The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Safety Rules
for Loggers
Tho following safety-first rules for
loggers wcro Issued li Tlic Weed
Lumber Co., In their publication,
Do not load a car unless hand
Vnko Is sot up tight, mid If tlio car
l)o on any grade, hcu tlmt tho snub
lino with clevis Is fastened to the
When moving ears ahead, as soon
ii b Bfima niu spotted, Het up all brakes
on hnth loaded and empty cars.
Tako no chances In working or
Wnlklng under or noar log lifted in
tho air vllh hooks. Never ubo
liooks to lirt a log HcalliiK mora than
KiOO feet (It Is very clangorous to
do so ns tho hooko nrh llahlo to pull
out and fly.) logs scaling over 1500
feet should ho rolled unto tho cars
with straps fastened from tho gin
polo and UAud as a crotch line.
Do not fasten a hook to any por
tion of car, except tho car hunk or
Do not load logs upon car at the
Inndlng until the track Is thorough
ly donned out, anil tho rail clear of
nil mud, chips, sticks and other oh
Htructlons, and all IIiiiIim cut off tho
logs and stamped on lioth cuds.
Always sco that tho chock blocks
on tho hunks Htaud straight up, and
that there Is no slack In tho chain.
Ubo no lilouks or rigging that are
not perfectly uoiitid and safe In
uvory way.
Nuvor Htnnd closo to trees when
Always glvo plenty of warning to
nil employe and persons near heforo
ti tree Is felled.
Always fall every sung that Is In
iinywlso llahlo to hlow over or fall on
you whllo at work.
Alwnyn keep a lookout for looso
llmhs and sailors, and avoid tho
wa mo.
Immediately turn In all tools not
In proper shape or repair, notify
foromau nn d procure others.
Ho careful to cut all logs where
Illock up logs so that tho sumo
will not split whllo hucklng.
Alnnys work on (lie upper side of
u log on tlto sldehlll, so as to avoid
tho danger or Its rolling down on
Do not work noar or iindor trees,
having loose limbs, or sailors, hut
llrst have mime cut down.
At all times ho extremely careful
to keop nway from lines, and from
falling timber. In long timber the
llmhs frequently fly a long distance
when foiled.
Train .Men mid Construction Men,
Haul no logs until you are certain
that thp load Is woll balanced, se
cure and safe.
Never stand besldo or near a
train or load of loga that Is In mo
tion. Dp not get on or off tho cars or
engines while In motion, and do not
walk over log cars while In motion.
Nover stand between cars while
coupling. (I-oga often extend over
tho ends of cars.)
Nover get under a pllo whllo It Is
being raised.
If you know or suspect any phys
ical disability or Inexperience In
yourself or fellow-workmen, linmed-
Uniting Learning and Labor
In in Six Schools nnd I'ortyelght De
partments is etignged In the great work
of uniting Learning nnd Labor.
Forty-eighth School Year Opens
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses requiring n four-year
high school preparation, are offered in
the following!
AGRICULTURE, 16 Department :
COMMHRCK, 4 Departments; KNGIN
ItltltINO, tl Departments ; MINKS, 3
Departments; I'ORU.STRY, 1! Depart
ments; IIOMIJ I'.CONOMICS, i Depart
ments; nnd PHARMACY.
Vocational Courses requiring nn
Highlit Grade preparation for entrance
nre offered In Agriculture. Dairying,
Commerce, forestry, Home Makers, nnd
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two
year high Khool cntrnncc requirement.
SCHOOL 01' MUSIC Piano, String,
Hand nnd Voice Culture.
Catalogue ami beautiful illustrated
booklet free.
Address Till! Rkoistrar,
1 w7-15'10 tott-7-10) COKVAU.IS. OKKGON
lately report name to your superior.
Always thoroughly Instruct each
man ns to hi? work and tho dangers
thereof, and Bccuro his consent bo
foro placing him upon any Job In
w lvlrig dange-.
Immcdlatolr dlschargo any habit
ual drunkard or man who comes to
the camp in a drunken condition.
Immediately dlschargo any man
who brings liquor to camp.
To All Foremen nnd Employes.
It Is tho Intention and desire of
this company that its employes at
all times be very careful and keep
out of unnecessary danger in every
manner nnd form while employed at
tholr work.
No man Is to start nt any kind of
work unless ho in thoroughly famil
iar with tho dangers thereof, and
fully capable of properly performing
tho work.
For Hummer Troubles.
Hay fever nfltlcts thousands and
asthma suffciors cndt'io torture.
Foley's Honey and Tar gives relief.
It allays inflnmatlon, cloars air pas
sages, oases rasping cough, soothes
nnd heals. This wholesome family
ramody contains no opiates a hot
tlo lasts n long tlmo. Sold every
where Adv.
Four chairs at your service at tho
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
A dcslrnblo bread knife) frco with
ovory annual subscription to Tho
Itcnd Dullotln.
You can get dollclous creamy
cnttngo choose nt American Unkery
or O'Donnell's market. Ask for it. tf
Preparedness yes for tho big
hard tlmo ball at tho Hippodrome.
Wntcli for It. Adv. 20c
Soo Edwards for good houso paint
ing. Adv.
A LAW SCHOOL will bo oponod In Ilond nbout Sep
tember 1, 191f, by Grant M. Raymond, LL. II,, and
Arthur .1. Mooro, hi,, II Tho school will bo n night
school, for tho benefit of thoso who are othorwiso en
gaged during tho day.
Applications for ndmlsilon nro now, being received
nt tho lnw olllcn of Raymond & Mooro, on llond strcot.
Tuition will be within tho reach of all.
The regular law course as prescribed by tlio lending
law schools of tho country will ho adopted. Upon com
pletion of tho ronrto graduates will bo cllglblo for ad
mission to practice law In tho Stato of Oregon upon pass
ing tho Stnto Iter Examination.
Opposite First National Hank hog Cabin HulIdlnR
; - Madison
THE Democratic Itcpubllcnns
nominated James' Mndlxou
of Virginia in 1S0S. His
running mate was George Clin
ton of Now York. Tho Repub
lican ticket that yeur wns C. C.
rinckney of South Cnrollnn and
Itufus King of New York. Tho
election took place on Nov. 8,
and tho vote, as counted on
Feb. 0, 1S09. wns: Madison. 1-"J;
rinckney. 47.
in tho election of 1812 Madi
son, renomlnntrd by tho Repub
licans, defeated DeWltt Clinton
of New York by n vote of li!S to
SI). Nominations were made by
a caucus, and Clinton refused to
be bound, and tho Federalists
decided to support Gcorgu Clin
ton. (Watch for tha election of Mon
roe In 1816 In our next Issue.)
How to Live Long
When Christy's dead a hundred years, the fans will still
discuss his play, and sigh, while shedding briny tears,
"There are no rhen like him today 1 He used the brains
rhi-nr, his brow, and gave the foe a grievous jar; the
chroniclers have told us how ne
was for years and years a star.
Great pitchers came and cut some
grass, and died, and then forgotten
were; he saw them come, and saw
them pass, and still kicked up a
' mighty stir." The chroniclers will
also tell how Christy, when a game
was played, filled up the pipe he
loved so well, to soothe his nerves,
all tired and frayed. He smoked
Tuxedo every time, the critic's
smoke, the mild and rare, Tuxedo
fragrant and sublime, the cool,
sweet smoke beyond compare.
ISisHL '1
Pitthr-Nv York CUnlt
"luxtao gelt (9 mi In
natural, pltatanl way. It'g
ichallcall good, hontit, cent
panlonahlt tobacco thi fyni
to Hick to."
is CHEAPER because it
makes MORE loaves
Don't be fooled into buying LOW
PRICED flour thinking you are getting
something cheaper than "WHITE
RIVER" flour.
PRICE does not decide the value
of a barrel of flour as much as the
that can be made from the barrel of
Every sack of "WHITE RlVER'llour is GUAR
ANTEED. Your- grocer will refund the purchase
price without argument it you do not find "WHITE
RIVER" flour the HEST you ever used.
Try it sack of "WHITE RIVER" flour at our
risk, made from a special blend of the finest selected
wheats, by Oregon's finest mill.
Sold by the grocers at Heiul, Oregon.
Rules icprintod by permission of
Metropolitan ILlfo Insuranco Com
pany from booklet Issued by it.
IU Cheerful and Lciirn Not to Worry.
Tho mind nnd tho body work to
gether. Tho mind has a strong offect on
tho health of tho body. A lit of an
Borr or a spoil of worry, or envy, or
hato, or Jealousy may mnko you
moro tired than a hard day's work.
Try to drive out tho thoughts that
mnko you unhappy by thoughts that
mako you happy. Suy to yourself of
your worry, "Forgot It." t is hard
to do this, but you can learn, Just
as you learned to road and write, or
to ride a bicycle, or to skate.
Do not mnko hard work of being
healthy. If you worry nbout It you
will not be healthy. Lay down cer
tain rules nnd follow thorn the best
you can until you get used to doing
Do not hurry If you can help it.
Stnrt to your work a little earlier In
tho morning nnd tako your time.
You will not bo tired when you get
there and you will work bettor.
Tako your tlmo going homo nt
night. You will enjoy your supper
moro nnd sleep bettor. Then you
will do belter work tho noxt day and
will bo happier in your work.
Wo all want many things, but wo
must not want them so hard that It
will strain our minds nnd bodies to
get them, Tako your llfo and your
work cheerfully. When you leurn
to do this, you will bo happlor and
you will get moro of tho things you
wnnt. Almost nnyono can do this If
ho makes up his mind to do It.
Clean up and paint up,
wards. Adv. t
Sco Ed-
ONE CENT A WORD is all a little
Want Ad will cost you.
Efllclcnt muzzling of dogs will
eradlcato rabies?
Tho protection of tho health
of children Is tho first duty of
tho Nation?
Dad tempor Is sometimes more-
ly n symptom of bad health?
Insanity costs overy Inhabitant
In tho United States $1 per
Tho U. S. Public Hoalth Sor-
vlco hns provon that typhus is
spread by llco?
Untreated pollagra ends in In-
sanity? -
In tho lexicon of health tlicro
Is no such word ns "neutrality"
ngalnst disease?
Tho death rato of persons un-
dor 15 Is docroaslng; of those
ovor 45 it Is Increasing?
A dcstrablo bread knlfo frco with
ovory nnnual subscription to The
Dond Dullotln.
Seo J. Ityan & Co., for farm land
loans. Adv.
For sign painting see Edwards.-Adv.
Wasco Warehouse Milling Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills, and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
f J