The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 23, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    awaaawmTi -
tiii: iiend nuiiMrn.v, iiexd, ue., Wednesday, august 2.1, jjmo.
Tt MA l-O.
--- - - --
(Special to Tho Rullotln)
TUMAIiO, Aug 2 -Owing to tlio
fact that si number wished to attend
thu Plowor Show ut Ilend IBM Prldav
tho West Sldo Esdlu Club postpon
ed tholr meeting until AiiKUHt
.Mrs. J M. Urlflln Is nnjojllig n vls
It with hor Bisters from llormlston.
j. II. S..i Polb'tlo and fnmllv of
Uoilniond mid Mr Van Allen mid
Chimin McCaulov of Deschutes were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mm (' I.
HavliiK lioi'M notlllcd that bpoco
bits hnnn secured for nn exlllmt. nt
tho State Pair this fall. P. X. Wallace
manaKor of tho Ttimalo Project, Ih
making arrangements for an uxhblt
vt nil kinds of farm products. It Ih
up to tho people of thin Mclultv to HC'O
that tholi cxhlb't Is among thu bont
in tho Ht .to
MrB. Hnllnwnv of Prlurvllln Iips
hoon DCPiired as teacher for tho I'alr
view Bohool whlrli opens noxt month
rioin nil Indications the Tiimnlo
Prlr which Ih lo be I.hIcI on Srptim
liur 22 nnd 23 promises 10 be th.s
ivur hotter limn ovnr
W. I). Humes, who was In Portland
last week, had tin- plonsuro of tour
ing our presidential oandldato. Mr.
(Special to Tho nullotln)
MUCK YARD, Aug 21. The la
Mli'H of the brlrk yard wore entoitnln
id Thursday afternoon b Mrs M E.
Thompson RorroshiiienlB wore serv
ed. Mr. and Mrs Iforno and daughter
Elslo nttendoel Hid flower show on
Elslo I Ionic visited Ma MrNuilght
I'rlday evening, rotuinluK home Sat
irday. Tho lliinil llrlrlt nnd I.uml nr Co..
Is loading .i rnrload or hi Irk for the
'I'lim-A-Eiiin l.umhci Co , or Ri'd
liionil HiIh wok
Mr. nnd Mrs Homo list! 'hh limit
guests H.itmdiy Mr hihI Mrs Me
Nitiight and daughter Ma. Mrs N
l .Smith nnd daughter Mtuserv. .1
II. O'Nnll and son and ehuiKhtor. .Mrs
Vclhurt, of Oklahoma
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison (Irnv mid
"Mr. ThoiiipHou went out lo the ho
t'iiH Hitmlav and brought home l.oOO
pounds of ico
Mrs I Inn loon (!rn gave ii child
run's party at hei ranip Momlnr s,f
ternonn Ico em in nud cuke wns
Mr. Albert Tn)lor Wl for Salem
Til Nadav Sim will visit lelntlves Hiid
Ti lends und put up winter's supply
if ft lilt while them
II. A .liui mil Is out lo his honio
alond putting up his hay. Ho wall
lelimi this week
Mr. and Mrs lloiuo attended a
ldrthdtiv iiurt given bv Mr () V
Psnsy Monday ovnlng.
Mr. MetNetly went out to hli honio
stoml Moudav Ills fuiullv will move
vhon ho KotH h ick
llUMTON lU'riH,, ,
(Special lo The llitllnttn).
'Oscar lllack Iiiih gone out to work
thiouKh turnout
Mis A McKpowii wiih a IiiihIiimw
'visitor, here I'rlday
Win. Si'hledel niiide some puroh.
nso ut llio HrookliiKti store Prlday
Mr HaiiHou of iMlner Pint Is rut
ting (1. A Jnnlmu's Iim)
Hon Meehs mudu a Hip to llnnip
lon last Sunday
1. ('. Ilnncei with lite holp of
IChiI IIoki'Ik, llulsheil hayliiK on his
hoinoMtonil and leturned to Lost
Mr Om r IliiUeln and Mm lliint
ItiK ilnM to Hlnuffcr Prlila. leliirn
ItiH Satiirda)
.Iske Hooks look n chi' for Hunts
Mrs Si'iiiiimous of I luck Creek was
n business visitor Itt'te Tuemlav.
Chris Tlunar lo?k Wmi'ii sIhkii foi
llond Mondiy where lie will litue em
plosnieut for wupml inonlhs
T C I'uhlK came In Tllewluy to
look sfir ItiloreAls on his honinitead
Mi and Mrs. Oscar lluueln ntarl
eil for Hlhtir Creek today, where tho)
will spend n week IwIiIiik
llornite HiookliiKS has purchaied
wiiiio caltle trotn Mi Itowllus of Hnr
n ey Holes and droe thmiu oer this
week. '
ltsr CItKIIK.
i fpeclnl to The Uullntlnl
Cowan and C S l)ls were IuisIiiwh
lsltors In laiikoxtew diirliiK the pant
w eek.
Mrs. C C Uhodes, who ha beon
out to Iteiid for several months. Is
the Kilest of hci daughter. Ml. Ash-
Mr. and Mrs Uiii'er, who biio
lneu on llteli ranch near Hampton
dm lap the hsvliiK etiniii Hl' tialll
Mt tholi resldpiice In this wlle
.Iiiiiio MpKwhii Is over worklnc for
Mr KkII foi a few ilus
Miv llutseln and Mr lluntltis.
Of Hampton. wie KuiMta of Mm. .1
II. HusttW 1m( Frlds and Batuulsi
Kenneth Hlmn caiitw oer from
tbu Ci i such suit spent Suodaj with
Mr mill Mrs J II
II ay I UK Is in full swiiu In the al
to), hut iiwIiik to tho aliumlaur of
lablills. the ylslit Is nut as v tut
(BupcIhI to The llnllutinl
(M.OVUUUAUC. Am Ift. Pred
Vrtio vvu! to I'llni'VlUv SutuU) slid
mtiinieil ThrUv
II. U. Mlllsr went to lUvdmniul on
tmshiiw Tnwil.i
W W Collins took a load of pro.
,Ufo lo llonil 'rtd
Curl liriMiii nud It O Wllsmi
went to Itodmond Friday
Mr. uml Mrs - 0- Orub ami
tlaiiuhterx Klennor and Maude awd
Mitts llaiick of IUi d Mrs It C
Kllnu and win Harold are plcklnis
......i..o i. iim iiuiiiiitalns this wek
A great uiauy of the Suudaj uvUvwl
I Boors am In the mountains this week
j bo Sunda) school will bo suspended
for two weks
Mrs. It .1 Sknlton Is vlsltlns with
fi lends In Prlnenlll'i
Mr. and Mrs Prank Arnold and
fnmll) nnd Mr and Mis. Ijpo Crus
and fnmll) started to the mountains
Prlda) for u ton da's trip
Mr. and Mrs Pud Van M litre and
family of Ilend and Mrs. I. A Ilran
ilenbtirKh und dsuRhtur (!lnth vis
ited nt V W Van Matro's house on
V. P Pryrear Is tho owner or a
lino stallion hu purchased III the val
ley. Mrs. W. P. Prjreur and Mrs I II
Vincent of Itodmond are visiting at
Eugene nnd other alley points
Messrw Puh. Welse fiotter. Van
Mat re. nnd Prjrpnr went to Ilend
Monday to attend an IrrlRatlon
ilic-ptlnK. v
Messrs Carl arid Chester Shetterh
or Ssndy, Orogon, are Walling tholr
cousin, Mrs P. (1 Cutllp '
fRppclnl to Tho nullotln )
MIM.ICA.V, Am? 21 Pred Klucrt
nnd Miss Hulh Conwnv wore iiuieth
married nt I'rlnevllle Mnndm. Auk
list 1 1. P. II Johnson nutoed them
to Prlnelllo and was one of the wit
nesses, Mr. and Mrs KlKort hip re
hIiIIhk on his homostead. All their
Mllllcan friends wish them a long
nud happy wedded life.
Wednesday Mr- and Mrs U. It.
Keller nnd fnmll) made u business
trip to Ilend, returnlnK Sunchiv and
hriiiRlni; n tow with thorn While
r.t Ilend Mrs Keller and children at
tended tho Mower show
Miss Solum Hrown wont to llond
lnut week to seek cinplownout.
Mra. Cook and daughter llessle
wont to Ilend last week from which
plnco Miss llessle Cook, left for Illi
nois to ngaln touch school In a small
town near Chicago
Mr, and Mrs. Ale (illmnre are out
from Ilend
Mr and Mrs. .1 Ilpntson called hi
tho Mt. I'luo and Mllllcan Inns Suu
dnv evening
P II. .Johnson Is puttluK up more
(Hpeclnl to The Ilulletln)
POWIfil.l. Ill TIE. Aug 21 Mrs
lioHNtm Wlljcoxon wrs a business vis
itor at Itedmond Woclnesda) morn-
W P King came out Wednewhfv
nnrnlng to help Ora Poster In net
ting up the now threshing machine
Owing to the Illness of J. P. Mce
the ladlos club meeting which was
to hno boon held nt tho Hlcc h me
was chnnged to meet with Mrs. Sets.
On Tuosdav lest Mr. N. P. Alley
took Mrs. It. 1 Mooro nnd dnughters
to the lor.d camp on the State High
way above Ilend. Mrs. Mooto's son
CI) dp, works there but thoy did not
see him ns ho was too far nnnj rrom
camp TJiov enlocd n plecsant vis
It with Mrs Wlllcoxon.
Claud McCaillev of the C. 0 I
Co , of Deschutes was a business vis
itor In this vicinity Monday.
lllllv Cochran was In Powell tluttp
recently trjlng to dlsposo of two line
horses ,
Mr nnd Mrs E, H llussett were
Prlnevlllo visitors Tuesdny.
N'ew's was received from Mrs Ij
W V.m Doren of the of her
mother nt N'orth Ynklma, Wnshlng
ton. tho flrht of last week. Mm Van
Doren hns been with her mother for
some weks past
Wheat prices are on tho Increase
liuvers offering $1 07 for this )o..r's
cioii now, before It Is even cut.
Mr nnd Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon vis.
ited nt IlussettH Siindnv. They took
Harriott back with them.
Mr nnd Mrs. Davidson of Ilend
were dinner guests nt.Ueovea Willi
cnxon's home Sunday
Mr. nnd Mrs A. W. nnyi. Miss
Hn7ol Ilavn nnd J. A. Hlggs lsltcil
nt Deschutes ThurJdr.y.
Mr nnd Mrs .1. U Glhson end the
Hev. nnd Mrs Allpn wcro dinner
r.ucsts nt tho Peter Pauls home Sun
dav The basket social Prlday evening
wth a moat successful affair, the sum
or $72 help.'? realized to ho used In
pnlntlng the hall. The committee
having tho nrrnlr In charge vvnB .1 A
Hlggs, Delbert Pronch, nnd tho Mis
sos I Inel Iln.Mi nnd llna Moore A
sliort program Was given hofore the
biiskots woio Bold Plve dollars was
the highest prlco paid roi n basket
and one dollar the lowest Ono of the
Insrruc'ois from Heed Collogu In
Portlsnil gave u shoit talk and nn
oxlilbitloo of some or tho uthletlcs
tnught thoro Tho event was a most
euo)uhlo one to all present.
The Drs Cook and tholr wives and
their mother woto visitors at the
Tu,ck ranch tho ourlj part of the
week Then own nil lirlgated rnutli
near Tucks
Humid Chai ltou made tho tilp "in
Runila) on his moloiejcle for u shtt
visit Ht llOlllH
lleitimn Allen nud tho Missus Ma-
lend-Silver Lake
and way points
Walter Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer
Auto Stage and Truck Co.
Iicl and Minnie Allen wero dinner
guests nt tho Huston home In Prlne
vlllo Thursda).
Mrs. Agee nnd Mrs. Klssler nnd
children drove to Redmond Ttio3day
nnd when unt.vlng the horse It be
enme frightened and pulled back, get
ting Its u Idle ofT. It then ennic
home nnd loft the ladles. Mr. Senrs
brought Mrs. Ageej nnd children
home and Mr. Klssler brought his
slater nnd children home.
Will Brown visited the's at
Deschutes ono dny last week,
J. A. Rlggs, Miss l.lnn Moore,
nnd Miss Josephine Mnncenu motor
ed to Suttles Lake Sunday,
Miss Minnie Allen left Sunda)
evening for her homo In Slonx City,
Iowa. Slip Is taking tho route
through Cnnnda.
Helen Reed Is stnlng with her
grandmother, Mrs. Tuck, vhllo hor
parents are on n trip to the moun
tains Cl)de Mooro came down from Ilend
Prldav evening to spend tho week
end with lionin folks nnd to attend
tho basket social,
N. P. Alloy, Mrs. Alma Hall. Mrs
E. N. Hall and Miss Orlsn Sears' left
Moneloy for Portland In Mr Alloy's
car. Miss Sears expects to reninln
In Portland nbout 10 dn)s. While
there sltei will visit tho nurses train
ing school In which slio Is vcrv much
Interested. Mrs. Aluwv .Hall expects
to reninln for sovernl weekB. Mr Al
ley will go to the const for his fam
ily. Mrs. Johnstone came out to spend
several dajs nt th'e Yntes ranch
where Mr. Johnstone In vvoiklng.
Miss Ruth Poster Is nt homo
ngaln nfter nn extended visit with her
brother In Idaho.
Mr. nnd MrB Henry Young visited
nt Ilussetts on Sunday. In the o cu
ing Mrs. Ilussett returned to Red
niond with them nnd wilt reninln n
few dn vs.
.loo Elliott and Mr. Stefra started
tholr bender tho first of the week
Thoro nro now three of these mn
chlnes nt work In our Immediate vi
cinity. Mrs. J M Shearer linn Just re
turned finni n visit nt Ilend
'Mr nnd Mrs. duv Sears. Mr nnd
Mis. Tiuosdnlo rnd Mr Allov ninelo n
trip to the mines nbovo Prlnevlllp
on Sunda) In Mr. Allo's car, and
Mr Rhode took Mr. nnd Mis Skeeno
and Mrs Renelow
Several nuto loads of nwvi from
this neighborhood went to Ilend Mon
dnv morning to nttond the meeting
of tho stato commissioners end vv.itei
useis nssoclatlon nud members or
tlio ditch coinp.iuv. Among those
attending woio Mr. Mustnrd. Mr
Rlggs. Mr Hrazoe, Mr. Glhson, Mr
Truosdalo, Tom Houston, Mi Skicno
nnd J. .1. Chapman
W. Nixon, 1st: Mrs. Ucach. 2nd; red,
Mrs. C. V. Sllvls, 1st tallest, Mrs.,
Reno West, 1st; Mrs. J. A. Urlnklcy
2nd. ,
I'hlov Ann.unl, Margaret Wlost,
1st; peiennlnl, Mrs. J. A. ilrlnkloy,
1st, Mis .1. Reed 2nd. '
rover Pew Mrs. Henry Mnster,
lBt; Mm h. A. W. Nixon, 2nd
CcntiiiiicJi Mih. A. M, Prlugle,
1st; Mrs .1 liiiio.s, 2nd.
Mignonette Mrs. H, J. Suttong,
1st; Mrs 1.. A. "W. Nixon, 2nd.
I.aveiulei Mrs. llpnch, 1st
l,ovc-lu-tJic-MNt Mrs. J. A Ilrln
klcy 1st ,
Mourning Hi trie or Huibroso Mrs.
G. II. Purst, 1st; Mrs. J. N. Iljrani, I
2nd I
.Svvett Pcii He3t regardless of
color, Mrs 11. G. Norton, 1st, Mrs, I
H. E. Allen, 2nd; host hunch solid1
color, E A Smith, 1st; Mrs. II. E.,
Allen, 2nd, greatest variety, Mrs.
Rone We.U. 1st; Mrs. E. Neff, 2nd
AMci Ilcht collection, Mrs. Clnr
enra Miinuhclmor, 1st.
Cuniatlons llpst collection, Mrs.
P. S. Francis, 1st.
Itoset Ilest collection, MrB, II. E.
Allen. 1st, Mrs. J, C. Vandovort, 2nd.
Piiir-lc"' A r 1 1 a tic arrangement,
Mrs. L C Rudow, 1st; Mrs. II J.
Overturr, 2nd
Siinilower, Tallest, Mrs, Reno
West, 1st, Mis. J, A. Ilrlnklpv, 2nd.
Potted plans Gornnlums, Mrs, C.
S. Hudson. 1st; pink, Mrs. .1. W.J
I inn t cr. 1st nnd 2nd; red, Mrs. E.
M. Thompson, 1st Icllvln, Mrs. Hugh
O'Kane, 1st; fetus, Mrs. C. S. Hud
son, 1st. Mrs. Hugh O'Kune, 2nd;
begonia, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, 1st;
pnlur, Mrs. Hugh O'Knno, 1st nnd
2nd; cactiiB, Mrs Henry Muster, 1st;
P. If. Dcncer, 2nd; fiiBchla, single,
Mrs- .1. W Hunter, 1st nnd 2nd.
Ilest hunch of wild llcmcis Mrs.
Earl Mnlkson, 1st; M. E, Knotts, 2d.
Ilcj.1 DNplii) of Assented Emits
.Miss M A Ilenson, 1st; Mrs. .1. D.
Davidson, 2nd.
Vegetables Rest collection with
Irrigation, Mib. Henry Muster; host
collection without Irrigation, Kiln
Ricks largest cabhngo, T. .1. Saun-i
dors beans, .Mrs. E. NofT; c.iiillllow-l
er, S A Dick rudlshos, Mrs. E. Nctt,
carrots, Mrs E. No IT, turnips. E. A.
Anil InvcstlKnte our prices
licfoio lui)lng jotir grocciles.
We can save jou money.
Mllllcan, Ore. Tclopliono
Smith; leaf lettuce, E. A. Smith
head lettuce, MrB. McPnrlnnd; beets
T. .1. Saunders, potntoes, T. J. Satin
dors; endive, Mis. E. Neff, onloni
Mrs. E. Nert.
Children's Depai tiiicnt.
l'lowcrs Sweet pens, Avlll Hnnna.
1st nud 2nd; nasturtium, Eveba
Clark, 1st; popples, Alpha Inman
1st; Allono Dcesle), 2nd; pnnsles, A
Hunun, 1st; Alleuo Ileesley 2nd
pinks, Avcrlll Haniin, 1st nnd 2nd
calendula, Robert Spencer, 1st; win
flowers, Howard Wntson, 1st, Alplu
Introin, 2nd; ccntnurla, Prances lieu
burn, 1st; best general display, lies.
Hie Smith; urtlstlc nrrnngementB of
panslcs, Nctn Whltworth, 1st, Helen
Downing, 2nd, stttillouer, John Cald
well, 1st, llcsslo Smith, 2nd.
Vcgetnbles Cabbage, Richard
Smith, 1st; turnips, Robert Powell,
1st; peas, Robert Powell, 1st; leat
lettuce, Dorlo I'nttls, 1st; beets, Mar
lon Slither, 1st; radishes, Robert
Powell, 1st; cauliflower, Richard
Smith, 1st; best gonernl collection ot
vegetables, Robert Powoll.
Comuietrlal Club cii Rest dl.
play general flowers, fin per cent gen
ornl variety und CO per cent perrec
Hon, won by Mrs. C, S. Hudson,
Mrs. .1. Innes, 2nd,
Emblem Club Cni Most nrtlftlu
nrinngement or Mowers, won liv Mrs.
C. S. Hudson, E. A Smith. 2nd
Stiii let Kln Mrs, H, K. Ilrooks,
1,11) Mrs 11 K. nrooks, 1st.
Ituiubler Rose Mrs. Addlo Mini
dock, 1st, Mts J Innes, 2nd
(Continued from Pnge 1 )
- .1iCA
BJKBBQi abM ii I I ,
It's the uniform unva
rying heat of a Rood oil
stove, nnd the oerfect
control, that keeps tho t
juices in that pre
serves tho savory
Koodness of the meat
and gives that even
brownneas nil over.
tastier f oasts
a cleaner, cooler
kitchen, and less
fuel expense
All th.convent.n if
K. CooVs oveiythl -g
will cooV, but Aeops
v'our kitchen cool.
The loon tilu. chim
li) a do aw ay with till
snioV. srnl smell In 1,
i,3amH-butner. e",
ovens septt.te. Alt j
cabinet modeU with
PiieltM CexiLioi; Ov
in, AV youi deater
S' Pinnols, 2nd.
l,po Slnltle-Mrs. It. W. Snw
)or, 1st; Rene Weat, 2nd; double,
Mrs. M McParlnnd, 1st; Reno West,
2nd; California, Mrs tlonch, 1st;
Mih. A. M Prlugle, 2nd, mixed col
ors, Mrs. A M. Prlugle, 1st: Shir
ley. Mrs. (5. II. Purst, lnt: Mm. J.
InnoH, 2nd
Phil,' Single, Mrs .1. Reed, 1st;
Mis. Hour) Duster, 2nd. double,
Mrs J N. II) ram, 1st and 2nd; Chi
nese, Mis. I. A W Nixon, 1st, Mis.
J. I). Davidson. 2nd
Hose. I'lnlc. Mrs. I,. A W. Nixon
1st. Mrs. J A. Ilrlnkloy, 2nd: rod,
Mrs. A E. Picncli, 1st; Mrs, J. U.
Vsndovert, 2nd, white, Mrs, E, M.
Thompson, 1st. i. A. W, Nixon. 2nd;
.vollow, Mra J Innes, 1st; I.n Prance
.Margaret Wlest, 1st.
Pansles Mra O. II, Purst, 1st;
Mrs. .1. Reed, 2nd.
Sweet El) slum Mrs. J. A. Drink
loj 1st, Mrs. C Reesloy, 2nd.
Nasturtium Mm. J, Iliiion, 1st;
Reno West, 2nd.
liiilslts, Shasta, Mra. A E Ed
win ds. 1st; Mrs, II E. Allen, 2nd,
Afilcan. Mrs O II Purst, 1st; Mrs.
J. 1). D.ivld3oii 2nd: English, Mrs
Clarence Mtuinhelmer, 1st; Miss M
E. ColeiiKiu, 2nd
Vcihcmi" Mixed, Mrs. E. A. W
Nixon, 1st
Coreoiwds Miss M. K. Coleman,
1st: Mrs. II. C. Ellis, 2nd.
Culllojksls Mrs. J. Innes, 1st; Mrs,
H. C Kills, 2nd
Snap Dtngon Mrs. Coo, l3t: nnd
MuiIkoM Single, Mrs. J, A. nrln
kluy, 1st, double, Mrs E. Neff, 1st.
Calendula Mrs. E. NetT, 1st, Miss
M E. Coleman, 2nd.
Irfiikspur Mies M. E. Colomnn,
1st, Mra. H. C Ellis, 2nd.
(Viiil) tuft White. Mrs. C. S Hud
son, 1st; Mrs (1 11. Purst, 2nd: col
ored, E. Haniin. Ut, Mm. O. II. Purst
(Jlllardln Mra A. M Prlnglo. 1st.
Mrs Clarence Mannholuier, 2nd
Ciinterlmry Hells A. E. Smith,
1st: I' 11 Deneor. 2nd.
Salpliiglosts Mrs. C. S. Hudson,
CVsini, Mrs J. Rood, lbt: Mrs.
J. 1). Davidson. 2nd
Pox (ilovo Miss M. E. Colomnn.
1st. Mrs. C S Hudson. 2nd.
Dahlias Mrs Il.vhorg.
Petunia tumbling) Single, Mrs
A. C. l.uons, let. Mis J. I). David
son, 2nd.
(Jolileu (Row Mrs. 0. H. Purst.
1st. Mrsv J Watson. 2nd.
1 Hull) II.hK Single, Mrs. K. Neff.
1st: Mrs. 0 II Purst. 2nd; double,
Mrs, Honr Muster. 1st; Mrs. H. K
Ilrooks, 2nd.
;iuillolu.s Mrs II J. Sottong. 1st.
Mrs. E Noff. 2nd
Rugged Sailor Mrs. Ragsdalo,
1st Mrs C Heenloy, 2nd
huu 1 lovu-r llest cut, Mrs. L. A
Carlson Lyons
Plumbing A Heating Supplies, Until lloeiui cccssoilcs etc
PIPE', AI.ES AM) I irri.M.s,
PHONE RED 1.-1)1
Money to Loan
in sums from $250 to
$25,000,3 to 10 years
time. Reasonable
rates, prompt
J. Ryan (8k Co.
the coming MECCA for
Summer Pleasure Seek
ers. Ideal locations for
Tracts $75.00 to $125