Kl jiijVJWtjjYjiiiJi-frffWJXJSK&iiJi1 lm'Vt" TIIK 11KN1 Ill'M.KTl.V, IIKXIK, ORK., WKDXKSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. PAGE . THE DESCHUTES RANGER j& j& FOR JULY j& j& - Tho Crontlppleco of tho Deschutes Rangor for July, Just Issued from the local supervisor's ofllce. Is a view of the Paulina Peak lookout sti.tlon taken In 1914. At that tlmo the station wen a rough shelter, while a stunted tree whoso top wns reached by a ladder, formed tho look out point. Tho peak Is now provided with a houro and a staliorary end accur ately oriented Osborne Fire Finder. Tlie lookout according to tho Hanger, can be said to havo reached tho sec c.id ctago of development. Ultimate ly such primary lookout points will be provided wtth glassed In lookout towers and the tower Itself will bo ..the living quarters of tho observer. E.rrct8 from Tho Rr.nger follow: A new policy la being cstbbllslicd by the Forest Service In bringing ac tion against "trespassors In ranga matters. The old policy wr3 to bring action against the owner of the stock when trespass occurred, but undor tho present policy action will bo brought against tho man di tcctly responsible for tho handling of the stock. A case has recently been closed whore Barney Parks of Hor- f' ncy, Oregon, a camp tender In cnarge or u uanu oi suecp, was ar rested and fined $G0 for wtlfull vlo lrtlon of his sheep grazing permit. "Within tho presont exterior boun daries of tho National Forests, tho service favors tho acquirement of lands now prlvatqly owned but nult nble and deslrnblo for National For est purposes. Also, where tho lands are Immediately adjacent to a Forest and their Inclusion within tho Forest unnlH mnkn no pnotl nr brttnr lintin- ilpry lino and Increnso our nrer. of tlmlior nrniludncr Innil without ndil- lng to tho cost of protection and ad- I ministration, tne acquirement or such lands Is desirable. In no caso will tho Servlco approve tho acquire ment of lands chiefly valuablo for ag riculture, whether timbered or cut over. In acquiring utich privately owned 1.-lids It is prcferablo to sccuro them In exchange for unreserved unpro tected nreas. It may bo possible to acquire scnttored cut over timber lands within n National Forest In ex change for solid blocks of unreserved crnzlni? limits, tlm rnnHnlidntton of such grazing lands outsido tho For est making thenn nioro desrnblo for prlvuto use tlmn the cut over timber lauds In their scnttored condition In nlilo thn Forest. In this wnv a lum ber company mny uxchaugo Its hold ings for lands which will find a ready ' urilc to stockmon." One of tho established policies of tho Forest Servlco Is tho develop ment of unused rnngo and following the lend of tho Washington and Dis trict olllri's. this forest Is snaring no effort In endeavoring to dovclop the lr.v rango In tho Fort RocK country. Thef rult of our offorts so far will Insure the use of tho r.-ngo along the extremo eastern edgo of tho Forest In the llomstad vnlley teglon. J. K. lllnton of Shanlko will run 1920 head of dry ewes on what con prob ably best be designated as tho "Fox llutte" range. This oxporlmont on the part of Mr. lllnton to utlllzo the dry rango will be watched with con siderable Intorest on tho part of sev eral other Interested Bhcop owners. Siiei'vlilon. Forest oillcora of tho Deschutes vrp otico more requested to consid er fire prevention, detection and Htipprcsslon work their chief activity. No Mhor c!aE8 of forest sorvlco work will bo permitted to intorforo In the le. st degreo with the work or ror st protection. During the early part of July nomo ulx c.r sovoii trr.ln loads of sheep wore counted frotw the stQckyards In llcnd This Is a dopnrturo from tho usual custom of counting tho sheep i-fter they have entered tho Forest rtid will saVo the rangore consider able time In travollng to and from counting corrals and save tho herd ore and packers considerable extra trrulo In presenting their stock for counting. The Forest Sorvlco Is having no littlo trouble- In securing range for tho sheepmen who find It necessary to hold their bands on the east side of the mountains until tho snow has nuiilclently disappeared from the mountain posses to permit tho sheep lo cross to their allotments on the west side of the Cascades. The snow Is unprecedently deep and' It Is believed that cons'derablo range will be lost to sheepmen this season through the failure of the snow to recede from tho higher portions of their habitual allotments. nwiiie to the lack of sufficient travel funds which will enable Rang or Wii Vahn and Guard C C Matin to work on the proposed west side Davis Lake road and Dcvis Creek llrldpe the protective force In the Davis Lake district Is engaged In ex tensive station Improvements. A division fence has been placed across the pasture; some time has been spent In slashing the encroaching Jack Pine, which threatens to reduce the carrying capacity of the pasture. Also. Mr. Mahn Is getting out mater ial for a tool house and wagon shed. The past results accomplished by Mr. Mahn In such linos of wcrk Insures that tho present structure will pre sent an exceedingly neat and attrac tive appearanco and will be built In a thoroughly workmanlike manner. Not to exceed $20 from tho Improve ment fund will bo diverted for this purpose. "That National , Forests contain 1200 watersheds which supply cities and towns with drinking water. Forty per cent of the population of Oregon and Washington dorlve their water from this same source." "Fourteen million head of cattle and sheep of all ages are pastured on tho Notional Forests annually." "That wild burros In the Grand Canyon of tho Colorado aro increas ing rapidly" Is tho report from n ran ger on tho Tusayan National Forest, who snys that the littlo animals, In their search' for rorage, are finding thejr wny to tho top In such numbers r.s to constitute a nuisance. Accord ing to the Forest ranger, there ore thousands or tho anlmnls In tho Grand Canyon." A Woman's Kindly Act. Mrs. G. H. Evcland, Duncan Mills, III., writes: "I was stricken with lumbago, unablo to turn In bod. A neighbor brought Foloy Kidney Pills. Sho had been similarly afflicted and they cured hor. I was cured by three bottles." If the kidneys do not func tion, lumbago, rheumatism, aches, pains, are apt to result. Sold every where. Adv. - ---- DO YOU KNOW THAT? - Tha hand that carr'es food - - to tho mouth can ntto c: y dlj- - ease germs? Hcclth Urst Is tho highest - form of safety first? - Tuberculosis and poverty go - hand In hand? - Tho U. S. Public Health Ser- vice will send a booklet on tiles and disease, gratis to all applicants? - The breast fed baby has the best chanco? -- Physical fitness la prepared- -- ncss against disease? Pnsumcrln Is a corhnuir.t- cable disease? - Cockroaches may carry dls- - ease7 Lovirrrs succkssoii n.mi:i. (Spokesman.) M. . O. Evans, assistant county agent leader, was hero yesterday and Informed us that It. A. HIaucliard, now at Great Falls, Montana, had been engaged for Crook county to succeed A. H. Lovett. We havo known of Mr. Illanchnrd and his work for several years and ofton thought he would be one man who could make good as successor to Mr. Lovett. He Is an Oregon man and wants to return to the state. MKX WANTED. We need several more good men. Wages $3 per day. Board $5.2G a week. Rend 11 rick & Lumber Com pany. Adv. 21tfc Going, Going, Going VES, and the Groceries and Furnishings we nre otter ing at the sacrifice cost prices will soon be gone. Our last week's business shows that the people believe that we are giving them the best prices that have ever been ottered in Bend. This Sale will continue for only a short time because the goods are going at a rec ord breaking pace. Read these prices and be convinced. FIIUIT .IA11H. Kcomimy. Reg. pints J 1.00; sale 7.Tc Reg. quarts Sl.lfi; sale Hoc Mason, Reg., pints 8c; sale 7()c Reg., quarts $1.00 salo; HOc Reg. halfs $1.20; cnle 115c WASH HOARDS. Reg., rlumlnum COc; salu ...itor Rog., brass 0c; salo il.Tc rOKFHK. Reg., A0c, sale :1:2c Reg., 3r.c; sale i!7c Reg., :iOc; salo uiic Reg.. C pound can coffee $1.00; salo Si. 10 Reg., 3 lb. can coffee $1; salu H.Tc (illllt.UtDKIXrtt GROUND CHOCOIiATK. Reg., 1 lb, tins 3"o;. ttale .'tile ItAKING POWDER (K. ('.) Reg., 80c; sale l()c Reg. COc; sale ilHc Reg. 25c; sale UOe Reg., lCc; salo 2 for U."Jc Reg.x 10c; salo 3 for 'J.ic DRIED PRUNES. Reg., 2G lb. box $2.7.1; Bale u!.no UPTON'S TEAS. Heg Vt lb. 40c; salo . :i()c PURESOltGIIOI. Reg., 10 II). can $1.K.; satclt.V Reg. 5 lb. can Ofic; sale noc FRUIT .IAR RINGS. Reg., 10c doz; sale ftc HEIXZ CATSUP. Reg., 25c; sale 'Mc MATCHES. 7 boxes for -Mc MEN'S FURNISHINGS SllOlxt, All $6.00 shoes now . fil.no All $5.00 shoes now SI. (id All $ 1,00 shoes now ijui.oo All $4. HO shoes now tjui.fio All $3. CO shoes now S-..10 HOYS SHOES. All $3.2C shoes now ., $l!.:t.1 All $2.85 shoes now $'J.m All $2, CO shoes now iji'.!.oo All $2.35 eIiocs now SI. HO MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Clitiliiicn. I'uixjsknlt. Regular price $1; calo price ...HOc II. V. D. Regular price $1; sale prlco soc WRIGHT'. SPRING NEEDLE. Regular prlco $ 1 ; salo price hoc WRIGHT'S SPRING NEEDLE LIGHT WOOL. Regular prlco $2.50; salo prlco , SI, 7,1 MEN'S FINE DRESS SHIRTS. , Rogtilar price $1.25; sale pi Ice , . .K.1c Regular prlco $1.50; salo prlco SI. 1.1 IILACIC SATEEN SHIRTS. Regular prlco 75c; sale prlco , , l.lc KHAKI SHIRTS. Regular prlco COc; salo prlco J loc MEN"'S WORK SHIRTS. Regular prlco 75c; sale price ,-,,-Jo Bibbed Overalls and Waists Regular $1.25 Overalls, sale price. 1 $1.00 Regular $1.15 Overalls, sale price 95c Regular $1.10 Waists, sale price 90c Trousers KHAKI TROUSERS. Regular price $1.25; sale price $1.00 MEN'S PANTS. Regular price $2.00; sale price $1.10 COTTON PANTS. Regular price $1.75; sale price 91.23 MOLESKIN TROUSERS. Regular price $2.75; sale price $u.oo CORDUKOV TROUSERS. Regular price $3.00; sale price i-.lO MEN'S IILUK AND STRIPED JUMPERS. Regular price $1.25, sale price $1.00 BERT SHUEY EVERY PRICE GUARANTEED, BUY EARLY COUNTY COURT PROCEED NGS Court convened this 7th day of August, 191G, at 10 o'clock a. m pursuant to Its order of adjourn ment July 11, 191G, In regular ad journed resolon. Tho followhiij of ficers were present: G. Sprlngor, Judge, presiding; J. F. Dlanchnrd, Commlisloncr; W n r ron 11 r o w n, Cloik: E. I). Knox, Short ft; whereup on tho following proceedings wore bad, to-wlt: In the matter of tho Tumnlo Dcschutcs brldgo. Tumalo Devel opment League. Plans for wood brldgo at Titmnlo across Deschutes river oil Tumalo-Descliutos road, pre scnte'd by Tumalo Development League were presented by tho League's president, Mr. J. M. Grlflln. Said League proposed building said brldgo recording to plane submitted for the total sum of Twclvo Hundred Dollars ($1200.00). Tho proposal accepted, subject to approval of plans by County Surveyor. Court suggests that 5x10 bo used for stringers In lieu of 5xlS and that 5 posts bo used In each bent In lieu of 3 as chown In plans, niul rctluco st -Ingcrs to 9 lines In lieu of 10. When plans aro accepted or modltlori, by County Sur veyor bo shall forthwith notify said J. M. Grlllln to proceed with work. Harncs llutto County Itord. Con tinued to first dav of Soptombor term. Tumnlo Project No. 1 Road. Con tinued to first day of September term. Carlln road. Continued to first day of Soptombor term. District Attorney. Order warrant fr.vor District Attorney for $15 ro llrowster appeal. Seo order. Statu Highway Commission. On account of liiconvciiloncu of handling warrant for tho sum of $10,000 In connection with State road on Dallcs Callfornla Highway, It Is ordored that said warrant for $10,000 bo canceled when returned to County Clerk mid In llau thoreof Issue 10 Ono Thousand Dollar Warrants on tho General Fund. P. It. Rlniplo. B. 13. Vnrco. Clerk Instructed to drnw warrants In favor or tho following: P. G. Rlmplo, $12, road work; 13. 13. Vorco, $13.90, brldgo work. $7 for registering voters. Totol $20.90, .1. V. Illanchnrd. Order warrant drawn for $200 to bo need on co operative basis with City of Pilne vlllo In sinking welt another $100 foot. City of llend. Vacation plat of portion of Greenwood avenue, llend, approved and filed In office of Coun ty Clork. School District Overpaid. From Crandall's report It appearing that certain school districts had been overpaid, County Treasurer Instruct ed to correct such errors by with holding amounts shown In oold re port from funds accruing to credit of such districts and turning same Into Oenoral Fund of County. Crandall's Report. Report on a'ldll of County records received and ordered Died. Consideration of sr.mo continued. J. E. lllaurhard. Order warrant for $1000 drawn In favor of J. F. Illanchnrd fcr rood work, II. J. Overturf. Order warrant drawn favor II. J. Overturf for road work to bo reported on late. For sign palatine sea Edwards.-Adr. A Season of Torturo for Komo. Hay fever causes untold misery to thousapds. Asthma, too, counts Its sufferers by the hundreds. Fol ey's Honey and Tnr soothes that raw, rasping feeling In tho throat, relieves hoarseness and wheezing, makes breathing ensler, heals Inflam mation, permits refreshing slumber. Contains no opiates. Sold every where. Adv. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. Lois 40X105..$75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lots 50X125. $100 for Inside,' $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Aatomoble Life Accident Surety Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET. BEND. OREGON Member Portland Realty Hoard. We linow How to Swat tHe Fly If you want to sec u lllylexs Mora Just drop around. Wo will not tolerate tho nppcnwiu-o of u lly. Our bimltnry refrigerator rountcr keep our frcwli nnd KM'Uhablo goods frro front contact with dust or tlle.s. The ory best of grocery iticivlmndNo In the very bewt of condition may nluajs bo puivlinted nt BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phone Red 161 BE COOL in YOUR KITCHEN. COOK WITH Electricity Bend now has the Lowest Electric Cooking Rate in the State. Cooking and Heating Meter Rates First 100 K. W. II. in Any Month He per K. W. II. Ncxt'lUO K. W. II: in Any Month lie per K. V. II. All Over -200 JC. V. II. in Any Month, le per K. YV, II. Effective April 1st, 1H10. WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from $10 up which we sell on easy terms. '? ' - BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. - t Phone 551 H I I i