The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 23, 1916, Image 1

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    --raft'&VWarWJWSSWiaWJW uTET5rBfc
The bend bulletin.
iu:m, ohkcon, Wednesday aiti:ii.voo, acucst-wv inui.
NO. Wh
Treasurer of New County Gives Ilenh
Km Why f5$i of People urn l'lens.
d Ilond Money Is Spent At
Home Citizens J'.tpeive Less
That 35 per cent of the people of
Jefferson county arc satisfied with
conditions In the new county was the
statement made by 1. VS. Harnett, of
Culver, when hero on Friday. Mr.
Harnett is the treasurer of Jefferson
county and In his official capacity Is
In position to meet the 'people ami
learn their views.
So far as tnxes are concerned, Mr.
Harnett says, In somo cases they 'are
higher than they were In Crook coun
ty and In some caseB lower, In most
cases Where the tnxes nre hlghor It
is because land or other property has
mow been properly stessed when
previously It was not properly as
sessed or not assessed at nil. In his
wa yaso li? (nxes tiro n fow tlollnr
lower lliutl !UC wore In Crook.
Even where t!? amount paid In
tnxes is hlRher than befo7H itfcordhm
Jo Mr. Harnett, most of tho res leiU8
t)f the county uro not objecting bo
onuse thoy ilRiiro that what they onve
In having the count v seat nearer
home morn than makes up for the
slightly Increased oxponse. In oth
er words the net result of hnvhiR tho
now county Is money In their pockets.
Tutthurmoro, thoy nro enjoying what
thoy neer did before and that Is
having nil thulr road tnxes spent on
their own roads. As n result there
has been more road work dona In tho
now county In tho pnHt two years
than for many years previously. This
Is a cniiHO for satisfaction.
Another feature of the flnnnrlnl
situation In tho new county Is the
fact thnt there will bo no dobt to
carry over this year. In other words
tho county tins taken enro of nil ex
penses, put considerable money 'on
i lie roads nnd Is free from debt.
Mr, Ilnrnett Is nn old resident of
Crook county having nlwnya lived In
tho vicinity of Culver nnd Madras.
He was appointed treasurer of Jef
ferson county by tho county court
when It was formed two years nco
nnd will bo elected tit the position
by tho people In the fall, having no
In dlscusshiR the growth of Ilond,
Mr Harnett recalled tho fact thnt In
1900 ho was the Unltort State cen
sus enumerator In this section and
took the renews of llnnd, finding H
people, horc.
CvhlblL nf Sur IIcmk In Shop Win
dow Ls deduced by '11 lie f.
Twenty seven siiro hens In n show
window ami none. In his own pantry
seemed so thoroiiRhly nn example nf
the uneven distribution of wealth to
someone who roamed the tt roots Sun
day nlRht that ho took mutters Into
his own hands and enforced n di
vision. Now the owners of the birds
nro looking around for sage nun
feathers and wishing they could find
the thief.
Tho birds belonged to A. K. Ed
wards, E, F. Logan and C. C Daven
port who brought them .buck Sunday
afternoon from a hunt In tho home
stead countrj Just to show the
public what the game possibilities In
this section woro they put their kill
In tho window of tho Edwards paint
tihop on Wall street where the hens
attracted considerable attention all
the evening. Monday morning they
found tho pile diminished by 13 and
the back door forced, showing the
method used by the thief In getting I
n. aoluiMin Come Tomanl Willi
Donation for Stmltorn Line. .
T H. Johnson, or Mllllcun, was the i the furniture on the ground floor wu
first in the Mllllcan section to sign j r.moved but that on the sotond floor
a deed for the right of wa) for the vva3 damnged by smoke and water.
Strahorn road Mr-JoIii.mimb.Ib,a , a f fcf , ,
last woek nnd said he was ready to .' ... ,
sign up and the deed was prepured cora", oul I0 f ,', . V.
nt once The line crosses the whole ; watched tho work of the fire lighters.
i.,-h f Mr T.ihiiRoii'x nrODertv '
w" .V ...I Itorpfceeher and nost mas-!
tor at Mllllcan and a prominent m-;
Izen of his section as well as an ear
nest supporter of tho Oregon Califor
nia & Eastern
A deed has also been signed by r.
V. Hafner. a corner of whoso land is
crossed by the road, while II. J- Ovor
turf. who Is In the hnmentead coun
try this week, expects to briug back
vlth him a number of other deeds
revering the right of w to niley
j - There Mill lie another mill In
lleud. The Shevlln-Hlxon and -
Hrooks-Scahlon office forces will
-- meet on Sunday morning at 10
o'clock !n a base hall encounter
on the locnl KroundB. Efforts to
contract new players hnvhiR
failed the paine will he played
on force nccount. The llrooks-
nine has borrowed a Hllke auto-
mntlc stacker to stack up their
score while the Shovlln team
- plans to tise a cut-off to stop
the slaughter.
Campaign Suggested for Next Few
Week to Culminate with llanqurt-
Smoker To Erect Itoail HUtns-
To boo6t the membership of tho
Ilend Commercial Club from Its
present list of SO mombers to 200
will be the plan of the momborshlp
committee, which through Grant M,
Raymond, Its chairman, ma do Its re-
port at the Saturday luncheon at tho.
Pilot nutto Hotel. That there nro
a least 12G available firms and Indus
tries In Hend who nro not nwmbers
of the club woh tho report by Mr,
Raymond. It was siiRRcsted nlso that
the minimum monthly dues for clnli
membership be raised to $!) 00 (v
month nnd thnt tho maximum fee bo
chosen nt Hie discretion of tho per
sons taking membership. Tho con-
mlttco nlso suggested thnt firms and
Individuals belonging to the Com
mercial Club bo supplied with cards
of suitable size to bo displayed In
Ltllolr window- or In other eonsplcu-
places snowing trtnir momiier-
Khln In'" 'Up Commercial Club.
As ii rtilm'natloii of n vigorous
membership cum',u'S. " commit
tee suggested Unit a K "unquet
smnker given sometime duNlB Hie
middle of September, probably iiboilf
the l'Jth. nt which time mntters of
Importance to the town be discussed
nuil thnt it c.ipnhl- pr-rtr.n be select
ed to speak to new mombors as well
us old upon tho purposes and plans
of the club. Tho matter has been re
ferred to the directors of the dub.
If the action of the Commercial
Club at Inst Saturday Is carried out
effectively lis Is planned, tourists
coining Into Central Oregon will no
lopger be troubled with losing their
wny when trnvorslng tho highways
to and from lletid.
In lis much as the matter of the
preparation of nn exhibit ..for the
.state fnlr at Salem from (Sronk'x-iiun-
tv was thought Inadvisable this veur
the 1 100 which whs uppioprlatcd for
this exhibit will, in port, be diverted
to erection nf suitable road signs
throughout this section, adopting n
uniform scheme so that tourists will
be given proper directions Into Ilend
and to points outside. Action was
taken to appropriate a reasounblo
sum for this work and to employ a
competent person to handle tho work.
In order to Inform members of the
club as to the time of the monthly
evening meeting Mnnngur C. W. Ers
klne suggested that Invitations bo
sent out to members a few days pro
ceeding the nicotinic.
Commercial Club Ex-ulng Meeting
Huh Light Alleodaiice.
Ten men nnd two women members
of tho Ilend Commercial Club mid
the Ladles Auxiliary, did their best
on Wednesday night to get outside
100 sandwiches, n gallon of coffee
and a largo freezer of Ico cream.
Though their efforts did not meet
with a full measuro of success they
nil felt that they wero full measures
and thut they had tried to do tho
thing In the true Ilend splrl.
The occasion was the first evening
get-together meeting of tho Commer
cial Club as planned nt once of the
recent Suturduy luncheons. In ad
dition to tho light refreshments pro
vided by the club the Central Oregon
Farmers Creamery donated a freez
er of Ice cream for the evening.
Aside from the dlaciujloii of the
fond nothing was done at the meet
ing. I'KHUKM. HOCSi: Itl'ltNS.
Fire supposed to have started from
a defective stove pipe caused nearly
J2.000 damage to tho house nnd fur
niture on Third nnd Oregon street
occupied by Dr Harney Ferroll on
Friday afternoon The alarm wus
given at annul : o ciocx, wo
on tno oKan building roof
tM0 flt to see tho smoke.
given at about : o'clock, workmen
i mo ursi 10 see me smoxe. ioi oi
Eight thousand bushels of Jeffer-
ton county wheat were sold on Sat
urday at Culver to the Northern
drain Warehouse Company, of I'orl
land. The price paid Is reported to
have been $1.11 a bushel, the high
est quotation this year The farmers
In the northern counties are In the
middle of harvesting this week and
little attention is being paid by them
I to the market.
Public Service Body, in Two-Day Session, Listens to
Charges by Water Users and Company's Defense
Little Brought Out of Unexpected Nature
Directors May Consent to Audit Commis
ion Means to Have One -Company Engi
neer Leaves the Day Hearing Begins.
After a delay of nearly a year
caused by the company's attempts to
prevent the Public Service commis
sion from heariiiR the matter, the
complaint of the Central Oregon ir
rigation Company "Water Vsers' As
sociation nRalnst the company came
to a hearing before tho commission
bore on Monday, The taking of tes
timony was completed yesterday nf.
tornoou and today the members of
tho commission are making it trip
over tho project. They Inspected U?
tlumo yesterdny.
Thoso who expected testimony of
n Heusatlonnl nature to tie produced,
whenever the vottlrru and h com
pany were flnnlly hrotiKht together
before n body that would patiently
hear all 111" charges ami counter
charges that the two pitrtle? luul to
mnku against each oilier, were disap
pointed. They also wore disappoint
j el. who looked to see frequent clashes
botweon tho commission nnd the
company nltQrr.jiy, bused, ou the
company's unwillingness- to submit
to the Jurisdiction of the eonimltsion.
Except for tho short tilt between Mr.
Stearns nnd Commissioner Miller
over the question of nn audit, tho two
dnya of the hentlng woro devoid of
-r Jl reworks.
Thirf clash, mnrklng tiuntlicf s)Ci
toward the long sought nnillt (if the
company's books, wtm of growl Inter
est to the settlors present.
It Almond Itepirenu Settlors.
The Ml for tlio settleis, who wero
roiUTsonted liy II. II. I),. Ariiioud. of
Ilend. unturally divided Itself Into
testimony as to shortage of tvnter for
irrigation, lis to tlm condition or the
flume, the company's mellinil of
handling lis funds and the expert
testimony of .John PuIiii'h In respect
to the capacity of the canals mid lat
erals, Mr. Dubnfs' testimony was largely
based on the leport of his cxanilna
tfon of the project nude In lull. He
rave It ns Ills (iiilnlnil Hint
fnssns on tho unfth or: far above
the umount allowed for In roust rue
Hon ami that tho Hume, with proper
maintenance, would lust until 1920.
flenernl .Malinger Hoscoe Howard, of
the company, when called ou, said
thut tho company's engineer, C. M.
Hcdlleld luul prepared u report dis
proving Mr Dubiils' contentions, but
that Mr lledlleld had left on his va
cation on Monday morning nnd would
not be back to testify until Septum- Denton (!. Ilurdlck came up from
ber. I Itedmond for a conference with (leu-
Settlers who testified to a shortage , oral Munager Howard on Moiidu
of water and Injury to their eroM party of Squaw Creek Irrigation
ut vnrlous times slnco 1!U0 were (1. Isis onme to the hearing to see ir
I.. Ilraree. J. 1,. (llbiou. John Skeeu.i tbev could net auv linn on the inon-
11. K. Allen. J. A. lllggs. (leorge
Triiesdale. C. II. Hardy. I'. .1. Young,
O. C. Cardwoll. Frank l.e May. II. I,,
Van Mutre, John Swlgurt, and S. A.
Outt. Other witnesses for Iho com-
plnlnants were Miss Ida C. Young,
who testllled concerning the Water
Csers Association, and N IV Vlnutnl i
who g.ivo evidence tending to show Commissioner Corny did not Iirvo
thut the IIiiiuh was lu a shaky con. a word to m during the whole hour
dltlon when ho had charge of It. : lug.
IMileiirc I'lit'oiitriiillctcil. (iialriiwin Miller Impressed over-.
Except for Irjlng to show In cross body with his fairness and desire to
examination that the witnesses did get at the bottom of things.
(I'Yoin tlio olllclal ieMiit nf the. lieiulug.)
Mr. De Aiiiioml (After iixklng for tho pioiliictlnii of vnrloii.H coin,
puny iMMikh anil ntoriN,) Hut H-iliaps Unit would I the Mime If
some engineer or auditor of the coiuiiillon uoulil luie the, prUilrgo
of ninlltlog tlntxe iMMikit anil rrortliig to the comiuUhlon of their
roiidlllou. H would vrn the (.ume purpn.e us having tlio ImhiL
Coiiiiiil-Hloiirr Miller. I think thut U the belter wny. Thf mm.
liiUkiou tt ill m-iuI ItH uitilltor nml tnkr off tiuch iui omits iih un lie
ccKxary from the i'oiiimu)''m IhmiKn. Wo uw.iiine, of cou-m, thut llie
roiiipiiny will give our uiutltor Hie pilvllege of Midi InveMtlgutlou
tut K nrnar)' lo guln tliU Inforiiuitiiin. '
Mr. StejiniK. (Vrtululy. Oh, Mile.
ConimUloner Miller. Willi that iiiitlorMuiiiling thn i-oinpuii)1
ttlll not Ik roiulrnl to iroiliire (he ImmiUh ut this tlm.
Mr. SteaniN. I will iuillfy thut b) tu)lux tlmt until It U llmilly
ileterniiiitil tlmt thr iiiumNloii ban Jiirl-illcllini wo mlglit olJe-t
to Uuit.
CoiiiiiiUiMiuer Miller, Well, we will iletemilun we Iiuvo JurU.
illctlon iluht now, then, If Jim me going in object to nn(hlng. W
urn Mifetly willing lo lie Jut us coiisUtent iiud reufouuhtn In this
u wo rim. Wo don't want, lo be arbitrary. We On fevl, howmrr,
that In lliit-o iuvmliptlloiK Hie oiiiiiillon hlinuld he rcii tho help
of tho roiiipiiny liiHofar iu It U potolble for the iouiiuiiy to K'liiteii
HiIh iihkUtume him) If yon feel )ou me going lo object lo our iiinlilotf
milking ii li luteMliMlinii witlmiit the ilrtermliiiilloii by the coiiimN.
hlnti that wo liutp uuthority wo will iiimiiii authority right now upil
n will procifil wild the iiiileituiidliig (but Iho iiiiiiiiIkIoii bus
iiosuiiietl authority In this prottsnlliig uml Hint our iiudllor will Iki
given the privilegn of Jnvestigiltliig thn rrorU ami iircoiiuis of thn
Mr, MeuriiH. Well. I want lo mi) this ufler tonsutlliig with .Mr.
Howard. So fur um I uut m-ioou1I) (oiuerneil I liuve no objiwjtlon
lo Mibiiiittlug Ihe lKM)k uml I don't know wltut the tilt t-itoir, may
wty. There air to other illie1oi llln, now. And ho fur ut I um
coiicetniil I hlmll welcome orl of lutmtlgatioii uml I wish Ut
Mty that I imwi't hud uu opporluuit) lo confer with Hie other di.
nrtoi. I liavn no aiilboilty us itlloiue to lU'i.full) ou my own ti
oponslbllity hut I will Mty thU, If Hie other lilrei-tiii-H feci u I do
there will 1k uu nbjecllon.
(iniioLslpuiiirr Miller. All right. Thank joii.
Mr. Sleums, I will not Idork anjtiitiiK.
not have sufficient technical knowl
edge to measure the water us It came
to them, and therefore could not say
whether or not thoy received", tho
water to which thoy wero onUtJiwK
no effort was made by Jesse StynniH,
attorney for the company,, to, ion,
trndlct the ovldenco us tiv n, water
shortage on the witness muds.
Claude MuCnuley. superintendent of
maintenance, did, however, (entity
that tho company was now Installing
wlers or measuring Uovlcw unit that
dollverles were being cnvetully mns
ured us fust thv weirs witre Install
oil. On lehnlf of tho compjuy l'lume
Tender Watson testltled ns to plans
now under consideration for tho Im
provement of the tlunio..Ile said that
tile flunie was now carrying inn see
nnd feet nnd showi-il less leakage thlr.
year llmjj t-ver before.
AV. W. lloMiuil 1'1-iippolnts.
One witness for the hottleis who
hail been expected to produce some
startling evidence us to -the manner
In Nilitcii Iho company expended the
malntennnce fees received b It was
W. V. Howard, formerly fi'sliler fop
tl e ci mpany. On Uio slutul, liowever,
Mr Howard produced nothing if
muih interest exreiil that maluten
flncP fees owed by -Messrs. Steams
mid Ktnulet, oillccis of the company,
ill.liiuds they had puiclmseil, wero
taken fine or. In his time, by the ill-rccloi-H
uillllg them salaries nRalnst
w'tiijcli the over due fees woro charg
ed On tliV conclusion of evidence
Chalrnii'ii .Miller arranged with coun
sel ror tho filing of briers nn the hiiIi
Ji'ct of Jurisdiction unit' after the
Altdlt. if one Is mode. The commis
sion hill then give Its repnit nt as
early u Ante as possible. This icport
will elthiii' give I he company a clean
bill of health' Or order It to do ror
tain things bv Way of maintenance
nnd repair or In spending the main-
totiiitirc funds,
'S?H bearing was held by (ln full
commission, Frank S Milter. Thou.
K. Cumpbell and II II. Corny, who
arrived Monday morning accompan
ied by Reporter I.. I). I.oedy. They
will leave tomorrow for Hums whom
a telephone ease will bo heard. They
will nlso Inspect the new railroad up
the .Malheur canyon to Crane.
Xolex on the Healing.
cr procedure for them to takn to unit
the troubles they are having
Engineer Itedlleld's absence from
the hearing cuiuud considerable com
ment. John Dubois seemed to bo afraid
of bolug pulled Into u trap bv Jesse
Stunrns. nttornov for the romiinnr
The School Dlstrlc
pose ofotlng
Hon for the purpose
S2ri,000 in bonds for n new
school Iniibliiig will be held on
Friday nt the Itnld school. The
polls will be open from 2 until
7 o'clock At a mooting of the
school board Inst week the one
story type of building was decid
ed upon nnd plnns are now be
ing drawn. Every voter ls
urged to vote for the bonds on
Friday In order to. provide ac
comodations for tho Increasing
school population.
I. J. Allen, of RxtMilon Department
Says IakuI 1:iiHm nro of High
SMuuUrv Credit U line.
Utah praise for the. work being
done hy local school children In tho
school gardens and thn canning club,
and. for their director. Mrs. J. I).
Davidson, was given by I. J. Allen,
con.neo.tcd with the oxteuslon servlco
of tho Oregon Agricultural Collcm-,
whon here on Monday, According to
Mr. Allen the results obtained hero
In this work aro greater than In any
other plnro lie iuib vlfUed.
One tintuhln ffrtturu of the sum
"'.T'S VOl, ll. lie Hh deinonstrntlon
to bo given liy tho Blrl's canning club
nt the county fair. Methods of can
ning surplus meats, fruits nnd vege
tables will bo shown and there will
also bo shown specimens of tho work
of clnli memJiers In sewing, baking
and vogetablo raising.
Mr. Allen, who touting the state
In the IntoroHln of the boys ami girls
club work, spokn very eiitlnislnstlc
ally of tln work done liy Mrs li.ivld
sop. All through the sniumer site lias
spent every forenoon with the chil
dren working lu the Ran1i)ll.1 Tilltl l-
Ing the girls canning lessons In her
own homo without compensation.
Mr. Allen left for l.a l'lno Monday
Ulpht. k
Hcnlcr Sulleiv With 1'iilnfiil Itullet
Hole lu Knee.
Ills knen shattoied by a bullet
wound, without food or water for
fpui dnya nlNjiLiiojXl8al(tttton.
tlon for soven davit, ,'nnrles Judge,
nn employe In tho sheep camps of
.1. N. Williamson, of I'rlnnvllle, was
brought to llnnd Thursday by E. (I.
Itourk, of Crescent for medical at
tention. While covering the range nn the
I'mpqiiu with the camptander, the
rltle. carried by the camptelidnr, was
accident!) dlschnrged. Iho bullet en
teriug .ludgo's log and coming out
rhiitterlng tho kuuo cap. Judge whs
carried to cnnip by the tender who
started for Crescent ror assistance.
The lender wus lost ror sovnnil davs,
during which time Judge wus with
out either food or wutor Ah a pre
ventative uicnliiHt Infection sheep dip
was applied In the wound before
bringing Judge to Ilend. Dr. Van
devert. reports Judgu'tt condition us
much Improved.
S. ('iNiloglcnl Honey lo MnK
('Hue Fulls (Jiliidiiiogle,
Under the supervision of Thomas
fi. (lerdlne. 'head of the Northwest
division of tho United Stales Honing-
leal Hiirvov, preliminary arrange
ments me now being made to make
the permanent survey of thn (Minn
Falls iiuudrangle, which Includes
Ilend. Thn north limit of thn map
will bn In tho vicinity of Culver, and
the whole will cover nn area of KfiO
sqiiuru mllus.
So far us possible, previous Gov
ernment survi))s In connection with
local Irrigation projects, and Nation.
ul forest und other land mutters, will
no utilized. The mupg are of great
value to Him sections covered, as they
show all natural features, Including
contours, und ate mudii with tho ut
most accuracy
Wrokmon who aro taking send
from the Horse cave, u fow miles
northeast of town, this morning
found blankets there und u nolo sign
ed ) Francis lien. Hie H your old
v n or A L Itsff. saying that at ti
o'clock ho Intended to commit mil
c.dc. It bus since been leumed that
In obtuilied u small rltle yiwterday
afi'-rnoon. following a piiiilihmout
given hy hi father, and that he was
not home last night. No body has
lien found und It Is Htlplinsoil that
ho uunndouod his rush Idea hut has
hoeii unwilling to return horns. Ho
wus sotn ubout fi o'clock lust night
eoiiUng toward town from tha cave.
Hex reborn are now trlng to find him
The Hoy SwmU. under tlm dliec
Hon of Itev. II- C. Hurlrunft, ro
tumsd to Ilend on Friday morning
from a 10 days outing near the Van
devert ranoh up the Dolintes river.
I'lenty of outdoor exorcise and oajnp
dlnclnllne was afforded to tho boys
on the trip
! Lll 1 1 Lll Ui
Mrs. O. S. Hudson Tftkci Two rrLa,
clpM lrli ChllOrrMi't DLtpbi;
Attracts Much Attention Xtr
tablr-i Vv of High Quality, j
If there be any who holds the pri
slmlstlo view that flowers can't bo
grown under tho most tavornblo cir
cumstances In Ilend at Its 3,600 foot
altitude, thnt person would have had
that unfavorable opinion taken out
of hltn If he attended tho sixth an
nun! Flower Show given under th"
nusplce3 of the Library Club on Fri
day In tho O'Kane building.
This lust spring certainly was onn
of the few unfvoriHy vuo for th
CultlvTillon ntu early tualurlty of
tlowors, Cool days with lato frost
wero tho clinractvrUtlcs W Iho sprlnrt
of 1010, yet tho flowers on display
ut the Flower Show' wero tuoro abun
dant, of equal qtiullty und beautly to
the flowers grown In Ilend last year.
With the. ;.;:,! exception of tlm
roses, which did pol nppenr In a'
large numbers ns hmt ivuf nt tlm
show, thn Flower Show was bctler
thiiu tho 1015 show. There wortV
moro flowers nml morn ffnietles than
lust KM.
It must not bo ftirgotluu thnt, al
though tlm Library Chili has cullnl
Its annual show n Mower show, veg
ot ables play uu Imiportiiul part It
vvos ngroeil liy sown of tho Judge
who HOived lust year lu that imparity
Hint the, wtotubles worn nf better
quality limn tho vegetables nn dls
piny ut tin ll'lfi show'.
The number of entries lu e'ridnv A
display exceeded Hio" entries of tho
ll'ld show by Ti7. The onlrles this
year htimbeied (117. Tint llrst ynnr
of the show thnrt worn IU entrlo".
Mrs. C. K. Hudson took both tin
prlnnhml prUs, tile Commnrclnl Club
cup frr the best general display, unri
tli is'n tilni, Cliih'euii rnr, iho niot
'ifftisi'oi&iViiehf m iirrh,)v"ni
the former class Mrs. .1. limes wa
awarded second place and In the Int.
tor chiHsim E. A. Smith was awarded
second place.
Chllilreu'N Display Inleiists,
Tlm exhibit of tho children who
have been engaged lu the school gar
den work for the last siivernl niontha
was large und plonslnglv displayed.
The vegetables were of u good qual
ity and there wre many of them
The Mowers held up lu a class dls
pluvoil b tlm more expel loured per
sons who entered for prizes. Tin
(llrls Canning Club luul several ex
hibits or canned fruits, vegetable;!
iiud meals which iitlriit'tcil consider
able iittniillon.
The vegetable exhibits nf Mrs
Henry l.luster, v1io won llrst prlr
ou the host general collection, T. J
Snjiler uml Mrs. K. .s'Bff, worn fsr
above the averiigu for Irrigated pro
ducts. Sitirl Tea l Thrifty.
It Is evident Unit Hut swoet pua I'
the most thrifty Mower for Iho llen.l
climate. In variety of color, hardi
ness, uml fiagrnuce thp sweet pe.i
out ranks any other Mower than Is
grown In llen'd. CiirniilloiiH run th
sweet iea u close race. The e.irnutUm
enlrloH worn much moro oxtonnh
thiiu ever Imforo. Tho roses, whnt
there were if tliuni, worn of u better
quality I ban hut year.
Tho Judges of Um show were: Mrs
F L. Shaw, Sisters, Mrs Kmie, Mad
ras; Mrs. J. M. Iiwrrnce. Ilond; Mm
Moutelln Cue, Ilend; Miss Jeanettw
Colemnn, Cblcuigo; W. D. Unmet,
Tiiinulo, unit F. S. Francis. Ilend.
The prizes awarded were us fol
lows; Hweet iVas Fink. K. A. Smith,
lit. Mrs. (I. II. Furst Slid: Ited, 1
C Furst. 1st. E. A. Smith, Snd,
white, V.. A. Smith, 1st: Mrs. J
Heed, 2nd. luviindnr. K. A. Streltb.
1st. Mrs (1 II. Fnrt.t, Slid; ornngx.
or salmon, E A. Smith, 1st; .Mrs (i
II Furst. 2nd: cream burr, Mrs. O
II. Furst. 1st, Mrs. A. M. I'rlngl
tin), eromii pink, Mm C. H. Iliulson.
1st. Mrs. II K. llrooks. Stnil; oerUt
Mrs (i II Furst, 1st. Mrs J. A
lirlnklev. (ml; prnnlul. Mm.
ltded. Ul. Mis M K Coleman, tml
dark red or claret, Mrs. J. A ilrluk
ley. 1st. IS llauiiu, it ml, pin pie. Mr.
0. II. Furst. 1st: Mm. C. S. llmUou.
.'lid: mottled or varlsguteil. Mrs. ti.
II. Furst. 1st. Mm. J. Hoed. ind.
Astmr I'lnk. Mrs (!. 8 Hudson.
1st. red. Frank M-iy, 1st: whlt.
Frank May, 1st. A K. HilwariU. Snd
lavender. E. A. Smith, lat.
Carnations ('Ink, p, h I'rnucU.
1st. Mia ItoiU Jliiutor, Slid: red
Mrs. (S. II Furst. Ut; F. B. Franels.
Snd. White, Mrs J. lnuH. Ut: F
(Continued yu pugvi :.)