-rtStVl- A -ffAOB 8. THE KKTD nTJIXKTHf, DEND, ORE., "WEDNESDAY, JUIjT 3, 1010. A, r ' ' P' ( I '1 I ' BROWN C DOS ES BALLOT TITLES ATTY. GENERAL PRE PARES STATEMENT 'on a ilte to be donated therefor, ap propriating $125,000 for building! and equipment and levying: an annual tax of one twenty-fifth of a mill on all property In the state for Its main, tenance. and ratifying the location of certain Mate Institutions heretofore located away from the State Capital " Anti-Compulsory Vaccination mil I Purpose To prohibit compulsory vaccination, Inoculation and o'her such treatment for the prevention or cure of contagious diseases, and pro viding a penalty therefor." For farm land loans see J Ryan & Co. neasonable rates, prompt service. Adv. Eight Stntr Wlrto Mciuiurci to lie Votwl on nt I'nll Miction Ofllclal Tltl- Contains OUt of Jmt I)lfferi I'rini I'ramcr), (The Oregonlan.) Designation of the offlcial titles of tho various measures which will go on the ballot at the election next November, with a brief statement of tho purposes of tho proposed amend ments nnd by laws, has been com. jiletfd by Attorney-Onrral Ilrown and thoy will be filed with Secretary of fitalo Olcolt tomorrow. There nro eight statewide meas ures to go on the ballot ami under the law the statoment containing the glnt of each measure must contain not more thnn 100 words In many cases tho official title decided upon by the Attorney-General, who Is au thorized by law to say what shall go on the ballot, Is far different from the title originally proposed by the frnmers of n measure. Title Are (liosnn. As the eight slate wide measures will appear on the ballot, the titles chosen are ns follows: "iturnl Credits Amendment. Pur pose To bond the state for not over 2 per cent of assessed valuation of nil property therein for 'Iturnl Cred its Fund.' Honda from $25 to 11000 In series of $50,000. maturing In not over .16 years. Interest 4 per cent, exempt from taxes State to loan said fund to owners occupying farm lands, on mortgages not over hnlf land vnluo nor ISO per acre, nor less than $200 nor more than 15000 to one person, small loans preferred. Loans made for fa) payment for land; (b) purchasing livestock nnd equipment nnd making Improve ments; (c) satisfying Incumbrances Incurred for such purKse. Interest C per cent." Uri-Mcrr Hill IjiIm-InI. Amendment "permitting manufac ture nnd regulnted sale 4 per cent malt liquors: Purpose to amend section 3C, article 1, Oregon consti tution, which prohibits manufacture and salo of Intoxicating liquor, by permitting the manufacture of fer mented malt liquors containing four per cent or less of alcohol, for ship ment outsldo of this state nnd for Illi Ku'tiiclie fJone. Juu how 'langernas a backache, sore muacle, ach'ng jolntB or rhu rustic pals s may b Is sometimes real ized only when 11,'e Insurance Is re fused on account of kidney trouble Josf ph G. Wolf, of Grtcn Hay. Wis . writes: "Foley Kldnoy Pills rellev d rno of a severe bf cktche that had bothered me for several months.' Take Foley Kidney Pills fir weak. Inmo back and weary sleepless nights Sold everywhere. Adv. MMfM plMPVntJVSMVSMMMaJMQM MMHSJMP P""! MBWBBWMIRlsMMM fVwsjBQHi9SMilnA4sVWiM(sM wTii.. J Y''f1y??.?'?'''S.('. i y, ."'M.'..'. ' i ' .'J .'. - 1 i i " A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The Rend Hulletln, IIP DATES SET Pendleton Affair to Take Place on Kcptrrnher -1, '-- nnd I. PENDLETON, July 25. With conditions practically Insuring an attendance In excess of the great crowds of 1312 and 1913 when 75. 000 peoplo witnessed the exhibition the Hoard of directors has dated tho Seventh Annual Hound-Up for Sep tember 21, 22 and 23, and made preparation for Increased seating ca pacity In tho bleachers and the great- est exhibition over staged. The rail roads have Incroascd tho territory Included In the Hound-Up special rates so that this year they will ex tend an far as Salt Lake on tho Un ion Pacific; Missoula, Mont., on the Northern Pacific and south to San Francisco and north to Hrltlsh Co lumbia. The fact thnt tho Round-Up Is the biggest and practically the only at traction of national Interest on he Pacific Coast this fall has caused the eastern and transcontinental lines to advertise It extensively and use It as a basis for western tourist husl nes. This will bring many addition al thousands to tho annual frontier show. Tho show Itself will be superior to anything heretofore staged. More ami better bucking horses than ever will be up for tho riders, the rolay races will havo not Icsh than ten strings of four horses each and there tv.UI be moro competitors from all over tho west lit tho steer roping and bulldogglng. More than a thousand applications for ticket reservations havo been re ceived which Is tho biggest number ever received at this season for ony ono of tho former Round-Ups. Many noted people of national fnmo con template being present, of which Secretary of Treasury McAdoo has already assured the Round-Up that be will bo present. Gttn the I la by Krwt. Children Just ennnot keop covorod at night nnd thnt Is ono way they flke cold. Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Is n rellablo family cough medlclnu thnt con'alns no oplntes or harmful ln Kiedlento. Mrs. Wei, I,conard, Potts vlllo. Pa , write: "My baby hnJ a very bad cough. The first doso gavo hor relief " Sold overyvhoro. Adv. For sign painting sea Kdwards. Adv. 8o Kdwards for paper banging. Adv. A dwlrablo bread knlfo freo with every annual subscription to The Hum) Hulletln. Wont Ads only ONK CKNT n word. TO tulc nnd delivery within tho state by tli manufacturer In original pack ages only, In quantities and under regulations which may be provided by flaw. Until otherwise provided such sales within the statu shall be limited to the samo quantity as may bo Imported, but the samo persons cannot within any ono period fixed by law, both Import and buy local ly." "Prolilbltlon amendment forbid ding Importation of Intoxicating liq uor for beverage purposim' Purposo This Ik a constitutional amend ment extending tho existing consti tutional provision, relntlug to tho prohibition of the manufacture nnd mile of lutoxlratlng liquor, by nlso prohibiting the Importation of Intox icating liquors for beverago pur pones." Tux l.lmlt Miaurt l.lxtiM. "Ktatewldo tax nnd Indebtedness limitation amendment: Purpose Limiting tax levies of state, county, municipality or other taxing power to not more than the total amount levied the last proceeding )ar, plus i; per centum thereof, incept for pay. lllg botnlml ImUilitmltUHM and Inter tl tburiHin. or by vote of the peo plo, any IncreHsn so voted excluded In determining Hiiinequent tax; lim iting msr to toiiutlwt to Incur In ilehtmluiNM to $601)0, either volim tarll) or whim Impotwd by law, m ept to KiipprMM Imiurrwtluit or r psl Invasion, or not over 1 per cent uf wmmhhmhI valuation fur prmamtnt roiid on Mite, of iwople. and Invali dating debt, payment and Inxdm ex mhIIhic audi HmltHlloii "Hill repHMllHK and ubolUbliiK tUt HuNilay-clotdiiK Imm ' PurpoiM To rw ptml miction Star, of lord's Oreniin Iawm, which problblts tliw keeping oiwii uf Hiiy Mtoru, simp, grocory, howling hIIh)'. Millard room or tri pling limit, for the puriHMwi of lalwr or tralllc. or any ilact of amuiHiniont oh Suiida) or the laird's day, oxctipt Ink thtmtriMt. drug tor, dottir hoi, undHrtHktm, livery stablwi, bwtulutrti mid baker, under iwnalty of ii Mhh uf nut Imm than $5 nor mero tlmii $ to " Itental Tii llxplnliieil. "I'll 1 1 ItMttuI VhIuh Uud fix i.id HuimiWHkor'H Loan Fund Auieu ! Hinat' Purpoaw A cnBstltutlnuul iiliMUultiiHiU ilwlarliiK and dntlulUK tu) pmipln'M Hitir and r1bt: (b) cltlion' right to tin of land, (e) publlo owimrslilp of land rent, id) ptlblle policy uf Orgun; dttUnlng () tho word 'laud'; (f) mkthoil of up praising laud runt: (g land Im provement, providing for th) lev) of pormuuunt laud rent tax. (I) pub llaalloH of iMMhttisiuvut. ij) dullii quent tax sale; (k) maintenance of private proity rights: (I) separate muuMHiiMont of land runt, (in) stuud lug timber, tu) aaatiuiiut and out IcuttoH uf tax. lot duty of Gover nor nail Htale ljiid Hoard: Ip) how porwmal proxrty and laud Improvo mentH ma be tsxed by vole of the people only ql itlstributluu of rev- .limn ftmiri lii tt tl uii law I et tMt n it HhIiIuk liomtiiiiaker'a loan fund " . W'K t tho Metropolitan for Amendment For lVndleton Nor-( ,lml Blllvo or "lr cut. Four chairs mul School nnd rallying location of j now ready. Adv dirlnl i State Iutit'itiiua Purposo 1 To privido for Infilling n stnto Nor-, For far.i. land loaa sco J Ryan tnal School at Pendleton Oregon, up-, service Adv CUII Serviic ('oiiiimIskIimi Would Ob tain I.M I'or ClerUhlp. The r S. Civil Service Comtnls slon inniiiiuetiM thut a forest nnd field clerk examination will bo held In this cltv on August 19, 191rt, to till vacancies as thoy mny occur In thu 1'oriHrt aud Reclamation servlcos. The usual entrnnco salary Is $1100 to $1200 per uniiuni. it Is possible that vatunclivH In the ItwUmutlon Sen lee may ulno bo nilml from this examination ut $900 and $1000 par annum. Appllratlans will not bo accepted from pervons who do nut show that they Iirm) had at loast otiu year's uo tual experience In clerical work In a buslneiM olllce. A knowledgo of stunogruphy, typewriting and book keeping Is required. llotb men nnd women will bo ad iiritiiul to this axamlnutlon. but men nil). bet-Aeon the ages of 18 and 0 jeani. will bo omnia) ml as foriwt clerks The ago limits nro 18 yearn or over on tku day of examination. Perilous who doslro to enter tbi examination should apply to the Lo cal ttocntiary, Hoard of Civil Ser vlott KxHUiloers, al thu postodlM, this city. IVE me hospitality befo' the soup VJ an' a pipe o' VELVET after the pie an it don't matter much about the n rest o' the meal. i&ft JMMM,"mt?MMWUJ.niT?2 m 3L W; KKAIj KSTATK TIUNSFKILS. Its. 10-11. blk. 39, Center add, Dend. friueil by Crook County Alntrnct Co. Henry E. Ruffe aw 20, nw 29-17- Hend Park Co., to Francis O. Rar-, 14. num, Its. 10-11, blk. 39, Center add, ' Laura E. McLaughlin to Frank E. "end. . McLaughlin, Jr., It. 4, blk. 56, Cen- Hend Park Co. to D. H. Love, It. i ter add. Rend. 17. blk. 7, Lytle add, Bend. I Myrtle S. Thompson to Mrs. Carrie W. P. Rlhorn to L. II. Wood. Its. ! A. Henrlonnet. It. 19. blk. IS. Park add, Rend, $1000. 23-24, blk. 19 Imperial. Henry Harlow to same, It. 14, blk. 2G, Its. 15-16, blk. 30, Imperial. Jx)uls McDermld to P. W. Brown, one half InL It. 12, blk. 9, Bend. First Nat. Bank Black Falls to same, one half Int. ,ltl2, blk. 9. Rend. The Bend Co. to Bend Park Co. Matt Kulcsch to Hjalmnr Olson sat 19-357, It. 4, blk. C, North add, Bsnd. Rend Park Co. to G. R. Craven It. 15, blk. 105, First add, Rend Park. Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. VOGAN'S CHOCOLATES find especial favor with people Mho appreciate Rood choco lates because they have n much smoother cootlnjj than Is usually found In chocolate). Reed & Horton BEND. ORE. This Ad is Valuable The new JEWELRY firm that Is to occupy the MCTZIG BUILDING on OREGON STREET will dive In prlie a 815.00 GOLD WATCH to the boy bringlns In the Krentcst number of niLs to tho storo on opening day, also n 815.00 GOLD WATCH to the girl bringing urcntcit number of wis to tho store on opening day. Save thwo ads on tliey will bo valuable about August 1st, the date of opening of tho NEW JEWELRV STORE IN THE MUTIG RUILDLVG. To mnko our butter the cleanest and most sanitary, we havo spont ovor $200 for a stock of cartons paraflned In Bid e and out. PoNtcurlrcil Product. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS' CREAMERY Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. OSCAR CARLSON- ED LYONS Carlson J Lyons PLUMBING AND HEATING Plumbing & Heating Supplies Hntii Room Acccsnoricfi, etc PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS PHONE RED 15U1 WOOD WOOD WOOD WOOD PROBLEM NOW SOLVED Iay In your wood supply now at tho following prices: GREEN 10-INCH WOOD $2.00 PER LOAD BOX FACTORY WOOD SKJ.50 PER LOAD DRY 10-INCH WOOl 8"J.B0 PER LOAD DRY 10-INCH PLANER K.VDS 8-1.00 PER LOAD THIS INCLUDES FREE DELIVERY Oregon Transfer Co. PHONE US NOW-BLACK 451 Ml 4 GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES BERRIES AND FRUITS BUILDERS' HARDWARE and M&$ SHERWIN-WILLIAMS jJ$ PAINT I F. DEMENT . CO. WOOD DRY FACTORY WOOD YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPLIT IT NNOR SAW IT ECONOMICAL CLEAN BEST Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Building Material of all kinds KILN DRIED FLOORING AND FINISH CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS DEND. OREGON PHONE BLACK 741 SPECIAL PRICE FOR FIVE LOAD ORDERS PHONE 441 Bend White. Pine Sash Co. WE DELIVER THE BIG LOADS LUMBER LATH PLASTER SHINGLES CEMENT LIME All Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLIN-H1XON LUMBE OFFICE ON OREGON ST. 7