The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1916, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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National Farm Loan
Act Outlined
The Msvwiag otIlfl of tae aa
tloaal farm lo act (rwal eredtt
law) fa reprtatad frosa te tKaAt
Xews Ixtattw Of ta lnfrtmmt wi
The act pron ior tfce ereado r.fcteg f aot aaaroved
of 12 Federal laad baak aad per- J'm Iaa Bom.
sat Ue etabthbavat of aay rasa-' Tie borrowers wlB tfcare
I local ergaaUatio&s composed ex
efeisrvely of borrowers are author
ized. Tas aaeocfcttloes aaast be
I stockholders is tie lux! baaka U
t proportion t tie aavwat ter asea
' bera ws to borrow Eveataally H
itk ta tie Federal laad baaka will
be armed esetosatvelr "T taee aaoo
(adwi. A. reaooaaMe later rate Is eotab
Ibaed. The aet araadaats tie Feder-'
l laad basis froai efcaxgaa; aor
tilB per e oa aay aaftaafe or
by tie
anoasrt tier Uh, and for aay par
pose. They eaaaet charge an in
terest rate exeeedias 5 per eeat, and .
men rate most cot exceed by store
tiaa 1 per eeat the interest the
have paid oa their last issse zt
boad. Taetr asortgages, Bwf
amtt provide for amortization ;a
ateatt. These baaks are proh. 'ed
frosa caargteg. aader any prex'
fee or oaassaatotoas other thas - At
aatbortzed by the xt. i
ta tie1
ier of JwtaVtVx lasd tafc for tie
pwrpaoe of aaotia; oaa at a psao;
osaMe rot of iatereet. for Vac ae
fed of davt. oa farm laaw.
A Femoral Far Loaa BflO'i aa
epf4e ooatrol over thee baeks.
(A) VrmX IJtail J'-ank..
Twelve Federal laad " are
prarMed. esse la each of 12 a.trtets
lata wMfc tie eoaatry wit. be di
vided. Tittv. baak ar empowered
to bad oa irsc awrtgga oa farm
fends 1a aavMSU of tl to llt.oo
for approve aaraotres Tie loaas
are to be aaaoe tiroagi farai loos
amoqfatloaa s4 iiati. Xo looa
may be omo for awre taa S4 pr
cent of tie ralae of tie ht4 moriK
gnl aorf 24 per eat of tie valae of
the peraaaaost xprrraeata boob
Natloal farat loa aMoUtlia
A ffraMm at Torture tor frnetK.
May fever eaaaes aatofd l i--
at profltt of tie ilc beao they g Br tt, BBndred,. f ,.
ao aoeioUr. It fa oaauaipiatiKl ,-, Hoasy aa4 Tar aootie .
tiot atthaotely tie borroven U1 raw, raaoia? f-!itg Ja the th
be tie oaly atoHtioMora. I reUere ioarieas aad vie- ?
Loa-trai loo4 are arorioX by aaka ireaUla? ea(er. heals ioa
anlMrMir aortji for periods of "? Pa refreaitajr. slat. -froat
I ap to 4 yart. . Coataa ao optatea. SoW e
Sasatl aaaaa: or Hort-aaaaaI par-' war- AJr
anta oa the prlaelpal are aade a I
re4re4 fotare of all awrt?are
(IJ) Jfrfntitk XjmI Hanloi.
J4aHKock lal baaka are author
ized. Thy ar ;-vrorat'oa for ear-
ryt oa fie bta of leadia? oa i
itrm oaortwe earttr as4 lla? ,
Joan ioada They are to be aader
tle aprrts1oa of tie Fans Ia (
Hoard, bot tie Coreraateat il! aot
tTet la thm Stct to jreozraph
teal Marttatioaa aad sabjeet to the!
W aad 24 pr eaat Uralutloaa. thMe 1
baaka can lecd to aa ladirtdtial tar
See J. Ryan 4 Co- for farm land
loaaa. A dr.
Four choirs at roar serrlee a he
MetropoHua. No watting. Adr
Clean op aad patat op.
warda. Adr.
See Ed-
At the Movies
of the Boaatalaa aad the reTeaae
oSUer, who voald rsln their Illicit
trade. la the east of this pietvre
find Theodore Roberta who so a Mr
portrayed Pdda'h-ad WOvw
play of that same He doea aome
Ind Tlatr. rewarkable work as the aooashaier
"l)mtrM Ooodt the Orfa at of Old VJrs'nja
the Head Thaf-e jatt Miediea The of The Spoilers
pref)ted a i, rm S ic,-.?- ii aa jtrea rday as when th 'oolc
fal peraa Wjj'd .v t 3 j 'jru first app-aed Rex Ba'h .a ,fc..s
Gratifying Results
Follow a Little
Gleaning Up
r 1 7 j,
Wl laal'.'fA: r.X
XSJ aafffffomaW&Oy N5
VtL 9HB9S9l(2rr1 tfTt
UbnitULAn nmuix.-
0 aMy
is thej
H':HSV. PIUM -Tllf Hlflll.UW,"
wKhfMit haririK th- arKitticr iff !
dwp lato hla nonl Th j.i'jr za
tln wm frank. rw t.ruI at Uhm.
aad It roRMored forrefully -Iarn-axni
Rwoda" was a atronK ilra.a:!
MarKaffrllx Clark, aCfMtlanatolr
rMabffr4 for ar doHchtfal lm
prsnatka In "Mlco aad Mnn," will
l! -?a tonlKht and ThHriday at the
I!nd Thealrti In "Orotna ttrtm."
The oIhwobU of lovo, sacrlfke. hum
or, mxulory and thrill f'nter Into the
mnklnK of tifa photoplay of plo
tiirxu Sootland. Miss Clark's
ITIES aat toia throuAoct the
country will soon hare a season
of ?neral Mnoratlon by ladl-
ridoaU. The year's accaraolatloo of
rubbish is to be catkre np aad set
1 jot ready for the mcnldpal coneewn.
Tards are to b pat In order. hvie
lind oatbnlWlnc are to be pniM!.
feftceN and shdf to I; repaired, ts -jc
lot to be leare! of weeda and ee-r
'hlnz to U made nk and span, frw
ind wholetome ami altogether delight
That h to ir. all this wHl be dme
f erery booafjo!der do-i what Vt ei
'rted of bin by the rteaalnj op isl
fjfllnt ap ommltte4 which are ron
lortlo? the rampabra.
AnI why shoald It aot be done? The
xpfnse for each home win not be
rrt-at. the labor ne-d not be hanl. and
'he revolt will be ooiethlns fer at) of
J to enjoy and rhapi to brae aloijt
For n clean city or town Is eminent. r
Jetlrable. not m much because of lt
?rcter attroctlofM. althoach that alone
is worth all the effort, bot teens of
'ts Increal healthfalnes. Dirt brwdt
llseflse, and cieanllneM tt tho first
principle of sanitation.
So let nt ail join al tanke our town
hlne like a boy's face aftr tb mater
nal scrub Let as die down Into the
I'llOTOI'l IN TWI l,K KKKr.S lUrlc rn',r ' w nients and
efafets. throw out all the old ran
, l Pfn. wash tbf fly rrtiMi, and
r h - fj v . '! desriid the wt tnem )n pi, SPt i,., wkh ,tm
T'. at 'i k3 rt),i has told a story Mint l.rosb ami tb nmnlnr knife ciul
& jr"'fi - jaayaaaaaaaaaaaaas ,
aw 'as BlaSBSBflflsfliiaBBnnLHBBlBV'
tin. SO; hmjm pmmmd mmd
half-fmnJ lim Aiiwfl-iiW-tkmt
t tt9Tt Tjtmt'gtm mmmmj
hmmidr milk ipm90mttnt
t tkt h99 thm theflM A
wldd cmWImi
P. A. puts new joj
into the sport of
smoking !
YOU may Eve to
be 110 and never
feel old enough to
vote, but if s certain-sure
youll not
know the joy and
contentment of a
friendly old jimmy
pipe or a hand rolled
cigarette unless you get on talking-terms
with Prince Albert tobacco!
P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the
goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by
a patented process that removes bite and parch!
You can smoke it long and hard without a come
back! Prince Albert has always been sold without
coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality!
Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette
enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and
coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just
answers rAe universal demand for tobacco
without bite, parch or kick-back!
Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder
than to walk into the nearest place that sells
tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay
out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer
fullest investment you ever made!
Fringe it Albert
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co, Winitoo-Smlem, N. C Copyright 1916 by R. X Reynolds Tobacco Co.
work In this eomwly-drarna Is cr-1 In The Ilulletln.
1, powrfu. thut. Tht ftpoiUtrs ' will
Ihe lor k as an American cUasie.
The great photopl.-.y fouadod npon
this book Is not only a faithful re
production of tho auiry, but NHtght
tns the Interest and holds the view
wmm nrintod p&ge can. Managers
Callow and Dooaar bao ajwrad lhjdww b fB .,, ,n .h M
new twelre reel eopy of thfcs wonder- ,. rbBrrh ,. nothborbcoT.
p.ay or tno .North. It win bo ahown ,t w, u vchoo, of
two days and seats will be on sale .hip. ui erery one Uke a hand in tho
ten days In advanen. Date for tils 1 campaign,
speetal attraction will b announced i
the lawn nvwer and then the reselt
will be gratifying.
Do Somsthlng For Your Town.
1 The "('lean Up and I'alnt Up" tnoTe-
fflent wilt do much to make our town
lu-ellby nut beautiful If each citizen
County Agent has so many specific nlzed. This body should represent
calls to Inspect trouble la an orchrrd, the influential farmers of the coun
herd or flock, assist with a drainage ty who are familiar with Its needs
I!-lV,B,i! T'k- v CdUCf fad ?bl,, a"Ut the C0Untr AEenti county, the Apent hlmaelf, aad the,
a demonstration, that he should not, In adopting a program of work for colle- fld .,... A,hn,...
bo expected to make either frequent the year. The County Agent then
or occasional calls upon those who drafts projects outlining in detail
have not asked for special help. the manner In which the program is
It Is highly desirable that an Ag- to be carried out. These nrolet ir
rJculturtl Council, composed of one sent to the Agricultural College and I a desirable bread knife free wltb
mewbrs from each of the firmera' referred to specialists for amendment ' every anaual subscription to Tho
organlxcticaa of tho county lie orga-' or approval. When the Agent enters Bend Bulletin.
upon his year's work therefore his
program represents the combined
Ideas of practical farmers In the
College and government authorities.
See Edwards for good house paint
lag. Adv.
tab-i to add to her popularity here
"TIim Trail of the Ixnesorne. l'i
The fourth chapter of Ihn thrilling
P'ru novel The (ilrl and the Oame '
' LtSaBBBrdMuaVBar JHtXwUu? At
3 Wr aWBl w fHallllllH I
'Sj:! A0aP i;
A 0-h1 Thing for OilMrrn.
Koley s Monny and Tar Is a par
ticularly ooI eold, cough and
rr'ip medicine for children because
It rontalns no opiates or habit-form-InK
drugs Tho ' little cold" of
summer. s ell as the long standing,
deep seated eotighs, that bang on for
rnih are I b Is bed by Its use. The
flrs dow hrlnea relief and eomfort.
Sold everywhere Adv.
The County
Agent Movement
(Continued from page 9 )
Read this and be Convinced
(ho IrrMlsiabUt story by John Fox.
Jr., will bo shown at (ha llond
Tbiutre Sunday urn! Monday, August
i and 7. Miss L'hnrlotto Walker,
who play the part of Juno- the
moo'us bl tier's daughter, Is caught bo-
twovn bur uffoctlon for ber peoplo
will 1k mure exciting than any pre
ceodlng chapter. In this chapter,
lUUm jumps from a high cliff Into
the raging ocean to avod being cap
turod. Thoro follows a closa race
betweon a high speed motor boat and
tho limited.
li e sole object Is that of servleo
to he farmer and the farming com
rainltv, against whom the huo and
cry of the farmer has been raised.
County Aki-iiI Should ot Xtoi 1'rult
In snme counties In Oregon It has
'pct thf policy to make the County
Agmt the county fruit Inspector and
thus, for a small additional approp
riation, securo both services from a
single man This Is regarded by
loth college aad government officials
as undMlrable. The Cwuuty Agent's
work Is educational and be should
not lie handicapped by police duties
that will make him an unwelcome
visitor upon any farm True, he la
oualiaed to aid Individuals In tho
control of orchard dlsass, or to
give Information aa to spraying.
pruning, grading or marketing of
fruits tiut to be burdened with the
dutv of polit inspection dMraa:c
his efficiency as a County Agent. .
Hum u Omul)- Agent Work.
The County Aaoat. to accomplish
most. nHtst work through grou.
With from ono to three thousand far
morn in a eounty ho eannot roaoh all
n a setlsfactory way by porsonal vis
itation If tat mot hod of work may bo
romparvd Hth th; t of a church pas
tor who meets his oongregojlon In
groups at meetings, who responds to
speeltle calls for Individual service,
In vlsitlag the slek. performing mur
rlnge ceremonies, securing aid for
the distressed, etc, nnd hen these
services are well performed, finds
that there Is little time left for gen
oral visiting. Ukowlso, tho busy
Hofiint & BkIi, Prop.
BEND, Oregon, July 1st, 1916,
Bend Flour Mill Company
Bend Oregon.
In response to your inquiry as to the
results obtained from your DESCHUTES SPRAY
and TRUE BLUE FLOURS ve are pleased to state
that of ALL the flours we have used in our
bakery, your flour has given us the best
satisfaction of any re have ever tried. We
find that we are able to get a BETTER LOAF
flour than from any other. In fact we have
built up our trade for our GOOD TASTE BREAD
on your flour and we can also heartily
recommend it to give good satisfaction.
Youro very truly
" ' By R. H. Hopkins
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