The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 30, 1916, Image 1

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The bend bulletin,,.
NO. Oft
Bend rtuslness .Men Make Substantial
Change! In Their Structures
Many Kind Present Quarters nre
Inadequate Fine Rcwldwices.
Bond Is having a building boom.
Construction, both of residences
and business buildings; has been go
ing on stendlly for the past 14
months, or since the first mill con
striction begnn, but It has never be
fore reached tho volume now to be
obn-ived nor has such n variety of
lulidlngs been tinder way nt one time
Thol nrgest of the new business
liiilldlngs Is tho O'Kunc building on
Oregon street and running through
from Ronil street to the nlley. Unlit
of concrete and two stories In height
tills Is the largest building lu town
.ind Is rapidly nearlng completion.
Ml tho cement work Is done,, ns well
is the Insldo plastering. Workmen
aro now busy putting the finishing
roat on the outside. Tho ground
floor, whlcli will be occupied by
.itoreB nnd tho Dteum Theatre, Is
understood to bo fully rented nnd
no, also, nru most of the olllce rooms
on tho second floor.
Oienim Street Rosy.
On Oregn street, nt the comer of
Wall, another bulldlnu smaller than
the O'Kane, but of most attractive
nppearnnco nnd n decided ornament
to the town Is the one under con
struction for Tl. II, Mutzlg. to be oc
cupied by tlic Central Oregon bank.
This is of brick and torra cotta, the
llrst in Centrnl Oregon In which this
material has been used. Tho build
ing Is of one story nnd will be oc
cupied exclusively by the bank. Mr.
Mutzlg is also understood to be con
sidering building on the adjoining
AVall street lot.
Rilck Structures ltl-e.
On the same block, dlngonally op
VOBlto to the Mutaljr building, at the
corner of Mlnnesotfnnd llond streets
n. Sphler is now having excavation
completed for a two story building
which Is to be erected nt once. The
liulldlng will havo n HO foot front
ngo on llond street nnd run back the
full length of the lot to the nlley.
Plans for the building hnve been
itrnwn by I). Rrubnker, a local archi
tect. In this same neighborhood and
Just across tho nlley K. A. Bather Is
now putting up an addition to his
storo building 40xG0 feet In size to
take- tho plnco of tho formor ware
house, which has been torn down.
Another new storo building. Just
completed, Is the Thompson build
ing on Wall street. Into which the
Thompson furniture business ha
has Just been moved from the form
er location on Oregon street. There
nre offices on tho Becond Moor and
also living quarters to be occupied
by tho Thompson family.
Knlargo Hulldlnc.
Other construction now going on
in tho liuslneas section Is the addi
tion to tho Mnnnhelmer store, while
on Oregon street tho First National
Itnnk ulans an addition to house a
vortlon of Its working force.
Another center where building for
business purposes Is going on Is nt
the flour mill nnd laundry. Kxton
vivo additions to the milling plant
have recontly been made, Including
a lnrco -warehouse and feed mill,
while an alfalfa mill Is noarly com
lletel. At tho laundry an l shaped
addition has beon built enclosing two
.aides of the old bu"dlne. glvlnsr space
for new Machinery and a material
Increase in the business. Plans for
this nttoltlon were drawn by E. II.
Keane. Mr. Keane also prepared the
nlans for tho new brick warehouse
for the Bend Hardware Co., which
una been hullt on Minnesota street at
the rear of the company's present
Til The Residence- Line.
Residence construction, which has
"been most active since last fall, con
tlnnes -unabated, all sections of the
city seeing new houses of every de
scription going np.
Tho biggest piece of construction
In th,e residence line Is that just an
nounced for th Highland addition
where O. H. Wilson has acquired a
ldock and will erect 10 bungalows.
In Staats addition three new
houses are now under construction.
Frank rival being the butlder, and
In RtTer Terrace a new house has
luSt been completed by E. P. Rros
terhmi in the vicinity of the Myers
hmiM. which was finished several
3 aT On the 7..de7 al.
ftn Boulevard addition, H. R. Lane
Is now finishing a now bungalow.
In Pi.rk addition, In the vicinity
of the McCann and Sathor houses,
a number of attractive now resi
dences have lieon completed recent
ly Including limine for Jumes Ryan,
Stanley Union, C .1, Monohan and
C. M. McKay, Carl A. Johnson Is
also building. In this neighborhood,
while near the McKay house the new
Scandinavian church Is now rising.
On Jefferson Drlvo W. C. McCuls--ton
has built three bungalows.
In other pnrlB of town thero Is al
so considerable smaller construc
tion going on which "with that al
ready described combiner to make
the present time the busiest In the
building line Iletid has experienced
In Its history.
Meeting Called for Friday to Consid
er Uctiill Ilulldlii Sow Planned
to Contain Swimming Pool.
The new Hend gymnoBluut and
athletic club, for which subscriptions
were tnkon Inst winter, nfter appar
ently slumbering nlcug on Its way
to oblivion for several months is
about to hecome n reality, If plnns
now tinder consideration aro carried
out. A meeting bus been called for
Friday night of nil the committees
which have had the mntter In
charge mid It la oiected nt that
tlmo that definite arrangements to
proceed with the work will bo made.
According to the present pinna the
gymnasium building will be of brick
70x100 feet lu size, Willi a basement
nnd two stories. In the basoment
will be lockers, n swimming pool nnd
showers, on tho first door n club
room and gymnasium nnd on the
second, pool and billiard rooms,
smoking room, auditorium nnd stage.
The latter will bo planned exclus
ively for the use of the club In ama
teur theatrlrnls and purely local tal
ent entertainment.
Tho present subscription list shows
about $1,000 pledged and 100 mem
bers down for enrollment. Wuys and
means of raising the balnnce needed
will bn considered at Friday's meet
ing. It Is believed that 512.000
will be needed. A number of blue
prints of the Potlnch gymunslum nro
here for use In preparation of the
local plans and the accounting nnd
other forms used In the athletic club
nt Hemldjl are alBO available as
Tho Companies Prepare for Rotelop
input of Central Oiegon Holdings
Three auto trucks, two of which
nre to be operated by the American
Sodn Products Company In handling
Its product between Sprecklcs and
Lakevlew, nnd one three ton truck
of tho American Nitrate Company,
which will bo used ut tho present In
transporting building materials and
supplies from Hend to the Company's
property on Wagon Tiro Illdge, ar
rived In Hend on Friday and were
fitted out here for service.
Harry Wilson of tho Amerlran Ni
trate Company, In charge of tho de
volopment work at Wagon Tiro
Ridge, will be In Rend later this week
and will make some pluns, It Is un
derstood for the development of tho
Enthusiastic over the possibilities
tnr htir rinveloDment In the property
of tho Amorican Soda Products Corn-
pan), John D. Spreokles. Jr., of San
Francisco, and E. O. Emerson wore
In Hend on Wednesday after an ox
tended tour of southern Oregon and
over the property of tho American
Soda Products Company nt Alkali
Lake. Mr. Sprecklcs held a confer
mce last week With Mr. Strahorn at
Klamnth Falls relative to railroad
development ns affecting the Alkali
lake deposit.
Strahorn Party More Camp Troui
Uurii Unert Soon Complete.
Having completed Its work on
making the preliminary survey for
the proposed Strahorn rnllroad In
the Harney valley, tho party of sur
veyors under N. H. Rogue has mov
ed camp this week from the vicin
ity of Hums to tho head of the Fort
n.v vallev. Lines will be run to
Fort Rock and from Fort Rock to
Silver Lake.
When this strip of country u coh
ered all of the preliminary survey
work for the proposed Oregon. Cal
ifornia &. Eastern Railroad Mil be
Returning on Thursday from the
homestead country east of town II.
J. Overturf reported that deds for
tho Strahorn right of way had been
signed by 12 whose lands were af
fected. Mr. Overturf will make an-
other tr.P Into this section In the near
lloml I'.loctlon Citrrlcs and Issue Ls
Sold ut u Premium of $."11 Port-
huul Itujer Successful Plant
fur School Now Considered.
Developments lu the plan of the
school board to provide a new build
ing to house the rapidly growlug
school population of District 12 -have
followed each other rapidly In the
pnst "week. On Filday the boud elec
tion carried. On Monday the bonds
were sold nnd last night nnd today
the board has been studying tho var
ious plans for a school house which
have been submitted.
llucaimu of tho heat and th6 cer
tainty thnt the elertlon would carry
only (i small number of voters cunt?
out -to 'vote on Friday. Of these 43
were .In favor of the bonds and only
three against. The election was held
ut tho.Reld school between the hours
oi sVud 7 p. m.
Arrangements having previously
beon made to sell the bonds Monday
In caBe the election carried the board
met that day to receive bids. Five
In nil were submitted, all but one
offering more thnn par for the Issue,
whlcli lar to bear Interest nt the rate
of flvo per cent.
Tho successful bidder was G. 13.
Mlllor & Co., of Portland, represent
ed by P. A. Gllmore, who otfered u
premium of $511.
Other bids submitted were ns fol
lows: Lumbermen's Trust Co., of
Portlnnd. par nnd $37."; First Nu-
tlonnl Ilnnk, of Hend, par nnd $275;
W. I,. Slnyton & Co., of Toledo,
Ohio, par less $5 in for furnishing
printing nnd attorney's fees, etc.:
The Hanchett llond Co., of Chicago,
par nnd ?87.fn premium, No check
accompanied this bid. Keeler Hros.,
of Denver, represented "by Tred Glenn
of Portland, did not submit n bid.
having understood that the bonds
were to bo sold nt auction.
Plans ate Considered.
Last night, ut the Pilot Hutte ho
tel, tho school board met with the
six nrchltects who havo prepared
plans and made a sudy of the Ideas
of each, giving to each one 20 min
utes In which to show his drawings
and explain the detail.
Plans were submitted by E. H.
Koano. Lee A. Thomas nnd O. G.
Ilrubnker, of Hend, nnd by Chus. II.
Hurgrnf, of Albany, and F. Mnnson
White nnd J. E. Tourtellotte, of
An elimination of three of tho
plans was practically agreed on by
the board last night and further
consideration of the three remaining
will be given at a meeting this evening.
Ir- "
rHE new school building, plans for which were submitted to the school board
last night, Ls planned to occupy the whole of the block on which this pres
ent building stands. The first unit, to be built this fall, will stand in front
of and to the east of the present building, Later units will run across the front
of the lot, the existing building being removed to make room for them. The
new building will be ot the one story type and six plans carrying out this idea
were submitted o the school board last night and are now under consideration.
Action Will be Taken nt Meeting on
Thursday Night to Pet feet Orga
nization for Octolxr Attraction
, Wilt .Make Evtilblt Centrnl.
A meeting, called for the purpose
of perfecting the organization of the
Rend Track & Fair ABSoclntlon, will
bo held lu the Commercial Club
'roomo Thursday evening nt S o'clock
nt which tho subscribers to stock
In tho association nro urged to be
present: At this meatlilg olllcors of
tho association will be. elected, steps
will be taken toward preparotlon of
the articles of Incorporation, dates
for' the fair and other Important
matters concerning tho proposed fnll
fair will be discussed.
Subset iptloiLs nro Liberal.
After several weeks of soliciting
$1,015 of tho requited $H.000 for
which the association will bo Incor
porated has been subscribed lu
nmouuts ruuglug from $5 to $125 n
subscriber. I'ji to this time there nro
97 subscribers to stock. Of tho
$4,045 subscribed $H,S15 are cash
subscriptions and the leumlnder Is
made up lu labor nnd material.
Want Hound. Up routines.
At tomorrow night's moetlng It Is
expected that definite dates for the
fnlr will be selected. The second
week In October was favored by most
of tho stockholders who wore pres
ent at n hinnll gathering last night.
Sevornl proposal havo been made ns
to the churncter of entertnlnmont.
Thero Is n disposition to fnvor some
of tho wild west features of the
Pendleton Round-Up, but not on
such an elaborate svnlo. Although
the Inck of tlmo lu which to assem
ble agricultural products will not
permit entering Into tho elaborate
displays of agricultural nnd livestock
products, It ls expected that this mat
ter will receive considerable, attention
ut tomorrow night's mooting. There
ls n pronounced disposition to make
tho fnll fnlr nt lleuil moro than n
local attraction and to Include Wasco,
Sherman, Joffersnu, Crook, Lake,
Klamnth and Hnrney counties lu the
scope of Its activity. It Is not ex
pected thnt exhibits can be obtained
from other counties this year, but
provision will likely be made for
theso rnuntles lu the future.
A tract covering 40 acres has been
purchnsed for n nominal figure for
tho fair grounds nnd can bo put in
condition for tho fair by tho second
week of October without the expen
diture of n great amount of tho
money already subscribed.
Following tomorrow night's meet
lug It Is expected thnt tho status of
tho association may be hucIi that will
enahlo work on tho grounds and the
buildings necessary for this year's
1 Continued on page C.)
01 OHM
Following n report mnde lust week
that the epidemic of sickness anions
the small children of the town was
caused by the drinking water Gen
eral malinger Foley, of tho Hend
Water Light & Power Co.. made a
thorough examination of the rler to
sec If there was nny possibility of
contamination and also sent samples
away for analysis. His Investigations
sctlsfled him that there was no ap
parent contamination nnd the results
of the analysis are now awaited. At
the suggestion of Tho Hulletln Mr.
Foley will have n monthly analysis
of the city water made hereafter In
order thnt any Impurity may be dis
covered and steps to remove It taken
nt once.
Unique Musical Organization to Cite
h Concert Here on Way to State.
Fair at Salem.
Hend will be visited on Saturday,
September 2.1, by the Rums Com
munity orchestra on Its way to tho
stnte fnlr at Salem. Arrangement!
for the visit here nre being mnde by
A. C. Egnn. of ther0.-W. R. & N..
following his trip to Hifms Inst week
when ho obtained a complete itlnor-
iry of tour to bo iiiudo by the or
chestra. The orchestrn will arrive hero on
Saturday afternoon on the comple
tion of Its auto run from Hums and
will leae for Salem Sunday morn
ing. Saturday oienlug n concert will
bo given hero, the exact tlmo and
place of the event to be announced
later. ,
The orchestra is a unique orga
nization, ".0 of Its it." members being
children whose ages range from the
.ears up. It occupies a prominent
position In the community Itfe of
Hums and will bo heard In Rend with
great Interest. Colonel William Hun
ley Is otio of the leading supporters
of tho orchestrn and ls understood to
bo buck of tho trip to Salem.
llt'iiistiul Valley lloinivstoildcr diary
ctl With Heating Mrs. Itnsproilt.
Albert Cook, a homestcMdor In tho
llemstad valley was lined. $6 igul
costs In Judge Fastest cotiwon KK
dn afternoon, having boon rrihifd
guilty by a Jury for assault and bat
tery upon Mrs. M. KusprovlU Tho
costs wero romltted by tho court.
According to tho testimony given,
Cook went to tho Kasprovltz ranch
on Jul) 30 to obtain several water
barrets and u trunk belonging to a
neighbor. When Cook urrlved at the
Kasprovltr. rnnch ho found only tho
children there nnd obtained tho bur
rels anil loaded them upon his wag
on. Mrs. Kusprovlt appeared upon
the scene nnd ordorod Cook to re
move tho burrela from his wagon.
This Cook refused to do. Mrs. Kas
provltz testllled thnt Cook beat her,
causing seuro InJurlfH when sho
tried to obtain tho barrels. Cook
took the stand and testllled thnt ho
d'cl not beat Mr. Kusprovltz.
The state wus represented by C.
W Ersklno anil A. J Monro nnd II.
II Do Armond represented Cook.
- - - ' , ' ' " "
Prospects Kill Railroad Hultdcr WIU1
Euroitriigciuont Returns From
UlHll) Mllo Trip Oicr Interior,
lliuls lllR Detelopment There. J.
(The Oregonlan.l
Robert E. Strahoru, president nnd
projector of the line, returned, to
Portland yesterday from a '.!!00-mllo
auto trip tilled with encouragement
oor the prospects In the Interior ot
the state for tho completion of tho
Oregon, California is Kastorn Hull
way, Accompanied by Mra. Strahorn nnd
an engineer, President Struhofii wan
greeted rtt the chief pnliws visited,
and r.teorted throuith the country by
(folotjnUons of prominent ultlxnns.
Reports cf otoi conditions nnd t'hf
gsnernl outlook wer so
that Mr. Utrahoin became uiithttilai
tie. U.'OII .Miles of Sane) Made.
Tho Unit 1 locations of tho Hue, It
wild, are no' all complnte with tho
exception of only t!fi mllo. A total
of I! fiiM) miles of tuiroyn have how.
run since the project wn undertaken
to lltiil tin Iwt mules for the 450
miles of the system.
"1 hnve spent a year nnd u half In
almost constant Investigation uf re
sources and present tralllc possibil
ities, us well us thos,' likely to le
ni'dcd by tho development of luiuner,
Irrigation, tlmliifga and tho utlllM
ttoii of certain mineral resource,''
Hf.ld Mr. Strnhorn.
"Wo lir.v.o anally gottun thin pro
ject wliorv, within tho next 30 or CO
dnys nt most, wo wHI I." ready t
tnko up Its flnniiclng In ell Itn parts.
Construction Not Fur OIL
"This part of It. tjini. ot cour.
constantly worked at while procoed
lug with tho engineering and other
mutton uttd we havo inadti so much
progrosn that for tho first tlmo 1 fel
u'it rim unv Mini wi fire within lll(ViW-,
fir.tblH .Itgtn&t of m&iii&uclllK dfrflt
"I huve found Control Oregon ei
pcclnlb lira most liopttiul mood from
one end to the other. This hi but
evidenced by tho nccompllshuumtii of
citizens of tho principal points on tho
system nnd their promlsos for tint
"For example, Rend has, through
Important donations mid tho voting
of bonds amounting to JHfi.OOO pro
cured ii centrally located and lu every
way acceptable tormlnal, and Is hard
ft work obtaining about 110 m II oh
of right of ii) covering the dlv.lslon
between Hend and thu llnrnoy Valley
Terminals anil Grading Offered.
"Hums bus voted $t2f,000 to aid
construction and Is only awaiting
submission of my plans to furnish
rights of way ncroiH tho Harney val
ley and tcko other action. Hltver
Lake has given good terminals and
has obtained SO in lien of rights nt
way out of 20 mile aligned to It.
It iiIho offers to do coiiHldoritblo
"Palslev has also given woll-lo-cated
Htatlon grounds and bun pro
cured the major portion of tho right
of wity required In ltd vicinity. I,ak
view has obtained a largo amount of
rights of and ls prepared to vot
$30,000 In bonds for the remainder
and such portion of tormlnal In the
city us remain to b acquired,
' Klrinath rutin has called for an
election to vote J300.0UO nnd prom
ises II miles of right of way through
tho city and to a point northward lit
tho fiprague River valley on thts
Rend HnV It hat nlso agreed to fur
nish a large area of centrally looat
ed grounds for both paiwigyr ami
freight terminal).
' Other huviiiK Important internet
lu the country trlbutnr to tho
lines liu agreed to cotilrlbuto In the
aggregate about 1360,000, while
s'lll others, like the ftprooklf'u Inter
cut thit own the great eoda dupoe
Its ut Alkali Lake, are favorably die-
posed to extnd substantial aid nnd
(shipment, such ns 100 tons of their
products dall) foe a long period of
Trip Oltjfw Knrowvgrment.
"Important contract! aro likewise
offered for shipping logs In tho vi
cinity ot various terminals, whlgh
will go far toward Insuring an ade
quate return to pay Interest on th
cost of the ltnea over which tho Iojjh
will bn shipped.
"To sum It all up, I am mightily
pleased and encouraged after this
long, bard pull, and am almost reedy
to come down to Portland and name
(Continued on page 4.)
' i