIlKftloW OH all ittrnctli site overlooking the river In Hlvnr Twraco. Claude Mannhr-lnior. of Mnnuhelm er Ilros., tcturncd on Monday night from nn exlr-ndod business visit to Uhlcago and New York ? meeting of the finance and build ing rommittre for tho proposed gvm iiaslum will be hold tomorrow night nt 8 o'clock In Tho llond Co. office. Mr. and Mrs Oenrgo It. I'rlnce, and daughter Miss Mary left last night for fit. 1'aul after an extended vlelt with Mr aid Mrs. Frenk II. Prince. . , , A combination lawn nnd Indoor toclal will he held b the Hnptlst "W'dnicn'B Union nt the home of Mrs. T. II. Foley Saturday cloning. The public Ih Invited Mm. iinrnci llrooklng1). of Hrook- InBH, was In llend on Monduy doing aomo shopping Mrs iirooKings wus iiccompanled 1 her son I'liul, who will enter the llend public schools next Monday Mr. and Mrs Paul Hrookn, and iUIss IH'Iphlno filllnlt, of MlnneapollB who have been spending soiernl dn)s nt Holslng's on tho Metollus return ed to llend on Monday. They left wn the night train Paul Hcogglns of Tumalo, and 1). Lowo gave an enthusiastic crowd n treat In broncho "busting" last Sun day fitter tho lull game. Iloth men were stickers. Itoy Uuker did some fancy roping before the grand stand. Dr. Dwlght V Miller has purcli used the residence property now oc cupied by .1. II. Iluner from Dr. II Terrell. Dr Miller will remodel tho building at tho rear of tho proporty Tor ofllccH and will occupy thorn about October I Professor Fiod Aer, Dean of Eng llsh of Uic University of Oregon and Mrs. Aer, II. A Itoar, cashier of the Kugono lan fr Savings Hank and Mrs. Itoar and Miss Mildred Hour, jinssod through llend today from California on their way to Eugene. Hilly Mascott.iof Prtland will meet "YounK Turkey, of Tavoma, In 10 round boxing contort to bo held In tho Hlppodromo on September 11. Manager P7. L. Doudlah, of tho Hip podrome. Is now making all arrange incnts for I ho go which Is expected to "J)o oven bettor than the Hronsim llouck in a tcli hold hole In July. S. I WIrkIuh arrived in llend this morning from Poitlnim and will fill tho position of traveling freight and passenger agent for tho O.-W. It. & N. Co., mudo vacant by tho promo Won of A. 0. Kg.m, who loaves tho lunt of tho week for Portland. Mr. WlgBln was formerly contracting freight agent for the company ut Portland. I Eg Wmrm :S1 I II f pBS ''''Y F B BOB Ml Ml III C 53 pVI& " vJilB J 3 llll IlllllWy WmM&'r-,M B Slllll lllllVW Wtilmtm 'ijilllll llbarg flMcMorb i llllll nSoSom iHwHovtiV) II llllll SUNDAY AND MONDAY. SEPT. IOTH AND I1TII Hill 115 AND 25C Hill Coming-"THE NE'ER DO WELL" Photographed in the Canal Zone I AilrortlMctnenti Inserted under this 'heading nt tho rnto of ONE CENT A WORD each Insertion, Cusli iiiunI ncrompanjr nil onion from iiivhoiin mot having n regular account with Tho Iliillotln. No nillnrtUomeiit taken Vor 'mi tbau in contA each Insertion. WANTKII. W'ANTKD Mnh and wlfo for farm npply llullelln "Tp WANTKIl A cheap lot, must be a Hiinp for cash, "7c WANTED Stenogrnphnr, joung man preferred Ilrooks-Scanlon l.br. Co. 2"c W'ANTKD- To buy, homestead re HiHiulshinent. Address U. T 8 . cure llulletln L'7-28p W'ANTIJD HoiiBekeeper or girl for general house work. Apply 02G U. Oreenwood. !i"c W'ANTi:i) Waitress. Apply nt llulletln odlco or tho Ilartk'tt, corner of llond a i) d Main streets. 27c WANTKD Ily man nnd wife, po sition to cook In restaurant, hotel or boarding house. Anowor P. I.. this olllce. 37p WANTKD Ily rcapcctalile, roflncd American widow with sou In high school, position as house keeper, for hotel, widower or bachelor, with modern house. References. AddreaH "I- A. S." co M. J. Kllnn, Itu street. Olympla, Wash. 27-29p WANTKD (llrl wants gonornl housowork. Can do plain cooking. Apply 431 Wail Btrcet. Phono Hod 732. 26-27p WANTKD Scrap Iron. Huff-Bchinldt-Duiran Iron works. Phone Illack 7U. 21tfc' WANTKD Position, experienced bookkeeper wants position in llond. U)iig norvlco with hank and general store. Also competent clerk. First class reference. Inquire llulletln of ilce. SCtfc keeping tooma. hrlvato home, Cen ter addition. Can keep chickens. Inquire llulletln. 23 tfc FOIt BM.V. I'-OK ItENT. I'Ort ItKNT Kurnlshed room in private family. Inquire Iliillotln oitlco. 27tfo I'OIt ItKNT Pasturo, Phono U, S. Itlckard at MoK!nlo mill (Ilural inn oeiween i- ami i. n. -u-.iti FOIt ItKNT Purnlshed rooms, modern conveniences. Inquire llul letln 2C-28p KOH HKNT New modern S room hnusu ctoae to nillU. Inquire J Ry an tc Co. , 17 tfc I'OIt HKNT Furnished house- 'yrh.A V: "IK '. ll W W & Ml Ml Attention Farmers! Cutting Season Now On T-ytT BINDERS i, REAPERS MOWERS RAKES and all other Farm Implements I I ft i I If. FOIt SAI.K Kitchen cabinet, val uo $10; will sell for Jlo. 27p FOIt SAI.K Hest rooming Uoubb In town. Address P. O. Hox 3CI. 27tfc FOH SAI.K Seventy live tons of hey, feeding privilege allowed. C. A. Hurrls, Hampton, Ore. 27-28 FOIt SAI.K Iloatcr and range, practically now. Mrs, T. L. Hub soil. 27p FOIt SAI.K 1012 Cadillac, fully equipped and In good condition. In quire A. I . French. 27tfc FOIt SAI.K Cheap if taken noon. Good furnished house in city limits. Write XI, Hend, Oregon. , 27c FOIt BAI.K Cheap if taken lu tho next few days. A good 320 acre farm near Hond. For prlco and particul ars write Xh Hond, Ore. - ' 27c FOIt 8AL.K Motorcycle. Ileen run only about COO miles. Good' as now. Will sacrtflco for quick snlo, Call at llulletln. 27p FOIt SAI.K or ItKNT Small liouso and ono or two lots. Apply. V. Fer guson, Ilennctt'Hgrocery. 27c FOIt SAI.K Cheap, -I horse col lars IS and 19; 1 set stnglo harness, extra pair traces, halters and new 1 single shot gun. Apply Shaw's Feed store, 27-2bp FOIt SAI.K or KXCllA.NTIK Close In sit room house and three SO foot lots In Medford, Oregon. $100 down lulanco $10 a month and Interest. Address A. Y. l.lndeej, Whlttler, Cat Ifornla. 27p F O It S A I. K or TltADK -For milch cowh or horses, four choice lots sot to bearing peach trees, city water small shack on II street The Dalles Oregon. K. M. lnnornrlt. 1001 Svl lester street, Pasco, Watu 27-30p FOIt SAI.K Sin on passenger Pull- THE BEND CO. Real Estate Owners of the original townsite of Bend and the five adjoining additions. 80 of all the buildings now under construction are on the property recently sold by The Bend Co, Location, price and terms are the three advantages you gain by buying from The Bend Co. We will enjoy showing you this property. Call and see us before you buy. ':;& St, i j it ;i v '1 D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets. man 1913 tnntlng car. Fully equip pod. In first class condition, or trade for lighter car. Apply to Geo. T. Sollors,. c-o Dr. J. If. Conmuii. 25p FOIt SAI.K or TlUDK Ho jwur own boss hair oa easy terms. 20 acres of Income property, with al most new five room Uitvralow. good buildings, etc. Will tuko almost any thing at Its nl vatne to $.100 or more an first Buy me at. A targiitn at $2,050. Imyilre llulletln. 27p2S-30c FOIt SALE New flvo room houe, modern, excpl heat, close to mills, two lots; $350 cash, balance month ly payment a bargr.ln. Inqulro J. Hyan & Co. 17tfc FOR SALE Two lots In Des chutes nd&tlon, level and free from rock, woll located, Prtte $275 each. Terms. J. Ityan & Co. 3tf FOR SALE Four very choice lots in Park addition, price and terms right. J. Ryan & Co. 3tf FOR SALE File room house, modern except heat, well furnished, nclu&nK $450 piano, two lots 40x114 CAN HK KOUND AT THE Bend Hardware Co. Service First Will be the motto of the new management of the Bend Garage. It will be the aim in every detnil to give the public honest and eilicient work manship regardless of the size of the job brought to ns. An experienced stall'of workmen will be employed to assure the public of the highest standard of work manship. NOW it the proper tune to gtl your cr io If ml (oi Fall. "EnSrS7" tfsJ BEND OARAGE WAITER COOA1BS each, close to mills and school. $2, C00 cash or $2,700 half cash, balance ono nnd two year. J. Ryan Co. 3U FOR BALE Ilonse and lot. Trice right. Terms reasonable. laqulre A. E. Edwards, Hend Sign Co. 37U FOR SALE Ono 1C 11. P. trac tion cnRlno and 21 Inch separator, J. I. Cute steel threshing outfit. In quire E. A. Sathcr. 21tf. FOR SALE Thrco now four room ho unco. $800 each. 10 per cent cash, balance- easy monthly payments. J. Ityan & Co. 21tf FOR RALE Cheap. House end let In Wlestorta. llouso ami lot In Kenwood. Hend GnraRO Co. 24 tf FOR SALE Cheap, three room cottage, sleeping porch, fine garden, lawn, trees, cellar. luqulre Hut letln. 24 tfc FOR SALE RcmiiiRton typewrit er, almost new. To exchange for waRon. Typewriter can lo seen nt Iluonptt'a grocery. ( 2D-28c TOR SALE Ono 4 V4 h. p. saso lino wood saw. Inqulro llulletln. 26tt LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Leather Thermos botttfl caBc. lOwncr may hhvo proporty br proving claim and paymg for tbli advertisement at Bulletin office. 20t( STRAYED Five head of horsw! Tnlln bobbed off: brunded S dash with dot over S. Any Information leading to finding these horses wilt bo thankfully received. 26-27pti TAKEN UP One hay horse aj about 12; weight about 13001 ! white hind feet; has wire mark on right front log; leg branded; ont sorrel S years old, one white spot oi hind foot; we'ght 1100, branded Owner can havo same by nppljlng to Win. Hrown. Powell Uutte, Ore. LOST Check look, belonging to C. O. Vinyard. Finder ploaso lci at Central Oregon bank. 27p TO TRADE Oil EXCHANGE. TO TRADE Forty acres of un Improved land two and a half mile from Hend for cattle. Inquire llul letln. 27tf C. S. HUDSON, President U. C COE, Vlco Prcsldont E. A. SATIIER, Vice Pres. r., xi. iiiiun, v;asnier !J iJ;J L, G. McREYNOLDS, Asst. Cashier, H. A. STOVER.Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON Capital full paid - - - $25,000 ' Surplus $25,000 STATEMENT Of tho First National Hank of Hend, Oregon, as rendered to tho Treasury Department of the United State3, Washington. D. C, June 30, 131S. Ilciourcco Hills R'colvablo $269 S37.5S Overdrafts 3.307 98 Honda and Wanants .,,,. 9,130.83 Stock Fodoral Hank 1.300 00 Real Er.trto, Tujnlture and Fixturoa , , 31,057.34 llonds to Secure Circulation 12,500.00 5 Redemption Fund 625.00 Oilier Real Estate Owned "3,422.30 Cash nnd Exchange , i I0,5784J Uonds to Seoura U. S. P. S v. ... 1,005.44 $181.764 75 Liabilities. Capital ... 25,000 00 Surplus and Profits , ;.,. 31,059.63 Circulation i. . ... ; "T2.G00 00 Deposits , jH,S03.13 ?3!T 1.75 TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND K vJi3aairwapM' ""& - - v tH r ... . . . JKS,.M -g.rc ; rr :-- m.- --n ia iMiiiinaii anHiiiBJiiM .a j .,. LijMftMBBtffMBMBBHIB