f THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OUK., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1010. I'AOK n. 'tZ i -. & L I 'learmgs -. Strohon Visit Frt Hock. Robert Etrahorn and party who are tourlngCcntral Oregon arrived in Fort It& Wednesday afternoon. j Mr. Strah&i nccompnnled by C. a J1UU8UI1, JJJifc Ui NIC I'llBl U- tlonal Had of Ilend, made this of fice a plolant call. Mr. Strahorn did not fK any statement regard ing rallroil development, farther than to tte that everything was coming ning nicely nnd prospects very brlgt for the future. Mr. Strahorn famed the printer's trade when a her In the days when the old Washington hand press was In vpguo. s says whenever he passes 6 countrjnowspaper oftlce he always wants to go In and set a Btlck of type. J,ii. Hudson reports business good In fcnd and that tho employees of tho baik are kept on the jump In order tofteep pace with the growing buslnessjf the Institution. koy, beer or other Intoxicating liq uors under tho present laws it is necessary ,for tha consignee to mako oath before the agent of tho com mon carrier delivering the shipment that he Is not an habitual drunkard. District Attorney Wlrtz says that scores of witnesses can be found In Prlnevllle who will testify that It has been Holmnn's prerogative for many yenrs to get drunk whenever he could get the Intoxicants In Bufllclent quantities. Holman has been drunk Blnco vecelvlng tho bser. Crook County Journnl. THl POOD oupqra WIMCMtll IS RtVRDIP AT THI CAft. ) I OUOM.THt mOfRHTO Vlt nUCH I ArrKtCIATtS YOU TU.UH HIM A10UT I W TOBACCO AM7 A1K1 THAT TfOU DIN TO-PATT AT Mia EXPENSE f t Growth at Grnndvicw. Wo have had such an excellent season the vheat and rye are grow ing so fast they are trying to push ?ti; tho fences down around the fields. I .' lfnitnlMl.l.ia n .... f .. n A t rttrttnto n va TCfiVluuil'Dlua tiiiu huh (iuiuiui;a uta raising the top of the ground. Des chutes Valley Tribune. Library in Popular. Tho Iledmond Public Library Is one of the popular placcc of tho town and by their good management and Interest the ladles nro building up an Institution that we are all proud of. From a small beginning tho library has grown to one of many hundreds of volumes compris ing the best In literature, history, fiction, science, etc. An order has Just been sent out for a large num ber of now books. Tho public Is welcome to these books at all times. Iledmond Spokesman. I WHAT'S UP. i CAPTAIHfl JsmoL IT Vr KM Coyote. Thought 1 tabid. Considerable oxcltemoat was caus ed Saturday when a coyote walked Into the yard of J. T. Hhoton who lives northenst of Fleetwood. Mrs. Chas. Erdmnn with her two children, was at tho Hhoton home visiting. Clarence, the older one, was In tho yard near tho kitchen door playing. A nolce was heard from tho chickens and on looking out doors a coyote "was seen standing near tho baby. Tho family dog entered the scene about this ttmo nnd the two cugaged In n fight. Mr. Hhoton seized his rlflo nnd shot both dog nnd coyte. Mrs. Erdmnn had planned on visit ing several days with tho Hhoton family, but tho shock proved to bo too much for her nnd she returned In tho afternoon. The greatest won der Is that tho child was not bitten Vns It was not more than ten feet from tho coyote. Tho head was tak en off tho animal and sent nway for examination. No doubt tho animal was affected with rabies. Fort Hock Times. Forced to Cut Size. Owing to the oxtromo ndvnnces In tho price of paper nnd other mntor lnl used In making up a newspaper wo nro nt last compelled to follow the lend of other small weeklies and cut tho size of tho Chcwaucan Press. u have contemplated this move for tho pant six mouths but hnva con ducted tho paper nt a loea rather than mnke tho change bcllovlng that too no ror later condltlono would chnngo so that tho former size could bo continued. However, tho price of material has continued to rlau end thcroforo this step Is taken. Wo hopo theso conditions will exist for only n Bhort tlmo so that wo can ooon go back to tho regular size. However we havo bo arranged tho paper thnt but llttlo Is lost In Kb reading mat ter, and the local field will be cov ered as thoroughly as ever. Che vaucan Press. Sheep nro Listed. During the summer months many bands of sheep nro brought from their winter rango on tho low desert along the Columbia river to graze among tho hills and valleys of the Cascade rango of mountains to the south and west of Crescent whore feed Is abundant and where tho rango Is amply protected by the For est Department by preventing ovor grazing nnd limiting tho nrcn of each band. This season has been an ex ceptionally good ono for pasture and tho sheep men have taken ndvantnge of It to tho limit, nearly 30,000 head of sheep having been counted In to tho forest through tho local forest ofllco this year. Among tho Inrgo owners anj; N. Williamson with C.020 head; Mlka Angina 1807 head; S. W. Yancy 19G7 head: W. J. Jnmlncn 38G1 hcid; Dnn Anglan estnto 1G21 head: H. Profeloy 41CG head: Harry & Ahoarn 2350 head; Carl Hnrrlgan 2300 head and McCul luff with 3500 bond. Crescent News ONE flood turn deserves another one good chew of W-B CUT Chewing gives a man the tobacco satisfaction he's been seeking for years. A good chew of W-B CUT, long shred, means n small chew. The salt seasoning brings out the rich tobacco flavor without grinding and spitting that's what makes it a gentleman's chew. Get a lOo pouch at any builneti-llke dealer'i, Give W-B CUT the quality teit and learn the bljjett lurprUeof your tobacco experience. J i ly WETMAN-BRUTOH COMPANY, SO Union &pure, Ntw Toik Cty Hotel Glen Good Score. A. E. Vulloy, an employee of the Dairy end Food Commissioner's of fice at Salem, wns a visitor In Silver Lake laot week Investigating the ho tels of this plnco. Doth hotols were given n very good score. Silver I-ake Leador. Iuw Not Yet Operative. Regarding tho now bill which has passed Congress, relative to tho 20- mllo limit for additional homestead entries, nnd about which many In quiries havo b,eon made at thla of fice, wo will stato for the Information of thoso Interested, that the Land Office at Tho Dalles has notns yet been olllclally advised as to when the law will become operative Tho dif ferent U. S. Commissioners will be duly notified at .whnt time filings un der tho now law will be accepted. Jlp.dras Pioneer. SURVEY NEARS KLAMATH Party Moves Ciiinp nnd Wilt FinUli in Two Weeks. (Oregon Journal.) KLAMATH FALLS, July 28. Tho Inst lap of prollm'nnry work of tho proposed Strahorn railroad connect ing tho Grent Northern nt Ilend In Crook county, tho O.-W. II. & N. ex tension from Vale In Harney county, the narrow gungo from Alturns nt Lakovlcw in Lako county nnd tho Southern Pacific at Klamath Falls In Klamath county. Is nil but complet ed. Tho surveying party has moved camp from Hlldobrnnd In Yonna vnl ley to Oleno In Poo valley", 10 miles from this city. It Is expected that all work will bo completed within tho next two weeks, and by thnt tlmo Hobert E. Strahorn now touring Bomowhoro In eastern Oregon will be present swlth n tanglblo proposi tion for tho pcoplo regarding tho co operative road which he proposes to construct. Kuthuslasm along tho cntlro route by the substantial men Indicates sat isfactory co-operation. SURVEY WILL EXAMINE LAKE COUNTY NITRATE DEPOSITS Following Visit of State Land Board Slnnott In Notified Investigation Will lie Mndo by Government. (Lakovlcw Examiner.) Congressman N. J, Slnnott hns been notified by tho director of tho goologlcnl survey that tho examina tion of tho reported nitrate deposits in L-ko county will bo listed nmong the Investigations to be''mado by tho survey this season. Mr. Slnnott hns urged both tho war department nnd tho geological Biirvcy to Investigate and report upon Mio nitrates. It la claimed that there nro largo deposits of tho nttrnto In tho eastoro part oktho county, which are of very high grade. Samples brought to Lakovlcw will burn when n coal Is applied to them. A nunubor of tho local people havo done considerable prospecting In that section of tho county and many claims havo been atnkod out. It wag also reported that n discovery of somo of tho ni trate was made In this valley, which ran about 15 per cent pure. Tho Stato Land Hoard visited somo of tho doposlts In Harney county a week ago and Investigations mndo thero showed that tho nitrate was there In almost unlimited quantities nnd wns of very good quality. Should the nitrate provo to be of commercial value It will bo another big Industry for Lako county. Tho mlnornl 1b used In tho manufacture of gunpowder and with tho present European war, it Is almost ItnpoBslblo for the United States to sccuro tho nltrnte. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word, SASH AND DOORS Complete Stock of STANDARD SIZES Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Telephone Red 1431 or 701 (City Sales Office Bend Company Building) Trucks Itut No Bern. Wrn. Vandevert nnd party have returned from their bear hunt at Sellers Marsh. Mr. Vandevert re ports seeing lots of tracks but no bear. He and party ere making preparations to try another part of the country. La Pine Intor-Moun-teln. EXTENDE0AGA1N IjiiiiI Hoard Will Walt linger For Jiimiii to Como Through. (Oregon Journal.) SALEM. July 2C Following tho reading of a letter from Jason C. Moore, to C. A. Shoppard, his Port land attorney, in which tho 'promoter stated that ho has arranged to get $100,000 for tho dovolopmont of Summer and Aburt lakes and to pay $15,000 to the stato on his bond, nnd also $400,000 more to have on hand when needed, tho state land board Tuesday decided to await develop ments. The posting of $15,000 to com plete the bond has been long delayed. In his letter Moore said the company was a little fearful that It might bo impossible to get machinery for some time owing to tho fact that manu facturers wero so busy making mu nitions of war. . Invite DbciiMilon. Tho Record, with n desire to open the wny for the full nnd freo dls- cusslon of the county seat question ncd the consideration thnt should govern in Its selection at the fall election, will throw open Its columns from this Issue on for that purpose. Articles ore invited from residents of the county gwiorally, expressing the wrltor's views on the subject, end what they consider the advan tages or disadvantages of the various points thnt are contending for the location. Jefferson County Record. Perjury Charged, c E. D, Holman U arrested last veck upon an information issued from the dsltrict attorney's office in connection with the receipt by Hol rnarTof a shipment of beer nt Red mond on the 30th day of June. In rder ,o procure a sh'pment of hls-j MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND. Aug. 1. With another heavy offering of cat tle yesterday, the market was ex tremely slow. Prlmo steers were as much as 25 to 50 cents lower. Top steers sold at $7.50 which would have easily brought $8 a week ago. Very good steers sold at $6 75 to $7. Hulk of steers went around $C.C0, Te medium and fair grades sold steady with a week ago. The moat of this class went $5 to $G.50. Cows as a rule sold at about the same loss. A few sold for $5.50 but the most of prime cows went $5 to $6 15. Hulk of cows sold around $4 to $4 50. Hulls sold steady to a shade higher with last week. Hest bulls realized $4.75 against a top of $4.50 last week. Calves wero steady with a $7.50 top. The hog market showed another sharp advance yesterday when prices were 20 to 30 cents over last weks close. There wag but a light run and buyers wero eager. Tops sold at $9.35 with the bulk sell ing $9.25 and $9.30. There was a good demand for all sheep offerings at steady prices yesterday. Choice lambs sold at $8.25 with culls going at $5.50 to $6. Yearlings selling $C and $6.25 and ewes at $5.00 . Fruit Canning Season is at Hand Suro Seal Quarts .- Httc Economy Quartes $l.o) Economy Pints OOc Jelly Glasses ilOo Mnnon Jnr Caps "(c Skuse Hardware Company Bend, Oregon. a BARNYARD The World's Greatest Farm Shoe BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ROUERT U. GOULD C1V1I Ik Engineer N rifto Ilend Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Ofllco Ovor PostoQlco Dend, ... Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVEHT Physician nnd Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. m.; 1-5 p. m,; 7-9 p. m. Rather ltulldlnR W. G. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. ODlco in First Natlonnl Dank Uulldlng Tel. 511 llcnd, Oregon WILLARD H. WIRTZ IAWIKB Prlnovlllo, Oregon. O. S. DENSON Attorney At Low Benson Building, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. . VERNON A. FORUE8 1, A W Y E It First Nntlonal Bank Building Bond, :-: :: Oregon OEOROE 8, YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Surveyor. Room 6 First Natlonnl Bank Building J. B. Boll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Hnnor Abstrnct Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurnnco DR. R. D. STOWELL Niipnipathlc PliyNlrlun Ovor Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to G Phono Red I Hi! O. P. NI8W0NGER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER IJccnscd Kinbnlincr, Funeral Director. Phono Rod 421. Lady AbbL DR. J. II. CONNARN I1KNTIHT Ofllco In Snthor Building. Houru 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays nnd evenings by Appointment. II. II. Do A It M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. Bond, Oregon H. O. ELLIS Attornoyat-Lnw United State ComiiilHlonpr First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON DANCE Every Saturday Night At Hnthcr'H Hull Under Now Management With Now Orchestra 1ENI TO BROTHERS AUTO STAGE Loaves Bond Tuesday nnd Saturdays It. D. George, Agent Ofllco at Gcorgo's Barber Shop HAVE YOU TRIED THE Wet Wash Laundry One Day Delivery Service 20 Lbs. Dry Wt. 50 Cents SANITARY LAUNDRY PHONE RED 1461 Erickson's Grocery Succotor lo T. R. McCWy STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Quality and Service Our Mono. Phone Black 2 1 1 AUTO DELIVERY Gilbert & Son Tho only storo In Bond wlioro you can get your gro ceries and montH at the saino plnco. FREE DELIVERY Phono lied 1171 H. P. SMITH Plain and Orrumrnul PLASTERING ALL WORK GUARANTEED Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt HASEMENTS STREET WORK. ETC. Lrive ordni l J, A. EAS1ES orncE Oirgon Stfcct LOOK FOR Just what you're looking for. Tho original THE TRADE genuine, rot-proof farm Work shoo. Will MARK meet ALL your requirements for any work any tlmo any place. On the market eight years worn to day by nearly a million farmers and stockmen, SPECIAL ROT PROOF LEATHER Hulskrmp'B Barnyard Shoes were the first shoes ever in ado specially for farmers. Made of specially tanned leather that resists manuro acid will not harden, rot and crack open. They fit better and feel better look better and wear longer. Remain soft and couifortablo in the hardest service. Sure to satisfy you biggest choo valuo you can buy. AW." BEND HAULING CO. K. N. I'M.MICXTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET FREE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO FARM PAPERSDOTTLE OF SHOE OIL A big gift offer, for a limited time, to introduco Barnyard Shoes. We give you two free gifts a iKittlo of Hulskamp'a famous rot-proofing oil and a year's subscription to your choice of two great farm papers. Call and sea Barnyard Shoes examine them carefully and comparo with any other work shoe. . We can fit you, save you money and Insure you satis faction with these famous shoes. s?yd H. REINGOLD 2b CO. STORES: PORTLAND AND DEND 665 Wtll Sutrf REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE INVESTMENTS C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTH FOR SALE IN EVERY ADDITION IN REND PROPERTY HANDLED FOR NON-RESIDENTS. BOUGHT AND HOLD. OFFICE OREGON HTRELT TIMBER I r