The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1916, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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rACK 10.
' IJitJ.,
i' u-rr"i
'lo lit!
Harrlman Me l iUUter Canyon
lirloo lsr Into ISlns Many
J5oId llwttVM Already litaJ.
Jilifl I'jit, liank and Hold
flKAjm. Ac Lm than a
MMth jM. th bro town of Crae
M tout of Men one of tb most
nnM Iralldlac ewirs la tbe PacMe
ortkwwt Thtrtea 'uti!MM houiw
' to fwll stag and proactive
bsriMtezM for m ntrprMi are la
stgfci. Oae Bioata ago there wa
mk a bwibiiag on ta present tows
tit. Craate t at tb yroMat lenals
of lb Oroa ft RMtra railroad la
rtentftr eatr. ' mllm wt of
Osttarte. TM town m to be called
Baadfor, bat coafllctiOM arc and
tae name vm ehaBjpd to Craa. A
aaamffitj Ultlx etablibd at once,
bat for tin- prcaent mall la r weired
tt Harrlaaia. three mites et of
lV"t .Vearl) Ileady.
One of lb largest and most fine
It noMbo'J dpou of the Oregon &
Hatters ltn I nearly eompletftd. A
dally mixed freight and paeger
train k being run to tbla point from
Ittreratdp. and a temporary agent
hoadlwi Ura freight traffic. Perma
nent stAckyard are alio being built
near tbe end of the track, ose-hair
mile wont.
immediately wt of tbe new sta
tic the railroad J boring a deep
veil, moIcIbk aa artoalaa Sow. The
drill bis already penetrated the
earth to a depth of 159 feet, and the
laientiea U to go down 1000 feet In
March of a gather Tbe drill men,
v-be bare had eipr1oee with oil
watts, declare that tbe Indication are
atroas for striking oil In tbe Crane
J1 before tbe pec I fled depth baa
ben reach ed.
One of the attractive feature of
tbe ne town I the abundance of
good watr ThU necessity can be
procured at anr point In the new
town, as welU at a depth of from 12
to 29 feet fan lie bored In a few
The Crase Aaerfeaa. a publication J
scheduled to help gide til destin-,
!es of tbe sew town will make iUj
flmt appearance tie second week in j
Aug-t P J. Galiarber, aitorsey or
Ontario and George E Carer, ex
perienced newspaper mas. formerly
of the Whl'e Salmon eoantrr. 'Wab
lagton, ar tbe publisher of tbe aew
abeet Mr Carter will saaaare aad
edit tbe paper.
J. L. D. jtorrito. secretary of tbe
Crae TowaaHe eompasr. ST
tbe laformatloa today that amoas
tbe new eaters1s to be located
here will be a baak aad a btel of
larpe d'meattot. Tbe bank .'! be
etUbMebed by a promiaeat capitalist
of St. PaaL aad tbe hotel U to be
erected by local realdocU.
Crane will now be tbe ibipplax;
point for large territory br-tofore
Isolated a far aa transportation fa.
IMtlea are facaraed.
A Gtxl Thlna fer ChlWrea
FoWyt Honey aad Tar i a par
ticularly good cold, eoagb aad
cnap medine for children bcan
It aoatalna no oplat or n Mt-f or a
lag druo The "llttl colda" of
Mmcoer. aa well aa the long ttandlng.
deep teated coaght. that bang on for
tpontba. are banltbed by lt u The
Brat doe brinni relief and comfort.
Sold erery where Adr
"Bend and Beyond"
fOrgo-! Journal Journeyi i
Under tbe ti'le ' Bend and Bevond"
tbe Oregon Journal, In lu Imuc of
laat Wadnetday carried a story of
tbe Journey to Iind and iato the
neighboring country. Tbi l one of
tbe erl of "Journal Journey"
which that papr bu been running,
en earlier laaue baring told of tbe
trip to Paulina Iake by way of Mc
Kenzle Paw.
The Hend Journey la told of aa
Lt'i go to JJnd today.
Karewell Wend? Vou've lurely
heard of It.
Where the travelers to tbe oast
looked tbelr laat upon tbe Dwchutea
whoie courM they had been follow.
Ing from the Columbia.
That wa long before tbe days of
the railroad It was before the O.
H. & .S bad bn built through Ore
gon and the gorge of the Columbia
to Portland from tho rest.
And It was long before the two
competing lines had been built upon
the rocky canyon of tbe Doschutes to
Hut now you may go to nnd In
n aleoper You will find In the busy
city by tbe Detchutea all tbe com
forts and many of tbe luxuries of
older tettleaet. If yon go to tbe
bone of a B-esd friend, for isrtance,
bis good wife may tell you that tbe
raeal was estlrdy cooked by elec
tricity, j
Bend basa t yet a street eT line. ,
bat it will ! on! a Uttle wfc.'.e an
til it baa. for tbe way the 8 is
growing, with its two Mg s,-wailb
and K c!wstri2g of smaller oat lit
tie !as aigniSeaat industries, almost
takes oss breath away.
It is dlOcait to decide which trip I
tm reeoaatead-oae by night from'
Portland that wtil bring you to Bead )
past Madras and Redmond )i tbe
early mom ing.1 or an all daylight trip
through tbe gorge of the Deschutes.'
There Is a sensation about awaking!
in the early, sunlit eastern Oregon
atorntag tbat caaaot be dapl'cated
You feel strangely light and free and '
happy. You will bare cotce during i
tbe night almost mile high from the!
aoister climate of western Oregon. !
Spread about you are oatcroppiags of '
volcanic rock, beyond Is tie sage'
orasn, aso me western scyuse ,
lighted with the morning. Is of snowy!
Then, aeain, i.' you come through
the oaayoa of tbe Deschutes la day
light yea will look upon colorations
and conformations of cliffs that will
delight you with their beauty and
r.we you with their grandeur. Such
is tbe effect of the constant turnings
that always you will seem to e mov
ing from one he'olc, enchanted room
to another, with silent doors cosing
behind ;0'. ax other slkiit doors open
before you.
Perhaps tbe best conclusion Is to
recommend both trips.
When you are In Bead and have
become familiar with the thriving
little city any number of trips be
yond may be yours. You may seek
the upper Descbufs and Its fairy
takes and giant trout. You may go
to tho base of, or even over, the
snowy sky line. You may get saddle
and pack horses tad go up Into tbe
mountains, or you may board an
automobile and moke the run
through Hampton valley to Bums.
There are roads to Klamath Falls
and Lakevlcw to tbe south. Bend is
a stopping point on tbe Ceatral Ore
gon route to Crater Lake.
Brick is tbe MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
A Scavon of Torture for Ftmc.
ll&y fever causes untold misery
to thousands sthma, too, counts
Its sufferers by the hundreds Fol
ey's Honey and Tar soothes that
raw, rasping f!lbg In the throat,
relieves hoarseness and wheeling,
makes breathing easier, heals Inflam
mation, permits refreshing slumber.
Contains no opiates. Sold every
where. Adv.
See J. Ryan & Co., for farm land
loans. Adr.
Want Ada only O.VE CENT a word.
Bend now has the Lowest Electric Cooking Rate in
the State.
Cooking and Heating Meter Rates
First 100 K. V. H. in Any Month 8c per K. W. H.
Next 100 K. V. H. in Any Month 2c per K. W.H.
All Over 200 K. W. H. in Any Month, lc per K. W, H.
Effective April 1st, 1910.
WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from $40 up which
we sell on easy terms.
V v -
Phone 551
What the Farm
Should Have
A home which is adequate to the
needs of tbe f&mlly and equal to
any house In the community &s a
home. If not 3 house.
A bcrn that Iook3 pretty good to
the neighbors who pass It r.nd feels
rretty good to the stxk that pus
into it.
A few shade trees thit bide some
of tbe hot sun and bard winds, but
none of the beauty of the place.
A cow that ta worth her weight In
butter aad Is not for scle.
A bunch of hens which do a lot
of crckllng and l.iying and the rest
of the Umc are scratching for them
selves and their owner.
A dog that will bark at strangers
and some times at the moon, and will
vag his trJI when the neighbor
comes up the walk.
A well that never runs dry. ?. fam
ily horse that never runs shy, and a
bill at the grocer's which Is never
allowed to run high.
A garden which has something
growing in It all the year round be
sides weeds.
A mall box tbat Is seldom empty
when the carrier comes 'rouzd and
Is never empty when be leaves.
An orchard that will bear all kinds
of fruit and any kind of Inspection.
A father whose sons will lend a
helping band In solving all of tbe
problems of making the farm pay.
A mother whose daughters will re
lleve her of tho hard work In. the
house, and will see tbat she takes a
vacation once In a while.
A daughter whose mother sees her
In the kitchen oftener than in the
Bud Fisher jumped the old-time rut when he invented
Jeff and Mutt For years, with that amusing pair, he's
chased away the people's care, and made them laugh
and throw their hats, and cackle till
they broke their slats. The tired,
the sad, the weak, the worn, have
laughed with Bud, and ceased to
mourn; the lame, the halt, the blind,
the deaf, have whooped with glee
o'er Mutt and Jeff. Where does be
find the joyous jests which break the
buttons from our vests? You'd
( think the fount would have to fail,
but never once has he been stale.
When he sits down to hatch a plot
in which his heroes will be caught,
he lights his pipe, and soon a joke
emerges from Tuxedo smoke. He
swears by "Tux" and so will you,
(Jb& ?cau when vou kave tried a jar or two.
Wamtmt Csrtomtit,iayt
"TuxtJ hat mait a
pip my fatotilt.fom of
tmok)nf. its teeinai anj
Ing a not pitatmt.
A growing boy to whom It may be A desirable bread knlfo free IU
said that he Is putUng the arm into "very annual subscription to
uena uuueun.
his dad's farm.
Some good farm tools to do with, j Seo Edwarda for good housa pahu.Vai
and some good farm rules to go by. ling. Adv.
Some oats and very few mice. I
Borne flowers, yea, many of them.; a desirable bread knife free wltfl
A. A. W. In Oklahoma Farmer-1 every annual subscription to Tbl
Stockman. Bend Bulletin.
Read this and be Convinced
Hopl'mi & Buck, Prop.
I 1
f Bfiwu, Oregon, July 1st, 1916.
Bend Flour Mill Company
Bend Oregon
In response to your inquiry aa to the
results obtained from your DESCHUTES SPRAY
and TRUE BLUE FLOURS ve are pleased to state
that of ALL the floura we have used in our
bakery, your flour has given uo the beat
satisfaction of any ve have ever tried. We
find that we are able to get a BETTER LOAF
flour than from any other. In fact we have
built up our trade for our GOOD TASTE BREAD
on your flour and we can also heartily
recommend it to give good satisfaction.
Yours very truly
By R. H. Hopkins