The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1916, Image 1

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    rJ S-4.M in fct3aK.4.-wi.'8tjti3 S2p!JflMftliMK. 3K3 iJ
The bend bulletin.
VOIi. T1V.
hexd, oregox, Wednesday afteuxoox, august , inm.
NO. SSti
roreuoon Spent at Mills IlusLnoss
Meetings Doing Hold ThU After
noon Tomorrow to Tako Tim
ber Trip Ending AVlth Dinner
Over CO members of the Western
Pino Manufacturers Association ar
rived In Ik; nil this morning to attend
the quarterly meeting of the associa
tion nnd Incidentally to inspect the
new saw mills and view the fastest
growing town in the northwest.
Traveling In three stnndard sleep
ers the visitors came In on the morn
ing train and proceeded to the
Wright hotel for breakfast. Follow
ing this they vicro taken to tho milts
tind spent tho forenoon In going
over them from one end to tho oth
er. At l:ir they gathored at tho
Shevlln town boarding camp for a
' meal of vlttlcs" and this afternoon
thoy aro In business session at the
Kmblemi Club, which has been
thrown open to them during their
The visitors will bo the guests of
the Commercial Club at n dinner at
the Pilot Ilutte Hotel this evening,
i.ftci which a dance will bu held at
tho Emblem Club. The Hoo Hoo con
catenation, originally planned for
this evening, Is being held this af
ternoon following tho business
meeting. (
Tomorrow tho program Includes a
-visit to tho IlroukB-Scanlon logging
operations with lunchoon nt tho
Hrooks camp, then n tour through
tho timber by way of Lava Iluttu and
Spring river to tho Shcvlln opera
tions Their stay will concludo with
t dinner given by the Kinhloiii Club
tomorrow night.
The visiting party is made up of
ths following:
The VMttns.
J T Ilumblrd, Ilumblrd Lumber
Co. Sand Point. Idaho, II. J. McCoy
Honners Perry Lumber Co., Ponners
l'orrv Idaho: E. II Van Ostrand,
I ralg Mtittiirt'!r,"t.,tlttfteij.. nvtfts
ii'ter. Idaho, V Shopard French,
Wilier: Peck A Fughos, Chose. 11.
C ; A. W. Cojpor, Western Pino
ManufactutON Atsocintlon, Rpoknno,
Cleorgo P. Downoy, Simonds Manu
facturing Co, P.vtlrrd: J. II. Ilob
rts, Simonds Manufacturing Co.,
Portland: G. K. Ilngenbush, Pnn
handle Lumbor Co., Spirit Lake, Ida
ho; C. It. Wisdom, Tho Hod Illvor
Lumber Co., Snn Francisco; F. W.
Lewis, Ulockwcll Lumber Co., Coeur
U'Alene, Idaho; II. J. Klopp, Pond
"White Pino Sash Co., Pond: V. Pal
mer, The Oeorgo ?almer Lumbor Co.,
La Grando, Orogon; Jos. Stoddard,
Stoddard Lumber Co Ilaker, Ore.,
Elbert L. Carpenter, Bhevlln-Carpen-ter
& Clarke Co., Minneapolis, Minn.;
II F Tobln, Western Pine Manufac
turers Association, Spokane, E. J
Furlong, Cascndo Lumbor Co., North
Ynklmn, Wnsh ; P M Lachmund.
Potlach Lumbor Co, Potlnch, Idaho,
i: N. McDevitt, Dover Lumber Co.
Uover. Idaho, It. W. Wotmore, Shov
lln, Cnrpontur &. Clarke Co.. Min
neapolis: Flotchor L. Walker. The
ted River Lumbor Co., Westwood,
C'al A WhUnnut, Lumber World
Review, Portland, Orogon, G K.
Hadon. East Orogon Lumbor Co,
Eenterpilse, Ore ; II. H Hornby
Dover Lumbor Co., Dover, Idaho.
I'rcd II. Gllmnn, American Lumber
man Seattle Wash.; H. D Morton
son, Pelican Pay Lumber Co., Klam
ath Falls. Or.; K. A. lllockllnKor.
Dorrls Lumber & Pox Co., San Frnn
cbco, Cal.; G M. Cornwall. Tho Tlm
berman, Portland, Or.: W. P.. Hal
lord, So mors Lumbor Co., Soinors.
Mont.; J T. Thompson, Portland
Lumber Co , Portland, Or ; C S.
rcterson, Potlach. Idaho; It. E. Ir
win nolse-Payetto Lumbor Co..
Holse, Idaho, C. A. Ilockstrom, Mc
Ooldrlck Lumber Co.. Spoknnc,
Wash . E F, Tlndolph, Grand Rapids
Pry Kiln Co.. Seattle. Wash. J. P.
Knapp, Knapp-Choney Co., Portland,
Or L, n Stoddard, W II. Eeelos
Lumiier Co . Pakcr. Or . It S. Eccles.
W. II Eccles Lumbor Co , Unker.
Or. H H Lamping, Spokane.
Wash G W Cain West Cocst Luro
borman. Tacoma, Wash.: H. L.
Soare, Hope Lumber Manufacturing
Co . Hope Idaho; Mitchell Stewart,
Ilumblrd Lumber Co., Sand Point,
Idaho. Xool Dow, The Tiraborman.
Portland. Or . H A. Soharf. Idaho
White Pine Manufacturers Agcnoy,
Spokane. Wash . A. W. Ijjlrd. Fot
Irch Lumbor Co., Potlach, Idaho, J.
ft McGoldrlck. JIcGoldrlck Lumber
Co., Spokane, Wash.; A. W. Wend
orf. Milwaukee Land Co., Lumber
Dept , St Joe, Idaho; George Stod
dard.. Grande Ronde Lumber Co.
Terry. Or.; G. Earl Stoddard, Grand
Pbnde Lumber Co., Perry Or.: Frank
D. Lee, Oregon & Washington Lum
ber & Manufacturing Co., Seattle,
Wash.; Walter Lammaro, Adams
River Lumbor Co., W. J. Johnr.on,
Laclede, Idaho.
Long Prulrio Hanger Station Entered
Hojh Xovv Held I'or Trial Reforo
Grand Jury.
Joel Johnson, Durnham Coo, and
Carl Wncker, nil minors were arrest
ed on Friday by J. II. llaner, of
Bend, charged with burglarizing the
Long Prairie Rauger Station near
Crescent. The boys wore brought to
Bend and tried before Judge J. A.
Eastes and bound over to the grand
Jury. Wackor Is helu as a witness.
It Is understood by the officers
that the trio luvo been In the Idaho
Industrial school at St. Anthony,
Idaho. Johnson and Wackor are out
on parole while It la understood Coe
escaped a llttlo mere than a month
ago. The boys here to work
but left shortly after their arrival,
for Klamath Falls.
Guy T. Kctcheson, and a party of
friends from Portland, arrived hero
lato Friday night being tho first au
tolsts to come from the Wlllamofto
valley by way of tho McKenzIo pass
this oar. According to Mr. Ketcho
son, the pass i ..ow open except for
four snow drifts. Ills car passed
over three of these successfully but
became stuck In the fourth mid ho
had to obtain nld from a enmpor In
tho neighborhood who wns traveling
with n team. After trying tho fish
ing In. this vicinity Mr. Kctcheson
planned to return to Portland by way
of Tho Dalles and i'.io Columbia high
Flower .Show To Ho Held on August
18 Instead of llltli.
The date for the flower show giv
en by the Ladles Llbrnrj Club has
been changed to Friday, August 18,
Instead of August 19. If any of tho
rooms lire finished tho show will be
hold 1n tho O'Ki no building. All
who Intend making ontrlos for tho
Commercial Club or tho Emblem
Club cups aro asked to no'lfy MrB.
E. M. Thompson on Thursd.iv.
Tho completo prize list is nu fol,
. Sivts-t J.'tNiS-pP.l'ik. 1st COc, 2nd,
25c; red. 1st tJOc, 2nd 25c; white, lBt
bOc, 2nd, 25c; Invendar. 1st, 50c,
2nd, 25c; ornnge or salmon, 1st. 50c.
2nd 50c; cream-buff, 1st, 50c. 2nd
25c: crenui-plnk. lBt. 50c, 2nd, 25c;
corlse, 1st, COc, 2nd, 25c: porennlal
pea, 1st, 50c. 2nd, 25c; dark red or
claret. 1st, 50c, 2nd, 25c; purplo, 1st
50c, 2nd 25c, mottled or varlogated,
1st 50c, 2nd' 26c; regardless of color
1st 60c, 2nd 25c: solid color bolt
bunch, 1st pai.'sol, Mannhelmor
Pros, 2nd sack (lour: greatest variety,
1st $2 luundry, 2nd $1 laundry.
AtOT Pink 1st silk hole. 2nd
doz. Mason Jars; white let gloves,
2nd COc; lavender 1st tollot water,
Owl Pharmncy, 2nd 50c: purplo 1st
$1 Dream Theatre tickets, 2nd 50c;
red 1st hand bag, 2nd 50c; col
lection 1st electric Iron, 2nd hand
painted vaso.
Carnations Red 1st $1, 2nd 60c;
white 1st sack Hour, 2nd 50c; pink
1st, sack Hour, 2nd 50c; best collec
tion let Ico' cream frcezor, 2nd a
lbs. Wndco coffee.
1opplos Single 1st casserole, 2nd
50c nidse. Shuoy; double 1st towel
bar and soap dish, 2nd 50c mdse. E.
D. Farror. California, 1st 50c, 2nd
25e, California, mixed colors, 1st
50c, 2nd 26c: range or jollow 1st
50c, 2nd 25c, Shirley 1st 1 doz.
raneklna 2nd Imported rastlln soip;
tulip or Snntn llarhara, 1st 50c. 2nd
Pinks Double 1st Pond Press,
2nd 25c. single 1st COc, 2nd 25c;
Chinese 1st Ileud llulletin, 2nd 25o:
La Franco Rose. Special 75c.
Roses Red 1st 1. 2nd COc. white
1st $1. 2nd 50c; p-k fl, 2nd 50c;
yellow 1st $1, 2nd COc, host collec
tion 1st parasol, Suthors, 2nd, theatre
tickets, Uend Theatre.
PanMe 1st 1 sack Hour, 2nd
COc; artistic arrangement, picture,
Sweet Al)Miiit 1st china bowl,
2nd 25c.
Nasturtium 1st 1 sack flour, 2nd
can coffee
IinUlen Shasta 1st $1 bread
tickets, 2nd 60c; African 1st butter
knife, 2nd COc, English 1st 50c. 2nd
25c; Swan River, 1st COc, 2nd 2So;
mixed colors, 1st crackers, Pacific
Coast Dlscuit Co, 2nd 50c.
f'ortoU 1st BOc, 2nd 25c.
Calllopsli, 1st COc, 2nd 25c
Simp Diugon 1st 75c. 2nd BOc
ll:iby Itmitli 1st COe. 2nd 2So.
Marigold Double 1st COc. 2nd
25c. single 1st 50c. 2nd 25c
Calendula 1st 50c, 2nd 25c.
I.urkf.pur 1st 75c, 2nd COc.
Cund) Tuft White 1st 50c, 2nd
25c, colors 1st Sue, 2nd 25c.
GoltunlLu 1st manicures. Mrs,
Doudlab, 2nd COc
Canterbury I Wis 1st Flower urn,
2nd COc.
halphlgloslk 1st II. 2nd 50e.
Cosines 1st Uend llulletin, 2nd
Fox Glove 1st 7fic, 2nd 50c
Dahlia 1st 7to. 2nd COc.
(Continued on page 11.)
Discussion Concerning Propose! In
vestment Occupies Muck Time ut
.Last Nights Mectlnn Electric
Sign Ordinance , Introduced.
It cqyone thinks that the purchase
of a rock crusher by the city is a
dead Issue he should have been at
tho council meeting last night. It
there nppeared, according to state
ments mado by one of tho council
who favored tho purchase, that tho
contract which had been signed by
four members of the council, wns
valid and that the crusher would bo
delivered to tho city about tho mid
dle of September,
The matter hnd nu airing nt last
night's meeting because Councilman
McKay, who was out of town when
the matter 11 ret enme up, started out
to discover tho wh)s and wherefores
or the purchase, Initiating a discus
clon thnt lasted over an hour.
Mr. McKay wes opposed to tho
purchrse, taking the stand that it a
cruohor were needed, tho counjy mn
chlno could bo borrowed. Council
man Stoldl, who has taken cousld
erublo iutcrost In tho nmtter, took
tho view thnt in the long run tho
puiclutBo of tho crusher would remit
H n saving to tho cltv. To borrow
tho county rock crusher, he held,
would undoubted!) bo costly to tl.e
city In moving It to nnd fiom tho
city. Mr. Stoldl also held thnt clp
dors, for tho clt.v streets, not
pioving satlsfnrton and that crushod
rod; wilt bo much superior.
An ordlnunce governing tho height
of oleatric signs above tho streets
nnd also the manner In which they
shall bo hung was rood for tho first
time. If tho ordinance passes the
owuors of electric signs will not be
compelled to change thorn tor n
enr. Tho council Is to lnvostlgnto
tho matter of signs nnd tako inoro
doflnito action relatho to the provi
sions of tbo ordtnauco at the next
According to tho treasurer's ro
port tho lulnnro on hand In tho gen
eral fund for the month ending July
31, was $169. Stl. The recolpts for
tho mouth of July wero $1,843. 39.
Tho bills ordered paid In regist
ered warrants were ns follows;
Anton Anne $162.10
Const Culvert & Flumo Co. . 21.00
W. P. Thorp 1.60
A. L. French 20
Crrndall & Roberts 50.00
H. L. Whltsott 0.00
J. E. Lynch 11.10,
Soward Paggs , 30. 30'
II. C. Ellis 33.C8
M. E. Coleman 2C.20
Al Campbell , ... !).9I
X. P. Welder 3.00
llakers Express 60
C. G. Sprlngor 3.00
Pond Harduaro Co CO
L. A. W. Nixon r. 102.86
(1. Iloigen 1.80
Wm. Douglas 50. SB
Jim lllrcb 7.(0
F. L. Kulp 90.00
J. A. Rlchoy 15.15
II. II. Do Armond 10.00
I. J. Murphy S.00
Uend llulletin 87.10
II. W. L. & P. Co 202.24
City for J. J. Ryan 2.00
W. 11. Crawford 105.75
Whlto Dray Co 1.60
Robert II. Gould 71.92
Harvey II. De Armond, of Uend,
was honored nt tho convention of the
Knights of Pythias in Portland last
week, b the appointment to the com
mittee on rules of the grand lodge.
is or
Ono Authorizes- Ponding to Iluy Ter
minals for Strnhoro Ponds, Other
For District Improvements
Limits, Also Ooraw Up.
One of the most Important elec
tions ever hold In the city will tako
place on Tuesday, tho 15th, when tho
pooplo will vote on nn amendment to
tho city charter authorizing a bond
lssuo for tho purposo of purchasing
tho property desired by Robert E.
Strahorn for tho terminals for tho
Oregon, California & Eastern. At
tho same tlmo they will votn on nn
nmondment authorizing the bonding
of districts for street nnd sowar Im
provements nnd on the question of
bringing Into tho city all tho sur
rounding platted districts. Tho first
two measures aro before the pooplo
by reference from tho city council,
nnd tho last, on petition.
The fli st two measures were voted
on In February and both carried by
largo majorities but because of Ir
regularities In the preliminary pro
ceedings it was found necessary to
resubmit thorn to tho people
To avoid tiny further Irregularity,
and to lusurn having n bonding house
rendy to take the lssuo when voted
by tho clt tho llrnt of Keoler Hroth
crs wus rtnploH'd to prepare nil
papers for tho city, an nrrnngo
uinnt to this end htiv lug been mndo
with thnlr representative hist spring.
Pamphlets containing the two
charter nincudments, ns prepared by
Kcelor Prothers, wero distributed
last week by City Recorder Ellis, as
provided by law and nro now In tho
hnnds of all voters.
Cheney Donation.
Tho property to bo acquired ad
joins the present Oregon Trunk right
of wn beginning nt tho ball grnundH
and running south, the owners being
Tho Uend Company, Caecnd Rcnlt
Co.. Terminal addition owners, nml
ncuivruct owners southeast of tho
city Ever) thing owned by W D.
Chuncy, or tho Demi Park Co., which
Ih wanted, Is being donntml by Mr.
Cheney Nvho has mado n numbor of
purchases and exchanges to obtain
desired lots.
Tho boid Ishuo has rcon sot nt
$35,000 by tho council, Instead of
$30,000 as wns tho caso in February,
In order to no on the sifo tide nnd
have plenty of funds to make tho
purchases, only so much of tho $35,
000 to bo Issued as Is needed.
As stated by Mr. Strahorn iu Fob-
rnar) the property which ho desires
Is to bo used for terminal purposes,
his lettor nt that time rending ns fol
lows "Tito Intention Is o lino this for n
right of wuy through tin city, in-c-otwiry
tracks for psssonger and
freight terminals, pjssongor and
freight stations, shops sulllclent to
haudlo tho buslnoss for such nn Im
pel (ant terminal ns Uend should be,
fuel stoinge and loading facilities,
round hiiuso, stock jnrds and other
strictly railway purposes "
The second charter nuioudinoiit
does not oontnmplnto any bond lssuo,
but simply makes It posslblo for spe
cial dlatrlcts to bond themelvos for
street and sow or purposos.
On a sepiirnto ballot will bo the
qiiCMtloii of extending the city limits.
The polling plsces will bo hh fol
lows Product 3, council chumber;
ptetlnat 4, Rold school; preolnct 6,
II II Do Armond garage. For the
voters outulde tho city limits who
wilt vote on tho question of bringing
their sections into the city tho poll
ing place will be in the rear of the
Elder store In Kenwood.
A trout weighing 12 M pounds and
31 Inches long wns caught last Suit
day by Oame Warden CI do McKay
of Uend, in Paulina lake. This trout
Is the largest that has been caught,
so far as kuon n, iu Paulina lake this
Ounp Will be Pitched Up IUvcr Near
Vnndevert nnncli Rev. 11. O.
Hurtriinft Ls Scoutmaster.
Nino Hoy Scouts of Ilend, under
tho supervision of Scoutmaster Rev,
11. C. Ilnrtrantt left on Tuesday
morning for their annual encamp
ment up river. They will pitch camp
near the Vandcvcrt ranch and will
bo nwny about 10 days.
The bos will bo encamped under
tho rules governing Poy Scout en
enmpments and will Indulgo tn many
of tho sports nnd drills for which
provision Is made.
Thoso who accompanied the scouts
on the trip nro Rov. and Mrs. II. C.
Hnrtranft, Mr, and Mrs. F. S. Fran
cis and Mrs. Ross Fafnham. Tho
scouts making up tho party are: Cal
vin Smith, Lester Smith, Elmer
Smith, Kenneth Oliver, Lnyd lllnko
ly, Hugh Kell.v, Floyd Rojuolds, Paul
Reynolds and Frod Sluiuy.
roundly Ktrui'luio Destroyed b, I 'lit
is ItcphiUMl liiipiou'iiit'iils Made
-.Mini) Olilt'lS'Xovv on Hooks,
After suffering n loss of their
main roundly building by lire the
Hurfschmldt-DuKun Iron Works Is
fignlu iu operation In n new fotindr)
building larger than the old, built of
brick and lite proof. Tho 11 rut cast
ings Iu the ue foundry were mi'do
on Friday.
Tho now building Is IOMI0 feu I In
size irful has u number of Improve
ments ovur tho old, Including un ule.
vntur for raising tho Iron up In the
oiipola and n special coio oven As
soon ns inn) be n now cruuo will lie
Installed making posslblu thu Jhuudl
Ing of castings up to two tons In
weight. It Is also planned to add a
uuichluo shop to the equipment.
Judging by tho work it la rimntv-
lug tho finindr) in filling tilllti -r1!!
in tun community naving ni prruoiu
enough orders on hand to keep It
busy for the coming thrtio mouths.
Among theao nro Inrgu orders for the
two mills. It Is nlso providing u
market for old Iron, having cleaned
up what could bo found In town nnd
ls now receiving shipments from out
o.'do points,
Iu addition to Its ordurx the foun
dry Is turning out stook work In the
shnpe of window weights and fur
naces which are on sale In town Six
mtm nro now omp)o)ed.
Former llulletin Editor Take Pts.
tlon ut Lebiiid Htnuftiid.
Ural X. Hoffman, formerly man
aging editor of Tho llulletin, litis ac
cepted a position ns tusUtsnt In the
Department of Journalism nt l.eland
Stanford University, California, and
will take up his now work thorn at
tbii beginning of the collene tur In
September, according to word re
ceived In Hand this wwk Mr Hoff
man Is at pKsjont city editor of the
Tacoma Lodger.
Mr. Hoffman was connected with
The llulletin for three joars. leaving
here In .March, 1911. Il bus also
been connected with tho Charlotte,
(X C ) Observer and tho Vancouv
er (II. C) Dally Province. On leav
ing Head he became assistant city
editor of the Ledger and city editor
ut thu ilntt or tho cur Mr. Hoff.
man is married, his wife being a sis
ter of J II. Corbett, of lleud
Contributions urn for Annual
I'lotier Show.
Additional pi'xu.-. for tbo annual
Flower Show have boon given by In
terested Individuals nnd biKduee
tlroM during tho last wvok Those
who havti mad wintrlbntlous nro
C W Thornthvralto, 2 Ib4. casillo
soap, Dr Coustupau $1, W, I).
Harm $5, Mrs. J. Welch $1; J. X.
Ifuntur $1 for rases. Mrs Rose
Jam, compltmtintu of thu Pacific
lllseult Co., one Iwx Snow Flake
Crackers, Anton Auua $1, A !
French $1; L. L. Fox $1; Oregon Ho.
toe for wrnatlous. Con tin 1 Oro
ton Fruit & Produce Co, foei II., tho tailor BOc ;J II. Corbett.
$1; Mra. S. A. Dlok $1; P H. Ulmsn
on brooch; L. D. Wlust $1.
The prizes tn now on inhibition
t.t Reed Morton's drug store.
Members of "Old Guard" nay lrinei
Wile Will VoU Strongly In Favor
Petitions Now Doing I'rcpnrcsl
Will lw Out by Entl of Week.
Division of Crook county nnd not
removal of tho county Heat will b
tho nir.ln lssuo of tho coming enm
palgn as a result of tho acqutcscoaco
of, tho cast sldo in tho lines for di
vision agreed upon between their
committee and tho west sldo cqm
mlttces. With tho possible excep
tion of Redmond all precincts seem
agreed on the division lines and o
big vote In favor Is expected.
Not only nmong the east sldo In
Biirgcnto nro thu new lines popular
but even mom be is of the so-cnlltii
"Old Guard," who woro nctlvo In op
position early Iu July, now aro ready
to pledge their support to tho pnipo
nltlon. One of the moHt prominent
lUMiubera of tho first Prlnevtlln com
mittee Is repotted by n Pond man,
who met him on reluming from tho
P tlilun convention In Portland last
week, to have snld that If ho could
bo roleancd from the agreement
which he signed v.lth tho Redmond
committee, ho would veto In favor
of division. Other evidence of tbo
new or Prlnovlllo feeling Is given by
Judge llrluk, who bus been txiiu
palgtilng In this net tlon recently. Ilu
hmh that tho uioasuio wilt have a
big voto In Prlnovlllo.
Final word of thu Prlnovlllo nt
1 1 title was received hero early In tho
week and on Monday night, curry
ing out thu decision mntlo nt earlier
meetings, nrrniigemuutn woro mado
to proceed with the division petition.
This Is now being printed mid will
bu loady for nirculutloii this vveuk.
"Dtxuhiites ' will bu tbo name of
the proposed nvvr county, ns wns tho
oaso two scars ago, and the lines will
follow tboKo gf IDll with thu ox
reptlon Hint two nu'd n half town
hIiIjis Iu tho .Powolf Htittu witj, AJfal.
;,.eiiu vl.l(ktitUut
county mid nix toivimuTps Iu "tin
oiithrnstern part pf Crook will
tiomo Into the nosv.
Although It will bo Impoaslblo to
linve tlio rciiKivrl question tr.ktm
from thu ballot It will bo abandoned
without any campaign nml nil efforts
put on the division meaauro.
Addition to Ho llullt in Rem- or Flrttl
Niilloiial Hiilliliutf.
As booh ns iirrangcmoutH can tin
made to care for tenants now In tbo
property, thu Deschutes Investment
Co., u erect a new building adjoin
ing the First National Hank build
ing on thu ground timv occupied by
the (1 (Mir go burlier shop, according
to an anuoiint'fuifiit uiudu nttirdny.
Tho now structure will conform In
gHiiurul itpponmuct to that of tho
bank building to which It will mirvn
aw un addition to provide mom room,
for the lwrly Un routed huslueuH of
the First National
Tu bulldln-. nick will bo of
pressed brick, lil I 10x31) fact. In
hI, and uti story high. It will
upon Into the prtMiwit blinking quar
ters utiir thu pi i out safety duposlt
vault and will provide a work loom
for the bank implo)e, thereby ro
moving the adding ninehlneH with
their attendant nolie, from tho mala
Mr, nnd Mr, Hudson Visit SoiiUit-rii
I'olntw Witlihtrulioin I'aily.
C 8 Hudson, with Mrs. Iliidsmi.
retunied on Wednesday from a trip
of a week's duration with Mr. and
Mrs H H Htrithorri over tho Unci
of the Oregon. California & Eastern.
On the trip over 1000 miles wort
covered, nil olntn to be tuiiohnd by
the linos of the uew road being Vis
ited Mr Iludsna reports that every
where Mr. Htruhoru found a growing
seiitlmeiit In his favor, the pooplo be
ing considerably Improwod by thu
thiimughiitftM wiih which the prelim
inary work wss being done and lift
ing more and more satUlled that tho
railroad builder was going to ac
complish what ha had set out to do.
The party broke up In Klamath
FalU whare Mr Strahorn will spejul
some time In a study of the country
and In working out details of tho
road bulldta with Kin lira th Fulls
. I