ZjZZsS&zxsisszzjisaa THE IJEXI) BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 2 J 010. TAQB If, EH a ILL TEAM 7-3 LLOCAL NINE PLAYED FAST BALL rTctlicrow Glcn Fine Support Holds Shcvlln-Hlxon Team to Eight litis Knudson Pounded for in Hits Hut Fanned Tuclvo Men, PlayinK almost errorless ball, and hitting when hits woro needed to score, tho Ilcnd nlno hooked ono over .nn thn Shnvlln-Hlxon nlnn Sunday I' afternoon by a scoro of 7 to 3. Bond played gcnulno ball behind Totherow vho, until the eighth Inning, held tho mill team to two Ineffective hits. Hend opened In a whirlwind. Hor ton up first, picked out the first ono for a single and stole third. Smith, of nurns, struck out. Tetherow hit a double and scored liorton, and Woods took tho first ball and hit a -single, Bearing Tetherow. Bend, did not register again until the seventh. Dlako fanned. Steldl hit for a single and liorton wont first on a bunt that -was poorly handled by White to llraln. Smith got a single, scoring Mtcldl and liorton. O'Donnoll enmo up and singled, scoring Smith. In tho eighth, Wake, who went first on n fielder's cholco, enmo home on llaker's error on Horton's grounder. Totherow scored Smith In tho mlnth on n three bagger. Shevlln-Hlxon was held scoreless until tho eighth. Haker hit n two "bagger and was scored on Moo's sin gle In tho ninth llraln was. first up and singled, Mnd struck out and Houston slngjcd, scoring llraln. Then White doubled, scoring Hous ton. Knudson flew to Smith and Hol land went out Smith to Steldl. Tcthcrow's splttor wns working In iffib shape Sunday. Tho heavy wlol dors of tho stick had a great deal of difficulty until tho eighth In connect ing with tho sphere Until tho ninth only two llttlo hits wero chalked up against Totherow. Tho Infield worked ltko a charm all tho way through tho game, snapping tho ball. Knudson did not havo tho stuff on tho ball that ho did a week ago against Prlnevlllo, nnd was found for lf hits. Ho struck out 12 men, but could not tighten up sufficiently In pinches. Tho summary of Sunday's gamo Is as follows: HEND AD It II E A PO liorton, ss 5 2 3 0 1 1 Smith, 2b 4 2 2 0 G 1 Tetherow, p ....5 1 3 0 1G 0 O'Donnoll, c ....5 0 1 0 1 8 Woods, 3b 4 0 3 0 1 1 Clow, If 4 0 1 0 1 0 Springer, cf ....2 0 0 0 0 1 Hlakc, rf-cf ....4 1 1 0 0 0 Stoldl, lb 4 1 1 0 0 1G Ilonnctt, cf-rf ...2 0 0 1 1 0 39 7 1G 1 2G 27 8HEV.-HIX. AH R H E A PO llraln, lb 4 1 Nl 3 1 C I.lnd. If 4 0 0 0 0 0 Houston, 2b ....4 1 1 0 G 3 White, c 4 0 2 1 3 1G Knudson, p 4 0 1 1 G 0 Holland, ss-ct ...4 0 0 0 0 2 Haker, 3b 3 1 1 1 0 1 Moo. rf 3 0 1 0 0 0 Anderson, cf-ss .301030 33 3 8 C 27 27 A deslrablo bread knlfo free with every annual subscription to The Hond Bulletin. Wont Ads only ONE CENT a word. SllBTI'S HAT AGAIN Rpjtcnttlvo Hopes to Cieto Miir kct Tor Rabbit Fur. (Lakovlow Examiner.) Having demonstrated, with tho as. clotanco of ono of tfie leading hatters of tho country, that Jackrabblt fur la sultablo for the maniifacturo of felt hat. Representative Slnnott, of Oregon, Intends now to Interest var ious other hatters In this local a'ourco of raw maerlal. In the hopoo'fbulld 1ns up a widespread demand for Jack rabblt fur this winter. " Unfortunatoly nothing can bo done iMsfore the winter, as the fur of Jack rabbits, to bo available for foil hat manufacture, must be taken In the winter months, when It Is thickest tnd at Its best. During his trip through Eastern Oregon Itte this summer Mr. Slnnott Intends to ar range with various Interested per sona for the collection of Jackrabblt skins and he will also endeavor meantime to arrange with various factories to make experiments. A desirable bread knife free with orery annual subscription to The Dend Bulletin. Went Ads only ONE CENT a word. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from page 2.) Utter part of tho weok, returning 3nnrinr AVeclDK F. D. Bsyn. M-. RIbss, Miss Gl.-d-. ya Bsyri. Miss Oi'sa Soars f.nd Mrs. A. W. Bayn motored to tho Bpyn homo v. Docchutc? Sunday- evonlng. Mrs. Mathot, Mrs. r'nlco nnd tho Misses Josephlno and Colla Manccau wero guests at tho Soars homo Sun day. Dr. and Mrs. Mann of Portland aro business visitors In this soctlon at present. Mrs. William Wells and children visited at tho Butterfleld place on Sunday. About 25 of the younger set gath ered at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A.tHussott Sunday afternoon. Miss Gladys Ilayn spont Sunday with Mrs. Ross Uussctt. A horse belonging to Ross Dussett that lias been sick for some time, Is now rapidly Improving, Miss Harriett Wllllcoxon has been theh ouso guest of Miss Fay Dussett for soma time. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Alley wero dinner guests at J. F. Rico's homo on Sunday. R. L. Moore finished haying Mon day and Is "now holptng Rlgsby. Tho Powell Butto Sorosls hold a very plonsant meeting on Wednesday last at tho home of Miss Mabel Al len. Those of the Indies who did not, bring their fancy work spent tho tlmo In pleasant conversation. The hostess was assisted In entertaining by her sister, who Is here from the cast for tho ummor. N. P. Alley and flmnly will lonvo noxt week for the coast, going In their car by way of Tho Dalles and Portland. Mary Falco, LIlllo Mathot and Jsephtno Manceau ycnt Monday af ternoon with Linn Moore. A deslrablo broad knife frco with every nnnual subscription to The Mend Bulletin. l'INEIIUllST. (Special to The Bulletin) PINEIIURST, July 31. Mrs. Grace Hoguc of Salem, Oregon. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. McAlls tor. . Geo. W. Snyder? took n veal to Bend on Wednesday. Ethel Snyder, who has been work ing for Mrs. V. Av Forbes, of Bend, returned homo for n week's visit. I.. II. Root was fishing on tho Des chutes ono day last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Sandll wero guests nt tho C. W. Snyder homo on Monday evening. Ivy Snyder called on Mrs. A. Mc Allstor Wednesday. Ruth Bavloy was tho guest of Mrs. Brown Wednesday. Geo. Snyder is helping F. V. Swisher haul hay this week. Mrs. Grovor McAllstcr called on Miss Ivy Snyder Thursday afternoon. Mrs. M. P. Groom has boon visit ing bor daughter Mrs. G. W. Snyder loft Thursday for her homo In Port land. L. II. Root nnd family, C. It. Spaugh nnd fnmlly nnd Harry Mc Gulro nnd Nettn Howoll attonded tho lco cream social given at tho Sun nysldo school houso Saturday night. Miss Ruth Bayley called at tho Howoll nnd Spaugh homes Sunday afternoon. Want Ada only ONE CENT a word. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtuo of en oxocutlon In fore closure duly Issuod by the clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho County or Crook, State of Oregon, dated this 29th day of July, 1910, In n cortnln action In tho Circuit Court for tho sr.ld County and Stato, whoroln First National Bank of Llnnton, Oregon, n corporation, Plaintiff, rocovercd Judg ment against Georgo W. Hull nnd Rosottn M. Hall, Defendants, for tho sum of Two Thousand nnd no-100 Dollars with Interest at tho rnto of 10 per cent por nnr.um from tho 17th day of Novombor, 1914, together with Two Hundrod and no-100 Dol lars attorney's fees, nnd tho further sura of Twonty-ono nnd G0-100 Dol lars costs, and accruing costs. Notice is horeby glvon that I will, on Saturday, tho 2nd day of Septem ber, 1916, at tho North front door of tho courthouse In Prlnevlllo, In aald County, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, sell at public auction, to the highest blddor for cash, all right and tltlo that tho above named dofondants or either of them havo or had at date of said Judgment In the following descrlbod proporty, to-wit: Lots 3 nnd 4, nnd EH of SW of Section 18, In Town ship 16, South of Rnngo 13 East of tho Wlllamotte Meridian In Crook County, Oregon. E. 11. KNOX, Sheriff of Crook Co. Dated at Prlnevlllo, Oregon, this 29th day of July, 1916. By FLOfD A. ROWELL. 22-2Gc Deputy. YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE WE'LL CLEAN" YOUR LINEN, CLOTHES, SILK DRESSES, Etc "PUT YOUR DUDS IN OUR SUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. ASV Dnr CLEANING NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho interior, U. S. Land Office, nt Tho Dalles, Ore gon, July 20th, 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that George N. Stoner. of Alfatfa, Oro gon, who, on February 27th, 1911, mado Homestead Entry, No. 08200, for SV4 SEVi. S& SW, Sec. 8. nnd NWVi, Section 17, Township 19 South, Range 16 East, Willamette Meridian, has (lied notlco of Inten tion to make Flnnl Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to tho laud abovo described, beforo Lako M. Bechtcll, U. S. Commissioner, at Prln.nllle, Oregon, on the 28th day of August, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: John N, Williamson, Leo llstt'nger, of Prlnevlllo, Oregon: AutU Pnrber, Arelbert Powell, of Alfalfa, Oicgon. II. FRANK woort one, 2t-2fc Prglstor. NOTICE. SPECIAL CITY ELECTION. STATE OF OREGON") COUNTY OF CROOK ss. CITY OF BEND J Notlco Is hereby given that a spe cial election will bo hold In tho City of Bond, Crook County, Oregon, on Tuesday, to-wlt: tho 15 th day of August, A. D. 1916, botweon tho hours of 8 a. m and 8 p. m. Tho voting precincts In said city for snld election shall bo tho samo as tho precincts at the general election of city officers, and tho said precincts and tho polling places In each nro designated as follows: Precinct 3; Polling placo: Council Chnmbor. Precinct 4; Polling placo: Rcld school. Precinct G: Polling plnco: Hnrvoy Do Armond Oarage, cor. Greenwood and 3rd. Tho Judges and clerks of election In each of tho prcclncU, respective ly, shall bo ns follows: Precinct 3: Frank May, Clark Rhodes, Joo W. Hunter, Judges of oicctlon; C W. Ersklue, Carl Hun Ur, Clerks of election. Precinct 4: Paul C. Garrison, W. C. McCulston, James Rycn, Judges 'of oicctlon; Prince Stnats, John Snth er, clerks of oicctlon. Precinct G: L. D. Wlest, M. J. Kol loy, J. W. Hunter, Judges of elec tion: Geo. S. Young, Claudo Kelloy, Clerks of oicctlon. Sntd election Is called nnd held for voting upon tho adoption or re jection of certain amendments to tho chnrtor of tho City of Bend, adopted by tho common council and roforrod by tho common council to tho voters of tho city. Said proposed amendments nro printed In pamphlet form by tho city nnd copies mailed to ovory lognl vot- or within tho city whose address Is known, and said pamphlet can bo had at tho olllco of tho recorder of snld city upon application. Thu general purport of each chnr tor amondmont Is expressed In tho ballot tltlo therefor adopted by tho common council nnd which will np- penr upon tho ballot, respectively, In tho following words: REFERRED I1Y THE COMMON COUNCIL "Shall tho chnrtor of tho city or Hond, Crook County, Oregon, bo amendod by amending Chapter XXI of said charter by adding thereto a soctlon to bo designated 'Section 21,' tho provisions of which said soctlon grant to tho common council of said city tho power to buy, build equip, acqulro, loaso, own, oporato nnd malntnln railways and railroads op erated by steam, electric, or other powor, within or within and without tho boundaries of snld city nnd run- Lenses We nre grinding our own lenses. Consultn- 1 tion and eye test free. CHARLES H. FRANCIS M. D. C. M. OPTICIAN AND OITOMITTIHHT With Myron II. Syiwma, Jeweler. Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANOY LIVERY CO. nlng from Bald city to other towns, cities nnd points without tho boun daries of said city, nnd to acquire rights of way, terminals, easements and real property within and with out tho boundaries of said city, nnd to bring actions for tho condemna tion or taking of private property for public use In tho samo manner as privnto corporations nro authorized or permitted to do under tho Inws of tho stato, and to exorcise any one or moro of sntd powers, and to borrow money and fund Indebtedness In ad dition to nil other Indebtedness nnd without any charter or statutory lim it of Indobtednoss by Issuing nnd selling negotlablo warrants or bonds of snld city aggregating tho principal sum of $35,000, payable not moro than thirty years after their date, bearing Interest at a rate not ex ceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, to provide funds with which to carry out any ono or moro of tho powers granted In said Section 21, nnd providing a direct annual nd valorem tax suitl dent to pay tho Interest on snld bonds promptly whon nnd ns the samo becomo duo nnd to pny tho prin cipal thereof at maturity: nnd re pealing nil pnrts of tho charter In conflict therewith?" f VOTE YES OR NO. 300 YES 301 NO REFERRED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL "Shall tho charter of tho city of Bond, Crook County, Oregon, bo amended by amending Chapter XIX of said chnrtor by adding thereto two sections to bo numbered respective ly Sections 27 and 28, which sections provldo a method for tho Improve ment of streets nnd tho laying or sowers therein In snld city upon pe tition of tho owners of n majority of tho proporty to bo benefited by tho contemplated street or sower Im provement, nnd to bo assessed for such Improvement: provldo for tho payment of tho cost of nny such street or sewor Improvement assessed against such property In twenty semi annual lustnllmonts with Intorcst nt six por centum (6) per nnuum on all unpaid Installments, nnd tho Issu ance, sale and delivery by tho com mon council upon tho application of tho owner or ownors of tho proporty assessed, of coupon bonds In conven ient denominations not exceeding Flvo Hundrod Dollars ($500) ench, nnd In nn nggregato amount equal to tho total amount of tho unpaid assessments for such street or sew or improvements, for which applica tions to pay tho samo In Installments havo been filed, which bonds shall maturo In ten years from tho dntu thereof, nnd be rodcomnblo on any Interest pnyment dnto nftor ono yenr from tho dnto of sntd bonds, nnd boar Intorcst nt a rato not to exceed six por centum (6) por annum, pay. ablo semi-annually?" VOTE YES 0 NO. 302 YES 303 NO Datod this 13th day of Juno, A, D. 1916. Scnl) J. A. EA8TES, Mayor. II. C. ELL'S, City Rocordor. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK (X)UNTY. Sarah J. Holding, Plaintiff, vs. Wil liam P. Holding, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Wllllnm P. Holding, tho Defend- Ground nnt abovo named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro horoby re quired to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho abovo entitled suit on or beforo Sep tember 25th, 1916, and if you fall so to answer, tho Plaintiff will take Judgment against you for tho relief demanded In her complaint herein, to-wlt: for tho decree of this court dissolving tho marrlngo contract now existing between yourself nnd the Plaintiff; declaring tho Plaintiff to bo tho owner of certain real estate. Tree from all interest or claim of yourself; pormlttlng tho Plaintiff to usa the nnmo of Sarah J. Rodkey. This Summons Is ordered to bo served upon you by tho Publication thereof In The Hond t Bulletin, a weekly newspaper published In Crook county, Oregon, by order of tho Honorablo T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of said Court, said Order being made and entered on tho 15th day of July, 1916, dato or 1st publication, July 19th, 1916; length ot publication, six successive weeks. Dated this 19th day or July. 1916. C S DENSON 20-250 Attorney tor Plaintiff. SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby given that on Tuesday, tho 15th day of August, 1916, a special election wilt bo held In tho City or Bend nnd r.lso In thu territory hereinafter described, for tho purpooo ot submitting to tho qunllllcd and legal voters ot tho City ot Bend and to tho legal votorc re siding In tho torrltory hereinafter de scribed, tho following quostlon; Whethor or not th ccrpornto lim its of thu City of Dond, Oregon, as now defined shall bo altered nnd tho following described territory Includ ed therein and bcromo a part thore- or, to-vit: Beginning nt tho Intersection or Iho enBt bank of tho Deschutes rlvor with tho Bouth lino of TownMilp 17, S., R. 12 E W. M.; thencu west nlong snld Tawnshlp lino to tho south quarter cornor or Section 31, T. 17 S., It. 12 E., W. M.; thonco north for ono tutlo to tho not th nunr- tor corner of snld soctlon 31; thouco oust for one half mllo to tho section corner common to Sections 'J ft, 30, 31, nnd 32 or said township; thouco north for ono fourth mllo to tho north west cornor of south west qunrtor of tho south west quarter or said Section 29; thouco east along tho sixteenth sctlou lino to tho enst bank ot tflo Doschutos rlvor; thence south westerly nlong tho said enst bank ot thu Deschutes river to tho point or beginning. Also; Beginning at tho intersection or thu cast bank or tho Deschutes rlvor with tho north lino or tho south west qunrtor or tho southeast quar ter or Section 29, T. 17 S., R. 12 E. W. M.; thonco oast to tho northoast cornor or tho southwest qunrtor or tho southwest qunrtor or section 28 of said township; thonco north for ono half mllo to tho northeast cor ner or tho southwost quartor or tho NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Wuhington Sticrti PORTLAND. OREGON Ceolrally Located The Hotel for YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up, Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot ears pass our doors. Hotel Benson PORTLAND, OREGON is. We believe that there is no Hotel in the entire United States more handsomely furnished or that oilers more to the traveller. RATES $1.50 nnd up without bath. '2.00 and up with bath. A. T. LUNDHORG, Manager northwest quartor of said soctlon 28 thonco west ntong tho Blxtconth sec tion lino to tho oast bank or tho Des chutes rlvor; thonco southwesterly along the snld east bank or tho Dos chutos rlvor to tho point or begin ning. Also; Beginning at tho northoast cornor or tho southwest qunrtor or tho southwest quartor of section 28, T. 17 S., R. 12 E., W. M.; thonco south for ono nnd thrco quarter mlloa to tho southwest cornor or tho south east quartor or tho northwest quartor or section 4, T. 18 S, R. 12 E W. M.; thonco oast for ono halt mllo to tho southeast corner ot tho south west quartor or tho northoast quartor of said section 4; thonco north for ono qunrtor mllo to tho northeast comer ot tho southwest quartor of tho northoast quartor of said section 4; thonco cast for ono qunrtor mllo to tho southeast corner ot tho north east quarter of tho northeast quarter ot sntd section 4; thonco north for ono hnlf mllo to tho northeast'eor ner ot tho southeast quartor of tho southeast quartor of section 33, T. 17 8., R. 12 E W. M.: thonco west for ono qunrtor mllo to tho nortljwost cornor of tho southeast quartor of tho southeast quartor ot said section 33; thonco north for ono mllo to tho northeast cornor of tho southwest quartor of tho southeast quartor ot section 28, T. 17 S., R. 12 E., W. M; thonco wost for ono half mllo to tho point of beginning. That tho polling places tor said special election within tho city of Dend shnll bo ns follows, to-wlt: Precinct No. 3, Council chnmbor. Precinct No. 4, Hold school. Precinct No. fi, Hnrvoy Do Ar mond's gnrago, corner Greenwood nvenuo nnd 3rd street, Thnt tho Judges and clerks for said election shall bo ns follows: Precinct No. 3, Frank May, -Clark Rhodes, J. N. Hunter, Judges; C. W. Erskluo, Carl lluntor, clerks. Precinct No. 4, Paul C. (Inrrlson, W. C, McCulston, James Ryan, Judges; Prlnco Si.ir.tH. John Snthor Clerks Precinct No. T., L. D. Wlest. M. J. Kolly, J. W. Hunter, Judges; (loo. S. Young, Claudo ICTjlly, clorltH, Thnt tho polling places for tho tor rltory to bo annexed shall bo at roar of Elder's store, Kenwood, Oregon. Thnt tho Judges nnd dorks for said torrltory nt snld special election shall bo ns follows: Kenwood, Orogon, J. Edward Lar son, R. B. (lould, II. Latham, Judges; Ray Lamborsou, Jqo Innls, clerks. Dono In pursuance to and by vlr tuo of n resolution duly mado nnd passed by tho common council ot tlio City of Bond at n mooting hold m tho 11th day of July, 1916. II. C. ELLIS, Rocordor. Dato ot first publication, July 12, 1916. Dato of socoud publication, July 19, 191C. Dnto ot third publication, July 26, 1916. Dnto of fourth publication, August 1916. 19- 4 V i? t 1 i i !