SS.JJ tiii: hend hullktin, hend, onK., Wednesday, august 2, 1010. PAGE 12. AVATHIt MAIN EXTENDED. , Extension of their water servlco 3nto tho dlnlrlcts on the west sldo of tho rlvor by r. new main crosnlng on Iho foot brldgn has boon bogiin l)' tho Dena Water Light & Power Co. The main, which Is eight Inchcn In h'zc, will run from tho corner of 'California and Congress atrcots, ncroBs Park addition, ovor tho river Sinil up to n connection with tho main In Jloulovard ilrlvo, a distance of 17 in feel. With this In uso it Ih oxpecied that a shortage In wntor, THE BEND CO. Real Estate caused by tho rapid construction on tho weit side and accompanying water UKu, will he rollovud BEND A I THEATRE jdr j tonight Jw ' AND I" s&zz23T TOMORROW I GRETNA I i SHEVMN OFFICIALS VISIT. Olllclnls and lit'inls of departments of The Shovlln-lllxon Company vls Hcd Jlond InHt week Hpondlng Bovcral days hero In an Inspection of tho plant and tho lumbering oporatlonB. Tho vlsltorfl. who arrived on Wed nesday. Included President F. P. Illxon. of I.a Crosse. Wis.. Oeorgo Illxon and son, of Minneapolis; J A. Nichols and K. II. Don I'rcd llorskottc was also In tho party. Tho Messrs. Illxoh loft on Friday night, Sir". Dea on Sunday and Mr. Nichols nnd Mr. Ilorskotto last night. II. II. Crolor, of Uio S. P. &. S., was also here with the party. A REFRESHING COMEDY DRAMA OF OLD SCOTLAND, FEATURING THE ADORABLE road work proceeds. Work ou the west approach to tho now county bridge Is progressing. The top of tho rock Judge at the head of tho grade Is being taken off and tho material placed In tho fill below with earth brought from other local ities. When completed the road will run dliVot I'rom the iirldgo to a Junction with Klmbark avenue. Ho OimiIiI Mindly Wiiuk. Deranged kidney cause ihounin tlHin. aches, pains, .'iironi'ss, slIrfiu-SH. Ambrose (lary, tjiilphur, Okln.. writes "I was boll ered l"i kldnej tiouHe ten years .mil :n I.imh coulil luili vnlk. I li'ignn a.u.ik l-'olcj Kldne) Pli'j I got rellir fioin tho iln u continued until I bad taken three bottles. I feel like a new mini " Sold ovorywhoH), Adv WfflD MEfflmsmsj Advertisements liiHcilctl under this tirudliig nt the nilo of ONE CENT A WORD encb Insertion. C'iinIi iiiiihI accompany all orders from person not having n regular nrt'ount with Tim lliillolin. No iiiheitNt'iiicnt taken fur Iom tlinu 15 cenlN each Insertion. iMPIff UiVLIJll SCREEN ARTIST Marguerite Clark SPECIAL PARAMOUNT PICTURE The Trail of the Lonesome Pine with n;iitifui CHAPxLOTTE WALKER as JUNE llased upon Eunnu Wallers play from John Fox, Jr.'s novol A HTOItV OF Till: VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS AND THE GOV ERNMENT ciii'haiu: against iiaaviv mopou TIIAFHI' INTEHRl PTED IIY AX AHSOHHING l.()i: AI'TAIIt SUNDAY AND MOND.U, AUGUST HTII AND 7 Til I." AND 1M CENTS. The Girl and The Game NEW THRILLS Friday and Saturday IOC (71 I5C BEND THEATRE When seals for "Tin: spoilers" Go on sale gi;t vorits llcfore (bo best nro taken TtSOHIWMMMMA WANTED. WANTED To exchange pulutlng Iwallowa! U ,r a .r :ijiiL kakiv .univi i rivi -J "Breath of tho Pines" t i .a ........ . . . .. j i,.iuu eel anovii sca-iovei in inu t J Powder HivcrMountiims, t Joseph, Oregon Knt, 4 t near sleep, play, live out-of-doors, t A delightful iiiouutalu-lako ro 4 sort (Idiiil Mailing. i or ikii iniornwuioii. lares, t tickets, otc .. ii. i:gn, ask Agent iO-W.R.R.&N.; for denial work. Henry Wcokloy, tn iiulru iicioss street from Htoldl'a res idence. UL'p WANTKD- Scrap Iron. lluff-schmldt-DiiRuu Iron works. Phono Illark 741. IMtfc I'OH ItHXT. 1X)K It KNT ItooniH, furnlehod, Imiulru ovor II. W. L. & P. Co. of lice. 21c FOR HUNT Furnished room suit able for gentleman or lady. Inquire Thus. MotTett, 132 Lava ltoad 22p FOR RF.NT Four room house, partly furnished or unfurnished. Plonsaiit surroundings. Also rooms In private family. Inquire Hullo tin. 'Jl-22c I'OH HUNT Two room house. Morris Cnshiuau, at H. M. Smith's store. SOttc FOIl HUNT New modern Ii room boure close to mills. Inquire J. Ity an Co. 17tfc I'OH HALi:. ,F01l SALI-2 Simp, cononlont sS ! I Attention I Farmers! Cutting Season Now On ft 4 ! 3 Mkl s BINDERS REAPERS MOWERS" RAKES and all other Farm Implements syawr7K7. CAN UK FOUND AT THE and comfortable C roomi furnlshod cottage: Inrgo lot fenced, largo tfiado trees; garden, lawn, near depot, good, chlckon house. Prlcu 700. $::uu cash, balance easy. This would eas ily rent for $1S monthly. In'qulro Hullotln. lQtfc FOH SALK or Trado 40 or 80 acres of land with wntor, or trado for hiavy ho.-sca or cattle Phono Rur al .117. 18tf FOR SALK Now five room house, modern, except boat, cIobu to mills, two lots; $350 cash, balance month ly payments, a bargr.ln. Inqulro J. Rynn k Co. 17tfc FOR SALK Rood resldcnco prop erty In Rend to exchnugo for Portland residence. Must bo woll located. C. V. SIIls. lGtf FOR SALK Doublo cornor In Park addition. $5I0 cash. C. V. Sllvls. ictr FOR SALl'-Two lots In- Des chutes addition, level and freo from rock, well located. Prlco $276 oach. Tonus. J. Ryan & Co. 3tf FOR SALK Four very cholco lots In Park addition, prlco and tonne right. J. Ryan & Co. 3tf FOR SALK FIvo room house, Owners of the original townsite of Bend and the five adjoining additions. 80 of all the buildings now under Construction are on the property recently sold by The Bend Co, ) Location, price and terms are the three advantages you gain by buying from The Bend Co. We will enjoy showing you this property. Call and see us before you buy. D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets. modern except hoat. woll furnished, ncludliiR $4C0 piano, two lots 40x114 oach, clnso to mills and school. $2, S00 cash or $2,700 half cash, balanco ono and two years. J. Ryan ft Co. 3tf FOR SALE Houso and lot. Prlco, right. Torms reasonable Inqulro A. K. Edwards, Dond Sign Co. 37tf FOR SALK Two room houoa and 2 lots fiOxlHO feet, each, fenced with 4 foot chlckon wire, good gr."don nnd lawn with wator plpod to houso r.nd pardon, ttirkoys, geese, chtckons, 1 hog, Inrgo rango. Whlto sowing ma clilno and nil other furnlchlngs ex cept clothing. Located In Hlvoruldo i.ddltlon, north of WIestortr on 9th nlrcet. Prlco $750 cash. J. llaz ukn, owner. 21-22p FOR 8ALI2 Ono 1C II. P. trac tion engine and 24 Inch soparator, J. I. Caso steel threshing outfit. In quire K. A. Satber. 21tf. FOR SALK Threfi now four room housos. $800 each, 10 por cont cash, balance easy monthly payments. J, Ryan ft Co. 21tf wr . 1 I rfk r Bend Hardware. Co. ANNOUNCEMENT jlA of New Series Paige. Not a new invention, but a proven aucceu refined and improved to the last letter. 1 0 models on tiva chauis, all prices a car toft all purses. Bend Garage Company Motto: "SERVICE" KVKItYTIIlNIl I'OH THE MOTORIST (iOODYIIAH TIIIKS oxvtiKNious wi:ldi.o VL'I.O.Xl.l.N(i MACHINE WORK AUTO SPIUNOS UEP.UIUXO Wo an' n Srlc Station for all tilings connevttHl wlU STnAYED Ono hay horso with whlto spot In forehead, wt. about 1160. Hnr brand on lowor right hip. Roturn to An no's ham, $10 ro ward. 21-2 Ip FOR SALE Cheap, Indlnn motor i yclo first class condition, call at Un iversal Garago. 21p FOR SALE Cheap, theco room cottago, sleeping porch, Una pardon, Inwn, trees, collar. Inqulro Hullo tln. 21trc FOR SALE Ono bay horso, good acddlor nnd driver. Work anywhoro. Perfectly pontic. 2nqulru Hullo tln. 22p FOR SALIC Twin Kxrolslor mo torcyclo In first class condition, $90. Inqulro Myron II. Syuioua Jowolry store. 22a FOR SALE Roller top desk, san itary couch nnd quartered oak chif fonier. I). M. Davb. 22p FOR SALE Now threo room houoo nnd lot, furnlturo, pardon, chickens. II. F. Adams, Hond, Ore gon. 22p LOST AND FOUND. FOUND On Rrooks - Scnnlon switch. Hunch of koys on ring. Owner can havo proporty by proving claim to It at Hullotln olllco, and pay ing for this advertisement. 20ti FOUND Leather Thermos bottle cnBo. Owner may havo proporty by proving claim and paying for this advertisement nt Hullotln office. 20tf LOST Gold watch, with black loathor fob with silver stirrup. $10 leward for return to Hullotln. 22c TAKEN UP Hy undoralgnod. at his place nt Opal City, nbout July 10, ono dark hay maro about C years eld, branded O over crezcent ou left hip. W. T. Roynolds. 22p TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE. TO TRADE Irrigated rnnch, 3 mllo3 west of Terrebonne for rango horses. 80 acres, 45 acres water right, nil but 8 ncroo cleared. W. A Pickett, Terrobonno. 20-23p S. HUDSON, President , C. COE, Vlco President , A. SATHER, Vlco Pres. E. M. LARA. Cnshlor L. G. McREYNOLDS, Asat. Cashier, II. A. STOVER.Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Capital fully paid Surplus ..... - 25,000 25,000 STATEMENT r Of tho First NatlonnI Hank of Hond, Oregon, ns rcnd?red to tho Treasury Department of the United States, Washington, D. C, Juno 30, 191C. llrAilinvs Hills R xelvnblo ,- $209,837 58 Overdrafts . 3,307.98 Ilonils and Warrants 9,130.82 Stock Federal Hank 1,300.00 Real Ertr.te, Furnlturo nnd Fixtures 31,057.34 Honds to Secure Circulation 12,500.00 5ri Rcdomptlon Fund ..'. , 625 00 Oilier Real Estato Owned 3.42230 Cash nnd Exchaugo no mft s) Honda to Secure U. S. P. S 1,005.4 4 s v $481,764.75 liabilities. Capital 25.000.00 Surplus and Profits ,.,.., 31;069.63 Circulation 12,500.00 DKlt8 JiaiOS.lS -481,764.75 ttlPjHUtOIIHlllllp, 1S FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND mi UL a?&&?iliif&fi 3Es