The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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A Complete Line of Brownies
and Kodaks. Everything for
I Films all Sizes. Leave Your Films to
be Finished at
bend The 3g222S Store oreqon
J, A. Eastes 1b In Terrebonne ou
business today.
Cort 'Allen was down from his
ranch last week.
1 Don, to Mr. and Mrs. Hay Heaver
yesterday, a daughter.
Chester Catlow visited "The Old
Homestead" last week.
T. H. Foley Is "now visiting rela
tives In eastern' Canada.
Ocorgo S. Young went to Prlnc
ville Monday on business.
Ornnt M. Raymond was a business
visitor In Culver on Monday.
I.. lloland, of Minneapolis, la now
working In the Shcvlin-lllxon olllco.
L. D. Fox went to Portland on
Thursday, returning Sunday morn
ing. Alvln S. Hawk, of Fremont, was
a bULlucss visitor In 13ond on Satur
day. . Tho Sons of iNurway will meet on
Friday night at 8 o'clock In Sathdr'B
Mrs. S. Mcintosh returned on Sun
day from a vacation to tho moun
tains. Dan Hourgnn, a well known Cres
cent sheepman, was In town ou Sat
urday. ' Mrs. C. A. Vondorhelt and her
children, who have been visiting Mr.
Vonderhclt loft on Friday on their
return to tho family homestead nt
Fort Hock.
Brings Comfort
to You
THIS IiATEST 6v OOLUUl Creations Is Ideal for sum
mer wear. We also have other neat and dressy collars Just In.
For the summer you may feel that you are In the class of (
the well dressed If you have
Brandegec, Rincuid & Co., Clothes
IACKAItl SHOKH The latest In summer footwear Is
awaiting you In tho way of new English lasts In men'o shoes.
We have n few straw hats left, going at 1.00.
These are better than $2.00 values.
New dress shlrti for evening clothes $1.30.
We will receive tliU week u .pleiidld line of iiipn'y iicvkncur.
A. L. French
. .
-j Mrs. J. M. I'erry, or Torrouonno,
la visiting with Mrs. A. W. Ilenton
this week. (
K. M. Thomnson exnectn to move
Into his now store .building about
August 15.
Mrs. Gertrude Nelson, of Uurns,
Is visiting (with her son, llnns,( in.
Uond 'this .weak. ' '
Miss Eva Graves arrived Monday
night from Portland to visit with
Mrs. Ktmcr Ward.
Mrs. T. E. J. Duffy has been vlsjt
Ing with her sister, Mrs. E. P, llros
terhous this week.
Mrs. Phillip S. Drain, who has
been 111 with grip s'neo early last
week, Is Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. NF. Reed are mov
ing Into their new' homo In Park
Addition this week.
Mrs. Itoland HanrIanctto,nnd son
arrived on Saturday from UenildJI,
Minnesota, to reside.
WllUmw Hnntoy, of Hums, passed
through llend on Tuesday from Port
land on his way home.
There will be n meeting of the La
dles Library Club next Tuesday af
ternoon at tie library.
Miss Charlotto Ward, who has been
visiting with her mother and Bister,
has returned to Portlands ,
Miss Grace King, of Minneapolis,
arrived on Monday to visit a fow
weeks with Mrs. J. Ryan.
Mrs. li. D. Wlest Is entertaining
the Presbyterian Guild this atternon
at nor homo In Wlcstoria.
Jnn Hyrd, a printer from Lenta,
has been assisting In The Ilulletln
shop for the paat few days.
Mrs. L. A. W. Nixon cntortnlnod a
few friends nt an afternoon tea nt
her homo on Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Reed and Miss
Ethel Prelsz returned on Thursday
from a several days visit nt Hums.
N. A. Southwlck and D. M. Davis
roturncd on Thursday from a trip
to Paisley and othor Bouthorn points.
C. E. Short left on Snturday
night's train for Portland whero ho
will attend tho K. of P. convention.
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Horton nnd
nleco, Helen King, of HuniB, nro vis
iting with Mervln Horton this week.
Miss Janet Coleman arrived on
Sundny from Chicago for a months
visit with her sister, Miss M. E. Colo
man. 'Ross Downs, who has been visiting
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry K. HrookB,
loft on Sunday for his homo In So
attlo. Honry II. Ford and fnmlly leavo
tomorrow morning for a two weoks
vacation In tho vicinity of Crntor
'Mrfl. J. S. Clomcnt wont to Port-
lnnd Inst week to spond tho Inst
week of camp meeting at tho A. F.
Mrs. Martha Harbor, who has been
visiting with her nleco, Mrs. Elmor
Ward, loft on Sunday morning for
Tiio Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Kano and
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. linker loft on
Snturdny for Klamath Falls and
Crater Lake
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Stnnloy arrlv
cd on Monday and aro visiting this
week with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Stnn
loy nt Alfalfa.
Mrs. Laura Hcddlngton returned
on Friday evening from a sovornl
weeks visit with her mother and sis
tor near Colvlllo.
Dr. J. R. Hooth, of Seattle, ar
rived In Hend on last Thursday on
business connected with .his 'llend
property Intercuts.
Mrs.'Enrf'saundcrs nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. D. Charlton, of Powoll Hutto
wero here nt tho county alvlslon
meeting Monday night.
J. II. ICnapp, of tho Knnpp-Chen-ey
Co., of Portland, sales agents for
tho Shovlln-Hlxon box department,
was hero on Saturday.
Tho Indies Auxiliary of tho Rend
Comuiorclnl Club .will hold Its reg
ular monthly meeting tomorrow af
ternoon at 3 o'clock In tho Commer
cial rooms.
Mrs. Harper Skuse Is entertaining
this afternoon at tho Emh'lcmi Club
in honor of Mr. Skuso's mother, Mrs.
JA J. Skuse, of Spokane.
" A party consisting of II. H. Ford,
Guy McHeynolds, Fred Fish nnd
Kenneth Sawyer tried tho ttshlng nt
Tumnlo pond on Sunday. '
Thomas L. Hums, associated with
tho Scandlnavlnn-Amerlcan Hank, of
Seattle, arrived on Sunday to visit
with his sister, Mrs. J. Ryan.
, Mr. and Mrs. Ward ll. Coble nrc
moving Into tho residence formerly
occupied by Mr. nnd Mrs. It. 11. Do
Arntond on Greonwood nvenue.
Gerry Horskotte, who was Injur
ed last week when Installing ma
chinery in tho Shovlln-Hlxon box
factory, Is ablo to be out again.
Fred Smith, of Hums, was In ilend
over Sunday on his way- home from
a two week's vacation. Hd played
ball with tho Hend nine ou Sunday.
Max Richardson, who has been at
tending college 'nt Wnlla Walta, has
returned to spend n fow weeks with
his parents; Mr. and Mrs. E. W.'
Miss Nina Richardson, who hns
been teaching at 'Dayton, has return
ed to spend tho romnlndcr of the
summer with her paronts, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Richardson.
Alfred Sullivan who has been In
chargo of the Sullivan enmps for tho
last several months, loft on Friday
'night for Ocean Falls, 11, C, to tako
ciiarge or a similar camp. ,
The Feast of tli9 Five Tables, a
progressive suppor, hold on Thurs
day evening In tho Presbyterian
church under tho auspices of tho
Guild was well patronized.
Elmer Ward left on Saturday
ovenlng for Portland, whero ho was
called on account of the serious ill
ness of his mother, who bus been nt
tho Good Sanmrltan Hospital.
Fred Horskotto, of Dion A Hor
Bkotte, designers of tho Shovlln-Hlxon
plant now located In Spokane,
wcb hero, on Saturday on business
connected with tho now saw mill.
;ur. ntiu sirs, uiyuo McKay re
turned Sunday ovenlng from Port
lnnd In their new Heo Six which Mr.
McKny purchased there. .loo McKay
roturncd with them, driving In from
Tho Dalles.
Mrs. II. K. Hrooks entertained at
a bridge party and ten on Monday In
honor of her mother, Mrs. Downs, of
Seattle, nnd her mother-in-law, Mrs.
D, F. Hrooks, of Minneapolis, who
aro visiting hotr.
In making plans for entertainment
noxt year don't forget to mnko a
good old fashioned Fourth of July
colebrntlon for thrco days in 1917
the Paramount Issue. Adv.
Masses on Sunday, 7:30 n. m. and
10 a. m. Mass on Saturday, 8:30 ii.
in. tl followed by religious. Instruction
for children.
Sundny school nt 10 n. m. Morn
lug worship nt 11 a. m. Theme:
"God's Purpose In This Ago." The
public Is most cordially Invited to
attend. H. C. Hnrtranft, pastor.
ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little
Want Ad will cost you.
New Prices
August 1st, 1916
The following prices for Ford
cars will be effective on nnd af
ter August 1st, 1910 : : : : ;
Runabout - - - - $345
Touring Car - - - 360
f. o. b. Detroit
These prices are positively guaranteed against
any reduction before August 1st, 1017, but
there' is no guarantee against an advance in
price at any time : : ; ; : : :
Uni versafGarage '
Bend, Oregon
Geo. F. Hoover, Manager
100 New
Roller Skates
Music will be furnished
as soon as arrange-,
Afternoon 2:30
Evening 8
Plain White
Fancy White
Four Fancy
all sold by the
piece or by
the set
Bed's EcMoa; Ceater
Prices on all Summer Goods low
ered to make Quick Clearance.
Our Half- Year
ly Clearance
Continues to and including Sat.,
Aug. 5. Conclusive evidence of
the importance of this Sale is furn
ished by the numbers who, have
taken advantage of the low prices
we are making on Summer Goods.
Queen Quality Oxfords 20 Off
All Chudren's Oxfords 20 Off
81.15, $1.25, 81.50 MIDDIES reduced Q C
to l yjc
81.25,81.35,81.50 HOUSE DRESS- Q
es reduced to J JQ,
ES reduced to . s JC
25c, 5e WASH MATERIALS re- 1 Q
duced to I yQ-
12c, 15c WASH MATERIALS reduc- Q
edto C
now , , Z 7C
U5c WASH MATERIALS priced for O Q
this sale at Z-C
Other lots of Knit Underwear,
Wool Skirts, Waists, Parasols
and Rompers Keduced
A collection of new wash drosses which no bought nt
a decided reduction nnd which wu offer at 33 V& to fi 0 VI
below value.
$r.r0 Wnsli Dresses . f:i.75
St.71 Wrmli DrcxxcH A . .
H-00 Wash Dresses i . . . ..f.75
These Include Tan, Lluene, While, Crepe, trimmed In
diagonal stripes nnd crotumicH,
Just in These feature the now gored bncks In plain
colors, plnlds, utc Specially priced lo JfH.OO
Do suru to nttend thin Hole You cun do bettor for 1om ut
Watch Us Grow
Dr. J. O. Turner, formerly of
I.owo & Turner, tho vll
known yo specialist of Portland, Or
egon, will ho In llend iK"ln Friday
and Bnturday, Auk. J 1-12. at Thor
Hon's Jewelry store. Dr Turner Iiuh
had yearn of hard prnctlral exper
ience u h un eye and nervu specialist,
and this, coupled, with his havinK
licon cducuted in the bc;nt schools,
makes him a snfo person for you to
consult. If you have eyo trouldt-H,
headuches, or cross eyes, don't fnll
In ronsuK hlrnv If you do not need
glasses, Dr. Turner will most K)sl.
tlvely not recommend thum. Itt'Kulnr
trips to llend every 30 days. Con
sultation nnd examination free. Sat
isfaction Kuaranteed. Don't forget
tho dates, Friday nnd Saturday,
August 11-12 nnd every 30 dnytt In
future. At Thorson's Jowolry store.
-Adv. 22-23
Iteniomher you can buy nJr dried
liox factory wood 12. to per load. Or
egon Transfer Cx, I'iionu Illnrk
Notice l lioruhy glvon lliat ttut
firm or lllnckuell & Slmmonn han
this day liccn dissolved nnd tho hus
Iness will do continued by Mr. Hiiu
mons Indlvldimlly. All hills duo thn
firm will he collected by 'Mr, Sim
mons and nil obligations of thn firm
aro to be paid by him. Tho undor
slgnud will eontlnuo no nn employee
In tho business but will no lougur
bo Interested us a purtner. Da tod UiIh
2rith day of July, 191C. i
21-23P. It 0 liUAqKVEUs,
Fresh Frails and Fresh Vegetables
Only cYrrjrllun( cf the very Ul
ua our I.LUi,
M(t, Ncitw Strtrnui
Hotel Altamont
thi: iioMi: imriiu ok iii:nd"
I'leawintly licrtodr- I.urgo Koonnt
Steam Iloat Itunnlng Water
I' It.! IOI
'Dining Itoom In Connection
American Plan Home Cioklus
. AUCB D. SPAl.DIO. Proprietor. -