The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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IlltlCJK VAItl).
(Spoclnl to Tho Ilullotln.)
UIUCK YAHI), Aug. 1. Several
incn woro addod to tho Ilrlck yard
crow this week but more aro still
Mrs. A. Taylor cntnrtalnod a num
ber of ladloH at bur homo at tho
lirlck yard Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Jarrard and children find Miss
Elslo Horn spent Friday afternoon
on tho Ttimnlo
The brick yard crew and tholr
families wont plcnlclng on tho Turn
nlo Sunday Tlioro wore enough
fish caught for eusry one.
Mr. and Mrs. Kwlng moved back
to the O. illloy ranch Sunday to tnko
care of their hay crop which will tnko
nbout two weokB when they will
move back to tho brick yard.
jMrs. GIIiikcii, who Iibh boon run
ning tho boarding Iioiibu, moved to
tho Shovlln-Hlxon camp, whoro slio
will Join lior biisband. Mrs. Alex
Maynu will tako her placo.
Tho brick yard mado a record run
Saturday 'of (2G,000 '.brick In C
Mrs. Wm. Douglas will leave for
Kiigona Wednesday evening In hopes
thath or lu-alth will Improve there.
Her daughter, JohsIu, will accompany
I Received Too Late for Last U'eok.)
ItHICIC YAIH), July 27. Ml. No
Kus drovo to Ills ranch in .lofforson
county Wednesday. Ilo expf-cts to
bo back In n few oays to loaiiino his
Thu young people ( 'I'0 Hrlck
Yard enjoyed Wednesday oviiiiIiik
around u ramp llro. Souks, Bpnak
Ing mid games wore the nmusamenls
of tlio oviiiiIiik.
Mr. and Mrs. II. dray. Mr. and
'Mrs. (I. Kwlng, and tho MIiikos .los.
nlo and IMIior Douglas, EIhIu Horn
nml Mr. DniiKliM spent Thursday
(ivenliiK at Thumpson'H camp.
O. Tiiiisoy whs a visitor at the
llrlckyaid Thursday evening.
.Aim. Horn entertained tho Indies
of the llilukynrd Thursday after
Tho MIhiph Nina Thompson, Es
ther lloilglaH, Violet Mayno, and Kl
mIh Hoi ii Hpent Friday on tho Turn-
.Mr. Horn nml family iiiitrr"il up
to Broken Top mountain Sunday.
Mr. ami Mrs. A. Taylor accompanied
tliiiin, ii lino limes r.n reported nnt
' withstanding tho three feet of wntor
Hint bud to bo forded by their Ford.
Mrs. William Douglas, vlio has
"boon III for several iiioiiIih, Is lin
piovliiK slowly, ami will lonvo Tor the
valley ni soon as she Is able to
1-nvel. Her daiighlor from Coutrnl
1 . will rccoinpatiy her.
Mr. mid Mrs. Alex Mnyuo mid
family. Miss Josslo Dmigh.n, CHIT
Thnmpsuii und Shorman Doughm
Hpent Sunday on tlio Tiimalo.
Mr. MuUlg and father, .1. M. I.rnv
r iico mid Mr. .lohniiu vlnltml the
bilck yaul Monday. Mr. Mulzlg
placed an orde. for liO.DOO hrlck
villi tlio roiiiprny to bo iimjiI In his
now bank building..
A ilcslmblo bread knlfo froo with
every niiimal subscription to Tho
llond Uulletlii.
lost (!iti:i:ii.
(Hpoclnl to Tim Ilullotln)
LOST ORHEK, July 28. -Mrs, .1.
lliinynrd passed through tho valley
hint Sunday on her ww ! IVinlhti'ii
where she oxpectH to make an ox
luinlod visit with her sister.
Carton Denny lias gonu i or tc
llorscw lliookliiKH to help ilurliiK Hie
having season. V
8. W. Ilest has gouo to Silver
'( to do some imrpoutor work for
.1. (!. Cecil.
.Mrs. .1. ( I'erry wiih In tho valley
the fore mill of last week.
S. .1. Hiilibaril Ih puttliiK up his
liny. Ilo bail to cut It n little early
In order to got ahead of the rubles
Kuriiest Hester lias gouo back to
Sotillle after a short stay In tho val
Uy visiting friends.
V.. A. York and fcmlly have koiio
to l.nUevlow for tho summer.
J. II llHsstcr hmi koiio over to the
Double O ranch to woik for J, Hun
yard. 0. .1. Stiuiffer wan a guest of Dave
Dunn at Imperial tho foro part of
Inst week.
J, 0. Terry was a business visitor
In lleuil during the past week,
Junto MoNwun Is siifferliiK with a
Hero throat and Ih under tho earn of
Dr. Totter.
i.' (Spoclnl lo Tho Ilullotln)
HAMITON. July 8. Mrs.U. M.
Ick spout Wednesday at A. S.
MlM Itthel Fogg nml Ml X"lu
llartbulumttw wro ontwrtiiluod at W.
T. lUruiiin'K mi 1,1 surd CrM)k Tlmrs
ilny. Mm. C. II Harmon wm an Imper
ial willr SatunUy.
XI. 1.. ('row la mindim a sore Iinud
UIm .! llurtliolomtw returned
lo liw honm In Tortlmul Monday uf-
lr visiting (wo iiioutliK nt A S
.WIB mid otbei friends mi tlio IiIkIi
Hugh Crow wtMt out on tlio tiuck
to llnntl .Monday ou his wu to Ida
. ho.
x A. T. Frtuno returned lo hU liome
xtttml Monday after soieral mouth's
Mlnti I ,ii i u Crow spent Monday with
Mlwt Hlliel Fogg.
Mrs. Dunn mid son of llollliighiim,
WusliluKtoii, panned through our val
toy Sunday soIIIiik school supplies.
Mrs. It. Whltnkor mid Mrs. HIiik
mill sou of Dry Lake was trnnsnet
lil; bualiiiKm In Hampton Mondny
Mr. mid Mm. 0 II Harmon unit
Miss D.irlo lliirtou woro oiiteituliiod
lit A. S. Kokr a Woduasday.
tomolillo and had It put In placo last
vook, ,
I,. A. Hall Is helping Eric Hosto
lr.nd do his haying.
A. I). Norton nnd family wore out
from licnd to do their harvesting,
left ncnln Sunday.
Mrs. J. Heatson accompanied Mrs.
T. 11. Johnson to Hoinpstad vnlloy n
weok pgo Sundry.
On July 22 Miss Ora SprcRUo and
Ernest Edmonds wore married at
Ilsnd. Miss Spragiio came out west
from Missouri two years ago and for
tho nast six months has boon omploy-
! cd nt the Alex Mc'iitoah homo. Mr.
Edmunds Is a son of Itev. EdmondB,
n former resident, and resides on a
ranch nbout 12 miles from hero,
whore the happy couplo will mako
tholr futuro homo.
Mrs. Keller was omploycd at tho
Mt. Pino Inn Wednesday.
P. II. Johnson bought a cow and
calf from Mr. Whlttlor of Horastend
It Is reported that Mr. Hunter, a
linmeBtoadcr here, ban recently been
Mrs. It. It. Kollor visited with
Mrs. J. J. Holland Tuesday evening
nnd Mrs. (leo. Powers Wednesday
Wm. Ilnhu and (loo. Mllllcnn woro
nt Spencer's Wednesday to see how
the well drillers worn progressing.
Mrs. Ilenklo Is out from Ilend to
vlBlt her s ster. Mrs. McClevo.
Mossrs. One. Cook and Pressly
mnile n buiilncss trip to .llond and
Prlnovlllo last week.
Mrs. .1 J Holland called nt Mrs.
Kollor's Thursday.
Jon Holland has been confined to
bis homo with n bad summer cold.
Summer colds aro fpilto prevalent In
the valley at the presont time.
I.nst week Clifton Evans called at
the .Mllllcnn Inn tn seo Mr. Mlllicaii.
Slnnley Smith, Mrs. (leo. Cook and
her dailRhter Miss llesslo, ntitoed tn
tlio Mt. I'liin Inn Tuesday eieulng.
Mrs. J. lloatson has Improved In
health considerably since they came
hack to their ranch tho first of tho
Mr. Iteaiu Is busy plowing for Wm.
Mr. KliMnmlng, brother of Mrs.
Itosln, returned to lleuil Friday.
J. Iloalsoii returned from Hear
Creek Friday ovuiiIiik and Messrs.
Frank Messlngalu and It. It. Kol
lor returned Saturday afternoon
fiom tho same plarc.
Messrs. I.lttlo and McDonald of
Hon it had dinner at Mrs. C M. Ros
in's Satiirda). They woro onroute to
Hear Creek
II. E. Monro wont to lleuil Sunday.
It. It. Keller spent Sunday at the
Mllllcnn ranch.
Mrs. FleuiiiiliiR, mother of Mrs.
C. M. Itosln, camo out from lleuil to
liolp llttlo Virginia Itosln coiebrato
her soventh 'birthday Saturday. She
brought most of tho birthday good
ies from Uend, "among thorn being
leo croam which was especially rol
Ished on the high desert by the rest
of tho party, namely Mrs. J. J. Hol
land, Mrs. It. It. Keller, Mrs. C. M.
noBln, Joo and Mary Holland, Wnltor
and Itoy Kollor nnd Virginia and Clif
ton Itosln, Virginia wnH quite well
remembered by her llttlo friends as
well as by her father, who Is In Mon
tana, and by her grnndmother, with
approprlato tokons.
Sunday a picnic was celebrated In
tho big timber In honor of Miss Iles-
fIo Cook, tills bolng lior first visit to
tho high desert, Thoso holplng Miss
Cook enjoy the picnic woro Mosdnmes
Goo. Powers, Pressly, J. J. Holland,
James Heatson and Geo. Cook,
Messrs. Wm. Ilnhn, Earl Powers,
Stanley Smith, L. A. Hall, James
Heatson, Koy Cook,' Geo. Cook and
Pressly. Also Wm. Powers, Mary
and Joo Holland and Mrs, Ilenklo
and children.
Mrs. P. I). Johnson had the mis
fortuno of fnlllng Into her cellar on
Friday but fortunately alio was not
seriously hurt.
It. It. Kollor, Frank Mosslngalo
nnd J. Heatson went to Geo. Mill!
can's ryo patch nbout six miles from
hero today .to do tils haying thero.
Mrs. Flemmlng nnd Mrs. Itosln
nnd children stopped nt tho Mt. Pino
Inn for u short tlmo Sunday.
Eric Hostoland shocked somo of
his liny Sunday.
Wm. Ilnhn Is helping Mr. Hosto
land (lntsh up his buying.
P. II. Johnson took Mr. Glo3s, who
had spent a few days at homo, to
llend tills morning.
Abo Evans and family havo moved
bnck to tholr homestead,
Andrew Hall wns out to seo his
brother, h. A. Hall.
iowi:m mutti
(Special to Tho Ilullotln)
POWELL lU-TTB, July 30. Tho
llrst crop of nlfnlfu und clover liny
Is now nenrly all put up and tho sec
ond cutting Is growing splendidly.
Tho grnln Holds nre nbout ready for
tlio reaper. Mr. Edwards has start
ed his header, being at work now on
tho Cornell plnco.
Fred Montgomery was kicked on
tho Jaw by n iiiulo colt Inst Frldny
evening Just as tboy woro quitting
work for tho day. Ho tried to drive
tho colt out of tho field so he could
shut the gato, when tho nccldent
happened. Ho wns senseless for
somo few minutes. Tho other men
gavo first aid mid ho soon' cntuo to,
but was In u il.uod condition nil
Wm. i"'ntU':f.on has piuhiiFcd tho
Maury olc'ity which has been farnfed
the past two cars by Henr Hansen.
Mr. Peterson's family aro hero and
he will bul'd n housa Immediately,
tlioro being only a 4mall shack on
the place at present.
A baby boy rrrlu.l ot thf J. J.
Chapman homo on Fl.nny last.
Miss Hn.ol V.t.yn risti rr.ed Friday
evening from Iipso'i'itos, where bIhj
has been spending the last two weeks
with her grand parents.
Mrs. Guy Sears and daughter Or
Isa nnd Ada spent Thursday after
noon with Mrs. Ynteo.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Alloy and MIbs
Una Mooro motored to Itedmond on
Saturday afternoon.
Miss Josephine Mnncenu was tho
Inspiration for a very plensant sur
prise pnrty Tuesday evening, the oc
casion bolng her eighteenth birth
day. Tho affair waB arranged by
lior two married sisters, Mrs. Foles
and Mrs. Mathat, who aro visiting
here. Tho young folks enjoyed
games on tho lawn, nftcr which dain
ty refreshments wore served by tho
hostess. Many beautiful little gifts
wero loft by tho friends of Miss
Manceau and nil Joined In wishing
lior many happy returns of tho day.
Tho following woro guests: tho MIs
bos Linn Moore, Gladys Dayn, Eblm
Llndqulst, Orlsa nnd Ada Sears, Mild
red and Ednn Alloy, Fay Hussett,
DorothyWells, Gladys Pauls, Messrs.
Dolbert French, Alvirn Ulggs, Will
and Otto Pauls, Max Strlxner, Will
Hennlger, Lloyd Hussett, Dewey nnd
Edd Mooro, Mr. Saxon, Wilbur Ed
wards, Lcn Osborn and Fred Montgomery.
Miss Gladys Uayn returned to
Prlnevltlo Saturday after a month
vacation spent at tho homo placo,
A number of our men with those
with thoso from the other towns met
at Community Hnll Saturday night
to disccuss county division. Nothing
definite was determined on.
N. P. Alloy and family left this
morning for tho coast In their car.
Mr. Alley will return soon but tho
family will remain until school opens
this fall. ,
Twenty of tho members of the
Sunday school accompanied by two
chaperons climbed tho buttc Sunday.
They took lunch, which they spread
under tho big trees near tho Clarko
springs. Tho vlow from the top of
tho butte was beautiful. All tho
surrounding farms could be seen.
Everyone reported a good tlmo.
Geo. Havens sold his place to Dr
Mann of Portland for two thousand
dollars and tho crop for threo hun
dred more. Tho Havens will re
main here this winter. Dr. Mann
resold tho plnco to Geo, Hobbs.
(Hecolvod Too Late for Last Week.)
POWELL HUTTE, July 24. Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. .Long spent wo days
cf last week at tho homo of tholr
daughter. Mrs. Walto;1 Foster.
S. D. Mustard I;: on tho sick list.
Doc Hayn has finished putting up
his llioi crop of clovor and alfalfa
hey ami will help hN falh.T at Des
chutes for tho next few dr.y".
Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hussett was gladdened by tho nr
vlval of a baby girl on SinJny even
Ins, July 23. Tho llttlo ona will bo
called Margaret Holon Huasott.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Saundcin rnd
children, Mr. Fulkerson, Ml.-i L!na
Moore and Mr. Dt.lbort Fronrh went
to tho Dcrcliut to near Tiimalo tho
(Continued on pngo 11.)
Money to Loan
in sums from $250 to
$25,0.00, 3 to 10 years
time. Reasonable
rates, prompt
J. Ryan (b Co.
The Most Popular Chew for a
Third of a Century )
The man who chews gets by far fte
most wholesome enjoyment and satis,
faction out of tobacco, especially fc5
chews plug tobacco. The rich jm'ct,
of the leaf are retained in good
plugs better thin in any other fortq,
For more than a generation SptirH
Head has held first place as the favor,
itc high-grade plug chewing tobacco.
This unique distinction is due solel;
to the wonderful ouality and flavor ot
Spear Head the richest, melloweit,
tastiest chew in the whole world.
Spear Head is the choicest of ill
red Burlcy, hand-stemmed and nude
into mellow-sweet plugs in a perfectly
clean, most sanitary factory.
Vi.ii frti f.lii,. 1,m Amm. ... .
uu ...... k ...w.. t. umui uui 01 i
Spear Head, because it's a part of ths Tl
tobacco. That rich, ripe, red Burlcy
taste keeps on pleasing you as long
as you keep on chewing.
Chew Spear Head and you'll be
chewing the purcjt and most satisfying
tobacco that it's possible to make. In
10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. ,
l)r mttmitmj f mm i , i in ,J
And Investigate our prices
before buying your groceries.
Wo can hiivo you money.
Mllllcnn, Ore. Telephone
At -the 4ouch
of a match
All the convenien
ces of gns better
cooking and a
Bakes, broils, roasts,
toasts. More efficient
than your wood or coal
stove, and costs less to
operate. Your cooking
is better, too, because
you hnvo heat-control
like n gas stove.
. N
' Fir
Tho New Ptrftctton
Klvet clean, odorleji,
Bootless t!rabcauo of
the long blue chimneys.
Cuts out the drudgaryof
wood or coal. Keep
your kitchen cool. In
1,2,3 and 4-burner sizes,
ovens separate. Also
cabinet models wllhVlte
tess Cooking Ovens.
AiW your dealer today.
Standard OU Co.
True Economy . . .
' means the wise spendiog of one's moocy -mixing every datUr do fuQ duty
and getting In return an article that will MtUiy you la every way.
The X7-nTT
xxx x XL
I a real bargain txciuu It k sold at a popular
prke because It gives you tbe kind of sewing
you delight lni because It will turn out tbe work
qukfcly and thoroughly and give you a life time
ot utUfutory services because Its Improve menu
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine i because it will please you
with its fin finish and beauty ot its furniture.
In abort you will find the White reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
De sure to see the While dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White Is. II there Is no White dealer handy, write us direct foe cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines,
am. husi.i:ss max:
You havo often asked yoursolf If It Is posslblo to find a spot near
homo, whoro It Is bo bor.utlful that a man can go to spend a day, a weok
end. or a wholo vacation, and completely forKot tlio worrlcs"of his
builnen, htn debtor nnd creditors, fornlvo his enemies and get iuto
tuno with tho wholo world and nature at It's best.
TIIKIIK IS SUCH A .'LACK:. At locst 1 havo found' It bo!!!
TAKE THE I1EST ROAD OUT OF HK.ND. go northwest about forty
m'les to the point whoro you Ilnd r boautlful valloy that looks llko
sreen velvet. 8nuBKimB closely to tho foot of Mt. Jefferson, with countless
cool and sparkling springs nestling In It's bosom, and tho flsh-ladon
Motollug Itlvor winding to and fro through Ifa entire length. THEHE
you will find METOLO: tho Fisherman's I'aradlse-tho Hunter's
Dollgh the Sportemnn's Home tho I'lcasuro Seokor's Mecca and
and rlwt'nU e'nerS t,Wd lltt,lBtt" M'1 t0 "W length
METOLO Is strictly a pleasure resort; NOT a town-lto or Imilnosa
proposition. Kvery tract and estate reserved from business uses forever.
Lach tract rdmost as largo as an ordinary city block, yet only costlmr
from 176 to 1125 each. Think of lt!R summer home site for abS
n hundred dollars, and nearly every ono with water frontage that can'
bo purchasod on any termc desired.
Ilulld your cabin or lodge out of native materials to be found right on
the place, and you have no preparations to make when you want In outing
hospitable farmer close at hand provides all the eats and con,for"s for
Over one half thtw trccti are already spoken for or taken! Seo any
roal estate man In llend for selections promptly,
1 J. H. aiiXGit.
(Stmclnl tn Tho lltilletta)
MH.I.ICAN. July SI T II Joint
won bouglit a b.'ttor 1ki1 for bin an-J
fOU SAM: 11V K. !'. 1AKSAX
-1Vtl. -1