The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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TovTcll Untie Men Want Weed Iw
(Crook County Journal.)
J. 8. True, E. W. Ward and Cleve
Aycock were In the cltr yesterday
looking for the county court, so they
could register a rigorous kick about
the weed nuisance In their part of
the country.
The court evidently had heard of
their coming and hid out, at
these gentlemen pay they did not
w. the governing board.
There Is a real grievance and a
terlous condition In many part of
the country about the eed known
an "Jim Hill" mustard. A number
of deserted homestead In the Pow
ell Ilutte country are covered with
It, and the resident gay that If It
la not controlled they lll be com
pellcd to move. They are arulous
to know why the wed law Is not
enforced In such matters, and we
pass the question on to the court.
Why not?
The United Bute labile Health
Service Aks
Clean your teeth and then
expectorate In the washbowl?
Omit lunch to reduce weight
and then overeat at dinner?
. Go to the country for health
and then sleep with your win-
dows shut tight?
'Wonder why you have ear-
acho and then blow your nose
- with your mouth shut?
Four chairs at your service at the
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adr.
Clean up and paint up.
wards. Adv.
See Ed-
For farm land loasa see J. Kyan
tervlce. Adv.
For sign painting see Edwards.
fkorTcm I'ny the Penalty.
Those who ignore warning signals
of disordered kidneys and scoff at
dangers of serious consequences of
ten pay the. penalty with dread dia
betes or Ilrlgbt's disease. If you have
lame back, pains in sides, sore mus
cles, stiff Joints, rheumatic aches
take Foley Kldaey Pills and slop the
trouble before it Is too late. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Nomination Certificates: last day
for filing: For state office Sept. 27
For county offices Oct. 12
Nominations for convention or as
sembly: Last day for filing Sept. 12
Arguments for or against candi
dates: Last day for filing Sept. 2S
Reglstrat'pn books open Sept.
8, and close Oct. 7
General election Nov. 7
Statement of expenditures: lost
day for filing Nov. 22
In Exciting
For sign painting see Edwards.-Adv.
Annlles nnlv to electors who may
complete cltlxenshlp or become of
age after April 18.
At the Movies '
IU-ihI Tlientrf.
"The Trail of the lonesome Pine"
visualized to grt-at advantage this
much loved story written by John
Kox, Jr. The atmosphere of the Vir
ginia mountains and the uncouth
moonshiners was especially well
brought out. Miss Walker, it ' June
was iHiwerfully supported by Theo
dore Roberts as Judc Tolllver. ' The
Trnll of the Lonesoire Pine uns a
decidedly worth-while offering.
Coming tonight nnd Thursday to
clety's summer sports. Imagine
Charlie playing tennis and receiving
an ndvantage right in the eye. The
fifth chapter of "The Girl and the
Gorao" will be shown with the Chap
lin comedy. This pictures "The
I Fight at Signal Station" In which
, Helen and Storm score a point
! against their adversaries.
liliinche Sweet, who was seen In
; ' Ragmufnn" last month, will play
the little school teacher In the pro
duction of "lllackllst.' The story
Is founded upon the blacklisting of
employees to which many big mining
corporations have resorted. The lit
tle school teacher assumes the task
of changing the policy of the great
mining company, nnd secures rights
AS there were no recognized
political parties this year,
election ber-ame a personal
contest, which resulted as fol
lows: Andrew Jackson. 09; John
Qulncy Adam. 64; William II.
Crawford. -II: Henry Clay, 37.
No one having received a major
ity, the house of representatives
elected Adams. Thirteen states
voted for blm. John C. Calhoun
was generally supported for vice
president and was elected.
This Is the first year where the
popular vote Is oo record. That
year It was: Jackson. ISSm:
Adam. 105.321: Crawford. 44..
22: Clay. 40SS7. It U thus
noted tttat, while Jackson re
ceived 50.000 more votes than
Adams, yet be was defeated.
(Watch for tftt tltction of An
drew Jackson In 1828 in
our next litue.)
i. i'. a; i. .i. jiceis seconu i
and fourth Thursday nights
at S o'clock. Masonic Hall.
J. D. Davidson, Secretary.
Visiting Members Welcome.
IlSBSbUHsbBBM tHHsilSBlV Sflsi - N jBj
mm wi3mM
1W -JJMkB YwsiiClM
rp 3?
R. A. M. Meets first and
third Friday nights r.t 8 o'
clock. Masonic Hall.
Visiting Members Welcome
the I lend Theatre Is the plcturlzatlon
of E. P. Itoo'a widely rend work, "He
Fell In I.civ.1 With Ills Wife." Flor
nrn Hockwull, Bngii Peters and For
rest Stanley Interpret tho leading
roll. The dramatic situations nru
relieved by Irish Ilrldgol who pro
vokes many laughs. A notnble feat
tiro of this picture Is the wonderful
storm scenes. The camera. tins prob
ably never caught a more terrific
Chnrllu Chaplin will dlsrt In a
three reel comedy at the llund
Theatre Friday and Saturday. "Char
He's First Vacutlon" shows this In
imitable comedian mixing up In sc-
for her peoplo who work the mines.
This live reel plcturo will be shown
Sunday nnd Monday, August 13th
and Hth at the (lend Thentro.
The big fight In "The Spoilers" has
received more comments than many
champion fistic bouts. This encoun
ter Is not an example of scientific
boxing but a rough nnd tumble fight
to a flulvh, Wlllnm Fnrnum as
OlonUlnr and Thomas Banlichl as
M'Narortra put up tho fiercest scrap
ever caught upon the flying dim.
"Tho Spoilers" will bo shown two
dr-.ys nt tho Ilond Theatre. Doles for
Its showing will be announced in the
next Issue of Tho Ilullettn.
A LAW SCHOOL will bo opened Jn Rend about Sep
tember 1, 1916, by Grant M. Haymund, LL. 11., and
Arthur J. Monro, LU II. The rrhool will bo a night
school, for the benefit of thoso who are othorwlse en
gaged during' the day.
Applications for admission are now being received
lit the law clllco of Raymond & Moore, on llond street.
Tulllou will bo within the reach of all.
The regular law course as prescribed by tho leading
law schools of the country will bo adopted. Upon com
pletion of tho rource graduates will be eligible for ad
mission to practice taw In tho State of Oregon upon pass
ing the State llsr Examination.
OpHHtto Flint Nntlonnl Ibuilc Ug Cabin llulldlng
( There Is nothing quite so dlsflgur-f preparation (bat i na successful as
ipg as pimples. Mnuy a IhwiiIKuI It Is hnrmtess. There Is nothing In
fhro Is made repulsive by an unplons-Utwllwiitlc to hurt tno'inost delicaig
unt breaking out of thla kind. Many skin, yet its tdeinslntf properties nre
ii girl tins lost her clianco lor linpii-. remarkable. A oO-cent bottle, which
nws because her faco was so mottled
with blemishes that no man would
be tempted to klsa such a skin. To
nil thoso sufferers It will lie welcome
news to know about 'a simple homo
method that clears the sklu like magic.-
This Is Bantlseptlc 1-otton, a new
you can got at Reed & llorton's Drug
Store will be the. best Investment you
over made If your ekln la sallow,
pimpled, blotched, tanned, spotted,
etc. Delightful "after shaving. Es
boncott Chemical Laboratories, Port
land. Ore. Adv.
O. E. K. Meets second
and fourth Monday
nights at 8 o'clock. Ma
sonic Hall.
Mrs. C. M. McKay, Sec.
Visttlng Members
-w-v m . rJM
SI. tV. A. Meets first nnd
third Tuosilnv nlehln nt S
7 o'clock. Sather's Hall.
E. E. Hanna, Clerk.
Visiting Neighbors
K. of P. Deschutes
I-odco No. 103. Moots
every Wednesday night i
at 8 o'clock. Satber'3
Visiting Members are
L. St. SIcReynolds,
K. or R. & S.
S Iter's
I. O. O. F. Rend Lodgo
No. 218. Meets every
Slonday night at 8 o'clock
Hall. Visiting Members
II. I. McKIm, N. U
N. P. Weldor, Secretary.
D. of R. Uend Lodge No. SOS. Sleots
second and fourth Friday nights at
8 o'clock. Sather's Halt. Visiting
Members Welcome.
Mrs. Ethel M. Fleming, Secretary.
T. V. R Sleets first and
third Friday nights nt 8
o'clock. Sather's Hall.
Visiting Slembers Invited
to Attend.
C. W. Thornthwalte. Sec.
P -r-Jt frifc JS1
P. O. E Des
titutes Aerie
No, 2 0 4 3.
Moots o v o r y
Thursday at 8
. JhBC. o'clock. Sath
er's Hall, Visitors always Welcome.
Chas. W. Ersklno, Secretary.
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Six Schools and Porty-ight De
'ptttuienU Is cngsged in the great work
ol uniting Learning and Labor.
Forty-elshth School Year Opens
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degrt Courses requiring a four-year
high school preparation, arc ottered in
tho following!
AOUICl'LTORK, 16 Departments;
COMMKKClt, 4 Dcruituienti. PNfilN
RISKING, tl Departments i iHNliS, 3
IVnirtmeuts: l'ORKSTRV. '. Denart-
xuti HOMR RCONOMICS, 4 Depart
wents; and PHARMACY.
Vocational Courses requiring an
RIghlh tirade preparation for entrance
sre ottered In Agriculture, Dairying,
Commerce, I'ore.try, Home Makers, and
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two
year high school entrance requirement. '
SCHOOL OP MUSIC Piano, String,
Band and Voice Culture.
Catalogue and beautiful illustrated
booklet free.
Aridies Tnit Rxots.TS.AK,
I w-7-ll It la -Mi) CORVAUt-li. OftKOOM
is CHEAPER because it
makes MORE loaves
Don't be fooled into buying LOW
PRICED flour thinking you are getting
something cheaper than "WHITE
RIVER" flour.
PRICE does not decide the value
of a barrel of flour as much as the
that can be made from the barrel of
.Every sack of "WHITE RTVERflour is GUAR
ANTEED. Your grocer will refund the purchase
price without argument if you do not find "WHITE
RIVER" flour the BEST you ever used.
Try a sack of "WHITE RIVER" flour at our
risk, made from a special blend of the finest selected
wheats, by Oregon's finest mill.
Sold by the grocers at Bend, Oregon.
Wasco Warehouse Milling Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world' "
l : i 'ii .i n .. .1
juiuvvu uuinpdiucs cuiu wm giaaiy accept xhe
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
-'- - -J " - ! I
- j"