The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Itllreal IMMfr Mt SHter Lle
find PrMKte--. SrtWaeSwry AH
ItlgMt Wy !-a. h Tke vi
cinity ssi so.
Hrs Sta; Bus rt Wat Ui by Bh
Fechttr and Mswnt-SjH.
Like ai: ai vef e tk fott C-y
win Dottb. wat frejaentJy tke rtctia
of ratlfcloot detra-tym. He was a
caed of faruiins otker actor, at 6nt
bk fatk. tkea tke tragedUa Feebler
and etkers.
' Peefcter was at that time very W
Ur la E;kal aa.1 m (Ms cooatry H"
see called ett tke yowaaer atr sl1
uU with kratal frenkaoM. 'I fc'
them car J" Imitate air b ' -J
1 aa sate? to watck yoa Hae a hawk. "
It mwet have teea maker trying t
atay to tkk rival gtarfac ooBepVo-x-a '
kaaa a Mas box. M it UN two' n
(aw of ike perform oe Fecbter '
back to My that the chars woa qui:
tamtr '"' etpwiw't rvwi
a aiebt vff ai. 1 vest to Ma fCi
ler. ami be waa satoostbed imi.
Oenaaa actor 1 .owta tk zk
Rufus King
IgUlvor Lh leader i
aad Mr RoVrt E. fferakora
Itvor lvtk las' Wedae-day -Uoga- the handle of k swot J
Accomacaylag them wore, Baaklial M a eras. Bootk lasnarkeJ
Mr. ai Mrs C Haaawk. of Brad.. awytr thex tenter Bad erkJeatly ap
fW MM from Bead. atoaplag at ! proved tkat part of ka bmdaiaj aad
I Flaw tm loach After consult- m adapted it. 8&tJr after tbte ij
lag tk moot v'tally InUr-at- W( of a V Yoct paper aaade the
al kj tk railroad project lhr vest mtttfUMmz "'? that Bootb tjJ
Mr. fttrak'TB 1-ir.n to pajrlalmJ u L, on of bnaluaaa Craw the
lake valley b day-1 forafca aetcr
lifftt. ' Ilaotk Mr.i)rl at tb estrarasao
"BveryUlax U prograaaiB Ik tee pnl.u kawtcei tioa Moaatet sally lof
lata," aald Mr fltrakorn We are m, rolrfuI bullae la -Haailet la
idlM H ia oar aoarer aad it la now awearkiK by ! Uiadow of ike crw
to tke aaoole to ?k tk thta a nede ea ih- tax by bto taor-l
wartsraty." Ha (anker aald tkat. , !oth' ooatomt tkat be aad dour
wMla jttMrwM ailKkt aaM alow to that yearn before Moooet-lhiily fter
UM aaoala. at.ll tbere U o muck , jayfi the part of Hamlec Hoth piern
irraltailaMT work to ' doae tkat I of taattMai re tto rtwultj of a" I
0MBMM Uaia. that ooce tb'a prep- deatt Ob tme 'X'-attoo bU rorJtack
ankary work hi acooaiallalMid tba ae- nv the itaae o tkat be coakl aot pull
ttWl bolMlax of tke road woald pro- K aat. aod be botld the tbadow -it
Jaa) rapidly Proa praaoat ladlca-j bf It owl realised IM idKMlacaace at be
ke kii tbet Uy oat Oetotwr p4ati! to It. io aootber alsbt. b
-a fi(ru;rlius wttb Marcilj aoJ II
ratio "UabatM m. seaUeetea or. Ir
beaten. I'll make a cboot of nlm tbat
ltx tne be text bM lM oh lk aaortl.
It Cevr up Into ibe air ami be (ausbt
It be riotkeU tbat the bllt oad tU
OnaalHto aatMatioa waa i- nigsj of ttic vt, be caoht tbe y
praaa'jd w'tb tke pioarew made at qaaaeo of Ha roeablo:. mihI it became a
MHar lfce In a abort tia a ur- K-nuancnt art of bit ferformanit
aylar, erw will M at work here, Udwln Jllhou Hl lu llirjri Ma:
aoewlai: the n atlll op aad It U ' zlue.
MIKietod tkat la a few woeka time
an u u, nirbt. of way win CANINE SWIFTNESS.
Blad aad the ettUeas of Silver
lm aad vicinity be In readlasos to EkImo and S.btrian Da Ara Fat. I
8M aetMl cuaatrnctlon boala. but tht Crvhound Excl,
Mr. Btraborn who la aatkor of Few people i of Hbat remark
"PHtawa Tkoaaaod M!l-a Uy Staaa,' able ued i,n are iwpabi& 4ow Ma
Hkkraaaad HoMre at eln aveb a tlattew m resmi . tb bate len catb
Wpadarfal couatry ia Ceatral Oreaoa. j w by AI. I iil-r. a lreo"b r. wutwt
i ana oaiaa; aor nrai trip larouao sere. After pwiniiiiir out toe umneloaii i-u
J4gtef frfim tbe crop aba baa nmn daranco abow n by little lux tprrieM
tat law way brro. ab- flrml) i.!levai Hko Mtown tlielr maler patleMir
IbaU wltk tk tomlnc Irrigation aad for bourn wMp tbey were rVlliiK on bl
rrjlfoad lala all! ) a most proapor- cyelca or In rinmjw he ay tbat cfii
otal Mwatry Her Judmo ! wor- greater -lumpi. e U boM ly rprtaln
tk to rely uk o. for b haa trav- hIM aiilrna tliat arc- akin to !'..
M wltb br huaiiaad xtaaivly Tbua tbo wolf tan run liwe..-n tiftj
tkrMJt enaalry very ataHtar to thbi lx'J' o"m I" i'lslu "i"l an
aad iaat aaea tbe wHderneaa msd aretl tt3X " do 1"" i" "f". If not
to Mamm aa the roe. Her look la U-ttcr.
i I-l a.n -...i uia i . .
H rakWd Of a Humbor of yeara ot I "' "i mm-rwn uobi na iititci ,
tmvam wltb kr kuiiaj thraurii the f tfT-Ovr tnlkit on the ire In five houri,
waMora Halcta. ' "'"' ,,l0rL' ' n ca"! '" rt-ctinl in tthkli
iBeUaMiallv Mr ftudMi iBauIr.! n ,Mnl ur '"'"no UUkM trnVcloU M
TIK Ise; .'i'aiM wWkalu
rlf i la 1SML Tbev
!) Inat-1 James Maire
f ln,'.u isia rajaM D
Toaapkiu of .V-w Vort a kU
nmatRC mate. Tbe FtaWklfcrt
snapwnm Uafo Kin of .New
Vwrfc. bat bad ao cauJklaif fir
rto prwtdent tkat jt. Tbe
eiattinti tw.k ii OB Xwv. i
ami tke rote, (wonted rke foOuw
lue rebroary. . Moare. 1S3
Tke ek-tloa of ls3D bad hoc
oae candidate, alunroe at.J
TOKfifcla barias ao iitifaaattan
AH of tbe letor eboxal lu
tke prantdeotlal eiectioa escept
oae rtrtod for Moore Twenty
tbrw )rtate roel that J-wf. fc"t
tbere U no rocotd of tke p4flar
(Vatch for tf-t tltetion of John
Quine Adamt in 1824 in
our nJt iatuc.)
How to live Long
I Rales leprinted by permission of
Metropoiitaa Ufe Iaaar&sce Com
paay from booklet issaed r it.
It Cot Utile to IJre a Healthr
Some wfle tilnlc they cannot I re
ohky Htm aal-3 titer ar- r h
Tb ts wrwas. It k trae tbat rich i
pecale eta at aorsa t-!"r fo b it i
iMtiltk tkat atkers caaaot do '-at I
attar rick people live unhealthy '
Hvoa beeaaee tkT katy thlnrs wh cb '
are aot good for tawm. Yon but n t .
t able to hatw tke Mad of a boas
rca woald like to Mr is. Ton nw j
aot b akle to work In th fartorr or ,
tor roa woaM like. Vow not j
able to d tke kind of vrk i-"i i
woald like beat, bat row CN make'
all tbeee tktajcs koahkler.
Yoa caa keep more window cjn ,
la roar borne: yoa eaa often xet the !
hoae" to beep more windows orn
In tke faetorr or store: yoa nar he
able to more farther oat o' k rw
where It eoeta ao more to It e ou i
mar be ahe to get another lo I
aTPV W9 wfc 10 J C f 0 TCf H aKljaaai
He's cured our gouts and indigestions by picturing the
"Foolish Questions," that idle gents are always asking;
and in his genial humor basking, we can forget a while
the sorrows that seem to threaten our tomorrows.
This Goldberg is so dad-blamed
funny he makes all human life
more sunny ; when you are look
ing at his drawings you cease your
frettings and your pawings, and
just lean back and grin and chortle,
and say, "His fun is more than
mortal." His wit is sure an end
less bloomer, and naught can stay
his flow of humor. As he main
tains his pictured joking, the rich
Tuxedo he is smoking. No doubt
while plying his vocation, he finds
in that an inspiration, like count
less others, who, as winners, find
"Tux" as usefur as their dinners.
Crtmlerof 7VJuA Q.
Man Cartoont, etc.
"I find In Tuxtia a toi
tslacco. lu ragtence anj
flacotonfint. I tut II rtu-
tatty and tnJone It highly to
all my friatdu"
Kvea If yoM aanaat do the h en
all tkl fwoaoratorr work will be
taaaaplated ao tbat a defialt Mato
MM caa b made, aad that by early ,
trar; actaal work may it-acla oa a
kaadrod mile railroad project
tkroaafc Coatral Uroa.
A. V. & A. M.-j-MoeU e nd
and fourth Thursday olgbta
at 8 o clock Masonic Hall
J D Davidson. Secretarv
Vialtlng Members Welcome
II. A. M. MeeU first and
third Friday nights rt S o
rT-7 clock. Masonlo Hall
)Jj Visiting I ambers Welcome
How tba Irritation project w aa pro-,
i aimI one-lMlf nilk in twenty vlsbt mlti
Kftawlac aad etureaaod anrpriae that
Ihla ImportaMt work waa out keeplna;
breast with the railroad plan "You
issopl want in B4it buy on this
tkiaja;. If yoa want a rallritttd In
kwa," uld Mr llMtlaon He was
larared (hat averythlaK (Hiasibl
i According' to SI I)iioIIt. the sjnt-d
I of the bill'rl ilotc and tboe uM oa
j huntltii; miicen U fmm ten to llfti-rn
rani n second. I'.iikIIhIi r-pttcrs and
winter run nt Ibu rale of ciKhtceii to
nineteen tulles an hour, mid they can
maintain tliin sii for nt bunt tno
IJ ... .... ... ,LI. .. ...I. ... ""
"" .T UBH" ,M "rl lHm wor l" uwi". I'ox hounUx aro txiraonllnarili
u anma hhIO, ui It iirotwl U) tlio fact Hint n
rrom I'aialey the sUrahorii irty I ,lult of U ,,ri, wirt. k1 ,lloroRh
will procewd m Ukovlow. thn i bred lwi. cot eriiii; four mile in six
arbiise Valloy itad Klamath Falls , nnd M half luliiuiiti uhloli us nt tho
" " . I rate of ticarty elk'lilewi jnrilii n M-coud,
SOltriM I'lty III). IVllllllI. nr.. ll... ...Ifi.. .. -II
.T ,h","L'!!r" wr"",,B i?1 four fooled orvnturiM. nml their sed
tif dlaordcred kldlinyn nml scoff at (. ......i , ,,,, ... ,,.. .. . i '
ilaMMora of serious aimauqiiancist of. , "', ' , l , CVi , ' S .
ln y the iHinaliy with drend dlu- "''" creyhound.. which are used
wi, I. .
air A-lJc Vn
O. I.'. S. Meets second
and fourth .Monday
nl-hm at 8 o'clock. Ma
sonic Hall.
Mrs C M. McKay. Pec
Vla'tlng Members
M. V. . Meets first and
tVrd Tuesday nights at S
oc'xk. Sather's Hall
K K Hanna. Clerk.
Visiting Neighbors
)iti or llrlgiit s dlaoaso If iu hatu
Inmo back, pdlna In sldos. sore mtm
cltts, stiff Joints. rliDiiiuatlc nrhmi -tako
Kolny Kidney I'lils ami stop the
troable l.forn It Is Ion Into. Sold
iivtvjr where .dv
fur ooumlnc, are ablo to toter nt full
BNllup a upote between uluhteeii and
twentr jnnls oiery second. -Our Dumb
No Common Cur.
When nmeKHlnir u fmallr In Irrlnir.
...... .......... -
inn I'np-r .ti..ttii.t. liiiiMMi. ion tliu (uemh.ii of "wlwt hrtdM aa
Tht'r wm ao slurmitypliiK plant ankod of tin. owner of the fiiuillr doc
whim Jullna 0H.r wm itxtaut No j The unman of the Iioum' utituered:
Maraentbaler aan Its sons; Octu- "llu's JtMt u cur." Her -li-jeur-old son
plat kad not come along There was ' NirHlKhleuwl hltnxelf up to hi full
ko Ink in rods and bTutt wbH Julius j height. (Milled til dot; on the lied nnd
faoaar ran the news. . proudly pr)-.'hiluiitl, "Yes, nml be's a
Wfcen Julius I'aaaar Hodd awa , full blooded cur too." ludliiuuiolU
thar waa ho telephone to usm ll
kad to climb aboard a bora aad (
ascluslve aroHH by forco. Thare as
Hot then, aa we may futma, goutl
Aaaoelaled Mr eaa
Hacauta bit aurtkoU thus waa crude
lhay burlail ihue ka iHtartlawad.
wkkk aaam In ludleal a lack of
nap ropprUtrlwl ttmiek. Still one
load poiat l clearly spied. Ills in
terviews weie uoi dafilnd.
Whan Julius Caesar edited. s
ckaaaos wer aot credited baa he
net ltan fare to fasti be grabbed
Ihem quick to swell his space Thus
nor mall v he ratue to be the tlrsi
inmt Klltorial We.
Ia many auoiber atatlr. too, be
did Juat wkal wn felwww do. lie al
ways did that luodorH atuut He al
wajra put the iiows hp front llu wvn
kla staff saalgKWHBU (ongh And kept
tho galleys full of atua
Though ha oouid Hot rush news to
prosa In il ft eat wlaHloa wor or leak,
yal bo had ofwry (Hkar art that attl
toia have by uaart Jtwt soaa his
ajHff. We've got g kMMli )"OH'll aajr
that JmIIu had tba puhwh.
Who Jullua CMMr'e llsta was
Vipa, thr waa ho LAm to liak tl
tk rwtus with aom olar akap
sstalrlUm aid HaM Strm Hi OefM.
-4hpls) Tho MetanihaJa UaMt Q
Tjrpe NkwV.
Could Live on Lov.
I'alber The idtm of ninrrylne that
Jetutg fellnu'l He couhln't scrupu
enough tuoiiur tuaeiber to buy a
nHnre monl Iruiicliier Hut nluil
dlatfewv iiimhI llntt mule) We UnWMi't
ojlhsr of u had u (ill of appetliv fur
Mil Knr Opilo.
-How tiki J ou cet cti a brtiWcd cjra.
"Well. hew. mi out n-tonkln' for
trouble an' dli .tere e.e una de fuai to
tin J It." Ibwtou TruiiirlL
Llont and Lavandar.
Ihere la mi rerttnl uf a lhn evr hav
ing attacked n trnlner lio hml taken
the vremutloii of vtrfiiiulnt hlmaclf
with Ut render.
"Howe people ute o laids4Uva."
"Ym, but limy oro luanWjr ttttptiL
"Siuiwr nYiM. If I "ore n.n UjHIUMsilve at
ymi are 1 weukl Wflw tjtarlJi1au.H
Mtr fnrjHKlandlouae eo.J. Ityaa
Kor Ibu jxiluus se ttdttsrdt,
1 .!
K. of 1' Deschutes
Ixdge No. 103 Meets
etery Wednesday night
at S o'clock Sathcr'j
Vliltlng Members are
L M Melteynolds,
K or It & S.
O. I Ilend
IS. MeeU
i.i .r
ljeTiV .....I... hI.1.1 n. Q ..'.Innlr
" .lUltua, IIIKIII. v a u v.iwwf
S her's Hall Visiting Members
Welcome II. I. McKlm. N. U
N I Wqldor, SeereUry.
I). of It. Ilend I.odgo No. 208. Meets
second and fourth I'rlday nights at
8 o'clock. Sather's IUII. Vliltlng
Member Welcome.
Mrs Kthcl M Fleming. Secretary.
T. I'. II Meets first nnd
third Friday nights nt 8
o'clock. Sather's Hall.
Visiting Members Invited
to Attend
C W Thcrothwaltc. Sec.
'.. v"' No 2 I 3.
-n2' ' Thursda) nt S
qt'- a clock Sath.
ers Hall Visitors alwo)s Welcome.
I'hm Krsklne, Secretar)
Unitinij Learning ond Labor
In it Su Schooltan'l Forty-eight Be
p.iituinU it cugagctl in the great work
oi uniting Learning And '.slur.
Forty-eighth School Year Opens
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Dsre Courses requiring a bur.jear
high nh.l prciuratiuu, arc otic tell iu
the lol lowing
At'.Rk ri.TUKIt, 16 Deiwrtmentt;
COMMI.KCK. Dcrwttinenu. KNOIN
ItHKIM., il IViMrtmcut, MINUS, 3
HciHrtiuenli 1'OKKtTKV. 2 Depart.
nw.iU.UOMH HCONOMlCb I Depart
uiout,nd I'HAKMACV.
Vocational Courses rrunmg an
Kighlh tirade preparation fur entrance
are otTtrrd in Agriculture. Itairyiug.
Commafcc, Forestry, Home Maker, and
MaciMBk rt FharmAcy with a two
year high k hixil entrance miuireaicut.
SCHOOL OF MUSlC-Fuoo, btnug,
rtual ami Vote Cultuxe.
(Suiiewae uud illaatrateil
boeVlot free.
AasWeat TUB RawciTRVK,
i.4y!ioB--ia) ouatAtAis okkoo,
-oo caa do others that coat nth ng ,
It costs row nothing to wear to-jt
clothes looee. It eosta rou no'h'nr to
have your wlndowg open when you
slf-cp. It cots yo notbiss: " take
breathing exereifea or to stand, sit
and walk erect. It costs yon nothing
to bare your boweU move each day
Almost a of us can take enough
time to at pur meals slowlr The
foods tbat make us most health are
often the cheapest fods. Expenslre
foods, like meats, may be less health
fnl Remember that we can enjoy
i"heap food and prow heelthr from
eating It Here s the list of food
In wfakh the cheapen are given first
and the dearett tart: Glueoe corn
meal, wheat flour, oatmerl cane
sugar, salt pork, rice, wheat brwd.
oleomargarine, beans, peas, potatoes,
butter, milk, cheeae, beef s'ew. ham.
mutton chops. beaf, eggs, oraters
Cheap foods that, contain protein,
or "repair foods" (of rhlch we
learned In Rule 7) are skim milk,
beans, chee and peanuts.
Cheap "fuel" foods thit contain1
larch or sugar fof which we also1
learned In Rule 7) are b -ad. ban
anas, glucose and common sugar
Other cheap "fuel" foods that eon
tain FATS are oleomargarine and
cotton seed oil.
The United State Public Health
Sen ice Ah
iK) vor
-- Think dog muzzling is cruel
and then manol ct the spread
of rabies
Carefully select your brand
of lbuor and then feed vour
children unpasteurized milk'
Repeat the Golden Rule and
then sneeze In somebody's face
Go camping for our health
and then place your toilet so
that It drains into jour water
ORKf.O.V Gins ROAD 1 UNI).
Ap,orMnment of the 5,000 o
atallabl" wejween now and June C
1H17. for road buildlrg In the var
ious states has recently been com
pleted by the Department of Agri
culture The apportionment is based
on area, population and mileage rf
rural mall routes. Oregon Is allot
ted $S,CS7, but must put up an
equal amount to receive thla sum
In addition there Is Jl.OOO.Ou"
available with which to build roads
In the national forests of the coun
try. .
Want Ads only ONE CENT a word
Thow who enjoy outdoor puru
yet d-ccd the effect of sun r-d viid
burn, a tanned face, rrinn and nsek
tho soreness nnd discomfort will be
slid to know of a simple er rnme
method of treating these 'roubles
that removes all evidence of exposure
and keeps the ikin soft, clear. v.hite
and free of dtomforts thut u-ually
a' tend on such experience This Is
a lotion cklled San.isoptlc. w'.tch can
Ik? procured at Rsed & Horton't Druz
-tore, for 50 eeats S-ntleptlc 13 .
t.Mtlt remarkable remedy against r.U
kinds of skin troubles It : equrll
effectlte frr sn1!ow.skIn. for f.ecklc
pimples, tene, spot and d'.'colorr
t:ons. giving tho skin an rxqulsite
clear whiteness and healthful olr
Irg. Delightful after shriving. The
Eehcucott Chemical LnlioratoMe-? a'
Portland. Oregon. Ad
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to showyou.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company