3!xi2r-!!!5!ttw THE 11KNI) BULLETIN, I1KND, ORE., WKDN1S1UY, AUGUST 0, 1010. WESTERN PINE MANUFACTURERS PAGE uHE? - - - i awn jfctaiMiMja 1 THE SIIKVL1N.HIXOX PLANT. i -SMMlRfetMMlC""" "' ' " " m'i BBJBCTlBJSSIijjramSiiSBKTl'- x "S&jSbBB -HBH3b9HJJBJJjlL 3HB js THE llUOOKH.SOANI-ON MII.U THE LOCOING POND AND Till: TWO HAW MILLS DIMENSIONS HIIKVMN.Itl.XON BUILDINGS. Omce 74x0 Pump Houbo 22x24 Saw Mill 54x180 KiiKlnu Hoom C2xB5 Holler ltoom ..11165 Sorting Shed 2Ux54n Stacker 18862 Dry Kiln 222x106 Unstncker 105x62 Pinning Mill 112x100 Srsh Pnctory 210x270 llox Factory 210xU0 Dry Shod 124x032 Dry Shed 124x500 Hnrn 80x30 Machine Shop 112x.1ri Wnrehouno .. . .40x12 HomullioMHO 00x90 DIMENSIONS llltOOKH.SCANM'N BUILDINGS. Snw .Mill 54x160 l.nth Mill , 52x80 Sorting Shed . ...32x240 DrcRscil l.umlior Shed Kx240 Pinner Shod 80x120 llox I'nctory H0xl20 llox Pnctory Storo llouno . . . .80x100 Power Plnnt 49x8 t Itouml HotiHo :i(ixll2 Hum 34x107 HOO-HOO SECTION Huprcmo Senior lloo-Hoo W. P. IX)CKWOOD. Wltll Svnttlo Kittens. HN'AUK THOMAS COTTUK, of Kurcka, CiU 1'rum tho IooIch of tlio Mick hesn a Cnttor, n cll. JOHN OHYTII.MAN. Snnrk of Kimtorii Wiuiliintikon, Canned Cut fur tlie Nutlou. Tlil to Coopor, i licni w ii iiiwj vi - Jp nt Hcntl l rVom tttart to Knd. i ' ii'j Jj - I TOM (pt) McCAN.V X.,7t2!2 The WheTlIn Man. '" J. 1. KI3YKH, Small hut Wle. i r'"" I'll" CRCftT HOO-Hoo QottCAtOiATiOM. " . mL$QHm tiprjC .fflllr " '"""w or ,TC6-'00 I MJfi ' i. , '.f It. D. 1N.MAN. Htiark of Wcwtcm Difgiin, C'ntNuNCntNCiin 4" J. P. McOOI.DItKJH In ninny I turn m i With homcthlnit to tulk of , Ami MtmethliiK to ttciir. si.- aMi ' TSSli & or iHioo-Hoo Special Leaving Spokane, Yesterday. Prosperous Lumbermen Hurrying off to Bend. . from left to ,Uht: T. J. Humblrd. B. 11. Hornby, A. W. Laird. J. P. Ooldrlcb, Geo. Stoddard. E. P. Syre, E. II. Van OUrand. 0. F. Hagerbucb. W H. Dallord. v. a. lomius. Muitt I do that To bo m Cut'.' PAQB n. ,i h j u i ma ? -IH ' i S 'V