l-ot" KKwnftimll Tire bi:xi duletis, iiexi). onE., Wednesday, skitem-eh o, joia. PAGE 10. . n n I r fl FOREST ROADS TO GET MONEY METHOD OF ALLOT MENT STATED - " I i At the Movies I j Everyone who has read Rex IJeach's story of "The N'er-Do-Weir can recall the fevered Interest taken In It from the very first chapter un til the end. This Interest was e- cited not only by the r,ed-blooded ex- plolta of the hero but In a greater degree by the unfamlllarlty of the scenes amid which the action takes place and of many of the characters cs well. The screen version Is not only a faithful production of the printed story! In nil of the Important essentials, but that It has also Increased manifold , the Interest created by the book. These scenes on Panama, so vividly described by Mr. Deach In the Application for Fund to He. Spent in Hie CVmilng Pineal Tear Mint lie Mnilo IlefoTP October 1 Ore gon Haw !I..7,7DI Coniln. Secretary Houston has Just an nounced the plan to be pursued In Bpendlng the ten million dollars ap propriate by the Federal Aid -toad Act for the construction and main tenance of roads and trails within or partly within National Forests, and hsH tentatively allotted among the various National Forest states tho ten mlll'on dollars which Is expend able this fiscal year. The tentative allotments to the principal National forest states are ns follows- Alaska 146. 280; Arizona $59,795; Arkansas I11.2.U; Califor nia $110,763: Colorado $S!,335; Idaho $101), 010; Montana $89,001; Nevada $19,195. New Mexico $42, C22; Oregon $127,754; South Da kota $b.ll., ftah $40.0S2; Wash ington $01,735. Wyoming $40,556. In addition, a total of $9,352 has been tentatively assigned to Flori da, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and Oklahoma, while the Eastern states Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia. West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ten TKiKseo and Ceorgla In which thn (Jovernrnerit Is purchasing lands for national forfeits, hae been allotted $21,or7. "In general," said Secretary Hous ton, "tho states and counties will be required to furnish co-operation in an amount nt least equal to f0 per cent of the estimated cost of tho sur veys nnd construction. However, upon a satisfactory showing by the applicant State or county that such proportion of co-operation Is Inequit able, It may be altered and the ratio of co-operation fixed upon n basis equitable to both the statu or coun ty and the 1,'nlted States." The method followed In apportion ing tlio money was explained by Sec retary Houston as follows Ten per rent of the amount available each yeay will be withheld ns n contingent fund. Ono half of tho remainder will bo allotted to tho States in unioiinU which will be based on the urea of National Forest lauds In each state. The other half will bu ap portioned on it basis of estimated val ue of timber and forage resources which tho forests contain. Amounts apportioned but unexpended within three, years, and any balanco of tho contingent fund which remains tin apportioned tit the end of each year, will lui reapportioned on the mime busls hh the original allotments Tim two gtoups of tales to which lump sums are allotted are. it wan uxplalnd, to be considered hh single units of apportionment. Apportion ment now to be niutto urn for the current IIhohI your only Thereafter new HpiHirtlonmmits will be made, giving I'oiiMlilerutlon to the number Mid character of applications inailo by tlm state and county olllclnls for oxpendltureN on spccllle projects, These applications must be filed with tho DlHtrlct Foresters In thn seven National Forest Districts on or be fore January 1 of each )oar, for the f) on I year beginning the following July 1. Thn determination of the projects upon which funds will bu impended during Hie current fiscal year will bo rnudt on the basis 'of applications which must be filed with tho DIs. trlet Foresters on or beforo October I, lftlf Each application must con tain a statement of the public needs Us to rvN by the proposed rood and th manner and extent to which It would aid In the development of the rwurres upon which communi ties wiudn or adjacent to the- Nation al I'ormts are dependent, nnd must sUo sh thn general location of the hfPed road and Its estimated eot. As ulmady stated, In general states and count I mut bo prepared to fur nish ro-optratinn equal to ut least f pr cnt of the estimated cost of surveys and construction. This co-ape-ration may lu In tho form of money, labor and materials, or the instruction of roads, Where othor factor are tHunl, the npprovul of u prujoct way be determined upon the Tsluthe amount of co-operation off ered MHity upplleatlann have, It it i4nl(ul. already been received for ox. jwndltures upon specific projects, 0MP" u "" m PHB" 13f M ftS b J "!BPtt Vt M flL mJP' V I iBr vfrnJ- il VVsE ytVrr $ a VHIPV ' I EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. rKKK FltOM "THE .VEK-IKM !.!,!,." printed story have all been ' rought If0ro our eies by the cameri for Mr. Sellg personally conducted his company and Director Campbell to the Isthmus, where all the action of the story In that region has been repro duced photo-dramatlcally. on the very spot described In the book v Mr. Ileach. Thus we have Colon, on the Atlantic side of the Canal, and Its tettlngs for the action taklnc place in It; the Oatun locks nnd the great Oatun dam (In the making) near!)): a view of the wreckage of the French raochlner used In the attempt to build the canal, and also of the much-read-about Culebra Cut; also the city of Ancon and of new Panama City, separated from It by a main street; and old Panama City 12 miles away, as well ns tho picturesque Taboga Islands, IS miles off In the Pacific ocean. Managers Catlow & Dooncr have obtained this 10-reel feature which vlll be shown at tho Hend Theatre Sunday and Monday, September 17 and IS. , It Is rarely that motion picture spectators nre privileged to witness so exquisitely artistic a performance as that of Mary Plckford In "Madame Mutterlly.' John Luther Long s classic, which has already becomo familiar through the medium of opera, novel, and play. All the poetic beauty of this sad tale has been pretexted and enhanced in the picture at the Hend Theatre Sunday and Monday. September 10 and 11. Tho pathetic story of Cho-Cho-San "Mndamo Ilutterfly" as hex treach erous American husband calls her Is told with Infinite artistic skill. It required the art. the grace, the piquancy nnd the daintiness of Mnrj Plck ford to win the sympathy of the public In this role. As for the forbaken Cho-Cho-San. patiently and confidently waiting through the long months for tho return of hor American husband, only to have him return with en American wife, Mary Pickford touches the depths of emotion In her expressions of sorrow, pain and grief that have never been required of her In the portrayal of tho many occidental characters whose 'daintiness and chcrm hi.ve made her tho supreme favorite of the photo-play screen. For pure pathos and dramatic Interest "Madame Ilutterfly," has few the Rend Theatre tonight and Thurs day precedes a strong and unusual scee. I The defrauded workman s daugh ter waiting outside the Gray mansion for the appearance of Gray's wife. In tercepts her and lashes her with her tongue until the taut nerves of the much burdened gentle-woman weak en under this additional load As Marcla sways In a half-faint the , compassion and pity that Is ever re sponsive In a woman's breast filled , the wronged lass and enabled her to forgive and comfort the one she 1 comes to abuse. I Such scenes of human Interest and reality fill this powerful play of I modern ambitious life. No waiting at the Metropolitan for i that shave or hair cut. Four chairs ' now ready. Adv. For sign painting see Edwards, Adv. "What Congress hat done concerning a Government Armor Plant and what people are thinking about It'! rfllJ In E-itoritl C.mm.nt Thii ii the tide of a booklet hv prrpircd. Wa shall b f lad to send a copy free to any one Interested. WOOD DRY FACTORY WOOD YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPLIT IT NOR SAW IT ECONOMICAL CLEAN BEST SPECIAL PRICE FOR FIVE LOAD ORDERS PHONE 441 Bend White Pine Sash Co. WE DELIVER THE BIG LOADS HiHH Bethlehem HHHHHH P. B0'ik3-BS-K-9 ; irL : J! in. -JiMHH s4a-H-Rl 9H i aet) ABeBeBBeBeaKnBW ial ' aBK BBBBBPSnwE -tA- '' ni BBaat sasa a r nr at. v . . i m v . tK - - ! . I : ! ST.. aLVBBBa Pn '-f Allvllll J 1 ;' eaeeBeaffl' lU't ' 4I- 3v - mUM II 1 11 UT I W I ia-mwssMSs&m i LLlTlULiV U. ! I.V." I t MARY I'lCKI OHO IX "M l,Mi: UlTTEItr equals In tho whole realm of fiction nnd of tho stngo. With the splendid mttlngs which hnvo bean produced as tho background of Miss Plckford'a unexcelled urt, tho photo-adaption ranks ns ono of the foremost produc tloiis that patrons of tho llond Theatre havo eer been privileged to see "Tho Colonol'H I.ndy and Judy OT.rady were sisters under tho sklnl'" This title In tho screen drama "The Code of Marcla Gray" 3hown nt Could Siit Do llrr Cooking. Mrs. !'. . llartmelster, Teu., Mo., wrtttM "I was uffected with kidney Uoiililu for two yours. I got so lad this Hummur I could hardly do my HiokliiK I got Foley Kidney Pills and I feel ko u now person." Too iHauy woinen neglect Hmptoms of klduiiy duruuKotnont, weak back, Nwullou aiiklea and Joints, aches, pains uud rlmumntlstm Sold Every whuro. Adv. Seo Gosnoy for the Georges barber shop. best sand. Silt See Edwards for good bouse paint ing. Adr. Bo Big xing Smoker UNDER AUSPICES BEND ATHLETIC CLUB AT THE HIPPODROME MONDAY, SEPT. 11th lWurlng 1UI.1A' MASCOTT I'ortlund'A 1'Litlc Mime), n. YOUXO TURKEY Of TiUHMUIl, ill II 1() s-IlOr.Ml IMKXIXll ItlXTKST 10 1)11. MAN1N0, llefereo Maiu Preliminary C Hounds H.MtltV SHIS VS. W.M. IIDNSI.KV HEND, OUK. 150 l.b Championship U. S. Navy 0 Ho iuul HPKt1 W(M)I)S VS lini KSTKS UKNO 130 l.bs. IMUXKV1I.LK aoon 4-nouND cuhtain u.msku (lK.SKH.VIi ADMISSION Ml.tK) Cholco Hcooryed SMta 'on Salo at Windmill, Car- tnody llrothcrs and at Hippodrome. iLodlea Invited. Ilouts Quarantcssd or money refunded. Mrst Hout at 9 P. M. Sharp. No Waiting. V BROOKSSCANLON Lumber Lath, Shingles Building: Material Kiln Dried Flooring All Kinds of Finish Sash and Doors Complete Stock of standard sizes. BrooksScanlon Lumber Co. TELEPHONE RED 1431 OR 701 CITY SALES OFFICE BEND COMPANY BUILDING I t