The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin,
k:i Vi '
NO. 23.
Orifilnnl Troposltlon, Unsatisfactory
to Teirolxmno, Changed to Place
It In Nov Comity Powell Hutto
Precinct Ilcninlns In the Old.
As a result of meetings hold hero
iion Thursday nnd Monday nlghto a
flnnl decision concerning llnus for a
division of Crook county has been
made. If agreed to by the oast oldo,
r.nd tho Rupport necessary to obtain
tho statutory 35 per cent voto Is
ptpmlccfl. division will ho proccdod
with. Otherwise a return will be
made to tho county seat removal
The final lines leave Terrebonne
In the new county, and Powoll Hutto
in the old. In addition two town
r.hlps In the Alfalfa precinct nro
placed In tho old county. Otherwise
the lino remains tho same aa that
ngrecd upon by the PrlnevIIIo end
llcnd committees on July 24.
Tho agreement made at that time
vvb oxprossly subject to ratification
by delcrate3 from tho west side pre
cincts and nt Thursday night's meet
ing, callod to obtain a decision on
tho subject. It developed that Torre-
DOnnO 1YI1B UlSSailHIIiSU mm numwi i"
fbo In tho now county. It wns alco
Htated by a Powell Hutto rosldont,
who hnppenod to bo present, thnt his
pioclnct wanted the name thing.
This situation hnvtng developed It
wcb voted to glvo theso two precincts
an opportunity to declare themselves
moro dcllnltejiy on tho subject of di
vision or county seat removal, nnd
tho meeting adjourned to Monday
At Monday night's meeting a
statement was produced signed by
nearly 100 Terrebonne voters urging
that they bo left In tho now county,
un'd pledging their .lupiigrt to roroov
nl If division on the lino debited
could not bo obtained. It was alco
stated that a meeting hold In Tur
robonne on Saturday night had gono
on record to tho samo effect. For
tho Powell Hutto precinct It was re
ported that Its Saturday night meet
ing had not taken any conclstent ac
tion on division nnd had taken no
position on removal. A paper bear
f lg about DO names was presontod
asking thnt the lino bo fixed on tho
east side of the precinct.
Following those roports executive
meetings of tho various committees
were hold In nn effort to reach an
agreement nnd Just boforo midnight
tho report was brought out.
In a short talk following this ac
tion W. 11. Daggett, of Itodmond,
c mpllmented Pond on tho fairness
shown In thu. proceedings.
Ab soon as tho PrlnevIIIo commit
tee reports on tho action taken on
tho linos on ihe east aide, final
steps will bo takon. Unofficial re
ports have already bean received to
t tho effect that the adjusted lines nro
(Oregon Journal.)
EUGENE, Or.. July 29. A crow
of 20 men and n half dozen teams
lino iiinf nnnnnri tn travel n strOtCll
of a mllo and a half of nowly built
road on tho McKenzie Pass highway
In tho Cascado mountains 12 rallv
ahovo McKenxlo Ilrldgo, according to
C. II. Seltz, supervisor of the Cas
cado National Forest, who has Just
returned from tho scene of activity.
This stretch of road Is In excellent
condition, says tho supervisor. Tho
crew will continue to work toward
the summit of the mountains all
summer and fall until tho enow be
xlns to fly. Tho pass over the sum
mit of tho mountains will he open
to travel within a week, Bay Super
visor Seltr. Tho snow Is going out
Only cno volunteer foi the Oregon
leglroenl now on tho Mtvan bor-1-.
os obtained by Major Hiram 0.
Welch on his two day Btay here last
woek. This recruit was Chester O.
White, who was sent at onco to
Ccnip Wlthycombo, at Clackamas,
for training preparatory to bolng as
signed to a company. Major Welch
left for Shanlko by auto on Thurs
Alarmed nt tho rapid 3pread of ra
llies In the farming sections east of
......... .1... J.I.U juiiin.ll tl? fltilni Inttt
-week to revive the old dog muzzling
ordinance and ordered notice given
that dogs must be kept muzzled or
t!od up. City Marshal Nixon Is now
ordered to shoot all don running at
I large without muzzles.
Charges- Hi-ought That Procedure
Whs Faulty nnd That Many Voted
Illegally Under Art Isemcnt.
Action to Invalidate the election
of March 20 In Jefferson county at
which tlmo the North Unit Irrigation
District was formed nnd charges of
faulty procedure before the olectlon
and Illegal voting at the election
for the formation of the North Unit
Irrigation District woro brought be
foro Circuit Judge T. E. J. Duffy on
Monday at Culver. '
It Is altegod that tho Jefferson
county court had no Jurisdiction In
ordering tho election for tho forma
tion of tho unit; that the petition
netting forth ho boundaries did not
contain the genuine signatures of a
mnjorlty of .tho bona fldo ownero of
land and holders of title lands with
in tho proposed district; that tho
election was not conducted In ac
cordance with general election laws
of Oregon; thnt no poll books or
sultnblo tally sheets wero provided;
that thore were Irregular hours of
voting and that many who voted
were not legal votor for tho forma
tion of tlio dlbtrlct.
Judge Duffy has taken tho caso
under advisement.
In tho ahovo action tho ptnlntllfs
and contestants are: Hiram Links,
George Hodman, Perry Hondorson,
.1 II. HoVny, 11. Dombrowo nnd tho
dofendnnts and contestees aro: A. D.
Anderson. Harry W. Card, P. N.
VIbboit. directors and H, W. Andor
Bon, treasurer, of the North Unit
Irrigation District.
CoiniiK-rclnl Club Pledges 8100 for
Htitto Full- Exhibit.
Tho Commercial Club will Join
with othor Crook county communi
ties In bonrlng the expenao of an ex
hibit at tho state fair at Salom and
at tho Manufacturers and I.nnd
Products Show to bo held In Port
land this fnll. At tho club luncheon
on Saturday It wr.B voted to havo n
delegate, appear before tho county
court on August 7 and request coun
ty support for tho movo, nt tho nnme
time pledging a contribution of $100
from tho chili for tho purpose
Tho only othor matter ; of Interest
to bo dlccussed at Saturday's meet
ing was tho question of tho coming
election for tho cxtonslon of tho city
boundnrles. Jt wis roportod that op
position to the plan had dovelopod
on tho west Bide of tho rlvor based
on an unwllllngnoss to pay city taxes,
on school questions and on tho delay
In improving the approach to the
bridge. Prominent west side resi
dents Bpoko In favor of tho oxtonslon
and a commlttco was appointed to
campaign for the proposition.
I (J. W. Mui'vlii uiirt P. I. Herder are
Optimistic on Itnllrosrt lcclopinciit.
That tho crop prospects through
out Lake county wore- never so good
and that Silver Leko Is enjoying un
usual prosperity In overy Hue Is tho
Untemcnt of G. W. Marvin, manager
of tho Silver Lake Ilealty Company,
nnd P. D. Heeder, of Silver Lake,
who were In llcnd Monday on busi
ness. Splendid progress, says Mr. Mar
vin, Is being made In the Silver I.aku
district In tho matter of obtaining
rights of way for the Oregon, Cali
fornia & Eastern Railroad, and all
the people of that locality aro deep
ly Interested In tho project. A lnrge
part of the right of way h&3 been ob
tained nnd no difficulty Is expected
In obtaining tho rest within a short
Ilcnrt Water LIgflit Ai Power Co., Adds
New Generator, Exciter nnrt Snitch
Hoard-Provision Made For Now
Units To Iks Put In Later.
The worfc of Installing now ma
chinery at the plant of tho Hend
Water Light & Power Co., which has
been under wry for a number of
woeks past, is now nearly finished,
and, It Is expected, within a week or
10 dnya, will bo wholly comploted
nnd tho new unit In operation.
With tho completion of this- addi
tion everything will bo In readiness
for the romoval of tho various wood
en structures now used for bringing
wntor to the wheel pits and this will
bo dono at onco turning tho tract be
tween tho new bridge nnd tho power
plant Into u pond which will dis
charge directly Into tho pits.
The new machinery, Installation
of which Is now being completed)
consists of n generator, nn exclt'or
and n switch board. Thin switch
board Is of a cnpnclty for crlng for
tho whole plant, when nil contem
plated units nro'Instnlled, having two
oxclter panels, with provisions for
n third, four generator panels, of
which two will bo In uso when tho
new, goncrntor la Installed, two feed
er panels and two oil switches.
Will Double Cnpnclty.
Tho now generator has n cnpnclty
of 3C0 K. V. A., or slightly moro
than thnt of tho present ono. With
It tho output of tho plant will bo
moro titan doubled, n condition do
mandod by tho rapid Increase In
electricity consumption in tho town.
Tho exciter, nlthough to ho used now
only for tho two gonorntors, Is suf
ficient for tho full four units of tho
plant nnd Its purchaso and Installa
tion at the present tlmo glvo further
cvldonco.of the confidence In tho
town on which' the ownors of the
plant aro basing their Investments
Careful work In gottlng tho now
machinery from tho freight car to
position In tho power house Iibb licon-l
necoasnry, not only, bocnuso of tho
weight of tho equipment but also bo
cnuso of tho course noccssarlly tak
on down a steep runway fiom tho
freight car and again down from tho
dam, Tho gonerator weighs eight
tons nnd tho exciter five, nnd both
havo been moved Into place without
m lab a p.
Tho final steps In connection with
tho work hnvu been taken under tho
direction of J. C. Hoglu, of Chicago,
a representative of the plant owners.
Mr. Hoglo was hero In 19 13, over
seeing tho construction of the new
powor plant.
John Duhuls hi.s beou appointed
assistant secretary of the Desert
Land lioard to servo during tho ah
oonco of J, L. McAUUtor, who U
with Company M In tho Oregon reg
iment now on the Mexican border.
Mr. Duhuls has boon employed by
tho state engineer's office ns an in
spector for several years and Is now
at Tumalo whore he hns been making
studies of tho Tumnlo project. He
will return to Salem with his family
to take up his new duties nt once.
Ilonrt Issue of $25,000 Proposed
With Which To Construct First
Unit of High School Use For
Present to He For (!rndis.
'Plans which have been under con
sideration by tho school board for
sovernl weeks wero finally ngrecd
upon at n meeting on Monday night
nnd nrrangoments made to call a
bond-olectlon r.s soon an possible to
jvote. funds for tho erection of a now
School building. The bond Issuo pro
posed Is to bo for $2!), 000.
According to tho plans of tho
board no now school sites will bo
bouglit ut tho present' time, tho ex
pectation being to uso n portion of
tho present high school grounds for
tho new building. This will be built
ns n unit of a high bc-IiooI building to
be finished as n whole rt eomo later
dnto. It U not tho purpoco of tho
lionrd, however, to ugc thin now unit
fonHlfih school tfnrposra at present,
buGonly for grade clnsses, In which
the grentest growth has beou taking
place In tho pent year. Whenever
conditions Justify tho building will
bo dovotod to tho high school and
tho grate Chiracs accommodated In
now buildings located In different
parts of J town.
Tentative plnns for tho now build
ing have been submitted to the bonrd
by an out of town architect nnd
local men havo boon nsked to pre
paro plans. Whllo not definitely
ngrecd upon the general Idea to
which tho board wishes tho plans to
conform Is tho construction of tho
now unit nlongsldo tho present high
school building. Later units will In
cludo n second wing Ilka tho one now
coutomplnted, connected by the main
body of tho building running acros's
thef rent, with an auditorium run
ning back between tho two wings.
Tho 'tentative plans now In tho
possession -of tho bonrd cnll for a
building of two stories nnd n base
ment. In tho basement will bo lo
cated a domestic science room nnd a
manual training room nnd on each
of tho (loom nbovo throo school
rooms. A holler room of sufficient
capacity to heat tho whole building
whon comploted will bo placed In
quarters In tho rear and used to pro
vide heat for the presont high school
building, thereby eliminating tho
present dangerous condition In the
frnmo building. A flro proof wnll
with lire doors will separate tho new
nnd tho old buildings.
Tho board Is agreed that tho now
building should bo built of local
brick and that all other material bo
far as possible be local products.
Pending the election tho board
will complete the plans nnd mnko all
arrangements for proceeding with
tho work n booh as authorized by
the voters.
The Interment of tho hodlca of
Mr nnd Mm. V. O. Waugh, of Huud,
who wero killed Inst Tuesday morn
ing near Golden, Colorado, by a Den
ver Interurban train, was made on
Saturday at Uoldeu. Mr. and Mrs.
Waugh had been vUltlng with
nephews W. A. and Fred Hobson, of
Are Sumo ns Iit Vonr Varieties
Must Ho Separate In Gen. Display
Tho following rules for tho flower
show have been adopted by tho com
mittee In chnrgo:
1. All exhibits must bo In nt 12
o'clock on tho day 6f tho show.
2. One to six stems may bo In
cluded In each Blnglo exhibit, but not
moro than six stems.
3. Each exhibitor must mnko his
own solecttoti for exhibition.
4. No flowers, plants or vegetables
not Included In tho published list
will be eligible for a prize except as
part of tho "general display" of flow
ers, for which ttio Emblem Club cup
Is offered.
6. An exhibit may not bo eutored
for more than ono pMxo.
C, Unless othorwlso rcquestod, tho
Library Club will olfor for sale dow
ers, plants and vegetables entered.
Any eutry not to l.e sold should be
marked to thr elfecl.
7. Ml exhibits must bo kept In
tact until tho tvtnirg of tho show.
Klowern or vegetables Bold nuiBt nut
bo removed befcro that tlmo.
8. No uMiurt wl'l bo given for In
ferior flowers or vegotnblos nlthough
they mny bo thu only onoo entered
for content.
9. Each single entry must boar
tho nmno of tho vegetnblo or (lower
written on n card furnished by tho
Library Card.
10. No prizes will bo given out
at the Flower Show.
11. Flowora will bo J dged nc
cordlng to color, form, slzo nnd
length of stems. Any llowors or vog.
otnbles ontored for oxhlbltlon only
nnd not for prizes will bo sold dur
ing tho day of tho show nnd can bo
takon ns Boon ns sold hut exhibits
ontored for prizes cannot bo removed
until tho ovonlng of tho show. Any
ono desiring to enter n gouornl ex
hibit for tho Emblem Club cup must
notify tho secretary, Mre. E, M.
Thompson, nt least ono week before
thu Flowor Show bo thnt Hpaco may
bo rPBorved for It.
Theso nro tho snmo ns Inst year's
rules. In addition this yonr all ex
hibitors In tho gouornl display class
es must keep each variety sopnrnto.
In tho children's vrgotnblo depart
ment prizes will bo given for thouo
exhibits only which nro raised In the
ochool gardens.
Alfalfa Fnmirrs Hay liable Situa
tion Is Improving.
Ulnh Itosengnrth, who llvos cast
of Hond, Is In a critical condition nt
tho Good Samaritan Hospital tn
Portland, ns tho result of a lilto by
n rabid cat Inst Friday on thu Itoaen
garth ranch. John Hosnngrrth, her
father, wbh also bitten, but his con
dition Is not Horlous. MIbd Itonon
garth was brought to tho olllco of
Dr. J. C. Vandovort, whoro the Pas
teur treatment was administered.
Farmers of tho Alfalfa occtlou ny
thnt thu rabies monaco Is not as Bur
tons as It has been for tho hist ton
days. The farmers nro Inking evury
possible precaution In tho wny pf
muzzling dogs or killing them whom
ll h thought they nro Infected with
WASHINGTON, July 31. Tho
Seiirto today paused Hepresoiitntlvo
Smith's bill previously passed by thu
House providing fur tho creation of
n lion on unpatented bomosteadH and
desert land entries within Irrigation
districts organized under state laws
and also on Government lands in
Biich districts which later nro ontor
ed under thu land laws.
Important Matters llelatlng to l'lno
Lumber Industry to Ho Considered
Social Events Include lloo.
lloo Concatenation Dinner,
Next week Wednesday and Thurs
day, August 9 nnd 10, , Hond will bn
host to the Western Pino Manufac
turers Association, tho Cnllforula
Wlilto Pino Association nnd tho Wos
tern Hox Manufacturers Association,
thu occasion being tho quarterly
meeting of tho llrst named body,
held horo on tho Invitation of thu
Huud Commercial Club with tho two
mill companies nnd othor local or
ganizations participating.
Although It Is still too early to oh limit figures pn tho uttondnnco
expected thu genornl bollef Is that
thuiu will bo from 7I to 100 visitors
hero during tho two days of thu
meeting. Sovernl Pullmans will
bring tho visitors from tho Inland
Empire, whllo thu California men
are expected to como overland from
Klamath Falls.
Tho greater part of tho two day
vlult Is expected to bo taken up with
n dluciisslon of Important matters af
fecting thu plno lumber business of
thu Pacific const stntcs, hut tho so
cial and sight seeing side will pot
bo neglected, a lloo Hoo concatonh
Hon bolng planned tor Woilnoaday
night, nn Emblmn Club dinner for
Thursday nnd In tho Intervals bu
tweou meetings trips of Inspection
will be mndu over ihc two buw mills
nnd Into thu timber.
Combination May llesiilt.
One of tho possible results of the
coming mooting It tho formation or
ono hlg association covering tho on
tiro pine production of tho wostorn
Btntes, ns advocated by General Mnn-
........ ii.nni.n A rri.A il....1t..-if lvn..
Company at tho ryonfejeuco in, llSM'
Claud, CullfornluVii Juo. T
Mr. McCnntis suggestion, as re
ported In The Tlmlionnan, was. ns
Y "Ho advocated ono big association
covering tho cntlro plno production
from Arizona to Mnntnun with 'local
hrnuclios In tho various sections, such
ns tho Montana, Inland Emplro nnd
Ei-Btorn Oregon branches of tho Wos
torn l'lno Manufacturers' Assncln
t'on. Ho fnvorud oiubrnclng Contrnl
Oregon nnd California In tho organi
zation. Loral mattors and statu leg
islation would bo bandied by tho
sectional divisions hut n lliiroau of
Grades, dominating thu entlro plno
territory, was essential In his Judg
ment. Mr, MrCann stated that thu
sort plno tlmlior In tho West Is tho
lamo wood whuthor called Califor
nia whlto plno, Deschutes, Sumptjir
Valley, Craig Mountain or any other
local name. It Is thu samo plno
grown under different conditions of
soil nnd nltltudu. Tho toxturo may
differ, but botanlcally It Is tho Haunt
wood nnd can he used for Identical
purposes, Idaho wlilto plno is n dif
ferent species, however, Mr. McCutiu
Htiggostud that this big association
might well be named thu I'aolllo
Coast l'lno ManufactnroiH' Associa
tion, with hendquartors in Portland,
for geographic reasons. J.'u urged
an active and Directive organization
big enough and broud oik.i.kii to em
brace thu pln) produrtlo.i qj th
entire west. Mr. McCiuu admitted
Hint some argument.! mu'it Ic urt
wncod thnt mi nwtonatl'U of this
bIzu might be unwluldty hit It would
win becuusu It would have jiowur
mid flnunceH siiltlcUmt to onulilu It
to accomplish Iblims. An adoption
of Mississippi Valluy grading nllo
would cover tho situation, lie urged
tho Wosttirii l'lno Manufacturers' A
wic'r.tloii to adopt thu 13-Hi" strnd
aid which his company usu nt Hand,
this also being thu Northern stand
nrd. Mo advocated uniform stand
aids for drop siding and lluorltig,
which should be center matched. In
Montana his company has adopted
No. 100 pattern In drop siding; fol
lowing thu western pluu ruled In
shop. Mr. McCann stutud that In
his Judgment, thu pine manufacturers
of tho West havo two yoars of vury
prosperous bundles beforo thoin,
Now, he believed, was thu tlmo' to
form ncsoclatlonu, which of coumu
flourish bust In prosperity, hut am
a powor for good ut all times when
properly organized "
Active work on tho now Mutxlg
building nt thu corner of Wall and
Nevada streets was resumed on Mon
day. The terra cotta, of which thu
building will bu constructed, is uflw
ai riving nnd la being delivered ut
the building iltJ,